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Do you believe in "aliens"


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Or they could be something like this, and we better hope we never meet them.








although really they suck.. last tourney i went to i downed a full 1.5k army including carnifex in 4 turns without a single squad loss (marines FTW)

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Short answer: No.




I suppose it's possible but until I've seen any evidence of it I won't believe it. It's also interesting why people are quick to dismiss ghosts but leave the door wide open for aliens, despite the lack of evidence.

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Short answer: No.




I suppose it's possible but until I've seen any evidence of it I won't believe it. It's also interesting why people are quick to dismiss ghosts but leave the door wide open for aliens, despite the lack of evidence.




People are inclined to disbelieve ghosts, mainly due to religious reasons. If ghosts exist, then any form of middle-afterlife does not, which would then disprove other forms of afterlife(heaven, hell, etc). That's part of the reason I think people are quick to not believe in ghosts, even with proof. Also, the fact that ghosts are generalized as shadows of a former self, it comes with negative connotations. It is something less than human, therefore must be treated as such(not my words, just my theory of other peoples words).




As for aliens, people are quicker to believe in there being other beings outside of our little tiny solar system, even if they've never made contact, due to the fact that people want to believe in something bigger than themselves, rather than the shadows of a former self. Therefore, people tend to move in the direction of said aliens, being more intelligent than we human are and therefore greater than ourselves.




Now that I am done with my explanation, here is my belief:


I believe there is something out there. Not sure what it may be, but there has to be something there. We can't be the only intelligent life forms in this universe. And my theory on why we may have not gotten contact: too far away. They may have faster ships than humans could ever create. They may have found uses of wormholes or something like that, and can go great distances in space in a shorter amount of time, but I believe that if they are there. they are too far to reach us.

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Short answer: No.




I suppose it's possible but until I've seen any evidence of it I won't believe it. It's also interesting why people are quick to dismiss ghosts but leave the door wide open for aliens, despite the lack of evidence.




Because ghosts are really suggesting something a lot different than aliens. The reason so many are inclined to believe other life is out there is just because of the shear mathematical probability that there is other planets supporting of life out there, and likewise at least some that has life on them.

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Short answer: No.




I suppose it's possible but until I've seen any evidence of it I won't believe it. It's also interesting why people are quick to dismiss ghosts but leave the door wide open for aliens, despite the lack of evidence.




Because ghosts are really suggesting something a lot different than aliens. The reason so many are inclined to believe other life is out there is just because of the shear mathematical probability that there is other planets supporting of life out there, and likewise at least some that has life on them.


It's difficult to compare ghost and aliens by the mathematical probability of them to exist. However, I'd say that there are probably more witnesses who claim they've seen ghosts rather than aliens. What I'm addressing is those who say they don't believe in ghost because they've never seen any. I just doubt they've seen any aliens either.

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Short answer: No.




I suppose it's possible but until I've seen any evidence of it I won't believe it. It's also interesting why people are quick to dismiss ghosts but leave the door wide open for aliens, despite the lack of evidence.




Because ghosts are really suggesting something a lot different than aliens. The reason so many are inclined to believe other life is out there is just because of the shear mathematical probability that there is other planets supporting of life out there, and likewise at least some that has life on them.


It's difficult to compare ghost and aliens by the mathematical probability of them to exist. However, I'd say that there are probably more witnesses who claim they've seen ghosts rather than aliens. What I'm addressing is those who say they don't believe in ghost because they've never seen any. I just doubt they've seen any aliens either.




The difference is, ghosts suggest something supernatural, outside nature and science, whereas aliens are just other life forms on another planet. I'm not saying they've visited us, in fact they almost certainly haven't, but if I was a betting man i'd put a lot of money on there being some other kind of life out there.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Our own galaxy is hundreds of thousands of light years in diameter, containing hundreds of billions of stars. I find the assumption that there is no other intelligent life in our own galaxy to be absurd, much less the entire universe of billions of other galaxies. Earth can't be the only planet that managed to mass the right elements in its atmosphere to sustain life.


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Youd have to be pretty naive to categorically say 100% that extra terrestrial life does not exist. The ods are incredibly slim but the number of planet in the universe is immense which practically make humans being the only life an impossibility. Of course i dont believe that they are visiting us in UFOs but that doesn't make me a disbeliever.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Short answer: No.




I suppose it's possible but until I've seen any evidence of it I won't believe it. It's also interesting why people are quick to dismiss ghosts but leave the door wide open for aliens, despite the lack of evidence.

Its a matter of probability. Life has a series of calculations and probability statistics behind it. We know exactly what kind of planetary make-up is needed to support, at the very least, the kind of life found on earth.




Ghosts however have no statistical probability and thus are BS.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Its a matter of probability. Life has a series of calculations and probability statistics behind it. We know exactly what kind of planetary make-up is needed to support, at the very least, the kind of life found on earth.




Ghosts however have no statistical probability and thus are BS.


I wouldn't say ghosts are BS just because it's something supernatural. The problem is that ghosts probably never will be proven and will always require some kind of faith. Alien life should be easier to prove.




Belief in ghosts and aliens are quite similar if you only look at the aspect of lack of evidence. Therefore I value UFO sightings about the same as ghosts sightings.




Of course if scientists claim that they've found life in the universe and have sufficient evidence, I won't have any good reasons not to believe in it. But until then, I just won't.

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Belief in ghosts and aliens are quite similar if you only look at the aspect of lack of evidence. Therefore I value UFO sightings about the same as ghosts sightings.


And I agree. But this isn't about anecdotal evidence, but the mathematical reasoning behind each. We're not arguing that they've visited Earth, just that the odds that there is other [intelligient] life in the universe is as close to 100% as you can get. Ghosts, on the other hand, have no proof as of yet, and because of their supernatural base there is no way to mathematicaly analyze the probability that they exist somewhere in the universe. Therein lies the problem with comparing the two.




Of course if scientists claim that they've found life in the universe and have sufficient evidence, I won't have any good reasons not to believe in it. But until then, I just won't.


Why? The odds are staggering. No need to childishly clutch on to dogma until you see everything with your own eyes. If you did that, you'd never learn, or at least you'd learn very slowly and only from your own experiences.

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Yes, yes I do.


I refuse to believe that we're the only living (however, we don't know what other 'beings' call 'living) beings in the univers.




But I don't believe that stuff like: We come from aliens, they'll attack us, they are on earth, discovered like us!


Not saying there never was an alien on earth (hey, you never know, right?) but the chance is really, really small...




We 'created' ourselves, aliens didn't create us ::'

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"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

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Belief in ghosts and aliens are quite similar if you only look at the aspect of lack of evidence. Therefore I value UFO sightings about the same as ghosts sightings.


And I agree. But this isn't about anecdotal evidence, but the mathematical reasoning behind each. We're not arguing that they've visited Earth, just that the odds that there is other [intelligient] life in the universe is as close to 100% as you can get. Ghosts, on the other hand, have no proof as of yet, and because of their supernatural base there is no way to mathematicaly analyze the probability that they exist somewhere in the universe. Therein lies the problem with comparing the two.




Of course if scientists claim that they've found life in the universe and have sufficient evidence, I won't have any good reasons not to believe in it. But until then, I just won't.


Why? The odds are staggering. No need to childishly clutch on to dogma until you see everything with your own eyes. If you did that, you'd never learn, or at least you'd learn very slowly and only from your own experiences.


I'll learn about alien life the day it's proven to exists. That's quick enough for me. I'm not in a hurry, I have no need to jump to conclusions.

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Short answer: No.




I suppose it's possible but until I've seen any evidence of it I won't believe it. It's also interesting why people are quick to dismiss ghosts but leave the door wide open for aliens, despite the lack of evidence.

how can you say there is no evidence when you yourself have been the piece of evidence your whole life? #-o #-o #-o #-o
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how can you say there is no evidence when you yourself have been the piece of evidence your whole life? #-o #-o #-o #-o


I can't believe I managed to overlook that, now I must reevaluate everything that I've said.

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how can you say there is no evidence when you yourself have been the piece of evidence your whole life? #-o #-o #-o #-o


I can't believe I managed to overlook that, now I must reevaluate everything that I've said.




That sounded like sarcasm, but i'm not sure. Text doesn't reflect sarcasm very well.




OT: There are probably alien life forms out there, but it's pure speculation in a sea of hoaxes and the influence of Photoshop. I'm keeping an open mind, but I'm not accepting.

~ W ~



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Youd have to be pretty naive to categorically say 100% that extra terrestrial life does not exist. The ods are incredibly slim but the number of planet in the universe is immense which practically make humans being the only life an impossibility. Of course i dont believe that they are visiting us in UFOs but that doesn't make me a disbeliever.




Humans are the only life? That must mean that my cat is dead...




OT: I guess I do. There's a good chance that, with all the planets out there, there is life outside Earth.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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I'll learn about alien life the day it's proven to exists. That's quick enough for me. I'm not in a hurry, I have no need to jump to conclusions.


How long are you gonna keep this up? The irony is unbearable.




Actually thinking about it the irony really is phenomenal. But anyway.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Belief in ghosts and aliens are quite similar if you only look at the aspect of lack of evidence. Therefore I value UFO sightings about the same as ghosts sightings.


And I agree. But this isn't about anecdotal evidence, but the mathematical reasoning behind each. We're not arguing that they've visited Earth, just that the odds that there is other [intelligient] life in the universe is as close to 100% as you can get. Ghosts, on the other hand, have no proof as of yet, and because of their supernatural base there is no way to mathematicaly analyze the probability that they exist somewhere in the universe. Therein lies the problem with comparing the two.




Of course if scientists claim that they've found life in the universe and have sufficient evidence, I won't have any good reasons not to believe in it. But until then, I just won't.


Why? The odds are staggering. No need to childishly clutch on to dogma until you see everything with your own eyes. If you did that, you'd never learn, or at least you'd learn very slowly and only from your own experiences.


I'll learn about alien life the day it's proven to exists. That's quick enough for me. I'm not in a hurry, I have no need to jump to conclusions.




I guess it's no surprise your way of thinking is completely backwards compared to mine. You have no qualms in defending the reliability of supernatural concepts and dismissing natural ones when 1) the supernatural have no way of being proven where as the natural do, and; 2) you cite lack of evidence for alien life as reason not to believe in it when there is mathematical reasoning, which is more [indirect] evidence than any supernatural conept ever will have. :-k

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There could be creatures in other galaxies, but I think when we come there, or they come here. We won't even be able to contact them because they most likely use a very different kind of sense organ to contact each other.


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