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rofl at my siggy....the last goal






fail sig is fail.



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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83 slayer here I come :thumbsup:






Did u try to edit your name out? If so we can still see it from your information on under TIF username. If not i am a noob but grats on 100 task in a row, 100 more now :thumbsup:


1593th to 99 Farming - July 08.

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Can some1 explain manage thy kingdom to me...I looked over a guide but it was confusing :)


basically, u put money into ur "kingdom". every 24hrs it updates and ur slav----i mean workers get resources u can sell/use. with just throne of misc. done, u spend 50k a day and have 10 workers. with royal trouble u spend up to 75k a day with 15 workers. each day 10% of money (coffers) is taken out. that goes towards workers gathering stuff. to get max efficiency and max amount of resources gathered, you should try to keep approval rating at 100%. u can do this by helping out the workers gather stuff, like cut a maple tree or mine coal or fish swordies. but only on the island.

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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Can some1 explain manage thy kingdom to me...I looked over a guide but it was confusing :)


basically, u put money into ur "kingdom". every 24hrs it updates and ur slav----i mean workers get resources u can sell/use. with just throne of misc. done, u spend 50k a day and have 10 workers. with royal trouble u spend up to 75k a day with 15 workers. each day 10% of money (coffers) is taken out. that goes towards workers gathering stuff. to get max efficiency and max amount of resources gathered, you should try to keep approval rating at 100%. u can do this by helping out the workers gather stuff, like cut a maple tree or mine coal or fish swordies. but only on the island.




Thanks Bro

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this is my rarest drop on my tank so far \' :thumbsup:




and if u cant read it it took 5 kills lol




now just gotta get 38 construction on it to use it lmao

98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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Look at chat box








Shook my head irl :-# and left.


sad...just sad. how much was he dropping?


[hide=1.1m Reward]2u5qemw.png[/hide]


I'm serious, 4th Treasure trail in a row that I got a god page.


hax :o what's that ladder by the gem rocks? I don't recall that ever being there...

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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[hide=1.1m Reward]2u5qemw.png[/hide]


I'm serious, 4th Treasure trail in a row that I got a god page.


hax :o what's that ladder by the gem rocks? I don't recall that ever being there...


When you have Karamja Gloves 3 and you can teleport to the underground gem mine, when you climb out of the ladder the ladder is still there.



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One step closer to 1700 total; 7 levels left...





7,436th to 99 fishing on July 13, 2008


[hide=Quotes that I lol'd at]

the day the fantastic four come into runescape, i will eat my socks.

what kind of topic is this. ihaven't read it yet

but i now it must be stupid.

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