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I hate people who say, "I'm going to have to agree with ______ on _________________." I'ts like saying the people who say that did some horrible crime to agree with someone else. :|




Hehe, I won that one:


I'm with Lion, I don't think I hate anything.



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^ It's those five words that bug me...




You know what I hate? Alligator skin. That you get in the winter. I just got a completely random outburst of it after I just finished an intense running session of trying to run to the beat of One by Metallica.




If someone could help me out with this skin issue, I'd be grateful.

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Political correctness, the death of the English language, and being stuck behind people who walk really slowly.




Tool fans think alike. All those things piss me off immesely, esecially the first.




I get really irritated when music journalists get their facts wrong. I also dislike morons on the internet (of which there are many). Bandwagons and associated attitudes (hating and/or calling everything emo, loving Chuck Norris, narrow-minded fanboys/girls) piss me off as they, to me, often represent the lack of individuality amongst a lot of people today. I hate religious/gun nutjobs. People who use the word "nerd" as an insult in a video game (I mean, come on). The White Stripes. Linkin Park. The Streets. Limp Bizkit. The [puncture]s organising V Festival here. Whoever decided to replace Futurama with Friends. And plenty more.

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I'm in a horrible mood so let's start this hate list...




Rude people, being uncomfortable, early mornings, vodka, being sick, when my boyfriend breaks his promises :evil:, any highly religious people who shove it down your throat - especially door knockers, people who bash gays, telemarketers who call while you're eating dinner, hot weather, messy house, people who are generally unhygienic, the army, my squeaky bed, spending all my money and forgetting it's board day... [bleep].....and not knowing where to pull it out of my [wagon] from :ohnoes: I r in trouble



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I'm in a horrible mood so let's start this hate list...




Rude people, being uncomfortable, early mornings, vodka, being sick, when my boyfriend breaks his promises :evil:, any highly religious people who shove it down your throat - especially door knockers, people who bash gays, telemarketers who call while you're eating dinner, hot weather, messy house, people who are generally unhygienic, the army, my squeaky bed, spending all my money and forgetting it's board day... [bleep].....and not knowing where to pull it out of my [wagon] from :ohnoes: I r in trouble




The sentence i bolded was basically the same thing. Christians bash gays. They see it as a sin and want nothing to do with them. I however am a christian but i do not want to share my religion with anyone else. and i do not judge anyone. I actually support gay marriage. 2 guys marrying = 2 girls available.;)


All donations are accepted in RS.

Whether it be bars of Iron/Steel or Cash :D

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I try to hate nothing and nobody to be honest.


Hate isn't good.




If I don't like something/one then I just try to avoid it/them.


It's a long-term survival thing. I take a more measured approach to things, as to not muck them up later.




In hating someone you put all you're heart into not liking them and discount anything good they do. There are people at my school who I really don't like, but if they come up and talk to me (not knowing, of course, that they annoy me) I just try to keep them chatting and vaguely happy while finding the fastest way out possible - without being rude.




The problem with this however is the fact that they might think you like them. Or worse they think you are neutral, and then need to be "got on side" by them talking to you.




However this isn't all bad because when anything problematic comes along, you can call in pretty much anyone to help you, depending on the situation and who's there.




'tis politics lol. You stay polite yet obscure to them and those who you don't like turn simply into a temproray annoyance. You don't want them trying to put you in a bad situation.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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I hate not being able to make "Comrade" jokes. I'M THE ONLY ONE HERE!!! :evil:




I also hate, with an incredible passion, babies. They disgust me, frankly.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I hate not being able to make "Comrade" jokes. I'M THE ONLY ONE HERE!!! :evil:




I also hate, with an incredible passion, babies. They disgust me, frankly.




So, I suppose you were one of those babies who tried to hang yourself with your umbilical cord? :lol:




I forgot about another thing I hate. People on Renegade who run me over when I'm trying to repair my teammate's vehicle. >.<


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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I hate not being able to make "Comrade" jokes. I'M THE ONLY ONE HERE!!! :evil:




I also hate, with an incredible passion, babies. They disgust me, frankly.




So, I suppose you were one of those babies who tried to hang yourself with your umbilical cord? :lol:




I forgot about another thing I hate. People on Renegade who run me over when I'm trying to repair my teammate's vehicle. >.<


Nah. They cut it off before I could get to it <.<


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I did find one thing I hate.




Myself, for procrastinating. I have two days more to finish about a half a semesters worth of work. I just started the class last week. I have a Web Development certification exam coming up Friday, and I just started to learn XHTML, CSS and JavaScript when I started this class two weeks ago.




So yeah, I am pretty much [bleep]ed.



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I'm a really laid back cruisy kind of guy, so I don't hate much. Cept when I get into my car, my personality changes, and I have rage issues. I really hate slow drivers (by slow I mean bang on speed limit or slower), hate it when people pull out in front of me.

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Political correctness, the death of the English language, and being stuck behind people who walk really slowly.




Or drive slowly :? .




In America, Asian Grandmothers(Not saying that white grandmothers don't drive slowly, but the area I live is around 70% Asian...Silicon Valley ftl?)


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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homophobia (not homophobes since they can't really help their close mindedness :P )




This one girl at my school that made fun of my old girlfriend for being bi-sexual as well as the fact that I was dating a bi-sexual and was going to go to hell, I ended up cursing her out in the middle of German class and getting a detention. but it was so worth it to see her face <3:




Those little groups of people at school. I like people more one on one but when they group up (especially girls) they get on my nerves sometimes.




Pickels when they are on anything, I only eat them by themselves :o




thats all I can think of right now. lol

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The sentence i bolded was basically the same thing. Christians bash gays. They see it as a sin and want nothing to do with them. I however am a christian but i do not want to share my religion with anyone else. and i do not judge anyone. I actually support gay marriage. 2 guys marrying = 2 girls available.;)




My turn to bold.




Things I dislike - blanket statements, especially ones that include false information. I won't even go further on the content of the quote.

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1. People who phyiscally/verbally attack others for their religious beliefs


2. People who phyiscally/verbally attack others for their any belief.


3. People who call your name constantly till they get your attention.


4. People who ask me for money.


5. People who make plans with you and your friends and then don't show up.


6. People who invite themselves over.


7. People who boast to you.


8. People who worship you.


9. Fruits that when you bite into you find out that they're either too ripe or not yet.


10. An alarm clock in the morning.


11. When its snowing and you think you'll have no school the next day but you find out you do.


12. People who chew with their mouth open.


13. People who don't have proper tabel manners.


14. People who don't treat their dates properly.


15. People who cheer for you when you really don't want to hear loud noises.


16. Teachers who are jerks to everyone.


17. Sexists


18. That random kid who has no friends, you try being nice and be a friend and their a complete jerk.


19. Coffee with more then a teaspoon of sugar.


20. Coffee thats weak.


21. And as my twenty first, people who assume all christian believe the same thing when there are like a jillon different branches each very different, people who make ignorant comments about christians.
















P.S. I think i love The_Sith lol




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The sentence i bolded was basically the same thing. Christians bash gays. They see it as a sin and want nothing to do with them. I however am a christian but i do not want to share my religion with anyone else. and i do not judge anyone. I actually support gay marriage. 2 guys marrying = 2 girls available.;)




My turn to bold.




Things I dislike - blanket statements, especially ones that include false information. I won't even go further on the content of the quote.




I meant to say Most christians, and it is not false information, because most christians do bash on gays.


All donations are accepted in RS.

Whether it be bars of Iron/Steel or Cash :D

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so you say you've surveyed all the christians in the world and found out 50.1%+ bash gays? Or is it your presumption






Just because you met a few obnoxious christians doesn't mean thats the majority.


"The braying [wagon] will attract more attention then the sleeping camel"








Burnt bread




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so you say you've surveyed all the christians in the world and found out 50.1%+ bash gays? Or is it your presumption




50.05% would still be most, but you don't include that. Your statement should be ">50% bash gays". That would include all of "most".




Speaking of pointless stuff like greater than signs, I now hate JavaScript and Visual Basic.




I am definitely going to fail my certification test Friday.



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