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Do you guys believe in faith healing?


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Well: heres my story




On Saturday night, I was at a party, and ended up spraining my ankle, and could not walk on it without having an insane amount of pain.




Sunday, I could barely get around my house, even using crutches it was so bad.




Monday (Today), I just started to put a little bit of weight on it, and ended up walking a little bit on it, but with a very bad limp and inability to bring my right foot (the one I sprained) ahead of my left.




So I called up my buddy, who's Dad has the ability to faith heal, and asked if he would be able to fix my ankle tonight. (I have known this guy all of my life, by the way.)




I went to his house, and he just explained some background information, and such. And then put his hands on my ankle and began to pray. I can't even explain it, my ankle was getting hot, and I felt some sort of shocks all around it, and when he was finished, I could walk incredible again. Although it is still a bit tender, which is to be expected, there is no question in my mind that it did work.




I am walking almost fine now, a lot better then I was.




I for one believe in it, although I was sceptical at first.






What is your opinion on this?

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Lol. No I don't believe in faith healing because it is a bunch of [cabbage].




Your example is a case of mind over body, you think you are getting better so it is getting better. Or it isn't any better and your mind is just ignoring it. Either way that's how the faith healer scam works. 1. Get people to believe in it. 2. Act like you are doing something so the person thinks something is happening. 3. Person's mind takes care of the rest, either by fixing it or ignoring. 4. Profit.



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I do believe people can get healed because of their faith, but I don't believe on faith healing itself.


If there are people who suffer from psychosomatic illnesses, why can't they also be psychosomatically healed as well?


Mind over body.

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But he will not take money from anyone for doing this.




Maybe this could become a question of the power of the human mind then?




The human mind is very powerful. With out a doubt it was either a coincidence or your mind simply thinking that it was 'better'.






Make no mistake though it probably wouldn't work if it was a serious injury.

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All things aside, God hasn't given anyone on Earth since Jesus the ability to heal people...At all.




So, hope that answers your question.

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As people have said, mind over matter. For one, the belief that faith healing works can be argued as a mind over matter occurance (believing that faith heals) as can the faith healing itself (believing that faith has healed).




The problem I have with faith healing is that it can supress a thorough analysis of the medical condition by a professional in favour of unsubstantiated healing that can and I'd speculate has backfired after the big showy performance. Seriously dude, go see a doctor. All a faith healing heals is your faith.




The whole thing smacks of the placebo effect though you can easily convince me when you can get a faith healer to heal an amputee.

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It may seem crazy, but people can control pain and the way their nerves send messages to their brain, it takes hard work and determination, and sometimes just luck, but u can put your mind over matter and it will appear to feel better, even if it's still the same.




BTW i tried to make my arm feel better when i snapped it in half in a highschool football game...sadly i couldnt put my bones back together using my brain power :XD:

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I saw a faith healer last week, he said "How's your brother?"


I said "He's ill"


The faith healer said "No he's not ill, he just thinks he's ill"


I said "No really he's ill! I've see him he looks really ill!"


The faith healer said "No no, he just thinks he's ill"


I bumped into the Faith healer again this week and he asked "How's your brother?"


I said "He thinks he's dead...."

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I saw a faith healer last week, he said "How's your brother?"


I said "He's ill"


The faith healer said "No he's not ill, he just thinks he's ill"


I said "No really he's ill! I've see him he looks really ill!"


The faith healer said "No no, he just thinks he's ill"


I bumped into the Faith healer again this week and he asked "How's your brother?"


I said "He thinks he's dead...."








Yeah, like everyone else said - mind over matter. Its the same thing that placebos can do.

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The power of the mind is a very strong thing. You have simply naturally healed. Faith healers are scammers preying on sick people.



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Whats the difference beetwen some drugs and the power of the mind to heal someone? If it makes you better, then it can be considered heal, wether is somekind of process of your mind or some reaction from medicines.


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Ahh... the mind is a powerful muscle.




The fact is you were desperate and wanted something - anything - to help relieve your pain. It was clear to you medicine or anything a physiologist could give you wasn't making it any better, so you turned to something that simply can't be questioned in your own mind. The fact it, if you feel something won't work, it usually won't, and the opposite also holds true.




You gained confidence in the fact it might help you and you can't think of a reason it wouldn't. Therefore, your mind coulsn't question it, and you felt better for it.





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If you ask a lot of people that don't believe in a God if they believe in faith healing you will get a whole lot of "your mind did it all" answers. If they admitted they believed in faith healing then they would have to admit there was a higher power that did the healing. That ain't gonna happen so they have to rationalize it some other way which means the only alternative is your mind did it.




Not crackin' on anyone. It's just the way things are. I'm sure if you went in other forums everyone would believe it was a faith healing. It all depends on your audience as to what answer you will get.

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Whats the difference beetwen some drugs and the power of the mind to heal someone? If it makes you better, then it can be considered heal, wether is somekind of process of your mind or some reaction from medicines.




Your brain percieves pain because a damaging stimulus is in play. If you block the neural pathways with morphine, for example, the damage is still being done.

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Morphine is a medicine designed to painkill not heal someone...of course when i said a drug to heal i was talking about a medicine that actually make a ill better not hide it


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If you ask a lot of people that don't believe in a God if they believe in faith healing you will get a whole lot of "your mind did it all" answers. If they admitted they believed in faith healing then they would have to admit there was a higher power that did the healing. That ain't gonna happen so they have to rationalize it some other way which means the only alternative is your mind did it.




Not crackin' on anyone. It's just the way things are. I'm sure if you went in other forums everyone would believe it was a faith healing. It all depends on your audience as to what answer you will get.




Perhaps those that say your mind did it all feel the placebo effect is a more likely, documented and demonstrable effect then divine intervention.




Or perhaps those that say your mind did it all also don't want to see credulous people getting hurt by faulty medicine and false promises.




Or perhaps those that say your mind did it are also disgusted at the manipulative ability that faith healing proposes and are skeptical of it on those grounds.














Some parts of these articles is just downright disturbing.

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Morphine is a medicine designed to painkill not heal someone...of course when i said a drug to heal i was talking about a medicine that actually make a ill better not hide it




"What's the difference between some drugs and the power of the mind to heal"




My response was that the power of the mind does not heal; if you have cancer and think you don't, it's not going to heal. You may get more time from the placebo effect, which as I understand has been documented for some diseases (as far as I've read, the stress relief helps), but you don't get cured from the placebo effect alone. Hence the morphine example; it supresses pain which is the result of you being harmed but dosen't stop you being harmed, just like placebo supresses the notion that you are sick but it dosen't cure your sickness.




I hope this makes how I was responding to your original post clearer.

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I am not going to go into the mind over body stuff, as it has already been said.


I just thought I might add that continuing to walk on your ankle could actually do damage to it. All pain is, is the body acknowledging it is damaged and it gives you incentive to stop doing whatever you are doing. If you take that pain away, the damage is still there.

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Morphine is a medicine designed to painkill not heal someone...of course when i said a drug to heal i was talking about a medicine that actually make a ill better not hide it




"What's the difference between some drugs and the power of the mind to heal"




My response was that the power of the mind does not heal; if you have cancer and think you don't, it's not going to heal. You may get more time from the placebo effect, which as I understand has been documented for some diseases (as far as I've read, the stress relief helps), but you don't get cured from the placebo effect alone. Hence the morphine example; it supresses pain which is the result of you being harmed but dosen't stop you being harmed, just like placebo supresses the notion that you are sick but it dosen't cure your sickness.




I hope this makes how I was responding to your original post clearer.




You use the mind to believe, to hope, to have faith, to GET better, not put your mind away from it.




Using the same example you did, cancer, im sure everyone knows how many cancer survivors used the will to get better even when doctors said nothing could be done.




Im not defending some guy that says they touch you and you will be better, im saying the mind can do amazing things, and one of them is to heal or help heal something. What triggers that event could be anything, a book, a quote...if it is triggered by someone touching you...let it be...if it works...good


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Dragon Drops - 1 Skirt

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