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Words Can Kill (Mods, Please Lock)


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I wrote that out of anger at them, without undertsanding the full extent of the story so I take what I said back in this case. Some posts showed another point of view that blanes the girls parents in this case.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

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Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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If there aren't medical reports and so forth publicly available, that's perhaps because it is a minor, and because there is no reasonable dispute about the events in the case. That doesn't rule out the "possibility" that there may be more to it, as I already said.




But there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that supports any claim that the parents were involved in this girl's death.




The fact that anyone would say this here -- which I guarantee they'd never dare say to the parents' faces -- reinforces the core point of my article.





Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

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There are hundreds of millions of children in the world living in unimaginable poverty in the third world, born with aids, been made orphans by aids or both. And this kid kills herself because of some hurtful comments on "My Space"




I'm lost for words.




Kids in the west really don't know how lucky they are. They just hype up a whole load of problems that don't even exist or matter and say they are depressed and suicidal, and this one actually did it, over nothing.




She's devastated her parents lives forever by comitting the most selfish act on the planet. Sympathy? I'm disgusted.




Amen. I couldn't agree more with you. I do have sympathy for that girl since I've lived through hard times as most of people has. But one thing I can't understand is suicide. It's for over-selfish losers who don't think about their loved ones feelings. If you really have to kill yourself, plan it out and make it look like an accident... :anxious:


And about those parents... And I mean girls parents and that other kids parents. Their acting is ridiculous. One couple acts like a paranoia patients and another like a...well let's say their discipline is plain too strict. :notalk:

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You have not responded to any of my points with a single fact. Without facts this story is just that, a story. You can believe it all you want. Absent facts, I shall continue to remain skeptical.




Until you can produce some reasonable evidence that this is anything other than a story concocted by the parents -- police report, MySpace transcripts, screenshots, or official statement, psychiatrists report, school report -- in other words something with facts, I'm going to retire from this thread.




Hugh_Mannity, as I said, the story is about a minor and is not in dispute so there isn't going to be a lot of what you are looking for.




There are more details here on this 5:40 CNN report.




It has an interview with the parents.




It includes footage of the police report, which is damning.




A neighbor who tried to save Megan with CPR has also been interviewed in other reports.




But believe what you wish.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

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You have not responded to any of my points with a single fact. Without facts this story is just that, a story. You can believe it all you want. Absent facts, I shall continue to remain skeptical.




Until you can produce some reasonable evidence that this is anything other than a story concocted by the parents -- police report, MySpace transcripts, screenshots, or official statement, psychiatrists report, school report -- in other words something with facts, I'm going to retire from this thread.




Hugh_Mannity, as I said, the story is about a minor and is not in dispute so there isn't going to be a lot of what you are looking for.




There are more details here on this 5:40 CNN report.




It has an interview with the parents.




It includes footage of the police report, which is damning.




A neighbor who tried to save Megan with CPR has also been interviewed in other reports.




But believe what you wish.




Yet no reply about those kids growing up and shooting kids in school or any other points I made, dont be selectively responding please if this is a debate on this matter.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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I would like to point out something here.


The death of this girl was the parents fault. Alow me to explain. Myspace and has an age limit for a reason. It is not safe to allow young people on.




What I find wrong with this whole report is this: The parents saw and knew what was going on, on their daughter's MySpace page and did NOTHING to end it. It was in their power to do so and they did nothing. The death of their daughter was a tragity yes, but they could have avoided it by simply being good parents and stepping in when this boy started to get nasty and ending the relationship.




Yes hindsight is 20-20 and I am sure that these parents know what they should have done. But the fact remains that knowing where and what your child is/does is not everything, but only half. The other half is knowing when to step in to save your child from the evils of this world. I wish more parents would relise this and change.





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A few things.




First, as you recognize, hindsight is 20/20. Parents make mistakes, and I doubt you'll find a parent who disputes this. My understanding is that this situation turned sour very quickly and the parents didn't have a chance to respond before Megan made her tragic decision.




When she died she was only a few weeks shy of her 14th birthday. If she had been a month older it would not have made a difference.




My guess is that her parents felt that it was better for her to be on MySpace under their supervision than to ban her, which would prompt her to try to sneak on without their knowing or being able to monitor what was going on. There are many parents who make that same choice when it comes to RuneScape, incidentally.




In hindsight perhaps this was the wrong decision, but we cannot expect parents to be perfect, only reasonable. And the decision was, in my opinion and that of most other people, reasonable.




Regardless of their failings, they are not the one who betrayed and prodded this girl into suicide. The people who set up the fake account did that.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.




That might be what you believe but you can't speak for everyone. I don't want to start a debate about the afterlife because it is completely off-topic, but you can't disregard other peoples beliefs just because they aren't in synch with yours.




I really hope all of those ignorant morons who scam their friends of rares and money are reading this, the people on the receiving end might not commit suicide over it but that sort of betrayal has got to hurt. I think some people are too driven to be the "best" and forget that having fun and making friends is the entire point of the game.

Its simple, you cant prove there is a god, science can prove the world is several hundred million years older then the bible says it is, and that man was created far from the 7th day of existance.


Now are you going to trust a 2000 year old fiction novel, or sience which is fact.




Ok lets go over this so called true science.


Does something come from nothing? Can you have nothing then, have everything? Do we get flys from rotten meet or eels from pond slime? No we do not. This was proven hundreds of years ago. Now lets look at evolution. What is the foundation of this theory? That billions and billions of years ago there was nothing. Then, there was a huge explosion and then there was something! And from that something came life! From nothing came something!




You know what?? I would rather trust a book that is over 2000 years old and is still true to the original than science that well reinvent an old idea that has been proven beyond a dout to be false as a truth.




You want prof the there is a God and that He is the Christan God? what religion is not excepted around the world? Christianity. Why is that I wonder? Mabby because it says that it is the truth and that people will reject the truth until God opens their eyes to it. But this is just what I bleave. I do not expect you to understand the points that I have made here. I have just wasted both your time and mine -.- .





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BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.




That might be what you believe but you can't speak for everyone. I don't want to start a debate about the afterlife because it is completely off-topic, but you can't disregard other peoples beliefs just because they aren't in synch with yours.




I really hope all of those ignorant morons who scam their friends of rares and money are reading this, the people on the receiving end might not commit suicide over it but that sort of betrayal has got to hurt. I think some people are too driven to be the "best" and forget that having fun and making friends is the entire point of the game.

Its simple, you cant prove there is a god, science can prove the world is several hundred million years older then the bible says it is, and that man was created far from the 7th day of existance.


Now are you going to trust a 2000 year old fiction novel, or sience which is fact.




Ok lets go over this so called true science.


Does something come from nothing? Can you have nothing then, have everything? Do we get flys from rotten meet or eels from pond slime? No we do not. This was proven hundreds of years ago. Now lets look at evolution. What is the foundation of this theory? That billions and billions of years ago there was nothing. Then, there was a huge explosion and then there was something! And from that something came life! From nothing came something!




You know what?? I would rather trust a book that is over 2000 years old and is still true to the original than science that well reinvent an old idea that has been proven beyond a dout to be false as a truth.




You want prof the there is a God and that He is the Christan God? what religion is not excepted around the world? Christianity. Why is that I wonder? Mabby because it says that it is the truth and that people will reject the truth until God opens their eyes to it. But this is just what I bleave. I do not expect you to understand the points that I have made here. I have just wasted both your time and mine -.- .








Sorry, wrong.


Bible has had so many authors, editors, and re-issues, it's nowhere near the original edition.




The Islamic Qur'an is written around 600AD, and has no other versions, re-writes to it, so is slightly more reliable than the Bible.

Of those who say nothing, few are silent -=Thomas Neil =-

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I first read this in your thred "and disturbing but imoprtanat read", and post my oppinion...




and words can kill!

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.




That might be what you believe but you can't speak for everyone. I don't want to start a debate about the afterlife because it is completely off-topic, but you can't disregard other peoples beliefs just because they aren't in synch with yours.




I really hope all of those ignorant morons who scam their friends of rares and money are reading this, the people on the receiving end might not commit suicide over it but that sort of betrayal has got to hurt. I think some people are too driven to be the "best" and forget that having fun and making friends is the entire point of the game.

Its simple, you cant prove there is a god, science can prove the world is several hundred million years older then the bible says it is, and that man was created far from the 7th day of existance.


Now are you going to trust a 2000 year old fiction novel, or sience which is fact.




Ok lets go over this so called true science.


Does something come from nothing? Can you have nothing then, have everything? Do we get flys from rotten meet or eels from pond slime? No we do not. This was proven hundreds of years ago. Now lets look at evolution. What is the foundation of this theory? That billions and billions of years ago there was nothing. Then, there was a huge explosion and then there was something! And from that something came life! From nothing came something!




You know what?? I would rather trust a book that is over 2000 years old and is still true to the original than science that well reinvent an old idea that has been proven beyond a dout to be false as a truth.




You want prof the there is a God and that He is the Christan God? what religion is not excepted around the world? Christianity. Why is that I wonder? Mabby because it says that it is the truth and that people will reject the truth until God opens their eyes to it. But this is just what I bleave. I do not expect you to understand the points that I have made here. I have just wasted both your time and mine -.- .








Actualy, youve made no point whats so ever other than you are religiously ignorant and biased.




For one, buddism, judaism, and muslim religion are all older than christianity. Coming from someone born into jewish family turned ethiest I rescent your statements.




There is no proof of existance of god.




ps. off subject

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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Guys, lets not get this topic locked by discussing religion in a General Discussion thread. Keep it content related or runescape related.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.

Don't make this a religious thread, moron. :roll:




Let people believe what they want, and you can stay the [bleep] out of their religion.

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I don't think that online bullying is necessarily as serious as you say it is. It definitely shouldn't be done, but will it really cause every teenager to kill themselves? Probably not. That girl had serious problems, and they probably weren't addressed correctly.




You are quite wrong.




ALL bullying is serious. Whether physical, emotional or sexual. Whether perpetrated by one or many. Whether online or in real-life.




Thankfully, this country (UK), is finally waking up to the problems of "cyber-bullying" and is in the process of enacting laws to prevent, and punish it. Just as it outlawed "hazing" in the workplace some years ago..


Let me re-word it a little bit. I posted that at 2:55 am.




Online bullying is serious, but it's not going to make every teenager kill themselves. That teenager was mentally distorted; not every teenager is like that. A small minority will be provoked to the point of suicide with online bullying. It's so rare that this case was put on the news.




Serious? Yes. Serious enough that extreme measures should be taken to moderate everything online to ensure no insulting of people? No. But serious enough to make the treatment of teenagers with mental diseases a top priority? Definitely.

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The cool thing about the internet is that there's this convenient little red X in the corner of your window that makes everything go away.




I know, I know, it would be nice if we could all be respectful towards each other, but the reality is that in the outside world everything is hardly so hunky-dory and the internet is always going to reflect this. The only thing you can do is learn to deal with this. The internet is not a nice, safe place, an I'd go as far as to say I'm glad that it isn't, to some extent. The only way we can have a real, interesting, and ultimately engaging experience is if we are free to love and to hate as in the real world. If you can't take this, the fantastic thing is you don't have to - log out and go outside. The extent of sensationalism played up by the media over "cyber bullying" really grinds my gears - yes, it's a rough web of communication out there, but unlike real bullying, no one's forcing you to sit and take it - whenever you feel belittled or oppressed, there's always that friendly little red X that can make it go away.




Yes, words can hurt. Words can drive people to do unimaginable things out of pain. But when the only way you can receive these words is by reading text on a computer screen, when you can't see, hear, smell, touch, or even sense the sender, these words only have the effect that you choose them to have.




Yes, it's sad that someone had to die over such a ridiculous thing as Myspace, but it's also sad that stories like this one are only encouraging the thought that the internet needs to be regulated, needs to be censored, or needs to be overseen. One of the beauties of the internet is that in a world full of rules and codes and ethics and responsibilities, we can come on here and be allowed to say, do, or post whatever we please without having to fear punishment from people who disagree. Another beauty is that you don't have to sit here and take anything you don't want to. We have the options to speak our minds freely and to log out whenever we begin to feel uncomfortable. And when the former is in danger and the latter is being ignored, well, to me that makes for just as sad a story as the one you provided.


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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Pathetic. All around the world, there are people dying of starvation,AIDs and god knows what else. This girl kills herself because of the words of morons like those, while at the same time, there are hundreds of people suffering sexual abuse, or who have lost their families etc, those people are the ones who have a reason for suicide. (although imo, suicide is wrong) Look, it's the internet, like chess said, the little red x makes everything go away.

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Pathetic. All around the world, there are people dying of starvation,AIDs and god knows what else. This girl kills herself because of the words of morons like those, while at the same time, there are hundreds of people suffering sexual abuse, or who have lost their families etc, those people are the ones who have a reason for suicide. (although imo, suicide is wrong) Look, it's the internet, like chess said, the little red x makes everything go away.




Ive already stated my thoguhts on this matter and reasons for the post.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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Pathetic. All around the world, there are people dying of starvation,AIDs and god knows what else. This girl kills herself because of the words of morons like those, while at the same time, there are hundreds of people suffering sexual abuse, or who have lost their families etc, those people are the ones who have a reason for suicide. (although imo, suicide is wrong) Look, it's the internet, like chess said, the little red x makes everything go away.




Once again, those of you who are hand-waving this issue away by effectively blaming the victim do not understand what depression does.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Pathetic. All around the world, there are people dying of starvation,AIDs and god knows what else. This girl kills herself because of the words of morons like those, while at the same time, there are hundreds of people suffering sexual abuse, or who have lost their families etc, those people are the ones who have a reason for suicide. (although imo, suicide is wrong) Look, it's the internet, like chess said, the little red x makes everything go away.




Once again, those of you who are hand-waving this issue away by effectively blaming the victim do not understand what depression does.


alas we agree, it was the depression and not the intrawebz

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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