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The Air Rune Market


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This is rant about how the economy has negatively affected me and a whole bunch of f2p rcers.




Air rune prices have fallen to about 13-14ea. That means that even at lvl 55 rc, w16 airs cannot break even.




Assuming 25ea for ess, that is 625gp for 25 ess. That is total of 2625gp per trade spent. The returns, at 55rc is 150 airs. That makes it so that at 13ea airs, we get back about 1950gp. That means a loss of 675gp per trade. In other words, to get 125rc xp, we are spending 675gp. 5.4gp per xp! Even if we are lucky to sell 15ea, that is a loss of 375gp per trade.




At 66rc and selling 15ea, you break even. The profit comes in at 77rc.


This is MADNESS.




How are we supposed to manage? Mine our own ess? To get to 66rc from 55, we need 50k ess. Who mines like that?




I am just venting my frustration at this. Usually the w16 airs is balanced. People pay the runner enough so that they break even/make profit. But air rune prices have come down and ppl still pay 2k per trade.




Obviously if there is less demand for airs then the 2k trade price must come down too. But it isnt....




Why did the prices dip all of a sudden? Dont say supply/demand. I know that...But what about that demand.?




Is there some new incentive to get higher rc that people are willing to lose money to get there?




Due to a large number of people saying "w16 is for xp, not money..." let me state it LOUD and Clear.



I am not expecting profit on w16. just to break even as I used to be able to before




Thank you.

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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Easy solution- Mine your own essence, and don't use runners. If you really want to get runecrafting levels, craft something like bodies or fires. They give more exp for your money. also, were have you seen people selling for 13g-14g ea regularly? I usually see them selling for about 16g ea..


Thus, if essence is 25g ea, then 1k essence equals 25k, right? If you can craft just 3 airs per ess, selling them at around 15g ea, then you'll double your initial money. I really don't see the problem, sorry..


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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and if i'm correct, w16 airs is for exp. Not money or even breaking even. i went from 1-44 there and never expected to break even.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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This is MADNESS.




This... is... RuneScape!!




Seriously though. Prices change. Nothing has stayed constant forever unless a general store sells it. If you want profit, then don't use runners. I don't think people use W16 for profit, anyhow, just the quick runecrafting to 44 (or more if you're F2P, I suppose).



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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Easy solution- Mine your own essence, and don't use runners. If you really want to get runecrafting levels, craft something like bodies or fires. They give more exp for your money. also, were have you seen people selling for 13g-14g ea regularly? I usually see them selling for about 16g ea..


Thus, if essence is 25g ea, then 1k essence equals 25k, right? If you can craft just 3 airs per ess, selling them at around 15g ea, then you'll double your initial money. I really don't see the problem, sorry..




In his case, it's more about the fast exp than the total exp he gets from the essence. In keeping with this theory, it would seriously hinder his exp gain to be mining his own essence. I don't buy or sell airs so I can't really comment on the market.




However, he also has to pay his runners in order to keep up his xp/h rate, and at 2k + ess per trade (I think each trade is 25 ess) that's 80k given to runners on top of the 25k he paid for the essence. In order to make his money back (break even) he has to be 77 Runecrafting (at 14gp per air). That's a pretty tall order.




If only you could form a Union. That would be totally sweet.

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I am rc 59. Rank 80000. Is that not high enough? Besides i am willing to get rc up, which is why I am trying to get the bext xp in f2p. Runners in f2p are just greedy who want 2k just for a small trip to and from bank. If I dont give them that then i cannot get trades.




unoalexi - ur stating that bodies and fires are 13-14ea? I know prices as I am a merchant (search my blog) and fires are only 8-10ea. Bodies are even lower and there is no market for them in f2p.




We understand that rcing by ourselves is a good profit even at low levels, but the thread is about w16 airs. There is an imbalance here and it is costing me money whereas before I was doing well.




I want a fast way to gain rc xp with no profit. thats all. at 6x airs is that too much to ask?

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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I am rc 59. Rank 80000. Is that not high enough? Besides i am willing to get rc up, which is why I am trying to get the bext xp in f2p. Runners in f2p are just greedy who want 2k just for a small trip to and from bank. If I dont give them that then i cannot get trades.




unoalexi - ur stating that bodies and fires are 13-14ea? I know prices as I am a merchant (search my blog) and fires are only 8-10ea. Bodies are even lower and there is no market for them in f2p.




We understand that rcing by ourselves is a good profit even at low levels, but the thread is about w16 airs. There is an imbalance here and it is costing me money whereas before I was doing well.




I want a fast way to gain rc xp with no profit. thats all. at 6x airs is that too much to ask?




Nope. I was just saying that if you wanted more exp per essence then you would craft those instead of airs.. If you don't like world 16 just go to a different world? Sorry if I seem ignorant but all I craft is chaos..


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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The reason the price has fallen is that everyone in f2p knows that this is by far the fastest xp, and they are all selling airs. Not many ppl are buying them, so ppl have to acceptr low prices.There is an oversaturation of air runes in the market.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


Website Updates/Corrections here. WE APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT! Crewbie's Missions!Contributor of the Day!

Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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W16 airs is alot like burning Yew Logs.


You do it for the fastest xp, and dont care about the cost.




I got 1-45 rc there, it cost me about 1.5m, and im using the Runes at Metal Dragons. I only did it for the xp, the money meant nothing.




Try Rc'ing Nats if you're that fussed.


After 1k nats, you can afford to trade 150 times...

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I am rc 59. Rank 80000. Is that not high enough? Besides i am willing to get rc up, which is why I am trying to get the bext xp in f2p. Runners in f2p are just greedy who want 2k just for a small trip to and from bank. If I dont give them that then i cannot get trades.




unoalexi - ur stating that bodies and fires are 13-14ea? I know prices as I am a merchant (search my blog) and fires are only 8-10ea. Bodies are even lower and there is no market for them in f2p.




We understand that rcing by ourselves is a good profit even at low levels, but the thread is about w16 airs. There is an imbalance here and it is costing me money whereas before I was doing well.




I want a fast way to gain rc xp with no profit. thats all. at 6x airs is that too much to ask?




Nope. I was just saying that if you wanted more exp per essence then you would craft those instead of airs.. If you don't like world 16 just go to a different world? Sorry if I seem ignorant but all I craft is chaos..






I see what you are trying to say but it kinda makes little sense. It is like telling someone to mine rune because it is 125xp per rock. Of course it is higher than all other rocks but it takes about 30-40 min to get 20 ores. air altar is the closest to bank. i could try fire or body but the amount of xp i get in a period of time is slower than airs.




tryto- i can see that...ppl want fast xp. but shouldnt the price come down naturally? Or has w16 turned to a place for rich high level crafters willing to buy ess 40ea , give 2.2k and sell airs 13ea?




whoever said, go rc nats...plz understand taht i am f2p. i have stated several times, even my stats are there for proof.




I am just kinda pissed off that something that i used to be be able to do before is just gone now.

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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W16 airs is for Xp not money your paying for xp




I you don't like it go run your own.




Also not many people play due to school started and less people buy airds making prices dip low.

Click for My Blog



670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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W16 airs is for Xp not money your paying for xp




I you don't like it go run your own.




Also not many people play due to school started and less people buy airds making prices dip low.




I just love how you repeat what other people have said over and over in a thread.


Quit. PM me if you play The Conduit to exchange friend codes.

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I have never ever EVER used an air runner. It' s just too easy. I got my 48 rcing by myself, and I' m proud of it.




Besides, I pay ess with airs, so I don' t care about the air rune price. But if anybody wants them, I just sell at 13 ea.

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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W16 airs is for Xp not money your paying for xp




I you don't like it go run your own.




Also not many people play due to school started and less people buy airds making prices dip low.

I just love how you repeat what other people have said over and over in a thread.
Hey, I love that as well. He has mastered the art of doing that, takes some practice & nothing can stop him now. :mrgreen:


Thanks to WithTheQuickness for the sig!

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This... is... RuneScape!!









I think airs aren't going for very much because of crafters making literally huge amounts of airs. But for really fast xp at rc, it's worth the cash imo


Sig by me :D

1337 total as of 3/2/08 at 14 : 52 GMT. Recieved 1338 total 32 minutes later

Hawt Pixel avvy by Jopie

Barrow drops: (2) - Verac's Brassard, Ahrim's Hood

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You say that runners should get paid 1-1.5k per run, for their expensive service. When they getr paid 2k per run, they make 50-70k per hour... Without their service, you would have to run everytime, back and forth... Like everyone has said, world 16 is for exp, not making money of runners.

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This is rant about how the economy has negatively affected me and a whole bunch of f2p rcers.




Air rune prices have fallen to about 13-14ea. That means that even at lvl 55 rc, w16 airs cannot break even.




Assuming 25ea for ess, that is 625gp for 25 ess. That is total of 2625gp per trade spent. The returns, at 55rc is 150 airs. That makes it so that at 13ea airs, we get back about 1950gp. That means a loss of 675gp per trade. In other words, to get 125rc xp, we are spending 675gp. 5.4gp per xp! Even if we are lucky to sell 15ea, that is a loss of 375gp per trade.




At 66rc and selling 15ea, you break even. The profit comes in at 77rc.


This is MADNESS.




How are we supposed to manage? Mine our own ess? To get to 66rc from 55, we need 50k ess. Who mines like that?




I am just venting my frustration at this. Usually the w16 airs is balanced. People pay the runner enough so that they break even/make profit. But air rune prices have come down and ppl still pay 2k per trade.




Obviously if there is less demand for airs then the 2k trade price must come down too. But it isnt....




Why did the prices dip all of a sudden? Dont say supply/demand. I know that...But what about that demand.?




Is there some new incentive to get higher rc that people are willing to lose money to get there?




Thank you.




World 16 is equivalent to World 66. You go there for exp, not money. So don't complain if you can't make any cash while raising Runecrafting faster.




Also, if you want cash, just train without the use of runners. Mining your own essence will obviously save you less, but even if you buy it, you'll still make profit.




And you're 55 Runecrafting, anyway. When you get 66, 77, 88...etc etc...you'll be able to use the company and still make cash. Until then...don't complain about it.



|2,300+ Total|138 Combat|12 Lvl 99 Skills|99 Slayer|blogbutton.png

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This is rant about how the economy has negatively affected me and a whole bunch of f2p rcers.




Air rune prices have fallen to about 13-14ea. That means that even at lvl 55 rc, w16 airs cannot break even.




Assuming 25ea for ess, that is 625gp for 25 ess. That is total of 2625gp per trade spent. The returns, at 55rc is 150 airs. That makes it so that at 13ea airs, we get back about 1950gp. That means a loss of 675gp per trade. In other words, to get 125rc xp, we are spending 675gp. 5.4gp per xp! Even if we are lucky to sell 15ea, that is a loss of 375gp per trade.




At 66rc and selling 15ea, you break even. The profit comes in at 77rc.


This is MADNESS.




How are we supposed to manage? Mine our own ess? To get to 66rc from 55, we need 50k ess. Who mines like that?




I am just venting my frustration at this. Usually the w16 airs is balanced. People pay the runner enough so that they break even/make profit. But air rune prices have come down and ppl still pay 2k per trade.




Obviously if there is less demand for airs then the 2k trade price must come down too. But it isnt....




Why did the prices dip all of a sudden? Dont say supply/demand. I know that...But what about that demand.?




Is there some new incentive to get higher rc that people are willing to lose money to get there?




Thank you.




World 16 is equivalent to World 66. You go there for exp, not money. So don't complain if you can't make any cash while raising Runecrafting faster.




Also, if you want cash, just train without the use of runners. Mining your own essence will obviously save you less, but even if you buy it, you'll still make profit.




And you're 55 Runecrafting, anyway. When you get 66, 77, 88...etc etc...you'll be able to use the company and still make cash. Until then...don't complain about it.




The point is for me to break even. Not make cash!! I have repeated it many times. You people keep assuming that I want profit. I DONT. I dont expect profit until 66/77. Here is what I did for my rc levels.




1-44. Did it myself.


44-50. w16 at a loss.


50-55 - did it myself




FInally, at 55, I say to myself. "yay i got 55rc. i can use w16 airs without losing money." I did that until 59 rc. But then things changed. Airs went down.




That is my rant.




warrager - they are getting 50-70k per hour! all they need for that is a lvl 3 account. In two - three hours, they save up for full rune :shock: That is a lot of money in f2p. Even with my skills I can only make 50k an hour mining coal. Merchanting can bring me a steady 100k per hour but i doubt it.




mico- your post makes no sense here. this is a rant. either respond to the rant or flame me. Dont brag here. Go to rate this! section.

100% F2P

85 Mining achieved on Dec 4, 2007

85 Smithing achieved on May 28, 2009


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