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Who can swim here?








I am 16 years old nearly 17! And I canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t swim! For real lolÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâæI have tried but I just cant! Had lessons at school and stuff but still no!








Anyone here who have tried and tried but just cant swim?

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i learned to swim when i was 7 :D








i had lessons, didn't work and i had them for about a year. Then i go on a family trip and learned to swim on my own in the pool at the hotel.








I am kinda scared still if i'm on a boat swimming in the ocean with nothing to hold on to. But i manage. :)

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yeah i can swim




forward backward underwater butterfly etc. almost anything to tell ya the truth its about all the exercise i can get (only thing i really do sept eat sleep bio breaks and gamin)


<( *-* )> <(*-* <) (> *-*)> <( *-* )>

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i love to swim i have a pool my skool has a pool and i live on the water with a boat. It comes in real handy when u fall of a jet-ski at 60mph+




also the beach :)




this is 1 thing im not scared of!!!
















:D :D :D

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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I can swim, but I don't really enjoy it or anything.




Going to the beach in the summer is a different story of course! :D



Member of #darkwebz.

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I was always a fairly strong swimmer, i remember swimming a mile in 40 minutes when i was about 13 years old (sounds slow but it was all breaststroke, no front crawl).

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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In fact im going swimming tonight after work, lol




I like swimming and i'm pretty good. I love pools but im not as keen on the sea. Bit too cold and salty for me.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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i live in the netherlands in sealand (by water Duhh)








and i CAN swim








if you dont swim try doggyswimstyle








like a dog
















/put your legs and arms so\








/|\ /|\

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I've got a 11 foot pool, currently being worked on for the summer now.








I used to swim with water wings since I was 1 or 2.




I'm a little bit cross-eyed, but back then it was a little more servere.. before i had surgery. I jumped in the wrong end (Without my water wings) and it came to me like instinct.

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I can swim but i know people who cant. I remember i took one of my freinds to a lake and right as we get into the water I find out he cant swim.....uh oh. So we go swimming anyways, long story short i have to pull him around the whole lake. Swimming is easy for me but i could never swim very fast so i never joined a team.

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I'm afraid of waters with living stuff in them besides humans. Especially the little fish that swims up into the mans *Johnson*

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Yeah I can swim. Somepeople can do stuff that others can't. I can easily swim. I'm not afraid of the water. If someone can swim and you can't it doesn't mean there better than you. I can't skate. at all. not rollerblades, skateboard, etc. I stink at it. I've tried for 4 years and still never got it. It's impossible for me. Everbody doesn't have the same talents are everyone else. that's part of the thing that makes us so unique.

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I love the water. I can spend hours upon hours in a pool and enjoy every second of it. No matter what (less being sick), I swim every single morning and then again at night every now and then.








Learned to swim when I was around 5 and have been on the swim team every year in middle school, high school, and college. Swimming's great, everyone should at least know the basics (enough to save their life in the water if needed. )

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I'm afraid of waters with living stuff in them besides humans. Especially the little fish that swims up into the mans *Johnson*








hell yeah but arn't they only like in the amazon??

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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