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got bored, got a lv1 clue from kingdom




got this




funny thing is, last lvl 3 clue i got yew comps and rune brutals...




You can get yew composites from lv 3's?


apparently... #-o

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100 seeds, 1.1m in harvest.


FARMING!!!!!!!! <3:

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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yes, pvp vid 4 is finally here




WARNING: Some viewers may not like big boy music and may preffer to listen to there favourite Brittany Spears cd while watching this video, if this is the case, why not just hit mute :D Also some pking in this video may scare young pkers.




I use a range of different weapons and such in this video




there is a clip at the end featuring bruno and yea :D hope you all enjoy.





Big boy music, lol.




Angry little kid music :D

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[hide=Big Picture]

So i heard i was stuck on a random lololol








Lol? how did you get out?





He clicked D, none of the above. :P


(Its B) :-w








More ancient pictures.


Me killing elvarg. :thumbsup:





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guy(and girls) if you would please stop posting from rshumor i would aprciate it. i haven't taken it up with a mod yet but i think it is unessesary to post them here. sure they are funny but they are all readily found on a different website and only take up space here. ...and if it isn't really taken care of i am prepared to post for every one i find a little funny(yay 900 free posts)




wtf, you come in here with your whole 3 posts and tell us what to do? The title of the thread is post ALL RS screenshots...rshumor pics = rs screenshots....so stfu tbh...




[/troll feeding]

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2 hours of dp :thumbup:




O MY <3:








Nice, where do you get your dp at? I'm just curious



Think those doors are found in Ardy.

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I like farming.







Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I like farming.









Holy crapc thats a lot :shock:




And then in the TIF spotter thread your'e talkin bout him gonna farm them all LMAO


He is crazay...thuogh a rich crazy person...who i want fr33 stoff from 8-)


Visit my blog! Click the madness for more madness!

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