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Is God real post your thoughts!


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Muslims do not want questions to be asked, that is why they've stressed it so much.




Believing what everyone TELLS you is not the sign of a believer. Not a smart one, anyways. It is the sign of ignorance.




Well.. My father claims to be a muslim, as do his friends and family.. But yet, he chooses to disobey some parts of the Koran just as about every muslim I know.




Such as drinking alcohol... He says it's "ok because everyone else does it too", but it's just because he lives in a western country and he's not disciplined enough to quit it. He says "once in a while you can drink".




But, you can't eat a pig's meat "once in a while" because that would be against God's will, yet drinking alcohol is not?




The general population doesn't have a "religion". They just group themselves with a tag like 'christianity', 'islam', etc.. And follow any rituals as long as they don't limit their life too much. In western countries, apparently God thinks it's ok for millions of muslims to drink beer and vodka, but in Saudi Arabia, God will punish you for it? :?:




It's linked with society, not religion. Women in western countries mostly don't wear burkhas. Men in western countries don't feel restricted about drinking alcohol. Muslims in western countries mostly don't pray 5 times a day or pay zakat (charity of 1/40th your salary) as told by the Koran.

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When the world ends, according to Christianity, we don't become "mindless robots" to make the world perfect. Satan is removed as an influence. Perhaps before you discuss matters of this magnitude, you should do research on the subject as to not sound silly!




Does this mean no premarriage sex in heaven? huh?




God created this Earth without Satan's influence upon it, hence it started out perfect. Satan had a little hissy-fit because he believed himself to be above Adam, even though God directly demanded Satan to bow to Adam. Indeed, God loved us so greatly as his best creation that he told the Angels to bow to us. Satan refused, and God punished him. Satan then vowed to use his time on Earth to do nothing but turn us away from God, and God agreed to this.




The real question, and one which I do not know the answer to (perhaps someone else here does) is - Why did God even ALLOW Satan to deceive us? Perhaps Satan deceived Eve and the damage was already done at that point, so God agreed to let Satan mess with us to see if we would still turn to God and turn away from Satan. God laid it all out in the Bible, so it is there for us to see. If we deny it, then we are willingly ignorant, just as the Bible says.




Read Revelation, my friend. If you do, you will see that there are some things in there that cannot just be mere coincidence.




I will not waste my time in some babbling of lunatic, did you read the revelation? The guy who wrote that seems to me mentally ill.




I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, 13and among the lampstands was someone "like a son of man,"dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.




or maybe he was on some kind of drugs?




When Israel was established in 1948, that was a fulfilled prophecy. The Bible says Israel would be re-established. Coincidence? Okay, let's say it is! Well, the Bible continues, saying that when it is re-established, it will be surrounded by enemies from all sides. Now, when Israel was established, that VERY day, the five Muslim countries surrounding Israel attacked Israel all at once. They were all defeated, as the Bible said they would be. The fighting continued through several wars, and Israel defeated the Muslim nations EVERY single time, so much so that Israel even gained more land at one point, much to the Muslims' dismay. The Muslims cried to the UN, and Israel was forced to give the land back, which they did.




Yes, you could call it coincidense, why not? That is where the Israeli people have lived, if theyd lose it someday, it would be natural to ecpect they would try to get it back, and when it reads in their holy book they will get it back why wouldn't they try? And enemies from all sides attacking? You don't need to be a prophet to tell that if you take land from people they will try to get it back.





To this day, Israel is attacked by Muslim nations, and Israel has never fell, even though for every 1 Israeli, there are 500 Muslims. If there is no God protecting Israel, that'd be one hell of a huge coincidence.




God protecting by killing muslims? What about thou shall love your enemy and all those? Arent Israle people supposed to turn the other cheek?




The Bible says that Israel will continue to be attacked, but it will never fall to the attackers. Someday, it will be separated (Bill Clinton started this proposal) and the Bible says that when it is, Jesus will come back at that time.




They're not coincidences. They're "inconvenient truths", if you will. ;) For you, anyways, since you ignore this.




Furthermore, I don't believe anyone will be "burned eternally". I don't believe in a literal Hell, as it doesn't make sense for God to punish those who don't follow him - it only makes sense for him to not REWARD them. Hell is a metaphor for the burning pain one would feel being separated from God for eternity, knowing of his existence.




So, what youre saying is, you don't belive what is written in the bible. Isn't it all supposed to be true? You can't just decide what you take literally and what you will transform into something else nonsense of your liking.




Do you know what the Bible says about the anti-Christ? It says that the anti-Christ will promise peace and deceive many, but eventually, all will see it as a farce. Tell me - what is the biggest pusher of false peace today? A movement that - by all accounts - is growing? By that I mean, what is a group of people who are saying "This is peaceful!" even though it clearly is not?




Muslims Anti-christs, they are just plainly brainwashed religious fanatics, like you crhistian people.




Islam. Islam claims to be the "religion of peace", and it deceives MANY into thinking that - however, anyone who knows the Qu'ran and ISN'T a Muslim knows that Islam is NOT peaceful. Hell, it's "prophet" was a WAR GENERAL and a sinner in life in general.




I've made my case, so what have you to say of it?




My text, in bold, thank you.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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Muslims do not want questions to be asked, that is why they've stressed it so much.




Believing what everyone TELLS you is not the sign of a believer. Not a smart one, anyways. It is the sign of ignorance.




Well.. My father claims to be a muslim, as do his friends and family.. But yet, he chooses to disobey some parts of the Koran just as about every muslim I know.




Such as drinking alcohol... He says it's "ok because everyone else does it too", but it's just because he lives in a western country and he's not disciplined enough to quit it. He says "once in a while you can drink".




But, you can't eat a pig's meat "once in a while" because that would be against God's will, yet drinking alcohol is not?




The general population doesn't have a "religion". They just group themselves with a tag like 'christianity', 'islam', etc.. And follow any rituals as long as they don't limit their life too much. In western countries, apparently God thinks it's ok for millions of muslims to drink beer and vodka, but in Saudi Arabia, God will punish you for it? :?:




It's linked with society, not religion. Women in western countries mostly don't wear burkhas. Men in western countries don't feel restricted about drinking alcohol. Muslims in western countries mostly don't pray 5 times a day or pay zakat (charity of 1/40th your salary) as told by the Koran.




Exactly, my friend. Almost no Muslims in the west follow their religion as it is supposed to be followed. Which isn't to say Christians DO - there are bad Christians as well, but Muslims not following their religion is a BLESSING, because if they did, anytime you said "Eh, I don't agree with islam." a head would roll, as per my explanation of how they justify such actions no matter how small the matter. If Christians followed their religion correctly, it would be more peaceful, not less peaceful. How many Christians yell at their enemies? Mock them? Hit them, even? Plenty, surely. However, Jesus said to pray for them, and essentially, ignore them. Tell them the Gospel, and if they mock you, pray for them, but do not call them names or mock them. Just pray. You know what I mean, surely.




As for the drinking, yes, Muslims CANNOT drink alcohol at all unless they are trapped or lost somewhere and it is the only thing to drink. Same with eating pork. Their religion forbids it.




I don't drink myself, because I see it as pointless, but I do eat pork every now and then even though it says not to in the Torah. When Jesus came, a new covenant was made that essentially made the Torah redundant (no stoning, etc) so I assume that goes for eating pork as well. But Jews didn't eat pork because they saw the animal as filthy because it ate it's own feces, AND they were prone to Trichinosis back in those days.




...Muslims, however, have a different reason. The Trichinosis part still stands as a reason why, but they also do not eat it because in the Qu'ran, "Allah" turned some Jews into apes and pigs for fishing on a Saturday, so they see pigs as filthy because of that as well.




Quite obvious...Jews were God's chosen people...Islam hates Jews more than ANY other group...It would make sense to assume that Satan has decreed this due to his hatred of God's people.




Muslims in the East constantly refer to Jews as apes and pigs due to that story, and one of Muslims' greatest delusions is that Jewish people stole their land, which is hilarious because we all know that Jews were there 6,000 years ago and then some, and Muslims conquered them and pushed them out, then lived there for 1,000 some-odd years, and the Jews were given it back, so Muslims say Jews stole their land. Hypocrisy FTW! :P

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1) He wouldn't allow humans to exist, knowing the planet would be wrecked if he did.


Who cares about a rock?


2) nothing bad would ever happen to us - no deaths, no pain, no disabilities.


Then how would we ever learn? We'd just be frikkin' robots.


3) he would never let his son, Jesus Christ, die.


Well, according to Christianity, he died for our sins, so that self-sacrifice was kinda considered necessary by both God and Jesus.




1) he should, since he created it. Besides, he is supposedly all loving, that isn't limited to just living animals you know.




2)We won't need to learn- there's no way anything would happen to us. we can still have fun, free will etc. Just without any consequences.




3)he died to forgive our sins. god could of done that without his son dying.

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When the world ends, according to Christianity, we don't become "mindless robots" to make the world perfect. Satan is removed as an influence. Perhaps before you discuss matters of this magnitude, you should do research on the subject as to not sound silly!




Does this mean no premarriage sex in heaven? huh?




God created this Earth without Satan's influence upon it, hence it started out perfect. Satan had a little hissy-fit because he believed himself to be above Adam, even though God directly demanded Satan to bow to Adam. Indeed, God loved us so greatly as his best creation that he told the Angels to bow to us. Satan refused, and God punished him. Satan then vowed to use his time on Earth to do nothing but turn us away from God, and God agreed to this.




The real question, and one which I do not know the answer to (perhaps someone else here does) is - Why did God even ALLOW Satan to deceive us? Perhaps Satan deceived Eve and the damage was already done at that point, so God agreed to let Satan mess with us to see if we would still turn to God and turn away from Satan. God laid it all out in the Bible, so it is there for us to see. If we deny it, then we are willingly ignorant, just as the Bible says.




Read Revelation, my friend. If you do, you will see that there are some things in there that cannot just be mere coincidence.




I will not waste my time in some babbling of lunatic, did you read the revelation? The guy who wrote that seems to me mentally ill.




I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, 13and among the lampstands was someone "like a son of man,"dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.




or maybe he was on some kind of drugs?




When Israel was established in 1948, that was a fulfilled prophecy. The Bible says Israel would be re-established. Coincidence? Okay, let's say it is! Well, the Bible continues, saying that when it is re-established, it will be surrounded by enemies from all sides. Now, when Israel was established, that VERY day, the five Muslim countries surrounding Israel attacked Israel all at once. They were all defeated, as the Bible said they would be. The fighting continued through several wars, and Israel defeated the Muslim nations EVERY single time, so much so that Israel even gained more land at one point, much to the Muslims' dismay. The Muslims cried to the UN, and Israel was forced to give the land back, which they did.




Yes, you could call it coincidense, why not? That is where the Israeli people have lived, if theyd lose it someday, it would be natural to ecpect they would try to get it back, and when it reads in their holy book they will get it back why wouldn't they try? And enemies from all sides attacking? You don't need to be a prophet to tell that if you take land from people they will try to get it back.





To this day, Israel is attacked by Muslim nations, and Israel has never fell, even though for every 1 Israeli, there are 500 Muslims. If there is no God protecting Israel, that'd be one hell of a huge coincidence.




God protecting by killing muslims? What about thou shall love your enemy and all those? Arent Israle people supposed to turn the other cheek?




The Bible says that Israel will continue to be attacked, but it will never fall to the attackers. Someday, it will be separated (Bill Clinton started this proposal) and the Bible says that when it is, Jesus will come back at that time.




They're not coincidences. They're "inconvenient truths", if you will. ;) For you, anyways, since you ignore this.




Furthermore, I don't believe anyone will be "burned eternally". I don't believe in a literal Hell, as it doesn't make sense for God to punish those who don't follow him - it only makes sense for him to not REWARD them. Hell is a metaphor for the burning pain one would feel being separated from God for eternity, knowing of his existence.




So, what youre saying is, you don't belive what is written in the bible. Isn't it all supposed to be true? You can't just decide what you take literally and what you will transform into something else nonsense of your liking.




Do you know what the Bible says about the anti-Christ? It says that the anti-Christ will promise peace and deceive many, but eventually, all will see it as a farce. Tell me - what is the biggest pusher of false peace today? A movement that - by all accounts - is growing? By that I mean, what is a group of people who are saying "This is peaceful!" even though it clearly is not?




Muslims Anti-christs, they are just plainly brainwashed religious fanatics, like you crhistian people.




Islam. Islam claims to be the "religion of peace", and it deceives MANY into thinking that - however, anyone who knows the Qu'ran and ISN'T a Muslim knows that Islam is NOT peaceful. Hell, it's "prophet" was a WAR GENERAL and a sinner in life in general.




I've made my case, so what have you to say of it?




My text, in bold, thank you.




1.) No premarital sex in heaven? I don't know why that was relevant to what I said, but sure...I'd imagine that would be the case, since we're not supposed to have any HERE as it is, now are we?! I'm sorry - does this conflict with your promise of 72 virgins? Which by the way, is a disgusting, lustful promise of Satan, tricking men with lust into following his BS. I wouldn't want 72 virgins, and anyone who does is a lustful sinner. That is NOT a promise of a sinless God!




2.) The quote you got from revelation is a metaphor for something. Of what, I am not sure of at the moment, but it's quite obvious with the numericals given. Numericals in the Bible are often associated with metaphor, like the X headed beast with Y number of crowns, etc. Nice below-the belt stab though by saying he was mental or on drugs. :lol: very mature.




3.) It's not the common sense of Muslims attacking Israel that makes it a coincidence. Of course you'd attack someone you perceive to be stealing your land (Oh, by the way...Jesus said if someone stole from you, to let them, because they need it more than you do anyways...HOW PEACEFUL!), but the thing that makes it a prophecy being fulfilled is that it happened exactly how it was written in the Bible. The Bible also said that disbelievers of God's word would be "Willingly Ignorant" of it. YOU, sir...Are being willingly ignorant right now. It is there in front of you, and you are denying it.




4.) God is not protecting Israel by killing Muslims. Muslims are killing themselves by attacking Israel. God isn't personally killing each and every Muslim who attacked Israel, the Israeli's are, and God is protecting Israel from being conquered. It's that simple. God isn't ALLOWING Israel to be overtaken. But let's say God was killing Muslims...What is your point? That God is evil? No, Muslims are being evil by denying God's word and forcing his hand. If Muslims were not willingly ignorant of the Bible, they would read it and see the word of God, and no one would WANT to attack Israel. As Muslims, they are pawns of Satan against God's plan. I'm not saying you're an evil Satan-worshiping freak, but I am saying you're deceived by Satan's religion.




5.) OH! And Israeli's aren't supposed to turn the other cheek - Christians are. Way to show your ignorance of religion in general. Jews deny Jesus Christ just like Muslims do, and Jesus Christ was the one who said to turn the other cheek.




6.) Why do you say I do not believe everything in the Bible? Is it all of a sudden wrong to say certain things are metaphors and certain things are not? Tell me, O' Muslim child - Does the sun still set in a pool of muddy water? Muhammed said it did! Oh, that was literal you mean?! Wow, he really must've been way off! Or was it metaphorical, meaning it set in a dark place? Or was Muhammed just MAKING STUFF UP? I'd assume the latter, but I think you see my point. I am not assigning what is metaphorical and what is not - many people believe Hell is a metaphor for the burning your heart feels by being separated from God. Many Christians believe this could very well be the case!




But of course, Muslims are forced to believe in Hell as literal fact, since it says Jews and Christians will be the fuel for the fire, and that everyone's skin in Hell will be replenished once it is burned off. :roll: Again, more Jew-hating from the Muslims! Boy, sure is good to be a Jew these days.




7.) Brainwashed religious fanatics are Muslims anti-Christ? Funny, the Qu'ran says the opposite of the Bible. It says that the anti-Christ will be brought in by Jews and Christians. MORE Jew hating? Geez, stop already.




It's funny that you deny that Islam is claiming to be peaceful when it is clearly not. Currently, the world population's majority would agree with me, not you. Islam is NOT peaceful, but FEAR NOT! One day Islam will rule the world, and remember me when that happens, and remember my words. Islam will rule. Jerusalem will split between the Jews and Muslims. And then, Jesus will come and stop the surely tyrannical-rule of the future Muslim leaders of the world.




Muslims love to tote how their religion is the fastest growing in the world. Keep toting - some Christians know why it is growing, and you will not deceive us. You may deceive many, but you will not deceive us all. Islam is barbaric under the guise of peace, JUST like how the Bible says the anti-Christ will be. It also says that the anti-Christ will be born in the East. Where was Islam born again? Oh yea...The East...Crap. Sucks for you guys.





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1) He wouldn't allow humans to exist, knowing the planet would be wrecked if he did.


Who cares about a rock?


2) nothing bad would ever happen to us - no deaths, no pain, no disabilities.


Then how would we ever learn? We'd just be frikkin' robots.


3) he would never let his son, Jesus Christ, die.


Well, according to Christianity, he died for our sins, so that self-sacrifice was kinda considered necessary by both God and Jesus.




1) he should, since he created it. Besides, he is supposedly all loving, that isn't limited to just living animals you know.




2)We won't need to learn- there's no way anything would happen to us. we can still have fun, free will etc. Just without any consequences.




3)he died to forgive our sins. god could of done that without his son dying.




Wrong. God cannot simply forgive your sins for no reason, just like a judge cannot tell you "You're free to go" if you simply say "Oops. My bad."




God has always required sacrifice. Do you know why God took the dead lamb as a sacrifice instead of the fruit when Cain and Abel made offerings to God? Because God needs a sacrifice. This is why Jesus is called "The Lamb of God" sometimes. You have a blood-debt to God, and only blood can make it up to him. I know it sounds grotesque and evil, but that's only because society tells you it is these days. Back then it was cool. Heck, Muslims sacrifice lambs and their own blood to this day for whatever reason.




Christians, however, have already had their sacrifice given to them. Jesus took it upon himself to save us. And no, I don't think killing a lamb would appease God anymore, so I wouldn't try it. :P




There is an entire philosophy behind all this that I really don't want to get into because it's TOOOOOO darn long, but I'll, umm...Here, I may have a video for you that can explain it...








There ya' go. Goes into Islam and why they still do the blood sacrifice crap and why Christians don't have to. it's not the BEST video on why, since it's more of an anti-Islam video than a pro-Christian theology video, but it's all I have at the moment. :P

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When the world ends, according to Christianity, we don't become "mindless robots" to make the world perfect. Satan is removed as an influence. Perhaps before you discuss matters of this magnitude, you should do research on the subject as to not sound silly!




Does this mean no premarriage sex in heaven? huh?




God created this Earth without Satan's influence upon it, hence it started out perfect. Satan had a little hissy-fit because he believed himself to be above Adam, even though God directly demanded Satan to bow to Adam. Indeed, God loved us so greatly as his best creation that he told the Angels to bow to us. Satan refused, and God punished him. Satan then vowed to use his time on Earth to do nothing but turn us away from God, and God agreed to this.




The real question, and one which I do not know the answer to (perhaps someone else here does) is - Why did God even ALLOW Satan to deceive us? Perhaps Satan deceived Eve and the damage was already done at that point, so God agreed to let Satan mess with us to see if we would still turn to God and turn away from Satan. God laid it all out in the Bible, so it is there for us to see. If we deny it, then we are willingly ignorant, just as the Bible says.




Read Revelation, my friend. If you do, you will see that there are some things in there that cannot just be mere coincidence.




I will not waste my time in some babbling of lunatic, did you read the revelation? The guy who wrote that seems to me mentally ill.




I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, 13and among the lampstands was someone "like a son of man,"dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.




or maybe he was on some kind of drugs?




When Israel was established in 1948, that was a fulfilled prophecy. The Bible says Israel would be re-established. Coincidence? Okay, let's say it is! Well, the Bible continues, saying that when it is re-established, it will be surrounded by enemies from all sides. Now, when Israel was established, that VERY day, the five Muslim countries surrounding Israel attacked Israel all at once. They were all defeated, as the Bible said they would be. The fighting continued through several wars, and Israel defeated the Muslim nations EVERY single time, so much so that Israel even gained more land at one point, much to the Muslims' dismay. The Muslims cried to the UN, and Israel was forced to give the land back, which they did.




Yes, you could call it coincidense, why not? That is where the Israeli people have lived, if theyd lose it someday, it would be natural to ecpect they would try to get it back, and when it reads in their holy book they will get it back why wouldn't they try? And enemies from all sides attacking? You don't need to be a prophet to tell that if you take land from people they will try to get it back.





To this day, Israel is attacked by Muslim nations, and Israel has never fell, even though for every 1 Israeli, there are 500 Muslims. If there is no God protecting Israel, that'd be one hell of a huge coincidence.




God protecting by killing muslims? What about thou shall love your enemy and all those? Arent Israle people supposed to turn the other cheek?




The Bible says that Israel will continue to be attacked, but it will never fall to the attackers. Someday, it will be separated (Bill Clinton started this proposal) and the Bible says that when it is, Jesus will come back at that time.




They're not coincidences. They're "inconvenient truths", if you will. ;) For you, anyways, since you ignore this.




Furthermore, I don't believe anyone will be "burned eternally". I don't believe in a literal Hell, as it doesn't make sense for God to punish those who don't follow him - it only makes sense for him to not REWARD them. Hell is a metaphor for the burning pain one would feel being separated from God for eternity, knowing of his existence.




So, what youre saying is, you don't belive what is written in the bible. Isn't it all supposed to be true? You can't just decide what you take literally and what you will transform into something else nonsense of your liking.




Do you know what the Bible says about the anti-Christ? It says that the anti-Christ will promise peace and deceive many, but eventually, all will see it as a farce. Tell me - what is the biggest pusher of false peace today? A movement that - by all accounts - is growing? By that I mean, what is a group of people who are saying "This is peaceful!" even though it clearly is not?




Muslims Anti-christs, they are just plainly brainwashed religious fanatics, like you crhistian people.




Islam. Islam claims to be the "religion of peace", and it deceives MANY into thinking that - however, anyone who knows the Qu'ran and ISN'T a Muslim knows that Islam is NOT peaceful. Hell, it's "prophet" was a WAR GENERAL and a sinner in life in general.




I've made my case, so what have you to say of it?




My text, in bold, thank you.





1.) No premarital sex in heaven? I don't know why that was relevant to what I said, but sure...I'd imagine that would be the case, since we're not supposed to have any HERE as it is, now are we?! I'm sorry - does this conflict with your promise of 72 virgins? Which by the way, is a disgusting, lustful promise of Satan, tricking men with lust into following his BS. I wouldn't want 72 virgins, and anyone who does is a lustful sinner. That is NOT a promise of a sinless God!




2.) The quote you got from revelation is a metaphor for something. Of what, I am not sure of at the moment, but it's quite obvious with the numericals given. Numericals in the Bible are often associated with metaphor, like the X headed beast with Y number of crowns, etc. Nice below-the belt stab though by saying he was mental or on drugs. :lol: very mature.




3.) It's not the common sense of Muslims attacking Israel that makes it a coincidence. Of course you'd attack someone you perceive to be stealing your land (Oh, by the way...Jesus said if someone stole from you, to let them, because they need it more than you do anyways...HOW PEACEFUL!), but the thing that makes it a prophecy being fulfilled is that it happened exactly how it was written in the Bible. The Bible also said that disbelievers of God's word would be "Willingly Ignorant" of it. YOU, sir...Are being willingly ignorant right now. It is there in front of you, and you are denying it.




4.) God is not protecting Israel by killing Muslims. Muslims are killing themselves by attacking Israel. God isn't personally killing each and every Muslim who attacked Israel, the Israeli's are, and God is protecting Israel from being conquered. It's that simple. God isn't ALLOWING Israel to be overtaken. But let's say God was killing Muslims...What is your point? That God is evil? No, Muslims are being evil by denying God's word and forcing his hand. If Muslims were not willingly ignorant of the Bible, they would read it and see the word of God, and no one would WANT to attack Israel. As Muslims, they are pawns of Satan against God's plan. I'm not saying you're an evil Satan-worshiping freak, but I am saying you're deceived by Satan's religion.




5.) OH! And Israeli's aren't supposed to turn the other cheek - Christians are. Way to show your ignorance of religion in general. Jews deny Jesus Christ just like Muslims do, and Jesus Christ was the one who said to turn the other cheek.




6.) Why do you say I do not believe everything in the Bible? Is it all of a sudden wrong to say certain things are metaphors and certain things are not? Tell me, O' Muslim child - Does the sun still set in a pool of muddy water? Muhammed said it did! Oh, that was literal you mean?! Wow, he really must've been way off! Or was it metaphorical, meaning it set in a dark place? Or was Muhammed just MAKING STUFF UP? I'd assume the latter, but I think you see my point. I am not assigning what is metaphorical and what is not - many people believe Hell is a metaphor for the burning your heart feels by being separated from God. Many Christians believe this could very well be the case!




But of course, Muslims are forced to believe in Hell as literal fact, since it says Jews and Christians will be the fuel for the fire, and that everyone's skin in Hell will be replenished once it is burned off. :roll: Again, more Jew-hating from the Muslims! Boy, sure is good to be a Jew these days.




7.) Brainwashed religious fanatics are Muslims anti-Christ? Funny, the Qu'ran says the opposite of the Bible. It says that the anti-Christ will be brought in by Jews and Christians. MORE Jew hating? Geez, stop already.




It's funny that you deny that Islam is claiming to be peaceful when it is clearly not. Currently, the world population's majority would agree with me, not you. Islam is NOT peaceful, but FEAR NOT! One day Islam will rule the world, and remember me when that happens, and remember my words. Islam will rule. Jerusalem will split between the Jews and Muslims. And then, Jesus will come and stop the surely tyrannical-rule of the future Muslim leaders of the world.




Muslims love to tote how their religion is the fastest growing in the world. Keep toting - some Christians know why it is growing, and you will not deceive us. You may deceive many, but you will not deceive us all. Islam is barbaric under the guise of peace, JUST like how the Bible says the anti-Christ will be. It also says that the anti-Christ will be born in the East. Where was Islam born again? Oh yea...The East...Crap. Sucks for you guys.






First off all, i'm not muslim. I never said I was.




1. Yes, I too think the 70 virgins thing of muslims is very silly. But crhistian heaven is very silly too. You said it yourself, no premarriage sex. What other good things are forbitten there? There must be thousands of them. If the place is perfect by crhistian standarts, nobody can even lie! Imagine that. (don't forget the other forbitten things too, lying was just one excample)


The heaven would be just an eternal version of booring stuck up cristian life. I woudln't want to go to that heaven.




2.I didin't intent to hit you below the belt. I just told what that text seems to an my eyes, an eyes of non-cristian logical thinker.




3.No, i'm not willingly ignorant. It's always funny to me when cristian people blaim someone else ignorant. As there aren't really any facts about your religion and you just continue believing this fairytale. I know, I know, it makes you feel safe, and you feel now loved because jesus loves you but its not true still.




By the way, if there was evidense of cristian god actually to be real, woudln't that be (don't remember the word in english) but talking about something and then talking about something that disproves the previous statement?


Why? Because isn't the cristianity based on faith? Not on facts. If it was based on facts, ofcourse god would provide us better facts than just some old writing which nobody really knows are they true or not true.




7. I had typos there. this is what it was meant to be:


Muslims Anti-christs? No, they are just plainly brainwashed religious fanatics, like you cristian people.




I'm very tired now and you write so much that I can't reply to it all now. But I'll get back on topic.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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You perceive pre-marital sex to be a "good" thing. Statistics show it is not. Yea, it feels good, blah de blah, but that doesn't make it good. That is lustful, so...Yea.




I don't know what else to say, you're one of those people who are anti-religion because it hinders your desires, those people usually label themselves "Satanists". Not that you worship Satan, of course, it's just what they call themselves, lol.

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You perceive pre-marital sex to be a "good" thing. Statistics show it is not. Yea, it feels good, blah de blah, but that doesn't make it good. That is lustful, so...Yea.


Since when does a wedding ring make sex safer? I'd love to see these stats.




I've seen statistics that make a lot of regular activities look bad -- does this mean we should stop enjoying life? Sex, alcohol, drugs, roller coasters, coffee, soft drinks, computer games, sports, driving, etc.

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You perceive pre-marital sex to be a "good" thing. Statistics show it is not. Yea, it feels good, blah de blah, but that doesn't make it good. That is lustful, so...Yea.


Since when does a wedding ring make sex safer? I'd love to see these stats.




I've seen statistics that make a lot of regular activities look bad -- does this mean we should stop enjoying life? Sex, alcohol, drugs, roller coasters, coffee, soft drinks, computer games, sports, driving, etc.




Who said anything about "safe"? If you're having pre-marital sex and your woman gets pregnant...What're you gonna' do? Most guys bail, some take care of them, but either way, you're hindering your OWN life because you have to care for another life. AKA, pre-marital sex is teh badz.




I can't condemn people who do it though, I can only say it's not a good idea. Hell, I did it, but most people CONTINUE to do it with many random people. I did it once with one girl, who I am still with. :P

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Who said anything about "safe"? If you're having pre-marital sex and your woman gets pregnant...What're you gonna' do? Most guys bail, some take care of them, but either way, you're hindering your OWN life because you have to care for another life. AKA, pre-marital sex is teh badz.


What about a wedding ring makes a couple more ready?




Yes, it does signify a couple's commitment to each other (and nine times out of ten I would definitely bet on the married couple raising their child better), but talking in absolutes like that is generally not a good idea when making a point.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Who said anything about "safe"? If you're having pre-marital sex and your woman gets pregnant...What're you gonna' do? Most guys bail, some take care of them, but either way, you're hindering your OWN life because you have to care for another life. AKA, pre-marital sex is teh badz.


Ever heard of abortion? :)




Either way, that's a pretty big "what if". Of course, if you refuse to use any sort of protection (condoms, the pill, whatnot) then sex becomes quite risky/unsafe. But, when done responsibly with proper protection, the chances of pregnancy are minute.


But, on the same note, irresponsible use of any sort of activity can result in "teh badz".




I can't condemn people who do it though, I can only say it's not a good idea. Hell, I did it, but most people CONTINUE to do it with many random people. I did it once with one girl, who I am still with.


I'm curious, do you regret it?

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Who said anything about "safe"? If you're having pre-marital sex and your woman gets pregnant...What're you gonna' do? Most guys bail, some take care of them, but either way, you're hindering your OWN life because you have to care for another life. AKA, pre-marital sex is teh badz.


What about a wedding ring makes a couple more ready?




Yes, it does signify a couple's commitment to each other (and nine times out of ten I would definitely bet on the married couple raising their child better), but talking in absolutes like that is generally not a good idea when making a point.




A responsible couple would get married, wait until they're secure, then have kids. Having a ring on your finger and the proper documents doesn't make you ready to have a kid, but it does show that at least you're in it together and are committed to make whatever happens work out. Stupid 15 year old kids screwing around and accidentally having babies aren't exactly "responsible", "ready", or "in it together". Usually, the guy bails, the chick drops out of school to take care of the kid, the guy has to do the same to pay child support, etc etc for 18 years, AND THEN you're too old to fix your life! In other words; Life = over.




Venomai - Nice solution! Two [developmentally delayed]ed kids (or adults, whichever) make a mistake...So they kill a baby to save their [wagon]. Perfect reasoning. That seems like a sound choice. How about just doing what I originally said and not screw each other until you're ready to face the consequences of that action? Abortion should be reserved for women who are raped, that is all (and if you want to get whiny and technical, any woman who may die during birth should have the option, too). Everyone else is getting them because they're ridiculously bad at making decisions in life.




And you go on to comment about condoms and birth control...Indeed, good advice, but certainly not sure-fire. You'd assume that both methods, which are 99.99% effective, would make it impossible to get pregnant...However, both me AND my sister were conceived even though my parents were using both at the time - when they were 18. The entire first 10-ish years of my life were spent in near-poverty because they weren't ready to have me yet. I think I have a lil' experience on the matter...I'm not a Christian trust-fund baby who's preaching what he knows not of. ;)




Do I regret having sex with my girlfriend before I was married to her? Not really, but only because she didn't get pregnant. I've thought about it, and if she DID, I would have been ROYALLY screwed. Even more-so than my parents were when they had me. My girlfriend regretted it to the same degree I did...We're glad we did it and it was good and worked out well, but we both know damn well that if it didn't, we'd both be regretting it right now, and for the rest of our lives.




You have to have foresight, not hindsight. It's find and dandy to look back and say "Wow, I screwed up.", but the wisest people in th world don't make the mistake in the first place.

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Who said anything about "safe"? If you're having pre-marital sex and your woman gets pregnant...What're you gonna' do? Most guys bail, some take care of them, but either way, you're hindering your OWN life because you have to care for another life. AKA, pre-marital sex is teh badz.


What about a wedding ring makes a couple more ready?




Yes, it does signify a couple's commitment to each other (and nine times out of ten I would definitely bet on the married couple raising their child better), but talking in absolutes like that is generally not a good idea when making a point.




Making a point requires you talk in generalities. What kind of a point is a point that only applies to a specific person in a specific situation? The entire point of a point is that it applies in general. So, in general, premarital sex happens between people that are less committed to each other than marital sex.




Oh no, did I just make a blanket statement?

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Who said anything about "safe"? If you're having pre-marital sex and your woman gets pregnant...What're you gonna' do? Most guys bail, some take care of them, but either way, you're hindering your OWN life because you have to care for another life. AKA, pre-marital sex is teh badz.


What about a wedding ring makes a couple more ready?




Yes, it does signify a couple's commitment to each other (and nine times out of ten I would definitely bet on the married couple raising their child better), but talking in absolutes like that is generally not a good idea when making a point.




Making a point requires you talk in generalities. What kind of a point is a point that only applies to a specific person in a specific situation? The entire point of a point is that it applies in general. So, in general, premarital sex happens between people that are less committed to each other than marital sex.




Oh no, did I just make a blanket statement?




Lol, thank you for making my point using far less words than I. :lol:

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God is real in the sense that he has affected more lives for longer than any other event or person on Earth.




God is real because he affects your life every day, even if you are atheist. Even as an atheist, the concept God affects your life daily, because you chose not to believe in him.




(I am not very religious myself).

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Mrpez, that is an interesting way to look at it, and funnily enough I heard something simialr in a religion class today. God maight as well be real for the impact that the notion of him has had on the world. I mean, really, this is a 28-page thread on an MMORPG fansite debating the existence of God. And no matter what you believe about Jesus Christ, he has made much more enormous of an impact on the world than any other single man ever has and most likely ever will. As a being whose existence is so debated and questioned, God sure has affected the entire history of the earth, regardless of whether He is real or not.


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Stupid 15 year old kids screwing around and accidentally having babies aren't exactly "responsible", "ready", or "in it together". Usually, the guy bails, the chick drops out of school to take care of the kid, the guy has to do the same to pay child support, etc etc for 18 years, AND THEN you're too old to fix your life! In other words; Life = over.


You've summed up my views on irresponsible sex. I never suggested that responsible sex includes "stupid 15 year olds screwing around".




Two [developmentally delayed] kids (or adults, whichever) make a mistake...So they kill a baby to save their [wagon].


If it came down to that, abortion should be an option.




If you accidentally got your girlfriend pregnant, would you support her choice in abortion? Or would you feel that forcing yourself, your girlfriend and your future child to a lifetime of suffering would be the better option?


It's a horrible thing to see the loss of a fetus, but, in my mind, it would be worse to permanantly ruin the lives of the entire family.


Of course, your girlfriend can also put the child up for adoption.




You'd assume that both methods, which are 99.99% effective, would make it impossible to get pregnant...


I never suggested protection was that effective. Condoms are around 97% effective, if used perfectly every time, and most people don't use them perfectly every time.




In life there is always a chance that things will go wrong. Sometimes, unfortunately, things do go wrong. But there is no point in living in total fear. Imagine if you refused to drive or be driven in the winter simply because you're afraid you may get in an accident.






In any case, abstinence is often something that is "easier said than done". You'd be a hypocrite to say otherwise, as you admit that you've had pre-marital sex even though you so strongly discourage it.




Yes, it's a "bad habbit", but so is drinking, drug use, gambling, gaming, etc. These things do not immediately mean "life = over" (again, you are proof of that) but rather that excessive or irresponsible use can potentially result in future problems. Moderate and responsible use can often be fun and sometimes even benefitial. :)




Anyways, this isn't the place to be discussing abortion or pre-marital sex. We should go back to theism.. :-#

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God is real because he affects your life every day, even if you are atheist. Even as an atheist, God affects your life daily, because you chose not to believe in him.




(I am not very religious myself).


Interesting. :) But I disagree.




God does not affect atheists -- but rather the concept of God -- in the same way that death does not affect humans while we live. The concept of death, though, can strongly influence our lives (whether or not we choose to embrace it).


To many, only the concept of God is real.




God is real in the sense that he has affected more lives for longer than any other event or person on Earth.


I think there are other factors (oxygen, thought, language, etc.) that have affected humans much more than any religious debates ever will.

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God is real in the sense that he has affected more lives for longer than any other event or person on Earth.




God is real because he affects your life every day, even if you are atheist. Even as an atheist, God affects your life daily, because you chose not to believe in him.




(I am not very religious myself).


Methinks somebody watched South Park last night.




Making a point requires you talk in generalities. What kind of a point is a point that only applies to a specific person in a specific situation? The entire point of a point is that it applies in general. So, in general, premarital sex happens between people that are less committed to each other than marital sex.




Oh no, did I just make a blanket statement?


All right all right, as long as he's not trying to make the statement that all premarital sex is inevitable "teh badz", then I don't disagree. I didn't find any room for a generality in that post, which was why I responded as such, but whatever. As venomai said, this topic's about theism, so let's get off this.

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Yeah, I meant the concept of God effects more people.




Rebdragon: I learned that from a friend, maybe he saw it on South Park. Did they do it on Southpark?




Basically, to make it a large goal of your life to avoid a certain thing, that thing becomes an integral part of who you are as a person.




This is somewhat related:


To promise not to do a thing is the surest way in the world to make a body want to go and do that very thing.
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Rebdragon: I learned that from a friend, maybe he saw it on South Park. Did they do it on Southpark?


Ya, there was a three episode trilogy thing on. One of the morals at the end was that some imaginary things can be even more real than things we consider real, whether or not they were made up or exist[ed at some point]. The way Kyle phrased it was more or less your post verbatim :lol: .

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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