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Lord Of The Rings


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Yeah, loved it completely... coming second only to Star Wars in terms of best trilogy.




I agree that the third one dragged on a bit towards the end, but despite this, it was still my favourite from the trilogy.




I can't wait for the Hobbit. I know there's lots of issues with copyrights etc.. but it'll become a reality one day lol

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LOTR is great. The books, that is. The movies strayed from the traditional trilogy layout; the FIRST one was the crappy one, not the second.. I mean, how the hell can they get away with leaving out 1/2 of a book? Easily, obviously...

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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I thought the movies were really boring :oops:


Haven't read the books, and don't plan on it. But the Return of the King game was fun :D

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I thought Vegimite was another word for lesbian.... :oops:
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I enjoyed them. They were well-made and pretty. But that's about it. I believe people when they say the books were a lot better. I read the first one, and yeah, it was better than the movie. But the thing about reading pages upon pages about a particular (but undedoubtedly a very fine) piece of pinecone isn't quite what I like to wade myself through when the rest involves mighty wizards, ravaging monsters and hairy dwarves with big axes.




In that sense the movies were better, since you don't really need a brain or an interest in the Tolkien world. A lot of it is just brainless action with little content. Which is fine by me.


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*Spoiler Alert*




I watched the movies over the summer, thought they were decent. Only thing was that they were a little too long...By the end of that third hour, I was nearly asleep. (Good thing the battles were at the end. Battle scenes keep me awake)


The first was kind of boring...But eh, you need something to set up the story. The Hobbit doesn't really do that. (Movie should be good...)


The second was the best IMO. Completely different, good storyline, good acting, etc.


The third was eh. I thought it was basically the same as the second. Just "Frodo and Sam gets closer to Mordor, rest of Fellowship faces problems, big battles happen, blah blah blah." The ending wasn't too bad though.




I'm starting to read the books (Including The Hobbit), nearly done with the first. It's better than the movie.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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The movies were pretty good, the third one dragged on becasue it had half of the 2nd book in it, and the books own the movies.


My two cents.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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The books are great <3: .


The movies are well made and nice looking, some stuff missing ofcourse and some changed for easier movie experiense, but doesn't matter that much. Great movies, books are better thought, work well together.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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I never really took much interest in them. I watched snippets from all three movies, then I watched the entireity of the third. Needless to say, I was angry at the stupid woman when she killed the witch king (Nazgul or whatever. I don't know the terms). I was kind of rooting for the "evil" side.


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I've probably rewatched those films more than any others. They're so long and rich that there's always plenty to watch.




The books are great too, took me a few times round to properly finish them though. Kept getting stuck halfway through the third.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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