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Best console discussion thread


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What do you think the best console ever was? Anything from the Atari 2600 to the PS3 (and handhelds count too). And why did you pick that console? Whats your fav game on it?




Happy posting :D

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I get angry when I see arguments like this.


The consoles are not all directed towards the same audience. Lets use the X-Box and the Wii as an example since I have both it's easier for me to describe what I'm thinking :P .


Let's look at the big games on each system, and their ratings, shall we?






  • Mass Effect - M
    Call of Duty 4 - M
    Assassin's Creed - M
    Guitar Hero 3 - T
    WWE Smackdown Vs. RAW 2008 - T
    Halo 3 - M
    Kane & Lynch: Dead Man - M




  • Wii Play - E
    Mario Party 8 - E
    High School Musical: Sing It! - E
    Super Mario Galaxy - E
    Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - T
    Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - T
    Guitar Hero 3 - T


Look at them both, on the X-Box theres no games rated E, and on the Wii 4/7 of them are rated E, and the rest of T. This is kind of obvious that the X-Box is a system more for older kids, and the Wii is for younger kids. The T games for Wii, Guitar Hero, Zelda, Metroid are all games that are played by little kids that parents wouldn't mind, except for maybe Metroid in occasional situations. Also the price, the Wii is $50 cheaper, younger kids are generally now going to want to spend money, but older kids are more willing to shell out the extra cash for a system better for them.




Online play for the Wii is very limited, with no direct chat and friend codes. On X-Box there is direct chat and gamertags that the user picks out that can be offensive, if you go play a game on X-Box live I'm willing to bet lots of money that you'll hear loads of swears. Younger kids wouldn't really even know/want to use online play at all! The Wii is also a family system, which a lot of parents would prefer for their kids over a system like X-Box filled with action and violence.






After re-reading this, I feel like I'm supporting the Wii more then the X-Box, probably because I have an original X-Box and a Wii, but I'm going to get a 360 soon :P

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Bubsa... you seem... funny today.. in a good way, that's twice you have made me lol :P




Anyways, my favourite games console has to be the nintendo 64, i remember spending hours on games like goldeneye 007, mario kart, stuff like that.


In my opinion the best next-gen console is the Xbox-360. Lets face it, the online multiplayer is a lot more successful than any others, and the HD wipes the floor with the PS3's blu-ray.




So overall my favourite consoles have to be the N64 or the Xbox360


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Best console of all time? Difficult to say.








For example, I loved the Sega Saturn. Sadly, however, it simply was too difficult to program for and not many games came out for it. Those that did though... wow, it had some great series. Panzer dragoon and such were great. It isn't the best console of all time though.






The dreamcast was great too, but it had the same flaws the saturn did -- not many games were coming out for it. The system was incredibly powerful for its time, capable of graphics nearly better than what the PS2 was offering (just look at comparison screenshots from back in the day).




However it was killed early and lost any chance of becomming a truely great console.










In my opinion the best console of all time has had to be the Nintendo 64. There are simply so many reasons for this. First of all, the games. No one can argue the simply tons of brilliant games that came out for the system. Mario 64, Goldeneye, Perfect dark, Orcarana of Time, Majoras mask, perfect dark, mario kart 64... the list goes on and on. This was one of those consoles that probably has held the most of my time and it really is brilliant.






The fact too that nintendo went for cartridges instead of CD's gave them an interesting advantage, including the fact that load times in their games were non-existant. While the system had trouble competing with the likes of the PS1, still, I don't think many people would disagree with how great this system was.






Now we could choose something older than that. The SNES was a great system, and likewise the NES, Genesis and such were great too. However they just did not have the processing power to produce what later consoles could, and the N64 brought (many of us) into the world of 3D. Seeing our favorite characters now rendered in full 3D was simply amazing at the time, jaw dropping -- really.

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Best console, eh? Well...I would have to say the NES. Had a bunch of excellent games, multiplayer, began a number of awesome franchises, some of which are still going strong too. Nothing could touch the NES back in the day.

I don't run races to see who's the fastest, I run to see who has the most guts. -Pre


Currently the best beat out there:

Minuit jacuzzi (DatA Remix) - TEPR

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SNES, PS1 isn't far behind.




I agree. Only, the SNES didn't innovate as much as the NES did. Much better games though. :thumbsup:

I don't run races to see who's the fastest, I run to see who has the most guts. -Pre


Currently the best beat out there:

Minuit jacuzzi (DatA Remix) - TEPR

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If it wasn't for the NES, I wouldn't be here today, simple as that.


No, it didn't exactly give it mouth to mouth (no matter how many times you had to blow the cartridges and inside to get Marble Madness to work), but because it got me into gaming, of all kind.

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Side Note: I think you should put the word "ever" in the title, because I'm sure many people will think this is another 360/ps3 flame war thread.




I'm going to go with PS1/N64 tie, and obviously GB pocket, because I grew up on Mega Man Legends, Ocarina of Time, and Pokemon Red, along with a bunch of Zelda for GameBoy. Kickass games.

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A console is for games...


PS3 has games


I have fun


Ps3 provides me with my every need.


1. My new favorate console the one, the only...


Nintendo wii!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:


2. Nintendo 64 :D


3. Playstation 3 :)




You are my official TIF hero. I love you








As for console I'm gonna have to go with NES for revitalizing the video game industry following the video game crash.

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Definitely the SNES.




Showed that just because it didn't have the best graphics or cutting edge design, that it could still be one of the most kick [wagon] video game consoles ever.

This is a temporary account. Ash6110 is my real one. As soon as I get my account back I will not be using this one anymore.



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Regarding the title of this thread, I would like to inform you that when posting a topic it is assumed that the thread is a discussion and a thread. If it is neither of those, it should not be posted.








PS2 Rocked. 'nuff said.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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