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Parents,8year olds, and swearing


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Ok, I was 10 when I started playing. I did not ever beg, swear, or just act like a 6 year old. I admit that I did not read the rules when I started, and I don't even know if there was an age restriction back then.




When did you start playing? The age restriction has been enforced for a while now..




Even if you didn't partake in the activities described, you still lied. :roll:


Well, if lying makes you immature, everyone is immature. There's a flaw in what you're saying.




Yes.. none of us are completely mature. I'm just pointing out that the twelve year olds lied from the beginning, witch proves their immaturity. Should Jagex round up all the people who lie and ban them from the game? No.. that is not practical..




I'd rather you not bring religion into this, it's a touchy subject for most people..


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Dragon of the Day


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I started playing this game before the "age block" came out.Though,when I was 10 years old I wasn't playing T games I was playing M games (though they were offline, so the consequences for other people weren't as severe).

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O.k for a while now young players have been bi-passing the age filter.It says you need to be 13 to play, but do they care?No, because they all need their fix of games that are to old and mature for them.That's what's been happening recently.




Kids nowadays don't play Mario or nintendo because they are "lame".They'd rather stick with stuff that's overage for them like Grand Theft Auto or Halo or some crap like that.These people who play those games come to this one and ignore the almost ESRB rating of the game.




So what's so bad about kids joining this game?When they get hacked they instantly complain to Jagex about it with parents saying "Why did my sons account get hacked?".The reason it got hacked was probably because the little bastard tried to download a hack for a game that is to "hard" for him.




Parents don't know about the age filter.Their child say's "It's a kids game".No, club penguin is a kids game.This is a Teen game.Which means,parents, that there WILL BE SWEARING IN THIS GAME.I've heard about parents complaining about the swearing a lot, and they don't seem to understand this.




I can swear as much as I dam want you little [wagon].I can go around lumbridge flaring the F-bomb without much of a problem.In fact they SHOULDN'T be able to ban me for it, because it's blocked.To bad jagex thinks teens parents mind if they're swearing.Unless the parent is watching em, the parent is not gonna find out.




What's with 8 year olds playing anyways?I don't understand what hyperactive kid's want with a slow game like this.You'd think they'd be playing Tetris,Doom, or some other violent shooting game.It's what most of our generation wants these days.So...why?Is it because they can't find any other games?Are their parents against violence?If so, doesn't this game count as violence?




What's strange to me is how parents rate violence.Violence is violence people!Even if their isn't any blood in a game, it doesn't mean the thing I killed isn't dead.It's still dead...just slightly less graphic.




So parents stop letting your kids play this game...especially if you don't want them to learn how to swear.This game is like weed,crack, or some other kind of drug to these kids.When little kids play they don't know when to stop...do you want your child to gain a addictive personality?I don't think you do. :evil:






So what? Some kids like this stuff; they learn about it anyways, so let them go! Unless you're a concerned parent, I wouldn't give a darn if my kid played the games. I just tell him/her "These games aren't real, so everything they show you is a fake world."




That's all it takes.


Ex-Assistant of Gold Works| Colors of the Heart

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Imo, the underaged group were spoiled with swearing and inexplicit stuff already in school or rl in the first place. Knowing that there is a punishment to swearing in skool, or testing this new power, they apply it to an unrealistic environment, online-game, Runescape.




Funny thing is they don't have a clue when they swear (check in the dictionary), does that actually mean funny, does it hurt others' feelings?




Going back to the roots, you find out that its his/ her peers who introduced those sickening words. who started swearing.





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unfortunatly Zeahessen your not a parent by my understanding so its not as simple as telling them the difference. but one major floor in runescape is the morals that players have, now like me you could be nice to at least 85% of players you encounter or like a hermit hate them all but the way you treat people in a virtual world DOES have a impact on your personallity. one boy at my school is WoW obbsessed and claims all this crap about having heaps of lv 70 accounts etc ( i dont play and only know by knowledge that 70 is the max level) and all this arrogant talk, to me, its rather pathetic you compaire a game to reality. we dont blacksmith (unless like me you enjoy as a hobby) or kill monsters, do quests besides your chores etc. in reality you can only rely on yourself and your understanding of society because arrogance will only get you a head bounty as to how many spit-balls can fit on your ego.




as to whoever stated the "allow mild swearing" is a dope because that is only going to make the maturity matters worse, although i wish they would un-block "dam".




and to the poster somewere on page 2 or 3 involving the whole "get rid of kids; there [puncture]s etc" you my friend are the kind of people who ruin online games by simply pointing the finger at a player and accuse them of what you belive. no wonder i disable microphone on 1st person shooters, all i hear is swearing and noob screamed through it.




PS:Str4lif3, your english was spot on. ::'


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Kids nowadays don't play Mario or nintendo because they are "lame".They'd rather stick with stuff that's overage for them like Grand Theft Auto or Halo or some crap like that.These people who play those games come to this one and ignore the almost ESRB rating of the game.




So what's so bad about kids joining this game?When they get hacked they instantly complain to Jagex about it with parents saying "Why did my sons account get hacked?".The reason it got hacked was probably because the little bastard tried to download a hack for a game that is to "hard" for him.




I can swear as much as I dam want you little [wagon].I can go around lumbridge flaring the F-bomb without much of a problem.In fact they SHOULDN'T be able to ban me for it, because it's blocked.To bad jagex thinks teens parents mind if they're swearing.Unless the parent is watching em, the parent is not gonna find out.




What's with 8 year olds playing anyways?I don't understand what hyperactive kid's want with a slow game like this.You'd think they'd be playing Tetris,Doom, or some other violent shooting game.It's what most of our generation wants these days.So...why?Is it because they can't find any other games?Are their parents against violence?If so, doesn't this game count as violence?




What's strange to me is how parents rate violence.Violence is violence people!Even if their isn't any blood in a game, it doesn't mean the thing I killed isn't dead.It's still dead...just slightly less graphic.




So parents stop letting your kids play this game...especially if you don't want them to learn how to swear.This game is like weed,crack, or some other kind of drug to these kids.When little kids play they don't know when to stop...do you want your child to gain a addictive personality?I don't think you do. :evil:




1) Grand Theft Auto isn't really "played" by younger ones. Sure they play it, but they can't do most of the missions, and I doubt they'd be able to play Halo right.




2) I doubt any sane parent will complain because their little dear's account was hacked when Jagex didn't do it.




3) Go swear like that infront of your parents, or better yet swear like a sailor infront of the police, see if they let you get away with it. (You'd get slapped with an offence of Breach of The Peace, compare Rule 1 as that)




4) You can rate violence, look at The Simpsons Game, no blood, only the NPC falling over and disappearing with a halo floating up. (Yeah I know its a 12+ but theres language and sex references aswell, heck even the series is only rated PG most of the time.)




5) You can't compare an online game to a hardcore drug, people who do that are morons.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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To bad jagex thinks teens parents mind if they're swearing.Unless the parent is watching em, the parent is not gonna find out.




I agree completely, the only problem is that common sense and real life practicality rarely enters the law.




I'll make the point that I find the American stance on swearing totally ridiculous, people are going to say S*** when they stub they're toe, they're going to tell drunk people shouting at them at parties to [ink cartridge] off, it's a fact of life, and it's not a real issue.


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In all honesty, I've met some 8 year olds in this game who have more maturity than majority of the teenagers themselves. I think it's fine they play if they are mature enough to handle it.




As for the parents, they are protective of children they just want to bring them up right. The point is you don't need to spout off profanity as every second word you say. It's not cool and it's not nice.




The fact is, teenagers eventually graduate and go to college/university. Then time is up as most stop playing the game. Whereas children still have a good 10 years on them to play. It's more money.




4) You can rate violence, look at The Simpsons Game, no blood, only the NPC falling over and disappearing with a halo floating up. (Yeah I know its a 12+ but theres language and sex references aswell, heck even the series is only rated PG most of the time.)




Children will not get those references alot of the time. It'll just be a swing and a miss.


Proud Tip.It Moderator December 07 - October 2009
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In all honesty, I've met some 8 year olds in this game who have more maturity than majority of the teenagers themselves. I think it's fine they play if they are mature enough to handle it.




"Mature" isn't the word to use in description of this group of people. These children are not mature, mature means that a person has experience, experience in life and day to day living. This group, thanks to their parents' has a degree of sensibility and some ability at carrying themselves in a social society so basic as Runescape where at the click of a button an annoying person can be silienced with ease. A "mature" eight year old player of Runescape may find themselves apt to conducting themselves well in the company of light-hearted an mature adults but they are certainly not mature in the sense that you could place them in an environment such as a group of fifteen year olds and expect them to be on the same level of consiousness.


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In all honesty, I've met some 8 year olds in this game who have more maturity than majority of the teenagers themselves. I think it's fine they play if they are mature enough to handle it.




"Mature" isn't the word to use in description of this group of people. These children are not mature, mature means that a person has experience, experience in life and day to day living. This group, thanks to their parents' has a degree of sensibility and some ability at carrying themselves in a social society so basic as Runescape where at the click of a button an annoying person can be silienced with ease. A "mature" eight year old player of Runescape may find themselves apt to conducting themselves well in the company of light-hearted an mature adults but they are certainly not mature in the sense that you could place them in an environment such as a group of fifteen year olds and expect them to be on the same level of consiousness.




Who are you to state that these people don't have experience? Age means nothing, you can be 5 and have experienced alot more than someone of the age of 30. I would not want an 8 year old to be on the same level os consciousness because that would be a downgrade in most cases.




All i was saying was that I've met some 8 year olds who are better behaved than alot of teenagers.


Proud Tip.It Moderator December 07 - October 2009
Proud TETAU Member 2006 - 2007 <3
"I had a standing agreement with god. I'd agree to believe in him, barely, so long as he let me sleep in on Sundays." - Rose Hathaway
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I don't doubt that you have met some better behaved eight year olds, though that is very different from maturity, maturity is the ability to control your behaviour with your own volition, most eight year olds, and I'm not being unfair in saying it, are incapabale of this, for they are eight years old.


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All my spelling is 99.9% correct, thank you very much.




EDIT: I see I missed the 'n' key in the word, in. Like I said, my spelling is 99.9% correct, unlike yours.




Quick extract from the debate on grammar and spelling which is ever raging on the internet. The reason for which this subject is so commonly debated on the internet is because it is one of the few things to turn to once the subject of the debate begins to wear thin, or when one side begins to lose. It is nice to see decent grammar and decent spelling, though it is not necessary to expect perfection, I have practice, and I do English for A-Level and therefore I don't really need to put too much effort in to achieve it. The occasional 'to' instead of 'too' when describing an over abundance of pkers in the level 33 wildy is not to be used as material in your debate. When I use the wrong wording or slightly wrong grammar in an essay or debate or general argument it is incredibly frustrating to have to explain why it doesn't matter every time someone picks a whole in my argument, mainly due to the fact that they're losing and have little to go on themselves.


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All my spelling is 99.9% correct, thank you very much.




EDIT: I see I missed the 'n' key in the word, in. Like I said, my spelling is 99.9% correct, unlike yours.




Quick extract from the debate on grammar and spelling which is ever raging on the internet. The reason for which this subject is so commonly debated on the internet is because it is one of the few things to turn to once the subject of the debate begins to wear thin, or when one side begins to lose. It is nice to see decent grammar and decent spelling, though it is not necessary to expect perfection, I have practice, and I do English for A-Level and therefore I don't really need to put too much effort in to achieve it. The occasional 'to' instead of 'too' when describing an over abundance of pkers in the level 33 wildy is not to be used as material in your debate. When I use the wrong wording or slightly wrong grammar in an essay or debate or general argument it is incredibly frustrating to have to explain why it doesn't matter every time someone picks a whole in my argument, mainly due to the fact that they're losing and have little to go on themselves.




Whatever happened to satire and humor? :roll:


I wasn't even talking to you in the first place!




Did you even bother to read the ENTIRE post!? Including the quoted parts..? The person was being a hypocrite... -.-


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Kids nowadays don't play Mario or nintendo because they are "lame".They'd rather stick with stuff that's overage for them like Grand Theft Auto or Halo or some crap like that.These people who play those games come to this one and ignore the almost ESRB rating of the game.




ARGH! Halo is not crap! I was 12 when the game came out, and I still love it!



The reason it got hacked was probably because the little bastard tried to download a hack for a game that is to "hard" for him.


Rofl, very well put. You seem to use 'bastard' a lot, don't you?




What's with 8 year olds playing anyways?I don't understand what hyperactive kid's want with a slow game like this.You'd think they'd be playing Tetris,Doom, or some other violent shooting game.It's what most of our generation wants these days.So...why?Is it because they can't find any other games?Are their parents against violence?If so, doesn't this game count as violence?


Just to point out the obvious, Tetris isn't a violent shooter game.... Also, didn't you just say kids don't play old games anymore...?


All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

This is the truth!

This is my belief!

...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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I am 50/50 on this. It all depends on their IQ really. I admit, I am 1 year underaged for this game. It really does not bother me at all. I have a friend that played RuneScape when he was in the second grade! He is a staight A student who NEVER curses. I see the immaturity of the community, but I cannot agree that they are all 13-. It all depends on their IQ. Instread of a 13 year age restriction, Jagex should make a quiz to tell if your IQ is higher than 50 :anxious: \' :XD:




:lol: half the players would get banned if that were the case.


All against the new updates, don't log in!

But I want to play... What if I log in, but put all my chats on 'off' so they don't know I'm on.

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I am 50/50 on this. It all depends on their IQ really. I admit, I am 1 year underaged for this game. It really does not bother me at all. I have a friend that played RuneScape when he was in the second grade! He is a staight A student who NEVER curses. I see the immaturity of the community, but I cannot agree that they are all 13-. It all depends on their IQ. Instread of a 13 year age restriction, Jagex should make a quiz to tell if your IQ is higher than 50 :anxious: \' :XD:




:lol: half the players would get banned if that were the case.


Only half?

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I am 50/50 on this. It all depends on their IQ really. I admit, I am 1 year underaged for this game. It really does not bother me at all. I have a friend that played RuneScape when he was in the second grade! He is a staight A student who NEVER curses. I see the immaturity of the community, but I cannot agree that they are all 13-. It all depends on their IQ. Instread of a 13 year age restriction, Jagex should make a quiz to tell if your IQ is higher than 50 :anxious: \' :XD:




:lol: half the players would get banned if that were the case.


Only half?

Ya, more like %80 of the population if we rated it by how they acted...scammers,bots, beggars...man there'd be barely any players left!._. tell me if I may be exagerating
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Man,this is an awesome rant.Non-sarcastically.I mean it!I don't see why we shouldn't be able to swear.I mean,if they don't know what the word means,they won't know its a bad word.If they don't know its a bad word,they're not likely to go around saying "Hey,you're such a *insert swear here*!"




If you told say a 4-year old "God" was a bad word he'd probably call people God wouldn't he?Anyways,just to add onto what I probably would have said,I joined at age 12 and tried to be mature(I wonder if it was obvious?)...Children aren't all stupid.




P.S.-Love your name(Ah crap,that sounds gay)


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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for the record, i am 15 years old.




look me straight in the *eye?* and tell me this does not look like it appeals to kids.








come on now. most of the people ranting about the "underage" problem are people back from runescape classic. i didnt play that game *thank god* back then not because i was 9 at the time (2001) but because i not only didnt know about it i was far to busy with playing weird games like... goldeneye donkey kong 64. mario party. seriously now.




if you want to rant about the esrb rating on video games then lets discuss this. how many of you by a show of hands played halo (1-3) bioshock god of war (1-2) gears of war assassins creed or prince of Persia warrior within (yes that was rated m i believe) . come on now. if you all haven't drank ALCOHOL or smoked ciggerettes before the age of 21, then your of course being a hypocrite don't say that jagex should do something in order to "enforce" the age requirement of runescape, because if you really think about it the amount of pornography on the Internet is massive. and it's not hard to get spyware on your computer advertising such material.




don't try to misunderstand me. I'm not saying its all that good to give the finger to age requirements but don't be the fool who says don't smoke cigarettes as they puff a smoke ring in the air. it makes no sense when people say that because of people defying the age requirements of things things as we know it may come to a halt. it is not hard at all to do anything that requires you to be a certain age and you happen to be younger than the requirement.




now as for the swearing. what the [bleep] does that mean??? ha ha nah I'm just kidding. yeah cursing isn't the most pleasant thing to say most of can agree but people do it. (is there an age requirement on that too? no. so don't say only 8 year olds do it. plenty of adults have been banned because of such.) now if you think that you don't swear your either a bible lover or you were raised very strictly because i can't say everyone but nearly every one swears. rather it be on an online community or it just be to yourself when you just stepped in something brown.. what I'm trying to convey is that don't practice what you preach because chances are you've done some of the things i have mentioned.


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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^ done everything besides the smoking and alchohol bit. Yes I played rated-M games...the problem with kids playing games ONLINE that are to old for them is that they get bad social practices...for example, do you want money? Well you COULD just trick that poor sucker into giving your some cash...need armor? Just go kill another player, LAUGH at him, and take his armor. Someone just killed you? Swear at him for beating you at something you think your so good at (bad sportsmanship). Angry at somebody for lack of knowledge? Call them a "Noob" and don't even attempt to help them




That was all sarcasm anyways. Though, some kids learn that stuff from online games (and some kid's sang japenese music on the mic in half life 2...).

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You want know why the ESRB exists. Its because parents and the insane Christians complained a lot about games having violence (DOOM and Mortal Combat). Now that there is a ratings board, parents don't care cause they think the little letters on the box will stop them from playing.


Please video games aren't violent and do not cause violence. I played Mario when i was 4 and never once tried jumping on boxes to find hidden coins.




On topic: It's all the parents fault in short, people think its a kids game when it says for 13+ on the site. But there are grandparents that play Runescape, and I'm tired of being called noob by those little "illegitimate children" because I buy laws for 400 each or sell raw lobs and don't cook them.




P.S. Insane Christian does not refer to the entire faith, just those idiots who claim violent games,among other things :-w , are a crime against god.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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