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Musky and Bruno. The Bonnie and Clyde of PKing. I wonder who would win in a fight...




I think I've beaten bruno more times in fights, but he's a better ags+blitz rusher...


Doesn't matter anyway, we don't fight <333.

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Musky and Bruno. The Bonnie and Clyde of PKing. I wonder who would win in a fight...




I think I've beaten bruno more times in fights, but he's a better ags+blitz rusher...


Doesn't matter anyway, we don't fight <333.


How can you be better at something that is luck based?




I mean, everybody can put on piety, protect from melee, protect item, do an ice blitz, and click attack, while having special on, right?




Surviving longer fights, changing prayers and gear quickly, etc, is another thing.

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Musky and Bruno. The Bonnie and Clyde of PKing. I wonder who would win in a fight...




I think I've beaten bruno more times in fights, but he's a better ags+blitz rusher...


Doesn't matter anyway, we don't fight <333.


How can you be better at something that is luck based?




I mean, everybody can put on piety, protect from melee, protect item, do an ice blitz, and click attack, while having special on, right?




Surviving longer fights, changing prayers and gear quickly, etc, is another thing.




Hybriding? Farcasting? Praying? Those are all easy things to do. I don't think getting an ags and 99 attack and strength is easy, on the other hand.

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Finally got these two... Ruined the second picture because i accidentally saved it in jpg :S :(










"Happines only real when shared."





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Just logged into me second made account, Was just doing nothing and desided to check the friend list. I remembered a name and thought it was my account. So tryd logging in and...





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Just logged into me second made account, Was just doing nothing and desided to check the friend list. I remembered a name and thought it was my account. So tryd logging in and...








Anyway, first ever:







138 Combat as of Summer 2010 - Retired Summer 2010

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Musky and Bruno. The Bonnie and Clyde of PKing. I wonder who would win in a fight...




I think I've beaten bruno more times in fights, but he's a better ags+blitz rusher...


Doesn't matter anyway, we don't fight <333.


How can you be better at something that is luck based?




I mean, everybody can put on piety, protect from melee, protect item, do an ice blitz, and click attack, while having special on, right?




Surviving longer fights, changing prayers and gear quickly, etc, is another thing.




Hybriding? Farcasting? Praying? Those are all easy things to do. I don't think getting an ags and 99 attack and strength is easy, on the other hand.




Oh, so Bruno is good at clicking monsters for a long time and making money. Hmm :-)




I never pk and I find the hybriding and farcasting pretty darn hard. On the other hand, I could buy several AGS's.

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Image removed. Please do not post screenshots that contain fowl language. All post content must coincide with our G-rating. ~tripsis




It's sort of rs related LOL



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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Image removed. Please do not post screenshots that contain fowl language. All post content must coincide with our G-rating. ~tripsis




It's sort of rs related LOL




Gf me x2



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I think people really underestimate how much money you can make from the giant mole.




[hide=Mole Loot]This is all from 70 prayer (my max).




Not one prayer pot sipped, only some strength and attack potions were used.





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This is kinda runescape related. Our clan had a karokee(?) event. Here a few. lol




Kov - Chocolate Rain http://www.zshare.net/audio/5981316794ca0d4f/


Lew - Milkshakes http://www.zshare.net/audio/598136724a8d6b71/




Man our clan rocks.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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