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'It's not a dictatorship, it's a game." = Perfection?


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With the rants forum full of threats of quitting Rs and with nearly 25% amount of post giving suggestions, why do people expect perfection?




Many of us have written papers before and do we usually catch every mistake? While some may the majoraty will say no.




In my opinion, it's meant to be a counter balence for the Grand Exchange!


The GE would lower the prices of items while the duel update will raise!




With the skill assist update, many people freaked out! It's a game!












Valid Points is why they fixed the update not rants.




While I disagree with the 3k limits, I believe that peope just need to wait for the Grand Exchange Release before fully judging the new update.




To clarify: Should people just wait for the full update to come to light with the GE? Should we expect perfection from Jagex?




Keep in mind that people have been asking for team dueling for quite some time now. I love the new highscores in Mini Games as well!!! Now skill will be shown in a different aspect!




Discuss :thumbsup:




(I personally love the update minus the 3k limit but I am sure that will be fixed with the GE)

RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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I feel sorry for the stakers :(




They should have left the old Duel Arena be. Besides, real world item traders will probably just ignore this, it's not a big deal to them, they can always just drop trade -.-

[insert birds flying in a circle here]

Yes, that sig was annoying.

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Who the hell decides what perfection is anyways?


QFT. Nobody knows what perfection is, and who decides it.




And how was this update a 'mistake'? If it were up to me, I'd say it was purposeful and calculated. Completely in the wrong direction, but it was purposeful and calculated.




I define a mistake as something like a bug or glitch, or maybe a small portion of a well intentioned update actually destroyed/inhibited it's purpose, or something like that.




This was not a well intentioned update. This was a malicious attack against stakers, and the first ever occasion of a purposeful attack against a legitimate group of players.




Who was it who said 'It's not a dictatorship, it's a game."?

~ W ~



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Changed title because so approprate. It is a game and people are freaking out. It's not a dictatorship! People just need to wait for the developers to find the best course of action.




As for all the people that say that they are going to quit. They are the people that give RS a bad name. While I feel bad for the people who make M+ on stakes. The GE will fix that most likely. I do however will increase the amount of Item Flow in the game.




It's meant to be a counter balence for the Grand Exchange!


The GE would lower the prices of items while the duel update will raise!

RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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I honestly don't see what the big deal about the 3k limit is. They can just do a two man tournament. It's a little harder, but it's not like you can't do big stakes anymore.


for you, this doesn't matter but for people who specialize in staking and make money with that this is a big deal.


and of course we can't expect perfection from jagex. Every update has is flaws and will annoy a certain group of people. Just stating the obvious.

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if this all stays, you wont be seeing any big stake pictures any more.




and, the Grand exchange has nothing to do whatsoever with the duel arena, and it will destroy another thing.. merchanting. So, alot of people will be in the rants selection of the RSOF and don't expect it to end anytime soon.

99 Fletching 99 Attack 99 Constitution 99 Cooking 99 Strength

Gamertag: H8tebringer


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What would you expect? Players, as of now, can stake items according to jagex' set market prices, however once the Grand exchange is released, the prices will be converted to player set values.




I appreciate that jagex was trying to eliminate multiple account sharers, but at the expense of ruining tens of thousands of stakers, it just doesn't seem like a fair trade-off. I hope we can come up with a solution that will satisfy both players and jagex(I've already seen some excellent suggestions on the RSOF). :)




EDIT: Do I still have that headache, or is that a tip.it ad in the picture? :shock:


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Should we expect perfection from Jagex?




Of course not. It is only human to err. And satisfying one group will only create complaints in another. It is impossible to satisfy everyone's desires.




Of course, but it would be wise for jagex to aim for pleasing the majority of the players. After all, one of all MMO's main goals should be to constantly please the players.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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indeed :P that was at the swiftswitch riots btw.




i think the main reason things exploded today was how unexpected it was, coupled with the savage cut in staking amounts. To me, as a part time staker, leaving you able to stake 3k was like a kick in the face.. i'd rather not be able to stake anything at all.




generally i dont think that people do demand perfection and a 100% approval rate of updates, there's always a few people that will rant, but that's unavoidable. The big updates that cause a big backlash imo are ones that really havnt worked. I will give credit to jagex for fixing most of them though.




Pure ess: I dont think Jagex ever anticipated that macros would buy membership, but some simple maths on potential profits and losses of gold-farming companies could have given them an idea. Shame this update wasn't reversed but i guess the impact wasnt really seen for quite a while.




Banning IRC/chat programs: This, at the time, seemed like a totally knee-jerk irrational reaction. the whole way the game is designed allows people to easily browse websites and use chat programs. luckily they changed the rules again.




Assist system and primary skills: nothing more than a bit of short-sightedness i think here. For what ever reason they didn't think people would use it to beg, i guess they should have done but whatever.. it was fixed quickly.






As for staking. Qeltar raised a few good points on the other threads about an alterior motive and wanting to stop staking altogether. whatever their reasons, the RWT excuse seems flimsy at best. theres so many other more effective ways they could do it.. regular trading or killing them in wildy for instance.



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What would you expect? Players, as of now, can stake items according to jagex' set market prices, however once the Grand exchange is released, the prices will be converted to player set values.




I appreciate that jagex was trying to eliminate multiple account sharers, but at the expense of ruining tens of thousands of stakers, it just doesn't seem like a fair trade-off. I hope we can come up with a solution that will satisfy both players and jagex(I've already seen some excellent suggestions on the RSOF). :)




EDIT: Do I still have that headache, or is that a tip.it ad in the picture? :shock:




There are amny suggestions. Patience id the key :P




Who knows how that ad got there lol :roll:

RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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I honestly don't see what the big deal about the 3k limit is. They can just do a two man tournament. It's a little harder, but it's not like you can't do big stakes anymore.




i hear the limit for tournaments is 1m -.-


and you must have atleast 64 players.




Should we expect perfection from Jagex?




Of course not. It is only human to err. And satisfying one group will only create complaints in another. It is impossible to satisfy everyone's desires.




Of course, but it would be wise for jagex to aim for pleasing the majority of the players. After all, one of all MMO's main goals should be to constantly please the players.




I don't think this is one that pleases the majority, once they have realised all the side effects.


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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if this all stays, you wont be seeing any big stake pictures any more.




and, the Grand exchange has nothing to do whatsoever with the duel arena, and it will destroy another thing.. merchanting. So, alot of people will be in the rants selection of the RSOF and don't expect it to end anytime soon.




It won't destroy merchanting. I'd bet you anything that merchanting won't change a bit and you'd still see everything just as it was before. When this update is released, I dare you to go to world 2 (or 1 if you're a free player) and expect NOT to see Falador just as it always was.



Currently will be using my Oni Tsurugi account to attempt to get 99 on all free skills without spending any gp, just for the sake of doing so.

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