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Zombie Plans-Revised


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I'm asking how hard is it to aim a gun properly, now I'm being called arrogent. Yeah, that makes sense.

I'd say that it would depend upon the gun in question. Probably the easiest to aim would be a bolt action rifle with a laser pointer strapped to the barrel (put the red dot on the nose fore head goes boom!)

But then again I have no real knowledge of firearms and so I will be the crazy guy with a dump truck...

EDIT: Sorry meant a garbage truck but a dump truck would work as well...

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Guest Mrmegakirby

I'm still wondering why it is I'm arrogant. Hex makes a long post about how he's better then americians, and I'm the arrogant one.

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No it's just everyone called Mater arrogant and you did the same thing.


Sob storys, Doomsavenger - lolwut?

I just remember a post on some thread in OT about how you thought everyone on the forum hated you and stuff like that.



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I remember that post as well. And i quote from memory alone:


"I'm sad because I know an entire forum hates me."


Mind, that isn't the xact wording, although I'd bet my left arm, or at least a few fingers, that "an entire forum hates me" was there in that exact way.

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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I've decided that I don't need a plan. Reading this thread will lead me to suicide long before the zombies could get me.

See we all just saved you a whole lot of time and anguish ;) .

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Ok here is my plan for zombie survival.

First I need to make a a backpack of all the stuff I need. This backpack will have to be light, I have a medium sized one at home which will be useful.


Ok, first i'm going to need to pack clothes. These clothes will include


three pairs of trousers, I have some warm insulated layer trousers which are fantastic for hot and cold weather, otherwise i'm going to say never ever choose jeans, they are just not up for the job. The problem with jeans is that they sometimes are restricting and don't dry very easily.





Two turtle necks.

Turtle necks are fantastic as they keep your neck warm, can have something worn over them. You can wear them as vests if your cold or just on there own in the summer.





A trenchcoat.

Warms you and your legs, make sure its a light one - not one of those heavy ones. Have a belt on it, this will stop zombies clawing at you.

You can hold quite a few things in one of these.



A trenchcoat like this is quite light but will still provide insulation and more importantly make you look cool



Kevlar body armour.

Kevlar is light and to be worn at all times, it can stop most weak handguns but isn't that strong. It will also prevent any fatal wounds to the body when walking around and will stop zombies from clawing you.





Elbow pads and shin pads

These will prevent you from falls and gashes on the knee's, they will stop some zombies from hitting you in certian area's if your in a tight spot or in close comat.





After i've packed all my clothes I need to pack some food to survive me for a bit, some tightly packed sardines, beans and other canned food will do fine. I'll also bring a couple of water purification tablets and medication.






-Worming tablets (and other parasite killers)



-Other misc tablets


-Canned fish

-Canned beans

-Powder soup


-water purification tablets


Quite a large amount of medications but only about 5 cans worth of food, this will probably last a week.

I will steal the rest from supermarkets and such.


I then need a weapon, my first idea is to make a lot of thermite and napalm.

Put it in a tight bag and make a bit more.

This will be put near a remote charge (outside wherever I occupy) in the event of zombies.

I will make a zip gun out of a flare gun, it'll fire a couple of bullets if possible.


I will carry some stable explosives around with me, for example military dynamite or RDX. These will be moulded into sticks with a fuse, if I ever get surrounded by zombies I will throw these at them and then run as fast as I can away.


My plan for food, water and shelter is to steal a caravan or car near a super market and use that as shelter. I will lace it with explosives in the event of needing a quick get away.

Food is easily got by looting shops for cans and stuff (note to self, remember can opener)

Drinks are always ready in the soda isle, but i'll avoid drinking soda if I can.

Learing more towards healthy drinks and water.


I'll also take vitamins every day.

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Thing is that Thermite is stable and doesn't have any explosive force to it.


Try Tannerite. It's fairly easy to obtain if you know the right people / know the right household products, and has a decent amount of explosive force to it.

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Guest Mrmegakirby

I'm just going to point out, Hex, that Kelvar would be useless against zombies, because nearly all bites would be on a limb, not the torso. It would provide useful against other forces, though. And I really don't reccomend explosives. Seriously, a loud explosion is just a beacon for any zombie within a few miles. A silenced gun would be much more practical, and safer.

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Explosives = Take out a lot of zombies, easier to get hold of then guns and don't require ammo.

Guns = Take out one zombie (maybe), hard to get hold of, need ammo.


And what I didn't get is this, why do zombies follow loud noises? I'm assuming theres lots of loud noises around anyway.

If I ever get piled by zombies my plan is explode and run away.


Kevlar, your completly right but thats why I have the shin pads and elbow pads and I was thinking of maybe asome other things, just need to make sure that they are light.

Kevlar would be useful against humans, not many people realise that humans will be a major threat aswell.


Tannerite seems quite powerful. I thing RDX or any plastic explosive will do the best job however.


And dear god yes, I need opsite.

I could use an elastoplast?

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And where may I ask would you get the higher quality explosives. Also I am doubtful that certain explosives would be very useful as it is generally the shrapnel that does the damage not the actual explosion.

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If I ever get piled by zombies my plan is explode and run away.


Ok, you must teach me the art of exploding and then running away. Everytime I try it I just get blown to smithereens and am dead.

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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Guest Mrmegakirby

If I ever get piled by zombies my plan is explode and run away.


Ok, you must teach me the art of exploding and then running away. Everytime I try it I just get blown to smithereens and am dead.




And I hate to point it out, Hex, but you say that explosives don't need ammo - but they're sort of a one time use.

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If I ever get piled by zombies my plan is explode and run away.


Ok, you must teach me the art of exploding and then running away. Everytime I try it I just get blown to smithereens and am dead.

Type that many times in Age of Empires II and you won't need every exploding person to survive, you'll have more.

[spoiler=In case that was hard to understand(most likely my fault)]"to smithereens" is the code in AoE II for spawning saboteurs.






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Guest Mrmegakirby

Explosives will always have their uses though. A good example would be using a large explosive to knock down a wall, or as a distraction for zombies. Though it would have to be radio controlled in that case.


Unless I read his post wrong (My apoligies if I did), he plans on using explosives rather then guns. In other words, he'll have a crap-ton of bombs, and no guns.

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