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Senior High School Year Pranks


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Well this year, around Halloween we're going to get my friend Rob extremely intoxicated, carve out a pumpkin and have him put it on his head and jerk off on our principals car while we video tape it and put it on the projector at the next big assembly. As he does this we're going to put a big yellow stand up sign on the principals car roof that says "Caution : Senior Work in Progress" , so I'll get you guys the video haa. No none of us are gay, either.




Thats kinda extreme, dont you think?

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Well this year, around Halloween we're going to get my friend Rob extremely intoxicated, carve out a pumpkin and have him put it on his head and jerk off on our principals car while we video tape it and put it on the projector at the next big assembly. As he does this we're going to put a big yellow stand up sign on the principals car roof that says "Caution : Senior Work in Progress" , so I'll get you guys the video haa. No none of us are gay, either.




That might not work, intoxication sometimes means difficulty, erm...






I remembered that anouther highschool in my district had a full grown tree planted in the middle of their football feild.

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Well this year, around Halloween we're going to get my friend Rob extremely intoxicated, carve out a pumpkin and have him put it on his head and jerk off on our principals car while we video tape it and put it on the projector at the next big assembly. As he does this we're going to put a big yellow stand up sign on the principals car roof that says "Caution : Senior Work in Progress" , so I'll get you guys the video haa. No none of us are gay, either.




That might not work, intoxication sometimes means difficulty, erm...






I remembered that anouther highschool in my district had a full grown tree planted in the middle of their football feild.




Wow, lol. That must have screwed up the feild. It would be fun to pull a prank as a junior, and have everybody think it was the seniors. We cold rig the bell to ring for like an hour.

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Well, we weren't stupid so we didn't do our prank at the school. A group of girls we knew went around and toilet papered everyone's car. So a few friends and I enacted revenge via industrial saran wrap.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Well, we weren't stupid so we didn't do our prank at the school. A group of girls we knew went around and toilet papered everyone's car. So a few friends and I enacted revenge via industrial saran wrap.




Hehe... You know the paper sign the football team runs through at the beginning of each game? I've always wanted to make it out of saran wrap, and have them try to run through it. Lol.

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For the sake of NOT having to wait on Trapical...




In a previous Senior Pranks topic, Trapical[/url]"]Our class did a prank last year. Seniors graduate 4 days before school ends for the rest of the school so we did it graduation night (so they couldn't hold our diplomas or whatever).






We had to do a prank last year because of our school's history of no pranks. 6 years ago they spay painted "Senors 2000" (yes spelt wrong) into the football field with white paint. Then in '03 someone crapped outside the front doors at night and left a post it saying "Were out of this (crap) hole!!" Janitors cleaned up the mess at 6am and fined the class $200. And that was our school's entire history of senior pranks :roll:






Then out class comes along, we were quite 'patriotic' or whatever you would call it, our class was fiercely proud of "aught five". It all started when the student council president propped a door open one evening and gave a schedule of when the janitors leave/arrive to another aught fiver that could pick locks. He went in that night, picked into the office and stole a a master key, took it back to his garage, made a professional mould of it, then went back and returned it that same night. Later the mould was used to make a dozen or so masters and for months a huge prank was being planned in a level a secrecy that would make the CIA jealous. In the end 48 people were hand picked for the job (our class was only 120 people) and no one outside of that group had the slightest clue anything was going on.




The Night


Graduation night 4 black vans drove up and dropped of 32 people at the school at 1am, they split into 4 groups each with a clear objective and a leader who had a walkie talkie. The vans also split and went to nearby parking lots waiting for the pickup signal. In addition to the infiltration teams there were 7 people in full camo with night vision goggles and cell phones lying in ditches in strategic points on nearby roads ready to warn of approaching cops that were headed towards the school, and then we had 4 cars driving in random patterns also on lookout with phones.


Finally there was a command van with 3 laptops displaying detailed maps of the school and satellite pictures of the town. On the town map/photos we plotted the up to date locations (via GPS) of all our sentries and reconnaissance cars. Then we had a bay of communication gear, including police scanners, half a dozen walkie talkies, and a cell phone labeled for each recon unit (the sentries may not be able to risk speaking out loud so they had the opportunity to just hit ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅsendÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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Read the thread about streaking, that should be enough.(do it with all your freinds, while singing the national anthem of wherever you live)




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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Well mine comes up next year but the problem is the year 2 year's back when all out and pretty muched trashed our school, so our school has banned "muck up day" (i.e. the day when you do pranks) because of that, and then won't allow you to sit your end of school exams at the school and won't give you a reference after school, so its probably not the wisest idea to do anything.




Its even more annoying since I've had the same plan in my mind for almost 4 years now. Its pretty much a prank which involves taking off the concrete panel steps which lead up to the 2nd storey of the class areas around our school (the concrete blocks are only bolted on and could easily be taken off with some time at hand). It would cause mass chaos around our school since half of the classes wouldn't be able to go ahead since no-one can get upto the 2nd storey.




But unfortunately due to the events of the past from the other grades gone by, I can fufil my prank which I've been wanting to do for the last 4 or so years.




And ofcourse an option would be to do it under the cover of night but our school is full of security guards and due to the punishments involved if you get caught, it wouldn't be a smart idea to take risks. :(

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And ofcourse an option would be to do it under the cover of night but our school is full of security guards and due to the punishments involved if you get caught, it wouldn't be a smart idea to take risks. :(
Hire Trapical ;)
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My cousin's year put fish behind all the skirting boards. When they all came back the teachers had to call them up to remove the fish because it stank too bad to teach.

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Hehe... You know the paper sign the football team runs through at the beginning of each game? I've always wanted to make it out of saran wrap, and have them try to run through it. Lol.






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Nice to know people still remember my little night :)


Oh and thanks Darkrick for the for the copy paste job. I saw the thread title and I was opening up a new window when I saw your post :wink:




And ofcourse an option would be to do it under the cover of night but our school is full of security guards and due to the punishments involved if you get caught, it wouldn't be a smart idea to take risks. :(
Hire Trapical ;)




Well, I charge $27 an hour, and that includes three associates of mine, all quite experienced and fully equipped and adept with lock picks, radios, and full black jumpsuits. If you're interested, I recommend the "Tech Package" which, for a flat rate of $100, gets you a command van with two techies and GPS units on all teams. You can also purchase up to seven outdoor sentries in camouflage for $60/each. Night vision goggles may also be given to the sentries for an extra $20 per pair of goggles. Note, if you want the night goggles you will need to notify me of your purchase at least 15 business days in advance to allow me proper time to obtain them.




In all seriousness though, if anyone needs advice on how to do a certain part of a prank, how to pick locks, or what equipment to buy and where to buy it... just send me a pm, seriously. It saddens me that while I love doing things like senior pranks or picking my way into abandoned buildings and exploring them at night, I need to stop doing it. The only real use of that skill is robbery, something I'm not interested it. Maybe if my MCAT score was low, but (fortunately?) it was not. So, since I can longer longer do these things, I will have to settle with just giving advice and hearing the stories of others ::'

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Well, I'm doing my preliminary exams at the moment (two more left, they're both tomorrow), so my senior year starts next term. Our school doesn't really do pranks though. We have a muck-up day, in which we get to host our own assembly, but instead of pranks, you mostly just do funny, harmless things. (e.g. two of this year's seniors went around in infection suits before the assembly stealing people shoes. May sound lame, but it was funny to watch them steal teachers' shoes.)


Our year has already started planning, and we have some relatively good ideas, but our school principal would probably ban muck-up days for the next 5 years if we did so much as spray-paint a single brick in the school. Or at least lecture us for 2 hours..


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We have a few pranks planned. One involves cracking the root password and having fun with the schools homepage, one involves glad wrap, people we don't like, and trees. Another involves riding in the back of a ute with paint ball guns.




Our school's tradition is basically causing the most amount of mayhem.

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We have a few pranks planned. One involves cracking the root password and having fun with the schools homepage, one involves glad wrap, people we don't like, and trees. Another involves riding in the back of a ute with paint ball guns.




Our school's tradition is basically causing the most amount of mayhem.




Paintball guns could get kinda serious...like if you shot someone in the face.




Last year, when I was in lunch a couple seniors ran through to the atrium (pretty much the add on to the lunch room, it's a huge room with a window-roof, very tall too) and let 4 birds go. Oh, and they were wearing wrestling masks (those spanish ones), capes, and those speedo-type things that wrestlers wear :XD: I imagine it took a while to get the birds down, plus they were flying around over people's heads while they were eating lunch.


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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We have a few pranks planned. One involves cracking the root password and having fun with the schools homepage, one involves glad wrap, people we don't like, and trees. Another involves riding in the back of a ute with paint ball guns.




Our school's tradition is basically causing the most amount of mayhem.


Yea good luck with the first one...why does everybody think they can just hack a server so easily? like that guy who planned a "hack attack" (lmao) after he was suspended? Ok, is just a school server, but still....


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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We have a few pranks planned. One involves cracking the root password and having fun with the schools homepage, one involves glad wrap, people we don't like, and trees. Another involves riding in the back of a ute with paint ball guns.




Our school's tradition is basically causing the most amount of mayhem.


Yea good luck with the first one...why does everybody think they can just hack a server so easily? like that guy who planned a "hack attack" (lmao) after he was suspended? Ok, is just a school server, but still....




I havn't heard of the guy who planned a "hack attack"... Was there a thread on it?

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We have a few pranks planned. One involves cracking the root password and having fun with the schools homepage, one involves glad wrap, people we don't like, and trees. Another involves riding in the back of a ute with paint ball guns.




Our school's tradition is basically causing the most amount of mayhem.


Yea good luck with the first one...why does everybody think they can just hack a server so easily? like that guy who planned a "hack attack" (lmao) after he was suspended? Ok, is just a school server, but still....




I havn't heard of the guy who planned a "hack attack"... Was there a thread on it?




Yes, the guy posted saying that he had been suspended for farting in class and was planning a hack attack for revenge. . .


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Well I've never had any senior pranks happen in the two high schools I've been in but I've seen things happen that were planned and very cool (although they don't qualify as pranks).




In my old school, on St. Patrick's day a guy went to school in a quilt and started playing the bagpipe between classes, (he was really good)




At my school we have a raised outdoor stage thingy that a lot of people eat lunch near (but not on). Anyway three people wnet to school one day dressed in costumes. One was batman, one was robin, and one was the joker. At lunch the guy in the joker costume went on the stage and started wandering around aimlessly. Then robin (who was with batman) shouted out "HOLY SMOKE BATMAN IT'S THE JOKER" (or something like that) and then batman and robin ran up to the stage and started a fake fight with the joker (by that I mean one man punches the air near another guy's face and the other guy pretends he was punched in the face). The joker was defeated and everyone cheered (no it was not halloween it just happened on some random day).




The closest thing I've seen to a prank was not a senior prank. At our school we have open house night, where 8th graders who haven't decided where they want to go for high school can come to our school and meet the teachers and what not. The night before someone (or maybe it was a group, I'll never know) spray painted 3 things around the school.




1. two giant peace signs covering the lockers


2. on the floor the word smile, followed by a happy face.


3. A MASSIVE painting of a lighter igniting a heart in blue flame with a message "ignite love" under it. It was beutiful, in fact the next day people started up petitions to try to keep the painting there, there were all sorts of rumors, such as if 2/3 of the school signed it they would keep it, etc. I saw the principle staring at the painting and walked up and said "nice painting isn't is". She said "yeah, too bad we have to get rid of it". Apparently if they let that stay then it would encourage other people to spray things in the middle of the night. I sort of agreed, but I still liked the painting. Anway they got rid of the smile and the peace signs, but they couldn't completely get rid of all of the heart and you can still see it there, only it's a lot more faded then it was they day it was sprayed there (and some parts were completely removed like the gray thing that held the two parts of the lighter together). Perhaps I can find a picture of it and post it.




I'm not sure if they ever found out who did it, although I'm not sure if they even tried to find out.


Smithing-48 strength-66 Ranged-47 Magic-55

Humor is reason gone mad- Groucho Marx


I am a nobody and nobody is perfect, therefore I am perfect.

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Yea good luck with the first one...why does everybody think they can just hack a server so easily? like that guy who planned a "hack attack" (lmao) after he was suspended? Ok, is just a school server, but still....




When did I say hack the server? I said crack the root password. It isn't hard to grab the sam and system files if you boot up with ubuntu, then bring them home and brute it.




We've already made the entire mac network unusable before at our school and they had to redo the whole thing. (Last backup was apparently a while ago) Though we did that by setting a password to something that doesn't give you the option to even put in a password.




We've done other things like crash the server with a packet sender etc. Really only script kiddies talk about hacking.

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trapsta, that senior prank was truly epic, you and those other 47 people shall probably become legends in that school forever.




Anyway I truly hate zero tolerance policys and whatnot that are ruining people's chances to do senior pranks.




Ignoring that I wodenr what i should do for a senior prank, in June.


Smithing-48 strength-66 Ranged-47 Magic-55

Humor is reason gone mad- Groucho Marx


I am a nobody and nobody is perfect, therefore I am perfect.

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Hehe... You know the paper sign the football team runs through at the beginning of each game? I've always wanted to make it out of saran wrap, and have them try to run through it. Lol.








And then D. Train gets hurt and we lose State. GENIUS! <.<




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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