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Should prayer regenerate?


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to the guys who said






1 pray pnt per bone


2 per big bone


3 per drag bone








im almsot sure u can kill a dragon with 3 pray point using melee on ..




u kill one , u got pray back ...




camp there ...

something to say about my english grammar ?!?!? , okay , but do it in french !

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It would seem logical that prayer would regenerate by like... 0.1 point per bones buried or something.




That way it only regenerates if you're deserving it (doing something pray related.)




However prayer potions would depreciate massivley =/


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you're trying to compare this game to reality saying wounds heal over time. Well, why do you also eat FOOD to heal WOUNDS?




I don't think praying at an altar should only restore prayer, i think burying bones should restore prayer, too.




normal bones - restore 1 prayer


big bones - restore 2 prayer


dragon bones - restore 3 prayer





Well, I was going to post something similar to this before I read it, so I'm not stealing an award winning idea (and I cleaned up some of your grammar, too).




That said, I agree. I've always wondered why advancing a level didn't fill up your gauge (and that goes for everything). Say you're out fighting and you advance a level in hitpoints...why shouldn't your gauge fill up? Maybe hitpoints could be an exception, but then, if you're "learning prayer" by burying bones, why wouldn't advancing a prayer level fill up your prayer gauge. Also, why doesn't praying at an altar raise your prayer experience, but fills your gauge? I know people would be kneeling at the altar all day long, but couldn't Jagex simply put a cap on times you can pray in one day (or one hour) at an altar?




As for the bones idea, I first thought that would be a good idea, but you're just burying bones...it would artificially rise the price of them to higher levels and cause more problems with combat/shopping bots and congestion in bone producing areas. Instead, why not have a certain MAGIC allow you to turn bones into prayer points, like bones to bananas, but instead, say, 2 nature runes (to make it a little higher cost), 2 chaos runes, and 3 death runes per cast for a full inventory of regular bones or 1 nature, 1 chaos, 1 death per cast for 1 big bones at a time in your inventory for 5-10 prayer points, or 3 chaos, 3 death, and 3 fire runes per cast per dragon bones in your inventory, but have it fill up your prayer completely? Make it a level 80 magic or maybe even a prayer skill itself, which would make using it a little tricky so as not to over-abuse it.




How about that for an idea?

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i think it should regenrate, based on your prayer bonus. say, one point every minute for every 10 points of prayer bonus? and holy books could restore a small amount every 10 mins by praying with them.



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Some people would probably abuse this and get high prayer bonus and basically not use up any prayer. It would have to be very well thought out to not get used in a negative way towards the game.




1 point per minute? That's reasonable I think.






With the highest prayer bonus at 43 or something then the rate would be alot faster.




Prayer bonus only slows down your prayer when you use it. Who says it has to be like that when regenerating? Prayer bonus should have no effect on regenerating, this way people can't really abuse it.


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No I think it would be bad. If you would run out of prayer point, you can go to a safespot and just let it regenerate.


Bad idea






even if it was 6points an hour?






also, why the hell cant we have a prayer that lets you run longer? if i was being chased i want to pray to run faster/further




get a higher prayer level, instead of trying to find an easy way to wiggle out of it in the form of backing up the idea to regenerate prayer.


i believe its a bad idea.




Agreed. people are lazy these days and now want everything to come to them. lower requirements, put more safe spots, and now allow prayer tp regenerate instead of training it. But I do think a prayer that helps run energy would be useful.


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No I think it would be bad. If you would run out of prayer point, you can go to a safespot and just let it regenerate.


Bad idea






even if it was 6points an hour?






also, why the hell cant we have a prayer that lets you run longer? if i was being chased i want to pray to run faster/further




get a higher prayer level, instead of trying to find an easy way to wiggle out of it in the form of backing up the idea to regenerate prayer.


i believe its a bad idea.




Agreed. people are lazy these days and now want everything to come to them. lower requirements, put more safe spots, and now allow prayer tp regenerate instead of training it. But I do think a prayer that helps run energy would be useful.




I'm actually against the idea of making things like xp gains easier, but since Jagex has already done that, no point in trying to stop it now.




Also I don't think prayer should regenerate at the rate hp does, and I think thats why alot of "negative/disagreed" comments come in. I was personally thinking of 6 points per hour.




Specifically at this slow rate due to a prayer you can use to restore your health if it gets to low, reducing the minimal time you can use it per 10 minutes, since it drains it down completely to 0.




Going to a Altar is fine for maxium prayer and stuff, but when your out on the road alot doing other things, and decide to go into combat, only to find you forgot to recharge prayer really sucks. Its nice to know you can go do things for a few hours and have alteast half your prayer back for emergency situations.

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yeah right at all your comments, i think this could work fine, hp regen works everywhere yet none of you think it changes anything.




your trying to compare this game to real life saying wounds heal over time, well why do you have to eat FOOD to heal WOUNDS?




i dont think praying at an altar should only restore prayer, i think burying bones should restore prayer too.




normal bones restore 1 prayer


big bones restore 2 prayer


dragon bones restore 3 prayer




etc, it would encourge people to train prayer more instead of keeping it low then having to buy bones later for no reason.




edit: dont know why i posted an award winning idea like this for people to steal and post it on boards before me but go ahead because im too lazy to go on the rsof




yea, eating food to heal wounds in real life would be just about as useful as shooting heroin to heal =P



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It'd be illogical. HP = Health. When you "rest" you regain health/you rest. Prayer I guess is related to having faith or something, so it only regenerates when you bow at an altar and show you support a religion. It's goodin my opinion.


Runescaper since June 2005


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I don't think it should because of how i've always imagined hp and prayer to work.. health regenerates over time because your wounds eventually heal, but with prayer, you're asking for a blessing from the gods to give you extra power. every time you want to call on the power you have to pray to a god.
You take this game too seriously :ohnoes:
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