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Repercussions of Shop Update on Global Economy


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Nats didn't always used to be 330+, in fact they used to be ~300ea, you could buy a LOT for 300-320, which means that is the median price. Im not sticking up for bots, im saying they WONT go away. They make rich players richer and poor players poorer.





umm. yeah they did, i can remember a few years ago when they were 400 each.... deaths were over 350 each, and i sold all my bloods from barrows at 600+ each.




prices have always fluctuated, this update will do nothing but make them stable. i can't see this hurting anyone except for autobuyers.




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Like i said before, I agree that there will be only minor effects on rich players, but it will annoy new players a lot.




New Players have low experience between levels. 30 air strikes will go a long way if you're a low leveled player. If you want to move onto chaos runes, it's about the same price as before.




Autobots will always exist and will find new ways, noobs will always sell their stock to the shop, therefore autobots will buy from the shop. Even if they get only 1000-2000 a day. It may well still be very profitable.




New Players would only sell mind runes or other runes like that. Those arn't very profitable runes. If you are thinking about Death Runes or Chaos Runes, how can new players receive that many in large quantities?




Put it in simple terms, you buy steel arrows from teh player stock at 1gp each. THe median price will likely be 40-45gpea. Thats an whopping 4000%+ profit. Yes Yews will now be exploited more, this does not mean that autobots will not stay at shops and buy the small amounts that come into the player stock.




Not a lot of players sell steel arrows to shops. If you post evidence, I may agree with you.





Sorry - i typed that at 1am -_-, what i meant is that the general price of runes will be higher. Not for mercers tho, but for your average joe, it will be.




Why should they be higher. It's only the shop value, not the player selling value. After all, they have to sell LOWER than the shop price or else people won't buy it. Why would you want to go to world 1 and buy 1k nature runes for 320 each when you can buy a lot more at the shop for 310 each. (Note: Those numbers I just guessed. I don't know the actual price)





True and not true, previously they could sell for more, now SOME of them will earn less. Notably f2p, p2p will gain from this significantly. Perhaps something Jagex planned.




Not really. P2P can't sell for higher than the shop price very effectively. It would be a lot simpler and easier to buy them at the shop if they are higher priced.


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well, IMHO, anything that makes life miserable and harder for merchanters and scammers, is a great thing. They have been leaches on Runescapers for a long time...all those lev 50-80 nubz running around sporting their purple phats and such....so sorry, guess you have to work a little harder...no more herb scamming, no more selling WFVs, no more hopping worlds and taking all the store stock...(not the intent of the design I am sure)....just so you can collect and sell at a grossly high price to high levs trying to work their stats....I built my wealth and stats the hard way....a little work and perverence...I refuse to make some nub rich to convenience myself.




rock on Jagex...great update


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

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i hate this economy talk since the shop update its fine the economy will change and we will keep playing and life will go on






stop caring and get on with it its almost impossible for them to change it back!!!!!!!!!!



Member of 100+ Korrupted Fury

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i hate this economy talk since the shop update its fine the economy will change and we will keep playing and life will go on






stop caring and get on with it its almost impossible for them to change it back!!!!!!!!!!




Chippy we enjoy talking about the economy, if you don't then you're free to not post but don't knock us for doing what we like.




As to this thread--all I can say is, the author is using shallow arguments. There is NO WAY player stock can support 1/100th of the previous botting community. Millions of gp were already being pumped out of the economy daily by bots buying from shops, rasing the shop price won't increase that problem, it will KILL IT. And don't even get me started on inflation--let's just say that, as long as any player can provide any item any time they want to inflation is impossible. The ONLY items liable to inflate are tradeable discontinued items--rares. Everything will always be tied down by the fact that other players can make their own.




Shame on anyone who believes this garbage--especially an aspiring economist.

racistmodhq9.png Racist Mod (may or may not have been taken out of context)

Figuring out what to put in my signature just takes too much work.

If your still reading this, your a noob.


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Implications - Introduction




IN SHORT - Global Prices for Many items will INCREASE - working class SUFFERS.






id have to disagree, not for the sheer fun of it, but everyone benefits from it, no? since the bots usually do mindkilling tasks like that, the stores that have those items (and perhaps wanted among the so-called "working class) are sold out of the time, making sure if it restocks, the price will be as high as it can be...


the "rich ppl" could buy those small amounts that were left, the "poor" ones would have to wait till it restocks till it had an affordable price




now it doesnt matter how much there is in the store


-> doesnt matter if youre rich or poor -> price is the same, no matter for whom

Take your time to post on my blog please!


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Wait... No. Sorry.




I'm also taking economics...




As for what you're saying is flawed.




How do merchers win? They don't. How is the rune market ruined? It's not. Considering there's an INFINITE stock of RUNES in the shops, how is that ruining the economy? It's not! You buy them from the store as many as you want, and don't have to buy from other people, that's not bad. So what, people don't make as much money now, but then again, they didn't want people making loads of money that way all the time. There's other ways to make money instead. Try training, picking up money, alching, that's how Jagex wanted money to come in. Now it's lessoned slightly, oh well. That's actually alright.




Considering there's constant inflation within Runescape, I take this as a blow to taking down inflation again. But guess what, the market just like after Construction will return to a norm eventually. Just have to wait, but stop saying this is ruining the economy, it's not. I'm quite happy with this update, I can now buy my own runes, and not worry about bots selling them to me instead.




Inflation is going to decrease which is good, but it will eventually go back up. And by the way, the market always fluctuates mostly dependent on Demand. Supply only decreases and increases prices. But demand effects both the prices and the supply (Though there are outside sources for changes in supply such as X supplier loses their corn field so there's less of supply of corn so prices increase) Which in that case, people look to substitute items that could replace corn which are also cheaper, but then that price increase due to a higher demand. Anyhow, it's not ruining the economy, sorry for getting off-topic.

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Implications - Introduction




IN SHORT - Global Prices for Many items will INCREASE - working class SUFFERS.






id have to disagree, not for the sheer fun of it, but everyone benefits from it, no? since the bots usually do mindkilling tasks like that, the stores that have those items (and perhaps wanted among the so-called "working class) are sold out of the time, making sure if it restocks, the price will be as high as it can be...


the "rich ppl" could buy those small amounts that were left, the "poor" ones would have to wait till it restocks till it had an affordable price




now it doesnt matter how much there is in the store


-> doesnt matter if youre rich or poor -> price is the same, no matter for whom




First qoute states rich players have gotten themselves in a better position, while poor players have found themselves worse off.


The second qoute states it remains neutral and nothing really changed.




But both are wrong :boohoo: At least, in my opinion.


Facts are, most prices have gone up. Which means every products price has gone up. The only thing of a product cheaper then its shop price, is the production price.




Now let us say the infamous law rune used to cost 330gp ea. (300-350 average, rounded up a bit, nice price to me)


Now the shop price is 378gp if I am not mistaken (I read it somewhere)




This would mean the production price will go up till a point where people rather save a bit of money by buying them from players while at that same price but are 'just not' interested in buying them from a shop. The maximum price of which you save more then the effort taken to easily get them from the shop.


Let us say that price is 360. This would actually mean, production price has gone up by 30gp. This is positive for the producing class. Ofcourse law runes are often made by richer people, but this example can fit any product.




The result: Rich class, who tends to buy, has gone to a worse situation, but because they are still rich.. heck :D


Poor class, who tends to produce, has gone to a better situation, in which they will gather products, create products and get a higher price for these products.




Ofcourse there is the factor of these people who have to buy their products for a higher price to, but because (as stated) this poor class tends to produce more then they buy, the profit made by the raise in price is bigger then the loss made when buying with these higher prices.




The only downsides will be for woodcutting, which cannot be bought really (no shops) and fishing. These products won't ''suffer'' from higher prices. But instead, because of the money drain, thus inflation, will suffer from a decrease in prices. Also, there is the bot-shifting factor. But this is uncertain.


Because of this shift in prices in these skills, lots of people will look for new ways to gather money. This might increase the price in fishing/woodcutting slightly. Other branches/skills to which these people substitute will slightly drop. But the equilibrim will come back ;)




My post, my opinion, hopefully with a few good points. If you managed to understand it.




And now I will :-# and hear your responses.


Quick note: I study economics ;) Hope it has paid off, so please correct me when nessecary, I can only learn from it

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this will proabaly make many newbs quit..


Is that a bad thing?

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