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Monday Poll: Have you ever been scammed by a friend?


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No one. my real-life friends do not scam me because they would regret it more than they got (such as losing the whole account and all the trustworthiness), and i do not lend anything valuable to runescape-only friends.

Long live the mighty runite warhammer, the only guardian defending f2p from overpower of tank pures!

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Haven't been scammed by a friend luckily. I lent one of my friends who i met on RS quite a while ago 2mil over the summer, and he payed it back recently. Just goes to show there are good people out there still. It's unfortunate that there are also the bad evil villain types who would rather have material items that give 10 minutes of joy rather than friendships that give 10 years (or more) of joy.




On another note, i was "scammed" by some random guy when i was lvl 25 (a couple years ago), but he gave me items that were worth more than my mith plate, so i was pretty happy :lol: .

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If i give something to friends i dont really expect to get it back...but they always return things ::'


Maybe its because i only got 20-ish friends in 3 years of playing :twisted: so they are the ones who can really be trusted.


Never had to use ignore in my life, its filled with fairy ring codes \'

Also, i tried farming once and my potatoes died, put me off forever.
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Guest Cosinus

I've never been scammed by a friend, but I got a quite simple guideline: Trade only with friends you meat IRL - I've completely avoided scamming due to this. :)




My other friend tho lost his Rune (t) set when he trusted a RS-friend, I was sitting by his side telling him not to do it. He told me he had known him for ages and traded him the set, then he logged out and dissapeared forever...

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Someone who told my where the spinning wheel was on my first day on RuneScape took my Mithril Pickaxe when I was level 15 mining and didn't give it back.




However I made two new friends on that day who gave may all the pickaxes up to and including mithril, plus 5 months later I fought the 1st guy in the wildy and won an addy long from him (but by then I could use full rune, which is what I had).




All of my current friends never scam from me. Well one scammed 1K air runes, but I never trusted them again.

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Nope, I dont think so, but I gave away Blue and Green mask to a Irl mate on Rsc, though the mate moved and we got no contact anymore. :P


Gargh, I really could use and Extra 45M now. :D






Shark Boy429, a good mate of mine, asked me if he could have 5K Flax to get 61 Crafting for some Quest, I think Lunar Diplomacy.


I would get 5K Bs back, I would make money and he would do a nice deed to his Friend.


Well you can guess what happened.


He ignored me.




Then I asked my other mate Beloe to speak to him about it, well, Beloe got ignored too.




So, if you ever see Shark Boy429, make life hell for him would'ya?






But overall, I trust my mates to the Death.




I am in the Clan of TeamSweden, and everyone can trust everyone.


I do Wildy Deathmatches with Fury, Whip, D boots, I die and I get everything back.


I do the same to my Friends when they die, and that's that.


Today's Dm's were on Lille Bror24 which is my best and forever trusted mate, and the other is DizzyDude11, not so well Friend, but still a previous member of TeamSweden, and I think therefore I trust him for that, Dm's got to 2-2, then I had F2P Pk Trip, with TeamSweden. =)






Another example is Blackboy 600.


Once when I was Rcing whilst F2P, at Air Altar, I had enough Cash to buy a Santa.


Well, I gave him 19,3M or something to go and buy the Santa for.


Which he did for 18,8, and he kept the Profit lol. :P


Then we fooled alot of people saying that we gave pepole Free Santas and traded Santa between us every time.


Good FriendShip. :)


Btw, he lives about 50,000 Kilometers away from me. ( 50 Swedish Miles )






And just to close it - Yeah, mates can be trusted.

Affinity - A new clan for RuneScape Classic.

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Yeah, I've been scammed by a good friend of mine knew him back when I was in f2p days. I remember fishing for a long time to get dharocks back when it was up around 5.5mil and one day my friend asked if he could wear it, being dumb I forgot you can't trade it back when it's broken #-o . He was going to go fix it then he was like "hmm you know what this is worth a lot I'm going to keep it." Then he logs off. I never got to see it :(.




So I quit for like a month and me being committed worthy and stuff I decided, hey you know what I can get my stuff back if I work real hard. :thumbsup:. So finally I get it back and about a month later he gets on and says he's really guilty for what he had done and gives me like 10mil worth of stuff. So I guess it all worked out in the end :D , but I still don't really trust any of my rs friends besides my rl friends who play.



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No one has ever taken advantage of me like that in game I believe. I used to only lend items to RL mates. Though as trust grew with online friends, I began lending items to them. I received each item back. Normally with 'interest' :P .

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Awhile ago I lent a close friend my black cav, after like a minute he logs, comes back on and says "sorry, DCed. Can I try on your gnome scarf?" So I think he was telling the truth and when he gets it I see him go offline while he is still on, he banks then hops worlds. -.- :-X




I was pissed, but I've gotten back on my feet, since that was before I had even hit 85 FM.


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No, I've never "lent" any of my items to anyone. I don't think I'd even trust any of my RL friends with my RS items. I've had some bad experiences with trusting some of my friends... I know a few of them I could probably trust, but I know of at least one of them I couldn't trust with a tinderbox. He apparently knew my pass at one point and I started to find small amounts of gp turn up missing. :uhh: (nobody but me knows my pass anymore, I'm 100% sure :wink:)

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I'm quite lucky i've never had any of my items stolen from me but I do lend them out on accasion, I've always gotten them back, but the one thing I won't loan out is money, usually when they ask for money they are trying to steal it, so I just tell them i'm broke at the moment, (doesn't hurt anyones feelings and doesn't ruin the friendship)

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Sure have.. 3 times heh..




first time was about a year after rs2 came out or so... bought a green for 9mil and was really good friends with this dude named grand slayer.. had been since rsc.. anyways i let him wear it along with my full guthix which was worth like 6m at the time.. he logged out with it.. like 6 months later i ran into him and he apologized promising to replace the stuff... well yea he never did lol, i believe he got banned a while ago for scamming or rl trading..




let zantreny wear a d medium and mith boots and he took .. only lost like 3m there but knew him since classic too..




most recent one was me losing a purple the day after i bought it for 81.5m.. worked my a** off for 85 slayer, camped at abbys n got like 40 whips.. bought all kinds of stuff including that hat... let im big0 wear it, he was like a bro to me, and greed got to him... gave everything else that was in my bank away and quit.. im sure a few of u remember when all that happened...




and believe it or not i still got good friends on rs who i'd trust with anything of mine lol, but all of those guys are ds members.. but yea im pretty poor now a days, i just play the game for the hell of it anymore


maxed out melee back in 06, when it was still considered an accomplishment. same with getting 85 slayer, was in the top 2k players to get it.

R.I.P Runescape.. Feb 2, 02 - Jan 2, 08

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hell yeah, course ive been scammed... one guy whos been on my ignore ever since the dawn of time... anyway, we knew each other irl and classic, and when rs2 began we had the chance to put our items on, me being rich enough, i put like 5 h'ween sets on and a few partyhat sets (mostly blue). Anyway, him being so poor yet so sofisticatidely cunning, as are most of my friends, asked if he could try on a phat and h'ween set. Me, being as noob as i was on rs2, actually allowed him. he logged and ignored me on like, 5 of his accounts... -_- He never went back to the same school after that... The funny thing is i bumped into him a couple o' days ago, in the wildy, and he ran before i could get my m8 to tele-block him... haven't seen him since lol. after that scam i didn't ever lend out one more item till my other m8 came along and i gave him all the rest of my stuff, then quit for about a year after the RS2 3'D update, not knowing that i would return and reak havoc on anyone who gave Ipwn2154 a bad name (my old acc, got banned from a haxxer) and that's when i created deathgliger bout 4 years back.



If You Mess with the Best, so be it, You shall Die like the Rest!

Yours in Eternal Torture,

Death "The Reaper"

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I was once hacked by my cousin he took everything. incidentaly the day after I had to spend 2 weeks at his house...not fun in the end I proofed it was him and I got all my stuff back plues all of his as punishment plues he had to give up the game ah well his fault


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I had know the person for a year and a half. We had traded whips and armour and food and potions and all kinds of stuff. But i got scammed like 27m.




I let her try on my santa, she wouldnt give back. So i kept following her, and she led me to the wild. I had 4m and some god dragon hide in my inventory. She drops it in wild and says if you want it go get it. I see my santa pop up and i was omfg there it is about to dissapear. I tried to tele grab but it was behind a tree and it pulled me in wild. Then big block of ice around me, ddp slash, dead... :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:







When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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I voted no but now I would vote yes, I got scammed by someone in real life who also play rs into believing that he was my friend. Yesterday he told me in no uncertain terms that he is not interested in being my friend. That's after I gave him 700k in gp and items.

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