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Zombie Plans-Revised


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@ Grim, that's true, but it makes food retrieval problematic. I think it would be better to have a large space with a lot of food at the beginning rather than a smaller, safer space with less food.


Err the garbage truck (I think that is what I said) would be sealed off and I would have to use the slightly less pleasant option of cutting a hole into the back and storing food in plastic bags before eventually cleaning it out. Also the truck would be mostly sealed aside from a hole in the top .


and Grim

I'd hate to live forever in a large metal area, never knowing when you can leave. Never seeing other people.



Edit: Ross, my mate made an arrow and bow aswell, it went all across his (very very very long) garden easily. He had better aim then me, lol.

Hex says the guy who "wouldnt have a problem killing someone because I dont empasise because of asperbergs syndrome"...

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and Grim

I'd hate to live forever in a large metal area, never knowing when you can leave. Never seeing other people.



Edit: Ross, my mate made an arrow and bow aswell, it went all across his (very very very long) garden easily. He had better aim then me, lol.

Hex says the guy who "wouldnt have a problem killing someone because I dont empasise because of asperbergs syndrome"...

That would be me, and I can empathise but it doesn't occur naturally and I have to actually try... hard.


And how the hell are you supposed to aim faster than the rifle can fire?





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My rifle can fire pretty damn fast, and I've been using it for, like 7 years. Yes, I fired my first gun at age 6. Yay redneck America.

You still can't equal the accuracy of a well-trained sniper and the speed of a M16A1 set at burst.





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My rifle can fire pretty damn fast, and I've been using it for, like 7 years. Yes, I fired my first gun at age 6. Yay redneck America.

You still can't equal the accuracy of a well-trained sniper and the speed of a M16A1 set at burst.

And? It doesn't matter, if he hits his target its not going to make the difference if he gets the bullet right bewteen the eyes or in the temple.

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Are either of you well-trained snipers then?

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Yah, I was sorta thinking who here would be a well-trained sniper. United States Ftw!

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

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The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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Hacking through an entire neck before the zombie reaches out to claw you is still very difficult.

Simple; Shoot zombie in armpit, watch zompie colapse as it's nervesystem goes high-wire, chop zombie-neck while the nervesystem is "restarting".


But if you want definite killer, try a fireworks canon, add fuse, full kinderegg with bb-bullets and add medium hole in the bottom, fill canon with hairspray, put kinderegg halway down canon, light fuse and hide.





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Probably wouldn't work. I don't think the zombie would react to the nerve damage.

It is not the damage they feel, but some sort of safeguard built into the main functions of the spinal cord, I shal look for more accurate descriptions.


New saying:

When rocco fails hard, he fails epicly.





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Probably wouldn't work. I don't think the zombie would react to the nerve damage.

It is not the damage they feel, but some sort of safeguard built into the main functions of the spinal cord, I shal look for more accurate descriptions.


New saying:

When rocco fails hard, he fails epicly.

So, remind me when Rocco failed?



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Hey [wagon],


Read the guide before you post on this thread. You clearly haven't.

I may not have read the zombie survival guide, but I do know that all living things need nervous systems to work, even jellyfish, snails and bacteria(although their's are a little simpler), I think even plants have some sort of nervous systems, a nervous system is what commands muscels to expand/contract or carry electrical impulses generated upon touch.





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Oh great, thanks Rocco.


If a zombie is controled by the brain, for the brain to connect to the rest of the body it requires a nervous system. Otherwise there is no way for the information ("oh dear god, Brains. I simply must follow the smell and then bite it, I will start by moving my right leg forward followed slowly by my left leg") this information needs to go through the nervous system to have any effect on the zombies movements. If not however the zombie can't move.


Think about it like this, I behead a zombie. Now because the nervous system stops at the neck there is no connection with the body, therefore the body can't move.


But zombies don't feel pain or aren't going to react to what Mater suggested.

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Hey [wagon],


Read the guide before you post on this thread. You clearly haven't.

I may not have read the zombie survival guide, but I do know that all living things need nervous systems to work, even jellyfish, snails and bacteria(although their's are a little simpler), I think even plants have some sort of nervous systems, a nervous system is what commands muscels to expand/contract or carry electrical impulses generated upon touch.

Living things include undead creatures as they are not completely dead.





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Hey [wagon],


Read the guide before you post on this thread. You clearly haven't.

I may not have read the zombie survival guide, but I do know that all living things need nervous systems to work, even jellyfish, snails and bacteria(although their's are a little simpler), I think even plants have some sort of nervous systems, a nervous system is what commands muscels to expand/contract or carry electrical impulses generated upon touch.

Living things include undead creatures as they are not completely dead.

They die and reanimate, ergo they are dead. If they had nervous sytstems they would feel pain.

Since they have a nervous system they are able to feel pain, but since they have altered brain chemistry they do not know that they feel it.





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I loled at the bottom, its kind of gay :P.

But, I think a sword is a good weapon.

Bottom? If you ment the pants they are baggy Bilabong denim pants, the sweater was only folded in a way that made them look like long tights.


But yeah swords are good, and there I have five kinds of them(seven counting the mini-knives in the kukhri belt); An edged jousting sword, two shortsword bayonettes, a dagger bayonette and a kukhri.





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No its just the position you were in lol.


A kuhkri would own against zombies. You could probably decapitate a zombie quite quickly with one.

That is the entire point, the ones who orriginally used them barely fought, reason; During night they snuk up on the guards and decapitated them scilently, when the rest woke up they saw the headless guards still on their posts and fled.





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