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Manners, is there such a thing within this game?


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If you're so grown-up, you should know to be the bigger man, and step down, meaning you should switch servers.




And where I got the immature thing from?


Well, you're still here whining , aren't you`?




You're complaining about the way YOU THINK people should behave, not how they SHOULD. Theres a big difference, now step outside of your own little head for a change, and realize that most people play this game for their own personal enjoyment, meaning they couldn't care less about you're feelings, or anybody elses, if it doesnt have a direct influence on their enjoyment.




If you don't like that, than theres really nothing you can do, except find a game where the rules about manners are as strict as nazi-germany anno 1939-45.




"ooh he said nazi" :o




1) I did change servers, I don't see what your point is there, everyone seems to be ignoring that fact.




2) I play this game for own personal enjoyment too, now why should I have to put up with my personal enjoyment ruined by someone else?

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This is gonna sound a little harsh, but here:




This is runescape, there is no such thing as manners, as long as you dont break the rules. I bet you have done this to people before too. The world doesnt revolve around you, nor anyone else. Rude people have always been around, and they always will be around. Sorry, lifes tough. Get a helmet.




In my six years of playing I do not recall once where I have taken other people's monsters, I always change if other people are at a certain monster.




To FooK-A-Ji: Why shouldn't the rules of the "real world" apply to an online video game? Afterall, the fact that the game is played with other real people suggests that it should be. I'll use an example from a topic a couple of weeks back. If you were playing basketball in real life on a public area, but there was another free court right next to you and a bunch of people came along and started playing your court wouldn't you be annoyed? The same thing can be applied to this situation, just replace court with spiritual mages. I'm at the mages killing them, then someone comes along where there's a bunch more mages in the dungeon and loads of other worlds free but they still choose to stick around.




What's the diffrence between the two examples? There isn't any difference, in both examples you're trying to enjoy something and someone else is coming along and ruining the experience when they can see that there's plenty of opportunity to be able to do what they're doing elsewhere without disrupting someone else? Fine, if all other mages were taken on the server, but they were not. I don't mind sharing as long as it's reasonable to do so.




And on your cartoon comment, you act like cartoons can't be enjoyed by more mature people, you sound like one of those people that says video games are for kids when they clearly aren't, they're to be enjoyed by all ages. And for your information, I'm 18 and I often get mistaken for being quite a bit older than I actualy am. I have no idea where you got the I'm immature thing from. Yeah, I guess complaining about other people not behaving like people should behave is immature now...




If you're so grown-up, you should know to be the bigger man, and step down, meaning you should switch servers.




And where I got the immature thing from?


Well, you're still here whining , aren't you`?




You're complaining about the way YOU THINK people should behave, not how they SHOULD. Theres a big difference, now step outside of your own little head for a change, and realize that most people play this game for their own personal enjoyment, meaning they couldn't care less about you're feelings, or anybody elses, if it doesnt have a direct influence on their enjoyment.




If you don't like that, than theres really nothing you can do, except find a game where the rules about manners are as strict as nazi-germany anno 1939-45.




"ooh he said nazi" :o

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say: What the hell were you thinking when you wrote that? I mean, it's a game. Football (soccer for Americans) is a game, yet when a person is down injured they kick the ball out. They realize someone is down, hurt, so they do the mature thing. In all technacalities they dont have to. They could take it from the injured player as hes on the ground in pain and score. But they don't, they are human.

Qizx2- Archmage

Personnumber100- Warlock for life.

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If you're so grown-up, you should know to be the bigger man, and step down, meaning you should switch servers.




And where I got the immature thing from?


Well, you're still here whining , aren't you`?




You're complaining about the way YOU THINK people should behave, not how they SHOULD. Theres a big difference, now step outside of your own little head for a change, and realize that most people play this game for their own personal enjoyment, meaning they couldn't care less about you're feelings, or anybody elses, if it doesnt have a direct influence on their enjoyment.




If you don't like that, than theres really nothing you can do, except find a game where the rules about manners are as strict as nazi-germany anno 1939-45.




"ooh he said nazi" :o




1) I did change servers, I don't see what your point is there, everyone seems to be ignoring that fact.




2) I play this game for own personal enjoyment too, now why should I have to put up with my personal enjoyment ruined by someone else?




Yes, we are ignoring that fact, but we aren't ignoring the fact that you're here ranting about it. No one forced you to leave server, honestly, now did they? Perhaps you felt forced, but theres also a difference there, a big one.




You claim to play this game for personal enjoyment,. Than why don't you instead log out of the game, once it starts not being enjoyable. You don't have to put up with it, you can simply log out :roll:




You must be a sucker for punishment..

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This is gonna sound a little harsh, but here:




This is runescape, there is no such thing as manners, as long as you dont break the rules. I bet you have done this to people before too. The world doesnt revolve around you, nor anyone else. Rude people have always been around, and they always will be around. Sorry, lifes tough. Get a helmet.




In my six years of playing I do not recall once where I have taken other people's monsters, I always change if other people are at a certain monster.




To FooK-A-Ji: Why shouldn't the rules of the "real world" apply to an online video game? Afterall, the fact that the game is played with other real people suggests that it should be. I'll use an example from a topic a couple of weeks back. If you were playing basketball in real life on a public area, but there was another free court right next to you and a bunch of people came along and started playing your court wouldn't you be annoyed? The same thing can be applied to this situation, just replace court with spiritual mages. I'm at the mages killing them, then someone comes along where there's a bunch more mages in the dungeon and loads of other worlds free but they still choose to stick around.




What's the diffrence between the two examples? There isn't any difference, in both examples you're trying to enjoy something and someone else is coming along and ruining the experience when they can see that there's plenty of opportunity to be able to do what they're doing elsewhere without disrupting someone else? Fine, if all other mages were taken on the server, but they were not. I don't mind sharing as long as it's reasonable to do so.




And on your cartoon comment, you act like cartoons can't be enjoyed by more mature people, you sound like one of those people that says video games are for kids when they clearly aren't, they're to be enjoyed by all ages. And for your information, I'm 18 and I often get mistaken for being quite a bit older than I actualy am. I have no idea where you got the I'm immature thing from. Yeah, I guess complaining about other people not behaving like people should behave is immature now...




If you're so grown-up, you should know to be the bigger man, and step down, meaning you should switch servers.




And where I got the immature thing from?


Well, you're still here whining , aren't you`?




You're complaining about the way YOU THINK people should behave, not how they SHOULD. Theres a big difference, now step outside of your own little head for a change, and realize that most people play this game for their own personal enjoyment, meaning they couldn't care less about you're feelings, or anybody elses, if it doesnt have a direct influence on their enjoyment.




If you don't like that, than theres really nothing you can do, except find a game where the rules about manners are as strict as nazi-germany anno 1939-45.




"ooh he said nazi" :o

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say: What the hell were you thinking when you wrote that? I mean, it's a game. Football (soccer for Americans) is a game, yet when a person is down injured they kick the ball out. They realize someone is down, hurt, so they do the mature thing. In all technacalities they dont have to. They could take it from the injured player as hes on the ground in pain and score. But they don't, they are human.




Don't be oversensitive.


If you failed to understand the post, you shouldn't answer at all.


If you can't even cope with reading the word "nazi", you shouldn't be privy to see anything except teletubbies and bananas in pyjamas.




And where are you going with your football story ? Who here is "hurt" or "injured"? NOBODY!!!!! Theres just a whiner whining about the game not going the way he wants it to go.

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The football story was rather self explained. I said; Football is a game, so is RS, just because football has physical interactions does not take that away. In football, if someone is injured, the other players are not Jerks, they give that person time to get help. So in RS, should people have decency. Over sensitive? Yeah, right. Im quite harsh in a lot of things. This is not sesetivity, this is maturity, and manners.

Qizx2- Archmage

Personnumber100- Warlock for life.

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I'm in the middle of doing a spiritual mage task. About 50 kills in a level 110 logs in and starts killing the ones I'm killing. I polietly ask him to leave, he says no and continues killing the ones I was killing, resulting in me getitng half or no experience for slayer...




So I switch servers. Kill another 50 or so, then a levle 126 logs in and does exactly the same. Now anyone with a brain would be able to see that someone is there killing them for slayer, but nope even after I ask him to leave he refuses to and continues killing the ones I'm killing.




This is a big problem in the game, although in other places it's not multi so it doesn't really make much difference. But killing the same monster than someone else is killing for slayer? I'm sorry, but that's just darn right rude. There's no reason to do such a thing, other than being annoying on purpose. Well either that or just stupid.




The other day I was killing the zamorak bosses, a level 100 comes in and starts "helping" us. Another time two level 110s come in, and do the same. Of course me and my friend aren't exactly stupid and force them out by getting all four bosses on them. If they want to fight them, we'll let them, we were not going to do the hard work for them (Killing the 650 and the other meleer) while they stand there killing the other two without being in any real danger.




Has anyone else experienced this recently? Does the God Wars Dungeon bring out the worst in people? Or have I just been lucky to avoid these type of people for the most part in the past 6 years?






You complain that people steal your kills, which yes is rude, then you say you purposefully try and get someone killed because you don't want to share boss kills......which is rude yes. You cancel yourself out.




Almost every lvl 105+ in god wars is a self-obsessed arsehole who only cares about getting their new drops. Actually you can extend that to almost EVERY 105+. I've only just started to notice this but they really are generally a LOT ruder than lvl 80's-90's.






EDIT:considering the number of quite frankly ridiculous responses you have received i'll weigh in and help you out. Where is the benefit of fighting someone for monster drops, when you know that you wont get to kill all the monsters and could easily hop worlds in a grand total of 20 seconds? The fact that a few of you have said the OP is the one with the attitude problem is quite frankly ridiculous, is it wrong to get annoyed at people who are rude and make your life harder than it should be (albeit your online one)? If it is i don't want to live in your world because your are all sadists/masochists.

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The football story was rather self explained. I said; Football is a game, so is RS, just because football has physical interactions does not take that away. In football, if someone is injured, the other players are not Jerks, they give that person time to get help. So in RS, should people have decency. Over sensitive? Yeah, right. Im quite harsh in a lot of things. This is not sesetivity, this is maturity, and manners.




Can't believe you're drawing parallels between football and runescape.. and you claim you're mature.. get real, please, for your own sake.

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*Waves to darkdude* Hai long time no see ::'




Ignore Fook dont even reply to his tantrums, lol, he's allways been a immature brat (I remember him from when I was admin here), but sooner or later he will realise theres something called karma - he'll get his :wink:




On to the topic; Everytime I experience what you do, I say "Thanks for helping bud!" and run after the brat and happily smack any monster that guy is killing. I even use a litle supers + att/str prayer to be sure to get the kill. One wonderful thing about them brats is they are lazy (why they attack your monster to begin with), have zero tolerance towards people behaving like them self (go figure) and absolutely no patience, so they will sooner or later logg out and switch world them self. Its a waiting game; make sure your the winner :P


- "I am willing to die...I mean try" - Jewelfire (Want to go bossing?)
-"we tried, we cried and we died!" - Limparse (What happens to old farts and tarts on monster-hunts)
- "...and we found out that there are as many ways to get to warriors guild
...as there are elders trying to get there" - Lysi
*snods agely* sorry... *nods sagely* - Brammy

-"Equality is being treated the SAME as everyone else;

not having special treatment and unique things added in to everything." - Sy_Accursed

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The football story was rather self explained. I said; Football is a game, so is RS, just because football has physical interactions does not take that away. In football, if someone is injured, the other players are not Jerks, they give that person time to get help. So in RS, should people have decency. Over sensitive? Yeah, right. Im quite harsh in a lot of things. This is not sesetivity, this is maturity, and manners.




Can't believe you're drawing parallels between football and runescape.. and you claim you're mature.. get real, please, for your own sake.






Are you the master of metaphors? If not kindly explain to this person why you think him comparing fair play in football and in Runescape is facetious, rather than saying 'lol u r teh stupid face'. Also mocking ones maturity level because they disagree with you isn't helpful, its' not like he said 'yeh runescape is teh football we all should be nicerer coz thats what drogba would say.'

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The football story was rather self explained. I said; Football is a game, so is RS, just because football has physical interactions does not take that away. In football, if someone is injured, the other players are not Jerks, they give that person time to get help. So in RS, should people have decency. Over sensitive? Yeah, right. Im quite harsh in a lot of things. This is not sesetivity, this is maturity, and manners.


Can't believe you're drawing parallels between football and runescape.. and you claim you're mature.. get real, please, for your own sake.

Nope. That's asking too much. =; :XD:


Thanks to WithTheQuickness for the sig!

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The football story was rather self explained. I said; Football is a game, so is RS, just because football has physical interactions does not take that away. In football, if someone is injured, the other players are not Jerks, they give that person time to get help. So in RS, should people have decency. Over sensitive? Yeah, right. Im quite harsh in a lot of things. This is not sesetivity, this is maturity, and manners.




Can't believe you're drawing parallels between football and runescape.. and you claim you're mature.. get real, please, for your own sake.






Are you the master of metaphors? If not kindly explain to this person why you think him comparing fair play in football and in Runescape is facetious, rather than saying 'lol u r teh stupid face'. Also mocking ones maturity level because they disagree with you isn't helpful, its' not like he said 'yeh runescape is teh football we all should be nicerer coz thats what drogba would say.'




First thing, he can't possibly be drawing parallels between football and runescape , as there is no such thing as fair play on runescape. So that pretty much renders the cute story obsolete.

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You complain that people steal your kills, which yes is rude, then you say you purposefully try and get someone killed because you don't want to share boss kills......which is rude yes. You cancel yourself out.







We didn't really try and get them killed, if they want to kill the boss monsters they can freely do so, me and my friend just stood out of the way so they could experience what we have to put up with when fighting them and not when you're "leaching" off someone elses effort. It was more the thing that me and my friend put the effort into getting to the bosses and setting it up so we can kill them easily and freely, then two people come in and can start leaching off the work me and my friend have done without any real danager to themselves. If they want to kill the boss monsters, then they should do it correctly and not do it with a bunch of random people.




We didn't really mind the ranger much though, he just stood there and didn't get hurt at all, without prayer on either which was a bit annoying but if anything he helped us out.

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*Waves to darkdude* Hai long time no see ::'




Ignore Fook dont even reply to his tantrums, lol, he's allways been a immature brat (I remember him from when I was admin here), but sooner or later he will realise theres something called karma - he'll get his :wink:




On to the topic; Everytime I experience what you do, I say "Thanks for helping bud!" and run after the brat and happily smack any monster that guy is killing. I even use a litle supers + att/str prayer to be sure to get the kill. One wonderful thing about them brats is they are lazy (why they attack your monster to begin with), have zero tolerance towards people behaving like them self (go figure) and absolutely no patience, so they will sooner or later logg out and switch world them self. Its a waiting game; make sure your the winner :P


Karma is for hippies.


Your his friend, and you're not my friend, so I get what you're doing.




You only stoop to the "perpetrators" level, making you what... ?




Ah yes.. You were an admin around the time when raenond perm banned me for having a private discussion over pm's that he would never win, yeah ?


I can see theres been a change of staff since then..

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This is turning into an insult fest. No need to bring up things that have nothing to do with the topic on hand. Oh, and karma is from Buddhisim, not hippies. I was not saying fair play in football, kicking the ball out is not fair play, it's being kind. There is no rule stating you must kick the ball out.

Qizx2- Archmage

Personnumber100- Warlock for life.

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This is turning into an insult fest. Oh, and karma is from Buddhisim not hippies. I was not saying fair play in football, kicking the ball out is not fair play, it's being kind. There is no rule stating you must kick the ball out.




Yeah, so don't whine about it one day, when someone doesnt kick the ball out.




And I know very well where karma comes from. I was calling her a hippie.

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This is turning into an insult fest. Oh, and karma is from Buddhisim not hippies. I was not saying fair play in football, kicking the ball out is not fair play, it's being kind. There is no rule stating you must kick the ball out.




Yeah, so don't whine about it one day, when someone doesnt kick the ball out.




And I know very well where karma comes from. I was calling her a hippie.

Glad you know where it comes from, that statement had me confused. You just lost some Karma, calling someone a hippie as an insult. Oh and who said being a hippie is bad? Why would I whine if the ball isn't kicked out? It will, I play Football quite often. If one person won't kick it out, his team will.

Qizx2- Archmage

Personnumber100- Warlock for life.

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This is turning into an insult fest. Oh, and karma is from Buddhisim not hippies. I was not saying fair play in football, kicking the ball out is not fair play, it's being kind. There is no rule stating you must kick the ball out.




Yeah, so don't whine about it one day, when someone doesnt kick the ball out.




And I know very well where karma comes from. I was calling her a hippie.




There are a lot of complaints when the ball isn't kicked out and it leads to a goal because it's the normal that if someone is down injured you kick the ball out so he can get treatment. The "normal" for Runescape is that if a spot is taken by someone then you change/move until you find an empty spot.

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Darkdude& Cotomatias, both better save your breath.. You'll never convince immature frustrated schoolboys, pestered by exploding hormones, playing the tough guys on the anonymous internet...




It's just a fact that RS is getting infested by (high lvl) rude egocentric players, looking for 'instant satisfaction'. Comfort yourself with the thought that many of these players have the intelligence of a meatfly and/or don't know any happiness in rl. Being an 'bleep'hole in rs is their highlight of the day... :wink:




(And I still meet every day new friendly players, with manners on RS too :D )

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Darkdude& Cotomatias, both better save your breath.. You'll never convince immature frustrated schoolboys, pestered by exploding hormones, playing the tough guys on the anonymous internet...




It's just a fact that RS is getting infested by (high lvl) rude egocentric players, looking for 'instant satisfaction'. Comfort yourself with the thought that many of these players have the intelligence of a meatfly and/or don't know any happiness in rl. Being an 'bleep'hole in rs is their highlight of the day... :wink:




(And I still meet every day new friendly players, with manners on RS too :D )




Sorry, Had to quote you on this one.. I'll tell you, a good chunk of those friendly polite players in RS just want something for nothing too..


Thats exactly what it is thou, the something for nothing attitude..


Since its not RL.. The same kid that would be too afraid to even try getting in your way or stealing from you, if given the chance; will take you for all your worth.. Just goes to show what some people really are deep down (albeit in a game or on the street, you are you, but its alot easier to do something to someone with little to no risk of consequence)


But ya, I don't even care anymore.. this is just the beginning of the end.. Scape has been going downhill for a long time.. And this explosion of the AVD (a-hole virgin demographic) is just one thing in the line of things

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It's funny to watch desperate justifications for jerkish behavior simply because it is possible to be a jerk. Let's be honest, a moron is a moron regardless of how justified they feel in being a moron.




Spiritual mages is the most recent example; 90% of the time someone comes along and either they switch worlds (not always necessary) or we end up splitting the four in our corner 2-and-2 (since chances are no one is killing their 2nd before the first one respawns). The other 10% of the time is someone who either doesn't realize you can split and takes the middle two, or doesn't care and just tries to throw their weight around to force out the person who was already there.





2009 Member Goals: Undetermined

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If somebody starts killing the ones I am killing, then I stop attacking them. I wait until he attacks one, and then I attack it. Most often, I will get the drop, simply because my weapon is more powerful and more accurate (I have a godsword.) Or, I resort to using ranged. This works well, too.




And on topic about people being [wagon], one time I was doing a dagganoth assignment at the Lighthouse. This level 94 (I was level 120 at the time) runs ACROSS the room to attack the one I was killing. He does it three more times and then I say "Wtf dude?" He immediately goes "Reported!" I say "rofl dude, you can't report for saying wtf. It's not offensive. Are you jealous that I am better than you?" Then he goes "Yeah!" I proceed to mock him and then hop worlds. Some people need to be neutered so they cannot procreate their stupidity.

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this is not to do with the god wars dungen but to do with hunter but still with the manners, i have found that while doing hunter people have no manners eather (hunting red chinchompas) i take for ever to fine an empty world then about 10 mins later a low or high lvl noob start hunting there as well, yeah i know i dont own it but it would be nice if they asked if i minded if they can hunt with me and i would say yeah carry on. it really is amazing how rude people can be


1894th to 99 Hunter Achieved 22/12/07

Quest Cape Achieved: at 81 combat on 20/12/06

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