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Does your school have this?


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my school had that last year, but only admins could use it. so my friend who is a genius hijacked the computer with a jump drive, and basically had access to everything on the whole county's network. of course he got ratted out by this [wagon] hole of a kid. but still brilliant work.

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if they say i can't, it IS unfair. But i live with it and wait.




It isn't unfair. It's a school computer, you don't have a right to play games on it. If they want to give out that privilege they can, but if they don't you aren't missing anything, you just are gaining nothing.




I hardly think it's fair for a student with nothing to do - homework and classwork - just to sit there and do nothing for the rest of the lesson. playing games is a way to avoid severe boredom. Boredom is what causes so many people try to misbehave. People want some fun. Not much to ask for.




If you finish your work work ahead, its common sense.


That doesn't always work. There are some classes you can't work ahead in. I agree with darkforaster on this. I know that the teacher has every right to keep us from playing games after our work is done but I do think it's pretty stupid to prevent a student from being rewarded when his work is done. It makes school just a little more enjoyable. I'd go nuts if every teacher in my school made us do nothing but more work after finishing the days assignment.




Grumbling about not being able to play games in school seems to me to be totally spoilt behaviour, there are kids all over the world who'd give an arm and a leg for the kind of education you can get, and you're grumbling because of what? No games during school? Right.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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We used to have it at my school, then we found out the password for the program. I used to have so much fun with that, someone would be trying to click a link and you'd move the mouse away slightly. They would have no idea.... Yeah but they found out we had the pass and got rid of it =P~

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We just have SonicWall block, it blocks anything that even has the word 'game' in it... etc.




Amazingly though, I was researching Russian culture and I didn't look at the words below the link, k? So... I click it, and all fo the sudden 6 nude women are on the screen, I almost jumped out of my seat. :shock:




Also my school is really lame, most of the teachers are technically illiterate. =; Have you heard of AR testing? Well last year some irl noobs were caught 'cheating' by taking tests for someone else, so now we have to enter a password. But the [wagon] teachers just made the pass your initials... sheesh. So of course you can still cheat.






OK that got a little off topic... ON-Topic, we don't have the program. My school is like 300 people for 5-8 grade, so... yeah. No big high-tech stuff for me. Maybe high school... somehow I doubt it.

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ah man i know where your coming from my school has the same thing ive gotten used to it since they have had it since i was in middle school..


just learn to deal with it or maybe bring a book to read thats what i always do :wink:


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Grumbling about not being able to play games in school seems to me to be totally spoilt behaviour, there are kids all over the world who'd give an arm and a leg for the kind of education you can get, and you're grumbling because of what? No games during school? Right.[/quote/




All I'm saying is that WE have this education available to us. I'm saying that it is unfair for us not to get some sort of break from working. Overworking is as bad as underworking. WE do have all this available. So why do we not cherish it and use it? Or is that wrong somehow.




Everyone deserves an education, everyone deserves a break. Unfortunately there are those who cannot afford them. I'm saying we should cherish what we have.

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Bwhaha. I'm in Java at the moment. I said before he doesn't care at all.






Me too. In fact, we're sitting right next to each other typing this, in a computer lab where the teacher has this kind of program, and we can still browse all we want :-w .

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Grumbling about not being able to play games in school seems to me to be totally spoilt behaviour, there are kids all over the world who'd give an arm and a leg for the kind of education you can get, and you're grumbling because of what? No games during school? Right.




All I'm saying is that WE have this education available to us. I'm saying that it is unfair for us not to get some sort of break from working. Overworking is as bad as underworking. WE do have all this available. So why do we not cherish it and use it? Or is that wrong somehow.




Everyone deserves an education, everyone deserves a break. Unfortunately there are those who cannot afford them. I'm saying we should cherish what we have.




Those are completely different and unrelated things.




I presume you're at high school, so your lessons can't be much longer than an hour, correct me if i'm wrong. Now an hour is a perfectly reasonable length of time to work for, having a 5 minute break after that is all you need really. If you're stimulated, and engaged in your learning an hour soon flies by, even two hours flies by. I don't see any correlation between having the right to an education and the right to a break in the middle of a lesson.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Grumbling about not being able to play games in school seems to me to be totally spoilt behaviour, there are kids all over the world who'd give an arm and a leg for the kind of education you can get, and you're grumbling because of what? No games during school? Right.




All I'm saying is that WE have this education available to us. I'm saying that it is unfair for us not to get some sort of break from working. Overworking is as bad as underworking. WE do have all this available. So why do we not cherish it and use it? Or is that wrong somehow.




Everyone deserves an education, everyone deserves a break. Unfortunately there are those who cannot afford them. I'm saying we should cherish what we have.




Those are completely different and unrelated things.




I presume you're at high school, so your lessons can't be much longer than an hour, correct me if i'm wrong. Now an hour is a perfectly reasonable length of time to work for, having a 5 minute break after that is all you need really. If you're stimulated, and engaged in your learning an hour soon flies by, even two hours flies by. I don't see any correlation between having the right to an education and the right to a break in the middle of a lesson.


Sure, his mind may be tireless, but what about his balls? Balls need more than a mere 5 minute break.

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Our school uses macs. Last year they had it set up so that student monitors (durign lunch and after school) could see the screen of any computer and seize control at any time. This year we dont seem to ahve any monitors as we have a new computer teacher, but I know that the server at least can still do it. It's one of the reasons I bring my laptop. Using the wireless or a cable, the server dosen't have a clue what im doing. Of course id still have to use a mac during computer class if I were still in it.

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Haha I guess Im lucky, my school doesnt have any of those tools.




If you just take the computers where the teacher never comes, you are free to go. Ofcourse large online games (like Runescape) are blocked, you cant get access to the Properties on the desktop, make links on it, but those are about the only things.




They say they can control everything and see what youre doing, but I dont think anyone has ever had trouble with it.




There were also about 3 people who sent emails to every person in the school system, so I think thats easy to do too.



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Bwhaha. I'm in Java at the moment. I said before he doesn't care at all.






Me too. In fact, we're sitting right next to each other typing this, in a computer lab where the teacher has this kind of program, and we can still browse all we want :-w .




Lol I talked to NOM right after that class. I hear you got pizza you lucky [cabbages] <.< I also hear that your teacher asked Shane, a.k.a. Smoky the Bear, something pretty funny today too. :lol:




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Grumbling about not being able to play games in school seems to me to be totally spoilt behaviour, there are kids all over the world who'd give an arm and a leg for the kind of education you can get, and you're grumbling because of what? No games during school? Right.




All I'm saying is that WE have this education available to us. I'm saying that it is unfair for us not to get some sort of break from working. Overworking is as bad as underworking. WE do have all this available. So why do we not cherish it and use it? Or is that wrong somehow.




Everyone deserves an education, everyone deserves a break. Unfortunately there are those who cannot afford them. I'm saying we should cherish what we have.




Those are completely different and unrelated things.




I presume you're at high school, so your lessons can't be much longer than an hour, correct me if i'm wrong. Now an hour is a perfectly reasonable length of time to work for, having a 5 minute break after that is all you need really. If you're stimulated, and engaged in your learning an hour soon flies by, even two hours flies by. I don't see any correlation between having the right to an education and the right to a break in the middle of a lesson.


Wrong (for me anyways), they;re an hour and a half. My school doesn't use the computer labs much for most classes (except for computer classes, obviously), but Astronomy does. It's not a big deal about people surfing the web in that class, as we use this program called "Celestia", which is pretty awesome views of space and it's features. And you're ship can travel faster than light :D


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yea I have a program similar, I usually open it and make it lag very badly. it exits and my teacher can't control my comp :D. you can also take out a plug from the back of the computer but that might get rid of the internet :S.

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I don't THINK we do..we might though, but he never controls anything on screen. The admin (whom I think is our VB teacher) downloaded SurfControl...basically, it blocks out sites with suggestive image names (by looking at the code) and certain web sites. He's also blocked access to any editing of the computer settings (besides your desktop wallpaper and files), and blocked access to most programs like Command Prompt.




We can just go through the Windows folder and delete cookies and temp. internet content though, and I know how to create a command prompt ;)




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Grumbling about not being able to play games in school seems to me to be totally spoilt behaviour, there are kids all over the world who'd give an arm and a leg for the kind of education you can get, and you're grumbling because of what? No games during school? Right.




All I'm saying is that WE have this education available to us. I'm saying that it is unfair for us not to get some sort of break from working. Overworking is as bad as underworking. WE do have all this available. So why do we not cherish it and use it? Or is that wrong somehow.




Everyone deserves an education, everyone deserves a break. Unfortunately there are those who cannot afford them. I'm saying we should cherish what we have.




Please, a 1 hour class and you complain?






The biggest reason why I hate people playing games in class and it not being enforced is because a lot of people will take computer classes just to slack. A lot of decent classes (like web page design) are ruined because most of the class is just there for an easy grade and to play games.

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I'm on the same boat, Nadril. I took BASIC/Visual Basic to learn..I plan to take Java next year. Sadly, most everyone in the FRESHMAN class decides to go off and treat it as a class to look at the internet or play Solitaire. I'm in the freshman class, and I'm (seriously) probably the only one that actually pays attention and tries to work at learning this. Yet, because the rest of the freshman class, it's making me look like a 'stupid freshman', even though I'm working as hard as anyone else in there.




Now I'm actually struggling while we're learning For loops and Dimensions because I can't get left alone for a second because of the guys beside me




I hate it.




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Grumbling about not being able to play games in school seems to me to be totally spoilt behaviour, there are kids all over the world who'd give an arm and a leg for the kind of education you can get, and you're grumbling because of what? No games during school? Right.




I'm sorry assassin but that argument and every variation of it is an incredibly stupid weak and illogical argument. I can use that argument in different situations as a last ditch effort to defend any manner of rediculous laws, watch.




All computers with the internet must have mandatory government censorship of porn, Ebay and amazon. A lot of people don't even have internet acsess so stop grumbling.




All video games that are not rated E will be banned. Don't complain just be grateful that you even HAVE video games unlike some countries.




All cars must now be painted with a hideous brown color. Some people would give an arm and a leg just to have ANY car so stop moaning.




Year: 1774. The price of tea has shot up significantly because of British tax laws. Some people can't get tea at ANY price so stop moaning about it.




Or we can even try




All students are required to write a 10 page essay every week, be grateful about this wonderful education we are forcing you to recieve since some people you have never met don't have the oppotunity to get such a fine education. (and even if you do write this 10 page essay a week they still won't get this fine education).


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Humor is reason gone mad- Groucho Marx


I am a nobody and nobody is perfect, therefore I am perfect.

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