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Repercussions of Shop Update on Global Economy


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Implications - Introduction




To clarify these are BOTH short term AND long term effects




A quote to start off with.




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅWe're going to have to take the full brunt of the negative impact in the marketplace, ... In a market environment you cannot have an imbalance between supply and demand, so price is your rationer. ... The price has to go up enough to destroy enough demand to bring things back in balance.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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More people will buy from the shops now.




Before you bought from players and the GP stayed in the system, now you buy from the store and the GP leaves the system for good over time meaning less cash in game people alch and make GP but now with a steady removal of GP will stop prices rising so fast as there will not be as much GP added to the game each day don't think many people thought of this.




In my opinion this can only be good for the economy and everyone in RuneScape.




Might mean that making runes is not so great any more but it will balance out you'll see.

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There's a lot of good and bad in this, and as a Guthixian I see this as good. :thumbsup:


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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No autobots is a fallacy - they'll just saturate the player stock market. Which is a shame - it'll just make noobie life harder.




Before you bought from players and the GP stayed in the system, now you buy from the store and the GP leaves the system for good over time meaning less cash in game people alch and make GP but now with a steady removal of GP will stop prices rising so fast as there will not be as much GP added to the game each day don't think many people thought of this.




This is certainly true, but it has inherent problems. It will cause contracting of the money supply. Without a correction in the value of cash which happens in real life. You'll see less and less cash in the economy being circulated as the government (Jagex) steals it and removes it from the system. This will increase the purchasing power of cash in cases like rares, but will mean you lose when ti comes to buying from shops. BECAUSE Jagex sets prices as is and won't rectify them.




What does this mean? Well over time as less cash exists in circulation, people will have less money to purchase. people will own fewer posessions and find it harder and harder to skill up through purchasing (e.g. smithing). Daily items will cost more and more and there will be no solution except for jagex to reduce prices.




you can't remove money from the system, its flawed over time.




Additional Forecasts




The market is already correcting itself


Within 30minutes the price of nats has already shot up by 50gp ea.




Expect the price of mith bars and above to increase in the next few days until a new level median price is reached. Reason: Superheating now costs 50gp more.


Ore market may be affected, perhaps ore prices will decrease in order to stabalize the cost of bars.

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Nats always used you be 330+ea, deaths always used to be 300+ea, etc. You are sticking up for bots and real world trading? Don't say you do not support real world trading, because bots+real world trading are connected. Support one and you support the other.




Players were fine with those old prices, and we will be fine with the return of them. Merchants with large amounts of runes before the update now selling for much more then they paid will dissappear in a day, when they sell off. I don't see how that will have any effect.

I am not a skiller, but i do some skills.



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Nats always used you be 330+ea, deaths always used to be 300+ea, etc. You are sticking up for bots and real world trading? Don't say you do not support real world trading, because bots+real world trading are connected. Support one and you support the other.




Players were fine with those old prices, and we will be fine with the return of them. Merchants with large amounts of runes before the update now selling for much more then they paid will dissappear in a day, when they sell off. I don't see how that will have any effect.




Nats didn't always used to be 330+, in fact they used to be ~300ea, you could buy a LOT for 300-320, which means that is the median price. Im not sticking up for bots, im saying they WONT go away. They make rich players richer and poor players poorer.




Nope, as someone pointed out, jagex is trying to take cash out of the system, which will over time will mean that you won't be able to afford things. Yes rune merchants will profit for a day, WHICH is why I said that the net effect won't be much, they will profit yes and it will stabalize after a week which will mean back to normal business.

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- Extremely rich players won't even buy from players now, seeing as you can buy 'x' runes from the runeshop, why would you even bother wasting time trying to find a seller.


- Mercers, mercing at very very large volumes for a higher price will now find that they are unneeded. E.g. Selling 1 million air runes for 20gp each - why would someone buy from you, when they can do all that in one click for 17gp?







not true, as mercers will be selling air runes for less than 20 gp, the point of all these prices is they are slightly above market price, meaning anyone who wants a good deal on bulk will still go to the "working class" for their supplies




i don't think this will effect the economy as much as you say, but its still very annoying as an update, i personally hate it, but no economical loss or gain with be noticeable IMO

siggity siggity shwa

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- Extremely rich players won't even buy from players now, seeing as you can buy 'x' runes from the runeshop, why would you even bother wasting time trying to find a seller.


- Mercers, mercing at very very large volumes for a higher price will now find that they are unneeded. E.g. Selling 1 million air runes for 20gp each - why would someone buy from you, when they can do all that in one click for 17gp?







not true, as mercers will be selling air runes for less than 20 gp, the point of all these prices is they are slightly above market price, meaning anyone who wants a good deal on bulk will still go to the "working class" for their supplies




i don't think this will effect the economy as much as you say, but its still very annoying as an update, i personally hate it, but no economical loss or gain with be noticeable IMO




Why would u buy for more than 17gp ea (Shop Price) when you can just press buy 'x' and buy as many air runes as you want? it seems pretty illogical. Unless of course someone rune crafts them and sells them for 15gp ea or something along those lines. I think the point is, you just can't sell for more than 17gp ea anymore




I actually agree with you, i don't think it'll affect the economy that much. it'll just annoy people a lot and mainly make it very hard on noobs. Like i said, the rich just get richer, its always going to be like that. Unless jagex introduces... COMMUNISM!!! confiscate all those party hats!

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Autobots are not removed from the market, rather they have increased the price for everyone and still profit, perhaps even more.




How are they still going to profit? They can still buy masses of runes yes, but so can anyone. They will only be able to sell the runes cheaper than the shop so therefore will lose money.




Very few prices have increased and those that have are only very very marginal. Airs for instance now wont sell for more than 17ea. Therefore the air crafters will be selling cheaper than normal.




As for the runes the bots were buying and selling on, lets use deaths as an example. Max you will pay is 310. Pretty reasonable if you ask me, only a 10gp rise from current prices which cannot be held as accurate due to the bots. Runecrafters will charge less than this in order to sell, so you are really looking at 305per rune.




This is a great update against bots.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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You know, I REALLY prefer letting Jaqex decide on prices rather than some dumb kids.




Plus, for small quantities you still have the regular tab (whatever it was called again) which should have sufficient stock for most general needs.

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Yes, there probably will be an increase in deaths, natures and bloods. But those runes have decreased for some time now, there is nothing wrong or bad with going back to deaths 300 ea and bloods 550-600ea. I actually see it as a good thing, craftsmanship is rewarded now.




I also don't see how this removes more cash from the system, I'd actually think there will be more money in the system, because people will buy less from the shops and there for will buy from players. As shops will be used less, they will drain less money.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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Lol. XD




Okay okay... I agree with most of you say, but you can't really expect to stop the illegal trades going on without a consequence now can you?

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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Two major fallacies in this thread; one, you assume bots will somehow manage to buy from player stock, but player stock only exists when players sell runes to the shop, so there's no way they will get a lot from there. Two, you somehow think that driving up the prices on runes, thus making players less likely to buy from stores and more likely to buy from other players, and thus keeping more money circulating in the economy, is going to deplete the amount of gold in RS, which doesn't make any sense at all to me.




R.I.P. Autobuyers, jagex just pwnt you.

racistmodhq9.png Racist Mod (may or may not have been taken out of context)

Figuring out what to put in my signature just takes too much work.

If your still reading this, your a noob.


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Just... WOW.




So much for my long predicted material price rises for many materials. :? It's a shame that the "solution" to that has to come from an even less player based and more artificial based economic system though.




Anyone willing to figure out the shop buy and sell prices of natures for me?

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It is funny how people worry about money being removed from the economy. I guarantee you that we are swimming in gold. If there was not a huge excess of cash, rare prices would not be able to rise as far as they have. There will never be a shortage of cash in this game.




The sell of desirable items to the stores was never a big source of supply to the market anyway. So, let the bots buy from the player stock all they want. They can sit there, waiting for five hours to buy 10 nats here, 5 nats there. Who cares? It will make no difference in the price or supply of nats in the game. The noobs will either have to make their stuff, or buy at the store price. But, they will be able to buy all they want: a huge improvement for those wanting to raise skills.




Any windfall profits some merchanters enjoy will be very transitory. They sell their stock, they make their money, they are now out of stock. So what? Who cares?




Any increase in the cost of global living, and it will be small, is well worth the damage done to bots, and the increased availability of things like runes, arrows and water vials.

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