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Hey guys,




Im not really sure whther this is some form of OCD (which im also sure I have), but I have to be really, really clean.




For example, if someone is using the computer, and then I go on, I have to wipe the mouse because I find that it smells. Or sometimes I go and wash my hands, even if I havnt done anything that gets them dirty. I wash my hands so often that they start to go hard and dry.




Does anyone know how I can stop being such a health freak?





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I really don't do any of this, though I've always wondered why people get so focused on cleanliness. they wipe, clean, or disinfect anything they use, or breath in. Not to say I don't get the sudden urge to clean my hands, where I will be washing my hands for 10 minutes...






they start to go hard and dry.


Of course they do.

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You don't have OCD. People who have real OCD have obsessive behaviors that affect their way of living. I don't think you cleaning a mouse before you use it is going to affect your quality of life.




My mom is a nurse and she works 1 on 1 with people who usually are Autistic and have cases of OCD. One of her patients is so obsessed with coffee that she will refuse to do anything until she has her scheduled coffee. When I say anything, I mean stuff you need to do to live (e.g. eat, sleep etc.).




I hope I've proven my point. You don't have OCD, stop claiming you do.

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Try rolling around in the mud.




You'll need a bath/shower but you won't be such a clean freak since you done that.




or, you know, do ANYTHING. get off the computer and go outside. work on a car, go ride a bike, play paintball, anything. yes you'll get dirty, but you'll have fun.




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i wouldnt worry about since its better to be clean than stink and its not like its gonna hurt you unless it bugs you that bad..


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Dsk805 lvl 139 6* mage

Blink182lover lvl 100 7* mage

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Its not all that abnormal...is it? cause i do that a lot to...my hands are rougher than sandpaper i wash them so often :oops:


I suppose as long as you don't too overboard with your germaphobia, its ok






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Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


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I can't stress enough how not OCD you are. OCD would be if your friends told you to go somewhere with them and you refused to do so until the task you're obsessed with is done. I'm not talking about small random things that bug you (e.g. the mouse stinks, an object isn't where you'd like it to be). I'm talking about you haven't washed your hands 3 times yet. When you go to a movie do you get up every 30 seconds to do something that really irks you? Probably not. Just stop it.

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I can't stress enough how not OCD you are. OCD would be if your friends told you to go somewhere with them and you refused to do so until the task you're obsessed with is done. I'm not talking about small random things that bug you (e.g. the mouse stinks, an object isn't where you'd like it to be). I'm talking about you haven't washed your hands 3 times yet. When you go to a movie do you get up every 30 seconds to do something that really irks you? Probably not. Just stop it.


Q F Smegging T.

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I can't stress enough how not OCD you are. OCD would be if your friends told you to go somewhere with them and you refused to do so until the task you're obsessed with is done. I'm not talking about small random things that bug you (e.g. the mouse stinks, an object isn't where you'd like it to be). I'm talking about you haven't washed your hands 3 times yet. When you go to a movie do you get up every 30 seconds to do something that really irks you? Probably not. Just stop it.


Q F Smegging T.


Jesus Christ, QFT.

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I have OCD and I'll share with you some of the hard things I have had to deal with and overcome.




I weighed myself every morning and if I wasn't the same weight, I wouldn't eat.




I would only eat at certain times of the day. I became anorexic.




I check the light switches and locks 3 times before I leave the house. My boyfriend would lock the door right in front of me and I would still have to reach over and check that it's locked.




Classical conditioning (if you don't know what it is, read up on PavlovÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s theory) I am extremely sensitive to.




What I mean by this is if I do behaviour at least twice, it's extremely likely I'll do it again and it's extremely difficult for me to stop.




This caused me in my younger and older teenage years to have gambling problems, alcoholic problems, eating disorders.




I refuse to make appointments, answer the phone, meet anybody, catch the train or bus, and leave the house on an even number. At my old work place long ago at a restaurant I would become highly stressed if I ran out of odd table numbers.




My bedroom is always remarkably clean. To the point that socks have their own drawer, tank tops have their own drawer, shirts with sleeves have their own drawer, and jeans are folded in a particular way and have their own drawer.




I even have a pen drawer, a book drawer, a photo drawer.




I need to buy groceries and use it on that day or I'll throw it in to the bin, especially meat.




This is how bad it gets:




If I listen to music 3 times in a row either while IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m at work, studying, at the gym - I have directly associated music with hard work (classical conditioning).




I lost my ipod one morning at university. I couldn't get out of bed in the morning until my mum bought me a new ipod. The second it finished recharging, I was back to my bouncy self again.




I had been admitted in to hospital for drinking too much 5 times (just ask Rick), lost thousands and thousands of dollars to gambling (I'm not allowed near the casino without my partner now and need to put all my money I earn in to a savings account that I can't touch.




I've associated fighting with my partner, to having a bad day so whenever we're fighting my life = [cabbage]. He has had to go out of his way so that we don't fight.




My pictures on the wall are at exactly the same height, biggest to smallest.




I can't wear the same item of clothing more than once in a week. I can't re-use towels and I use 3 towels, one for the floor because I don't want to wet it, one for my hair and one for my body. So you can imagine my washing pile daily.




Trust me; you probably wouldn't even know the meaning of OCD until you've lived 24 hours in my shoes.




Just finding someone who can put up with you is more than enough.




Thank your lucky stars because I would give anything just to wipe over a mouse. You probably clean because you're stressed. Subsitute something else like meditation for your cleaning, you should be fine.




It's so bad that people on tip.it should take a screen shot of a post of mine that hasn't been edited because I wasn't satisfied entirely with the content.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Yea I often find that things that other people have used before me stink. Of course, that's just because the people themselves stink, but still....Anyways, here's a general blanket statement for every other thread like this in the future: You DON'T have OCD. Stop thinking you do. If you insist you do, join a support group.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I can't stress enough how not OCD you are. OCD would be if your friends told you to go somewhere with them and you refused to do so until the task you're obsessed with is done. I'm not talking about small random things that bug you (e.g. the mouse stinks, an object isn't where you'd like it to be). I'm talking about you haven't washed your hands 3 times yet. When you go to a movie do you get up every 30 seconds to do something that really irks you? Probably not. Just stop it.


Q F Smegging T.


Jesus Christ, QFT.




I'm really sorry guys. It might seem that I'm coming across as really insensitive or mean but it just bugs me so much when people self-diagnose themselves with OCD like it's a good personality trait. It really is hard to live with.




P.S. What was QFT mean?

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I can't stress enough how not OCD you are. OCD would be if your friends told you to go somewhere with them and you refused to do so until the task you're obsessed with is done. I'm not talking about small random things that bug you (e.g. the mouse stinks, an object isn't where you'd like it to be). I'm talking about you haven't washed your hands 3 times yet. When you go to a movie do you get up every 30 seconds to do something that really irks you? Probably not. Just stop it.


Q F Smegging T.


Jesus Christ, QFT.




This is what I do, and this is a form of OCD, so F smegging you.

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