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Why Jagex Why?


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Mandarin Chinese




















The bold ones are the most likely to play RuneScape (not sure about Russia). Asian countries probably play Korean and Japanese games.






also, dont you think china should be discredited when it has, i honestly dont know how many times the people as a country of equal size.(especially considering like 70-90% of its people live on the eastern half of the country because the western area is mostly mountains and not nearly as populated.)




China's internet access is difficult to get as well as much of it is censored. With the modern govenment moving to capitalism from communism everything is difficult there. I would know I just got back from a business trip there D:






so what you say is a big reason why china should be discredited i think. i mean, cmon their internet is censored and hard to establish? so why would we have chinese servers at this time?

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Are there seriously that many Germans who play?




Every time I walk around I see Como Estas? or Do you speak french (in french)




I know! It's parle vouz francois? with the lil weird c in francois.




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Probably for the large dutch and German population that plays the game. Honestly, have you ever seen players speaking in French in RS?
Being from a Canada and spending time on Canadain worlds I can say I have seen many people speaking french. It all depends what worlds you go on.
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Can someone answer me this.




The top ten spoken languages in the world are...




Mandarin Chinese






















And Jagex makes Runescape German.




Why the Hell Did they make it German.




I understand that some of those languages aren't the weathiest countries and can't afford computers and etc.




But Spanish, French, Portugese, Russian, and some Arabic speaking countries




k, and now ask yourself; how many people you know in runescape know and speak Mandarin Chinese? :)




Are there seriously that many Germans who play?




Every time I walk around I see Como Estas? or Do you speak french (in french)




I know! It's parle vouz francois? with the lil weird c in francois.




"parlez-vous fran̮̤̉̉ais?" :P that thing is called cecedire

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Consider that German is quite similar to English, as they have similar origins. Also, have you thought how much work it would be implementing Chinese characters and Arabic text into the game? There are a lot and getting them right (so that they are understandable) would take a long time.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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This is the most inane question I've ever seen. Jagex's decision to develop a German version of the game has nothing to do with the languages most spoken in the world or German-speaking people having a more difficult time adjusting to English or the fact that Germany's in Europe.




It has everything to do with their customer base. I'm sure Jagex staff didn't throw a dart at the map of the world to decide which language they would target. They analysed their client base and selected the largest non-english speaking group of people that plays RS.




Duh. It's not complicated. If you were opening a restaurant and everyone in town was a vegetarian, what kind of restaurant would you open? Texas BBQ? No. Vegetarian. It's the same thing - Jagex chose German because the majority of non-english RS players are German. And Jagex is a business, out to make money. They wouldn't make any money if they developed the game in a language that only a few of their players speak. Get it?

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Yeah, those may be the top 10 languages, but those countries aren't really that big on RuneScape. I've seen tons and tons of people from Europe playing RS, and if they made it any other language, you know they'd all complain. :shame:


I just advanced a spamming level!


Now I need to find a decent Signature.

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I dont believe it was a necessity but german speakers do use the german world. I for one use it because it gives me extra practice with german. Im learning it in school and it can help me learn new words/phrases. So for me it works out, I like it.


Same. it will probably help more once we get past things like, "Wie heiÃÆÃâÃâ¦Ã¸t du?" "Ich heiÃÆÃâÃâ¦Ã¸e..." and into more vocabulary.


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Should be in portuguese tbh ;) (joking lol, I speak fluent english anyway :P)




It's probably because Runescape is played by ALOT of players from Germany, holland and belgium, and since the language, even though it has its differences, is similar they probably chose it cause of that. Dutch/germans are probably the second largest community in RS, apart from english speaking countries' ones. Not sure, but very likely.


Runescaper since June 2005


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Runescape Is English/German. In the future they make make a tool to change runescape writing into other languages. However, ANYONE can play runescape if you have Java and a computer.




May people find players that speak their language, and hope for the best. I'm not sure what Jagex is going to do, but if It's good I'm all for it!




<3: O'Ducky








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I think the next language that RuneScape should be written into is French. Now you might say that you never see French ppl and that is because they can usually speak some English. I speak french with my french friends and gosh is it annyoing with that censor. French should be the next one.


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Maybe JAGeX should post up a poll asking what language each player speaks.
Jagex knows exactly how many players there are from certain countries, ec due speical softwares. As well as from which country there are unlogicaly a few players (probably should have been more from Germany). I'm sure they didn't translate RS into German without a reason, including economical intrests.
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Maybe most of Jagex are fluent in German and no other language other than english so it would be real easy to translate while say they did spanish and none of them were fluent in it that would require a whole lot of work.












You are all aware that there are 43 European countries? and there are # talic (Latin)




* Romance


o Catalan


o French


o Italian


o Occitan (Proven̮̤̉̉al)


o Portuguese


o Romanian


o Spanish




# Germanic




* North Germanic


o Danish


o Faroese


o Icelandic


o Norwegian


o Swedish


* West Germanic


o Afrikaans


o Dutch


o English


o Flemish


o Frisian


o German


o Scots (Lallans)


o Yiddish




# Slavic




* Western


o Czech


o Polish


o Slovak


o Sorbian


* Eastern


o Belarusian


o Russian


o Ukrainian


* Southern


o Bulgarian


o Croatian


o Macedonian


o Serbian


o Slovenian




# Baltic




* Latvian


* Lithuanian




# Celtic




* Brythonic


o Breton


o Welsh


* Goidelic


o Irish


o Scots Gaelic




# Hellenic (Greek)


# Albanian


# Armenian


# Indo-Iranian




* Indo-[Caution] (Indic)


o Assamese


o Bengali


o Bihari


o Gujarati


o Hindi-Urdu


o Marathi


o Punjabi


o Romani


o Sanskrit


o Sindhi


o Singhalese




* Iranian


o Avestan


o Baluchi


o Farsi (Persian)


o Kurdish


o Pashto (Afghan)


o Sogdian




What about Finnish you bleeep! and if flemish is finish but a typo then as a slight finnish speaker swedish and finnish don't have much in common.

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Well, if you check the german servers... there are like 300-400 people in each one of those worlds. Myself I know over than 50 people that speak spanish (Including myself), and that's only ME.

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