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Hmmmm.... Maybe all of those haters out there finally got to her. The person that got 99 Def at 48 Combat brought down by the people we call haters. No I don't hate or like Defil3d. And in case you are wondering this vid WAS made by Defil3d herself. You probably want to say this video is fake but guess what, her stats don't appear in the hiscores.




Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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i hope she comes back and gets appealed

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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Hmmmm.... Maybe all of those haters out there finally got to her. The person that got 99 Def at 48 Combat brought down by the people we call haters. No I don't hate or like Defil3d. And in case you are wondering this vid WAS made by Defil3d herself. You probably want to say this video is fake but guess what, her stats don't appear in the hiscores.






BAHAHAH OWNED I HATED her stupid botting life :D


Thanks mods I lost all my record of my 99's GF

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Hmmmm.... Maybe all of those haters out there finally got to her. The person that got 99 Def at 48 Combat brought down by the people we call haters. No I don't hate or like Defil3d. And in case you are wondering this vid WAS made by Defil3d herself. You probably want to say this video is fake but guess what, her stats don't appear in the hiscores.






Pretty glad that's the end of HIM. It wasn't haters that brought him down, it was him being in love with himself that did.


Perhaps we should be celebrating. Another rulebreaker finished. Account sharing and macroing isn't good.




EDIT: Calzer, LRN2EDITPOST! God, your replies make me facepalm sometimes.





RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Who is it?




I think shes the first or one of the first def pure, meaning 1 att 1 str 99 def and something hp or w/e. Extremly popular but IDC if shes banned, even if she did the highest solo damage on corporeal beast...1004 or 1006 damage solo on vid)

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Hmmmm.... Maybe all of those haters out there finally got to her. The person that got 99 Def at 48 Combat brought down by the people we call haters. No I don't hate or like Defil3d. And in case you are wondering this vid WAS made by Defil3d herself. You probably want to say this video is fake but guess what, her stats don't appear in the hiscores.






Pretty glad that's the end of HIM. It wasn't haters that brought him down, it was him being in love with himself that did.


Perhaps we should be celebrating. Another rulebreaker finished. Account sharing and macroing isn't good.




EDIT: Calzer, LRN2EDITPOST! God, your replies make me facepalm sometimes.








Couldn't find a link with an Embed Code but meh...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwEMxYgg ... 1&index=26

Link to Forum Games signature.

[hide=TIFer Quotes]

This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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Hmmmm.... Maybe all of those haters out there finally got to her. The person that got 99 Def at 48 Combat brought down by the people we call haters. No I don't hate or like Defil3d. And in case you are wondering this vid WAS made by Defil3d herself. You probably want to say this video is fake but guess what, her stats don't appear in the hiscores.






Pretty glad that's the end of HIM. It wasn't haters that brought him down, it was him being in love with himself that did.


Perhaps we should be celebrating. Another rulebreaker finished. Account sharing and macroing isn't good.




EDIT: Calzer, LRN2EDITPOST! God, your replies make me facepalm sometimes.








Couldn't find a link with an Embed Code but meh...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwEMxYgg ... 1&index=26


She botted and shared accounts? Now you gave me a reason to celebrate good times, come on!


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Hmmmm.... Maybe all of those haters out there finally got to her. The person that got 99 Def at 48 Combat brought down by the people we call haters. No I don't hate or like Defil3d. And in case you are wondering this vid WAS made by Defil3d herself. You probably want to say this video is fake but guess what, her stats don't appear in the hiscores.






Pretty glad that's the end of HIM. It wasn't haters that brought him down, it was him being in love with himself that did.


Perhaps we should be celebrating. Another rulebreaker finished. Account sharing and macroing isn't good.




EDIT: Calzer, LRN2EDITPOST! God, your replies make me facepalm sometimes.








Couldn't find a link with an Embed Code but meh...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwEMxYgg ... 1&index=26


She botted and shared accounts? Now you gave me a reason to celebrate good times, come on!




Now, that video replie's worth using the "LMFAO" acronym. (Owner of the video's not allowed it to be embedded. :( )




@brunokiller, your video was plain epic. Made me lost the game, but it was totally worth it.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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When I heard defil3d was banned this afternoon, the only thing I could think of was GG SIR.




And bruno, <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


[hide=For bruno]<333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333



















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When I heard defil3d was banned this afternoon, the only thing I could think of was GG SIR.




And bruno, <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


[hide=For bruno]<333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333























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When I heard defil3d was banned this afternoon, the only thing I could think of was GG SIR.




Who's Defil3d? I know she was the first defence pure, but why is she banned?


For breaking these rules repeatedly on purpose:




Rule 1 (Offensive Language): Five times with one successful appeal.


Rule 7 (Third Party Software): Once.


Rule 9 (Encouraging Others to Break Rules): Twice with one successful appeal.


Rule 13 (Personal Details): Four times with two successful appeals.




Apparently she did it "for the lulz".


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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It's spreading fast that you can't even buy em near max. :wall:

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Pk vid 2 \'






hehe cant wait for vid 3 already ::' ::'<3:






uhoh...using the new noob combo for a 3 hit kO with maul...i wanna c u die :P

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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Hmmmm.... Maybe all of those haters out there finally got to her. The person that got 99 Def at 48 Combat brought down by the people we call haters. No I don't hate or like Defil3d. And in case you are wondering this vid WAS made by Defil3d herself. You probably want to say this video is fake but guess what, her stats don't appear in the hiscores.






Pretty glad that's the end of HIM. It wasn't haters that brought him down, it was him being in love with himself that did.


Perhaps we should be celebrating. Another rulebreaker finished. Account sharing and macroing isn't good.




EDIT: Calzer, LRN2EDITPOST! God, your replies make me facepalm sometimes.








Couldn't find a link with an Embed Code but meh...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwEMxYgg ... 1&index=26


She botted and shared accounts? Now you gave me a reason to celebrate good times, come on!




Now, that video replie's worth using the "LMFAO" acronym. (Owner of the video's not allowed it to be embedded. :( )




@brunokiller, your video was plain epic. Made me lost the game, but it was totally worth it.




HMPH I've never been more insulted :evil: :evil: :evil:


Thanks mods I lost all my record of my 99's GF

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Happy face. Thank you very much.






You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


Important Slayer Drops: masks-8, leafbladed sword, gmaul-3

Important treasure trail rewards: zammy page 1(3), rune kite g, zammy crozier, sara mitre, sara dhide, rune helm h1, guth page 4(2), zammy full helm, guth legs(3), sara chaps, guth page 3, zammy legs(2), and sara full helm, zammy pl8, zammy page 2, rune cane, sara page, sara crozier, zammy crozier, guth coif

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