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Revenge: An eye for an eye?


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Hey guys.




I noticed a lot of people were talking of revenge in a recent thread about parents abusing their children. Many people seemed to want the parents to suffer painfully for their actions.




It got me thinking... Why do we feel the need to revenge so violently, and so equally as brutal? We consider ourselves a civilized and intelligent species, yet many of us don't hesitate to stoop to the same savage low as the original doer of evil. Are these appropriate or rash decisions? Is revenge a good or bad thing?




Although I sometimes feel revenge I do not act on it; I prefer to find a non-violent and more civilized way of solving the problem. (yea, I'm a big hippie)


"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind"






Discuss? :-k

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Revenge was the standard practice for almost all societies before the introduction of prisons and various sorts of containment (Besides the debtors prison which was introduced before). The 2nd Great Awakening that occured really pushed for the use of prisons especially in early America, but I think that containing people isn't as great of a deterent as "revenge" or "eye for an eye" sort of punishment. So the lack of using revenge and more of the prison system is actually quite a recent change in society.




Now Im speaking more in terms of punishments for crimes rather then personal revenge, but yeah, I think that using revenge as a sort of punishment is cruel despite what the person has done, and that prisons (Maybe some sort of execution if its safe and humane) is better despite maybe being less effective in preventing people from commiting crimes.

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Now Im speaking more in terms of punishments for crimes rather then personal revenge, but yeah, I think that using revenge as a sort of punishment is cruel despite what the person has done, and that prisons (Maybe some sort of execution if its safe and humane) is better despite maybe being less effective in preventing people from commiting crimes.




I agree that it's cruel, but I'd rather see the way used a long time ago than prisons today. Heck, many homeless commit crimes just to be able to get into prison..they have a bed, a roof over their head, food...even if it is prison, they still dont have to fend for themselves in there. I'm not sure what needs to be done, but something needs to change if we have people WANTING to get into prison.




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You stole my quote >.>




Yeah, I don't like revenge and I think it is a very interesting thing to think about. It plays a pretty big role in my novel. Which reminds me, I need to write some more of it. . .


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If you have "revenge" on someone, what makes you any better than the other person in the first place?




I agree. Even though I wish I could get revenge on tons of people who have done me wrong, I would never go by eye for an eye.

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I generally don't agree with or extract revenge, but I think sometimes it is more viable in some cases than in others. In the case of parents abusing children, this is something that is considered a violation if innocence, and arguably one of the worst and most unacceptable things that someone can do in today's society. By extracting revenge through similar means on this person, the idea is that they are being served their sentence, and that others are being discouraged from it in the future. With such a horrible crime, it is felt that justice cannot be served with conventional methods (i.e. imprisonment). But then again with that argument, you have the punishers doing the same horrible thing, but it is not considered to be to the same extent, as it is 1) a response, 2) the person is seen as deserving (or less undeserving) and 3) doing something like that to an adult is seen as less brutal than doing the same thing to a child.




Now, I know that may seem extreme, and I don't say I condone abusing the abuser, but I'm saying the thought process behind it is not always so uncivilized and 'immoral'.

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I just never care enough to get revenge, if you do it just shows that you were effected enough by their actions to come up with something to get back at them with and will only make it so they or someone else keeps doing it.




I admit there are times when I get angry enough that the thought comes up, but I usually drop it by the next day, its just a waste of time and thought that could be used for so much more.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Revenge is the first thing that comes to mind in most people.




Revenge and the eye for and eye were the first kinds of justice, it is bascally the fundation of justice. If you did something wrong you will pay for what you did.




For example nowdays: A guys kills a person. There is a trial, he lost and he ended up in jail. Why do the society rules punish him? Will the jail return that girl's life? Of course not, this a modern kind of revengue, which makes that guys to pay for his action


So why there is revenge? Why those it exist? Well in my opinion i think that it exist to make the other person feel better. In the case i exponse will be the girl's family the "other person"




Revenge is related to several feelings one of them is the rancour. Resentful people are more tent to take revenge. From there borns the phrase "revenge is sweet" I must admit im a very resentful and revenging person. Its hard to me to forgive someone mostly i rather to make him suffer, to make him see what i pass throught. Perhaps it isnt the best way to solve the things but makes me feel better and thats just me i dont know how are you but thats how im

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I hate to say it, but I'd do the same thing as everyone else in this case.




If my friend was beaten brutally for no reason, if I had a child who was abused by a molester, etc... I don't think a prison with 3 warm meals a day, a TV and books for five years is a proper punishment. I'd put my life on a halt and do everything in my power to track down, locate, and make the people responsible suffer as intensely as possible.




It's very hard for me to explain. I wouldn't take such action against a robber. I wouldn't do it against a person who nicked my car door. I wouldn't do it against a person who hit me or somebody else in the face. Those people have completely different motives.




As far as my memories go, I've always hated, with a passion, people who are cowardly and systematically (with full knowledge of what they are doing) take advantage/assault people who are weak and have absolutely no chance to protect themselves, such as children.

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I hate to say it, but I'd do the same thing as everyone else in this case.




If my friend was beaten brutally for no reason, if I had a child who was abused by a molester, etc... I don't think a prison with 3 warm meals a day, a TV and books for five years is a proper punishment. I'd put my life on a halt and do everything in my power to track down, locate, and make the people responsible suffer as intensely as possible.




It's very hard for me to explain. I wouldn't take such action against a robber. I wouldn't do it against a person who nicked my car door. I wouldn't do it against a person who hit me or somebody else in the face. Those people have completely different motives.




As far as my memories go, I've always hated, with a passion, people who are cowardly and systematically (with full knowledge of what they are doing) take advantage/assault people who are weak and have absolutely no chance to protect themselves, such as children.




pretty much word for word what i was planning on saying.




I do have to add that i think the whole "eye for an eye" system would work very well in our society, assuming there was a way to know 100% that you weren't punishing an innocent person by accident. the first person to lose his hand for stealing something would make everyone else think twice before committing the same crime.




or maybe i'm just a cold, bitter person.




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I don't like revenge. I don't believe that it will do any good. In fact, if I did such a thing like BlueLancer, I would only regret it the rest of my life. I couldn't justify it for myself. Jail, so that people can think of what they have done and change, okay. But anything else is just plain wrong and will get you nowhere.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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The world would be a better place if we were based on an eye for an eye.


All the murderers, killed.


Maybe a person who spray paints on another persons property, have their finger chopped off, I don't see why not :?

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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I think it is important to make the wrong-doer understand what he did. The most obvious way to accomplish that is revenge. If you do exactly the same to him that he did, he should get a pretty solid grasp on what he did and what feeling it caused. So at some level revenge is a simplistic education methode.




From that point of view prison is a pretty poor methode. It's mainly punishment based. (The same is probably true for chopping off fingers and the like.)








The world would be a better place if we were based on an eye for an eye.


All the murderers, killed.


Maybe a person who spray paints on another persons property, have their finger chopped off, I don't see why not :?




Because then you'd have to deal with a bunch of very angry people. A chopped off finger is nothing you would easily forget and forgive.

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The world would be a better place if we were based on an eye for an eye.


All the murderers, killed.


Maybe a person who spray paints on another persons property, have their finger chopped off, I don't see why not :?




No, if someone cuts off your fingers, you get to do the same to them. Spray painting all over a graffitists property is better punishment for them. Then they have to pay to clean it up or buy new stuff. I'd be totally comfortable with those who seek to systematically extort funds or thieve from others to actually have to pay back all the money/goods twice over, half going to fund the cops and the other half obviously going to the victim.

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A fair few of you seem to be forgetting while prison is certainly intended as punishment and as a detterent (Love to see how many people who say "five years is nothing" has even tried one month doing something you'd rather not, sleeping in a bed not your own, with zero control of your own life, due to the force of law), it's also intended to remove harmful elements from society by separating them from the general population.




"Getting them off the streets" is more than a catchy line used in cop-shows.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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