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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


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finally beat story mode. man! the game was awesome!




Anyone know how to help with my multiplayer dillema?


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Umm... quick question guys. I've been working through the story mode and decided to try out multiplayer. So I checked it out but found a problem. When I clicked Join server (i have cod4 for my laptop btw), i got a blank lost of servers. How can I join a game? Do I have to beat the story mode first? or did I just happen to stumble upon the game when all the servers were empty?




Did it say getting list from master server up the top? If it did, the master server was having problems at that time, it should have been fixed by now.




Here's another stupid question, at the top is it set for internet and not local?

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Umm... quick question guys. I've been working through the story mode and decided to try out multiplayer. So I checked it out but found a problem. When I clicked Join server (i have cod4 for my laptop btw), i got a blank lost of servers. How can I join a game? Do I have to beat the story mode first? or did I just happen to stumble upon the game when all the servers were empty?




Did it say getting list from master server up the top? If it did, the master server was having problems at that time, it should have been fixed by now.




Here's another stupid question, at the top is it set for internet and not local?




when I came to the server menu, there was an empty list. i made sure it was set on internet. I wated and nothings happining, so I clicked the refresh button. now its saying "waiting for response from master server" every time i refresh, and nothing happens. I'll try waiting a bit to see, but any other solutions?


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Umm... quick question guys. I've been working through the story mode and decided to try out multiplayer. So I checked it out but found a problem. When I clicked Join server (i have cod4 for my laptop btw), i got a blank lost of servers. How can I join a game? Do I have to beat the story mode first? or did I just happen to stumble upon the game when all the servers were empty?




Did it say getting list from master server up the top? If it did, the master server was having problems at that time, it should have been fixed by now.




Here's another stupid question, at the top is it set for internet and not local?




when I came to the server menu, there was an empty list. i made sure it was set on internet. I wated and nothings happining, so I clicked the refresh button. now its saying "waiting for response from master server" every time i refresh, and nothing happens. I'll try waiting a bit to see, but any other solutions?




May be your firewall, disable it and check again (make sure to re-enable it afterwards). I had this problem the 2nd day when the game came out but that was a problem on their end and is now fixed.

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Hey blade, thanks so much for your help! I turned Call of duty 4 as an exception in the windows firewall menu and when I tried again, the servers worked! woot off to shooting people across the globe!


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My initial thoughts after playing through most of this game in single player mode... This game is based on 24 (which is pretty cool). The missions, the voice acting of certain characters like Sgt. Vasquez just made it feel like a 7th season of that TV show. :)

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Just beat it on veteran, including mile high club [such an annoying mission]. My second favorite shooter of all time, next to SOCOM.


Is it just my connection or do you get dropped from lobbies often for no reason?




I've ordered CoD4 for my Birthday (7th December) and I'm gonna beat Single-Player and then head off to Multiplayer. So, is the Single-Player as good as the Multi?




To be honest, this was the first time I actually liked a game's single player more than the multi, its such a good single player game. Make sure you play it in veteran also, it's more realistic [3 hits to down you] and will last you longer than the 5 hour single player [because you loose so often.]

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To be honest, this was the first time I actually liked a game's single player more than the multi, its such a good single player game. Make sure you play it in veteran also, it's more realistic [3 hits to down you] and will last you longer than the 5 hour single player [because you loose so often.]




Yeah, but in veteran it can become pretty boring in big firefights. In some missions there is relatively little cover available when the enemy starts firing at you; You'll be forced to sit behind a dumpster for 3 minutes and fire a few shots every now and then. If you want to survive that is. :lol:




Sure, it's realistic... Sometimes in real life you could be forced to take cover for 30 mins-up to 5 hours, maybe even a day. But it's just a game we're talking about here.




The other modes can make it a bit more fun at the expense of health-realism.

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I thoroughly enjoyed CoD4. Finished the single player the other day, just starting the multiplayer mode now.




Must say, the story is EXCELLENT. Must admit, I found the SAS missions with Soap much better than the USMC missions with Jackson.




[hide=Spoilers]Why did everyone have to die, why!? Sgt Paul Jackson, who you play, gets killed from the nuclear blast. (Not sure why they put in that very small mission where he struggles around, then dies.)




The very last part was very moving. Where you are all dead and Captain Price throws you the pistol before he dies so you can take out Zakhaev. I was a bit sad that Captain Price died, he was the sole survivor (play his flashback mission) and then he dies right at the very end.[/hide]



[Tip.It Mod][Retired][Add your Steam name here!]

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Yeah, but in veteran it can become pretty boring in big firefights. In some missions there is relatively little cover available when the enemy starts firing at you; You'll be forced to sit behind a dumpster for 3 minutes and fire a few shots every now and then. If you want to survive that is. :lol:




Sure, it's realistic... Sometimes in real life you could be forced to take cover for 30 mins-up to 5 hours, maybe even a day. But it's just a game we're talking about here.




The other modes can make it a bit more fun at the expense of health-realism.




That's just me I suppose: in my eyes, the more realistic = better, I'm a fan of realistic shooters. My dream FPS [and I'm still waiting for some company to make it] is superbly realistic. For example: changing environments (last time I checked RPG's go through walls). I'm glad that they added shooting through walls in COD4, thats a step toward realism I was waiting for for a while.

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Anyone got any tips on what's the best playlist to rank up with? :|




I'm about to do some more S&D, but I die a little too much for my liking.




Headquarters by far, Its the fastest exp in the game, although s&d is pretty good, once you get a little better you can get 10+ kills a game with a small amount of deaths. But if your looking for speed hq is definitely the best.

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The single player was epic, but to be honest I'm somewhat disappointed by the multiplayer. I heard nothing but good things about it before I bought the game, but when I tried it out it was very "meh". The maps are no fun, and I get killed every 10th second. :(




Oh well, started playing TF2 again. :)


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holy [bleep]ing [cabbage] im so [bleep]ing mad right now, a few minutes ago my dad announced that the game was [bleep]ing offensive. he said it mimicked the war and made fun of [bleep]ing muslims too much for me to play it (im 13), can anybody give me a good way to convince him to let me have it? ive already told him its possibly the best game ever on the 360, but hes like, "too [bleep]ing bad"

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holy [bleep] [cabbage] im so [bleep] mad right now, a few minutes ago my dad announced that the game was [bleep] offensive. he said it mimicked the war and made fun of [bleep] muslims too much for me to play it (im 13), can anybody give me a good way to convince him to let me have it? ive already told him its possibly the best game ever on the 360, but hes like, "too [bleep] bad"




there not technicly muslims/arabs, well in the single player they are. But multiplayer they are known as "opfor" which i believe are used in US army training exersizes.

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There is one extremely crap and annoying thing about this game. It only supports 1 person per xbox when doing system link!


I went to a LAN the other day ready to play a whole lot of halo 3 and cod 4 but we found that we could only have 1 person per tv! Why?!


Cod 3 never had this problem and cod 4 has 4 player split screen for local, why not system link?! I am fuming, although halo 3 was fun by itself....


You are now dead, after the tone please press 3....BEEEP

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