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92 herb ............................check

zammy spear................. check

1k sara brews................ check

500 super restores....... check




95 pray .............................check :thumbsup:


time for corpal beast


Only need 3 more herblore levels before you can enter Otg, the elite monster hunting Corporeal beast pwning clan. Oh and you need 2 referals... >_>


Why do they have a 95 herb req? You can make overloads at 92...


Cheapest level you can make OL's cheaply and quickly is 93. They probably have a high Req so people can make OL's with greenman ales, not just stews.

That would make sense if you couldn't tell if they were using overloads or not but um... Overloads have an animation when you use them so why not let the people save money and use them at level 92 herb.

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It's their clan, they can make their own reqs. Get over it.


I know and I certainly don't plan on joining or care about it I'm just saying that's a little weird that they require it.

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It's their clan, they can make their own reqs. Get over it.


I know and I certainly don't plan on joining or care about it I'm just saying that's a little weird that they require it.


So if you don't want to join, and don't care, why feel the need to rant about it?


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It's their clan, they can make their own reqs. Get over it.


I know and I certainly don't plan on joining or care about it I'm just saying that's a little weird that they require it.


So if you don't want to join, and don't care, why feel the need to rant about it?

Did I ever say I was mad about it? No, I was just wondering why they require that. Why do some people on this website feel the need to post just because they want to be an [wagon]? A post just wondering something and saying it's a little weird isn't a rant, it's a statement.


But anyway I can see nobody is going to figure out I was just wondering something just don't reply to this. It's just going to lead to someone saying "omfg get over it you don't have 95 herb that's why you're mad" which is incorrect in two ways, I don't want to join and I'm not mad.

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93 isn't anymore efficient to make overloads than 92. At 92, I made almost 500 overloads in about 30 mins.


+4 in stews is A LOT rarer than +3. You can expect a +3 every few drink, but +4 is very uncommon. I tried stewing to ext range pots at 88 herblore, and I barely ever got a +4 boost. Once you get it, however, you can log out and constantly make some, but I have a bank pin...

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93 isn't anymore efficient to make overloads than 92. At 92, I made almost 500 overloads in about 30 mins.


+4 in stews is A LOT rarer than +3. You can expect a +3 every few drink, but +4 is very uncommon. I tried stewing to ext range pots at 88 herblore, and I barely ever got a +4 boost. Once you get it, however, you can log out and constantly make some, but I have a bank pin...

This. The last time I made any overloads, I used about twenty or so stews. Only got the +4 bonus once and the +3 bonus probably five times. I could have just been unlucky, but it makes a huge difference anyway. :?


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Thats stupid, why do they care, its just like height reqs on rides i mean seriously im gonna fall off a rollercoaster cause im 1 inch shorter?


Maybe not, but if something did happen and you fell out someone would get sued for your stupidity. A price worth paying perhaps.

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93 isn't anymore efficient to make overloads than 92. At 92, I made almost 500 overloads in about 30 mins.


+4 in stews is A LOT rarer than +3. You can expect a +3 every few drink, but +4 is very uncommon. I tried stewing to ext range pots at 88 herblore, and I barely ever got a +4 boost. Once you get it, however, you can log out and constantly make some, but I have a bank pin...


WTF have you been smoking? +4 is 1/10...


And even with pin, I can make 1.5 invies before it drops one level, of normal x pots. OVS you make fewer, so its even faster.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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93 isn't anymore efficient to make overloads than 92. At 92, I made almost 500 overloads in about 30 mins.


+4 in stews is A LOT rarer than +3. You can expect a +3 every few drink, but +4 is very uncommon. I tried stewing to ext range pots at 88 herblore, and I barely ever got a +4 boost. Once you get it, however, you can log out and constantly make some, but I have a bank pin...


WTF have you been smoking? +4 is 1/10...


And even with pin, I can make 1.5 invies before it drops one level, of normal x pots. OVS you make fewer, so its even faster.


Exactly... 1/10 is rare. I suppose you only need to get it once, though. I could still make a ton more with 93 herblore (well, obviously), with a lot less trouble. I guess I'm saying this because I have no issues with blowing a crap load of money on herblore anyway (going for 99), so doesn't apply to most people.



Edit: It's also almost 4/20... So there

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93 isn't anymore efficient to make overloads than 92. At 92, I made almost 500 overloads in about 30 mins.


+4 in stews is A LOT rarer than +3. You can expect a +3 every few drink, but +4 is very uncommon. I tried stewing to ext range pots at 88 herblore, and I barely ever got a +4 boost. Once you get it, however, you can log out and constantly make some, but I have a bank pin...


WTF have you been smoking? +4 is 1/10...


And even with pin, I can make 1.5 invies before it drops one level, of normal x pots. OVS you make fewer, so its even faster.


Exactly... 1/10 is rare. I suppose you only need to get it once, though. I could still make a ton more with 93 herblore (well, obviously), with a lot less trouble. I guess I'm saying this because I have no issues with blowing a crap load of money on herblore anyway (going for 99), so doesn't apply to most people.



Edit: It's also almost 4/20... So there


10% is not rare dude.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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93 isn't anymore efficient to make overloads than 92. At 92, I made almost 500 overloads in about 30 mins.


+4 in stews is A LOT rarer than +3. You can expect a +3 every few drink, but +4 is very uncommon. I tried stewing to ext range pots at 88 herblore, and I barely ever got a +4 boost. Once you get it, however, you can log out and constantly make some, but I have a bank pin...


WTF have you been smoking? +4 is 1/10...


And even with pin, I can make 1.5 invies before it drops one level, of normal x pots. OVS you make fewer, so its even faster.


Exactly... 1/10 is rare. I suppose you only need to get it once, though. I could still make a ton more with 93 herblore (well, obviously), with a lot less trouble. I guess I'm saying this because I have no issues with blowing a crap load of money on herblore anyway (going for 99), so doesn't apply to most people.



Edit: It's also almost 4/20... So there


10% is not rare dude.



It's rare enough? It'd be a pain to make so many stews just for a small time to make pots, but that's just me. Read the second part of my post.

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93 isn't anymore efficient to make overloads than 92. At 92, I made almost 500 overloads in about 30 mins.


+4 in stews is A LOT rarer than +3. You can expect a +3 every few drink, but +4 is very uncommon. I tried stewing to ext range pots at 88 herblore, and I barely ever got a +4 boost. Once you get it, however, you can log out and constantly make some, but I have a bank pin...


WTF have you been smoking? +4 is 1/10...


And even with pin, I can make 1.5 invies before it drops one level, of normal x pots. OVS you make fewer, so its even faster.


Exactly... 1/10 is rare. I suppose you only need to get it once, though. I could still make a ton more with 93 herblore (well, obviously), with a lot less trouble. I guess I'm saying this because I have no issues with blowing a crap load of money on herblore anyway (going for 99), so doesn't apply to most people.



Edit: It's also almost 4/20... So there


10% is not rare dude.



It's rare enough? It'd be a pain to make so many stews just for a small time to make pots, but that's just me. Read the second part of my post.


Yo guys it doesn't matter. OTG applications are closed for now. (fffuuuuu just got 95 herblore)

Dragon drops: 82 (2 claws)

Dagannoth kings drops: 73

Barrows item count: 51

GWD drops: 54 (5 hilts: 1x bandos, 3x saradomin, 1x zamorak)

Whips: 4

Sigils: 1x spectral (FFA), 1x arcane (FFA)

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[hide=quote train]

It's their clan, they can make their own reqs. Get over it.


I know and I certainly don't plan on joining or care about it I'm just saying that's a little weird that they require it.


So if you don't want to join, and don't care, why feel the need to rant about it?

Did I ever say I was mad about it? No, I was just wondering why they require that. Why do some people on this website feel the need to post just because they want to be an [wagon]? A post just wondering something and saying it's a little weird isn't a rant, it's a statement.


But anyway I can see nobody is going to figure out I was just wondering something just don't reply to this. It's just going to lead to someone saying "omfg get over it you don't have 95 herb that's why you're mad" which is incorrect in two ways, I don't want to join and I'm not mad.



omfg get over it you don't have 95 herb that's why you're mad

I like getting hard when I PK


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Does this Evil Tree look, bugged? :mellow:

Barrows Items: 1x Dharok's Platelegs, 1x Veracs's Plateskirt, 1x Dharok's Greataxe, 2x Torag's Platelegs, 1x Akrisae's War Mace, 1x Ahrim's Robeskirt, 3x Akrisae's Robetop, 1x Guthan's Warspear, 1x Akrisae's Robeskirt, 1x Torag's Helm, 2x Verac's Brassard, 1x Karil's Pistol Crossbow


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+4 in stews is A LOT rarer than +3. You can expect a +3 every few drink, but +4 is very uncommon. I tried stewing to ext range pots at 88 herblore, and I barely ever got a +4 boost. Once you get it, however, you can log out and constantly make some, but I have a bank pin...


I thought OTG made 95+ req because Jagex fixed the "relog" thing(If you log out the timer doesn't restart anymore). At least so i was told by some OTG OPs on irc when they changed the reqs.


"Happines only real when shared."





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