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Online dating etc...


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Now...I've been in lumbridge several times before...and I have to tell you, the creepiest thing you can ever,ever,EVER see is a guy player "hitting" on a girl player. It's not disturbing in the sense that the guy may be doing something creepy in r/l...it's disturbing in the sense that when they actually do it, they start calling each-other "pet names" :shock: .




O.k when I go to Lumbridge I really don't want to see a guy calling a girl "hotty" or a girl calling a guy "smexy"...either way it's just disturbing. The worse thing is, more likely than not, they don't actually know each-other in real life.




See, you can argue that "maybe they do"...well that's not the first assumption I'm going to think of while walking around cutting tree's down.I'm going to instantly think "OMG WTH IS GOING ON HERE!". I know some of these people actually know each-other in real life and are using it to communicate over long distances but...isn't that what chatrooms,emails, and IM's are for?!




What's even creepier is if your a dude, and you get REALLY bored and go to the "make-over wizard" (also known is mr/ms gender-smender). Then, your a girl (some people do this to get free stuff....creepy huh...so think next time and CHECK if they are actually a girl if you're going to even dam attempt it...and if you do stay away from me) so you walk past lumbridge...now, it's REALLY creepy when a guy hits on you when your actually a dude...(I run like hell trust me...).ANOTHER reason why it's really,really, REALLY gross.




Post your comments on this anyways, and your oppinions on the creepy thing that is online dating (my god don't go near me ._.). :|

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I have to admit I find it funny watching people trying to "pick up" other players.




I normally go to world 31 (house parties) when I'm bored as there is always someone having a "dating party". Very funny stuff. :lol:

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I usually just find it funny to watch people acting like that on Runescape and like others have said, just throw them on ignore.




Does your ignore button work? If not, use it.




Kind of useless making use of a feature that doesn't work... -.-




Hey, sexy.




Rrrrr.... <3:

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You theres this...thing, that like, is called ignoring something. I mean like, not the Ignore list but you could also use that, but we humans have this other thing called ignoring. We all have it, so don't say you dont. So um, use it?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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death hippy, since you rant so much why not just quit?
Good question.Well, I wouldn't be playing ANY games if I decided to quit on them from critisism...trust me, there is a problem with ANY game, no matter what people say about it. No game is damn perfect (though those phycotic halo3 players decided it's possible). Also, I don't play this game to much anymore...played for like 3 years, then played other online games after I got the money to buy them.Though, I go on sometimes.
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death hippy, since you rant so much why not just quit?
Good question.Well, I wouldn't be playing ANY games if I decided to quit on them from critisism...trust me, there is a problem with ANY game, no matter what people say about it. No game is damn perfect (though those phycotic halo3 players decided it's possible). Also, I don't play this game to much anymore...played for like 3 years, then played other online games after I got the money to buy them.Though, I go on sometimes.


Most obvious statement I've seen today. But your rants are really far reaching. I don't see what's soooo bad about Runescape "dating". We all know it's crap and REALLY stupid, but it's really easy to counter. Ignore list and public chat off, or on friends...

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So, you enjoy playing online games because you like complaining about how they are awful. :shock:.




This is how you deal with it. Don't hang out in lumbridge all day looking for people dating. Either ignore them (not that hard) or accept that they do it and move on. Does it hinder your playing ability?

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I honestly can't care about RuneScape relationships if I know that:




A) There is a 1 in 25 chance that I'll actually find a legitimate girl in RuneScape.


B) They don't bother me; much easier to ignore and be on my way.


C) I can always go outside and get a relationship with a girl.


D) Caring about people that have RuneScape relationships is pointless, since even if you told them your own "good advice", they wouldn't give much of a damn anyway.


E) It's a reportable offense; anyone with half a mind can report them and be on their way instead of dwelling on them.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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So, you enjoy playing online games because you like complaining about how they are awful. :shock:.




This is how you deal with it. Don't hang out in lumbridge all day looking for people dating. Either ignore them (not that hard) or accept that they do it and move on. Does it hinder your playing ability?

Nah, I just like to rant. It's something to do (I enjoy a lot of games, it's just funny to see peoples reactions when you make fun of them). It doesn't necessarily hinder my playing ability, as much as it makes me want to stab them in the face over the internet.
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I think it's really weird that people want to try and make permanent relationships over the internet when they don't even know if the person on the over side is who they say they are. I've been to free worlds in lumbridge and I get preyed on by female level 3s saying 'Wanna be my BF?'. They don't actually wanna know me just get my stuff.


It's weird... :?

My Last.Fm


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I think it's really weird that people want to try and make permanent relationships over the internet when they don't even know if the person on the over side is who they say they are. I've been to free worlds in lumbridge and I get preyed on by female level 3s saying 'Wanna be my BF?'. They don't actually wanna know me just get my stuff.


It's weird... :?

It's even weirder if you like to use makeover mage to switch genders a lot to scare the hell out of your friends (I get asked with the 2 questions "Want to be my bf" or "want to be my gf"). One day I'm going to go insane from using the web to much (inedvitable) and I'm going to run around to EVERY HOUSE WITH A COMPUTER and I'm going to cut every computer and person I see in half until ALL ONLINE DATING SCEESES (might be spelled wrong..I'm sure it is) AND I CAN WALK THROUGH A MMORPG WITHOUT BEING HARASSED.Oh and one more thing: WHY IS IT THAT ONLY MMORPG'S HAVE ONLINE DATERS?(every other type of game they don't!And I own 20 of them!).
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