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Imagine if you could change your characters name =)


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This was originally posted in the Runscape Classic Section.








Apparently Jagex are going to allow people to change their account names at some point?




Not that Im aware off. They idea probably has come up but I'd be WAY too confusing to actually implement it..




Go take a look in the rants section in a topic titled ''for people with censored names'' Or words to that effect, i've just got the picture that's in that topic so you can see for yourself O:)














hahaha imagine if Jagex added a feature where you could the change the name of your character. And also imagine if you could add prefixes to your character's name to confuse noobs. Imagine if you wore a yellow party hat and add a prefix to your name ,a prefix like Prince, King, Queen, Lord, Sire, Master, Duke and such. Would that be a good idea? That should be fun lol :twisted:




If Jagex added a "change your name feature", Would that be a good idea??? Or would it cause chaos and a lot of noobs with the prefix Prince in thier name?




*Tell me what you think*

Laughter is often the best medicine...so laugh!

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Well someone did say i should have had it to be "sithlord" back when i was like level 10...Dunno i think it would be good :)

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hahaha imagine if Jagex added a feature where you could the change the name of your character. And also imagine if you could add prefixes to your character's name to confuse noobs. Imagine if you wore a yellow party hat and add a prefix to your name ,a prefix like Prince, King, Queen, Lord, Sire, Master, Duke and such. Would that be a good idea? That should be fun lol :twisted:




If Jagex added a "change your name feature", Would that be a good idea??? Or would it cause chaos and a lot of noobs with the prefix Prince in thier name?




*Tell me what you think*


No, it's not good idea.

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Worst idea ever. They should use the filter when you make your name and not allow it. This is utter stupidity.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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If its available to all players(not just censored names) im changing one of my noob's names to something stupid and taking that name for my main.






I have noob's called "Examinable" and "Robin Venom" soo awesome :thumbsup:


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Be confusing for all your friends. One day I'm Zaaps1, then next day of some other name.

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I so very much wish I could change my name, but even if that was possible, I don't know if I could. When I first went to register my name back in the days of classic, I tried "Zantetsuken" but was told it was already taken. :evil: So I added the zero, thinking someone had just beaten me too it. If someone did register my name, they've never played. I've never seen that name online, ever. I can't help but wonder if it wasn't allowed as a stand-alone name b/c of the "suk" in it. But it did let me register with the zero at the end.


There'd have to be some sort of tracking ID attached to each character, something at least to stay constant. Maybe a one time only thing. Incidentally, the "s" in my name has always been filtered out... *gasp* His name has an "s" in it! <.<

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I so very much wish I could change my name, but even if that was possible, I don't know if I could. When I first went to register my name back in the days of classic, I tried "Zantetsuken" but was told it was already taken. :evil: So I added the zero, thinking someone had just beaten me too it. If someone did register my name, they've never played. I've never seen that name online, ever. I can't help but wonder if it wasn't allowed as a stand-alone name b/c of the "suk" in it. But it did let me register with the zero at the end.


There'd have to be some sort of tracking ID attached to each character, something at least to stay constant. Maybe a one time only thing. Incidentally, the "s" in my name has always been filtered out... *gasp* His name has an "s" in it! <.<




I love Squall lol. Tracking id would be a very good idea Zantetsuken. I wonder if you call Jagex by phone, and explain, they might let you change it. I think we should have a "profile" thou. I should put a new topic about that.

Laughter is often the best medicine...so laugh!

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I would only like this if it were for people with offensive names and good accounts so they could still play. Not for everyone because everything would become confusing.


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

737th to 99 Hunter ~ 2nd July 2007

910th to 99 Agility ~ 28th January 2008

59,467th to 99 Defence ~ 23rd December 2009

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I'd call myself Mr bunneh if the name wasn't taken.




It's really annoying when people "reserve" good names and never use them, so many of the unique names on Rs were never used. They should make it that if a character does not log in within 6 months of creation, they would delete it and make the name free again. And for people who logged in, deleted after 2 years if the person did not play for more than X hours.

2480+ total

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yeah bad bout the hacking, and none of your friends(or you) will know who you are.




i guess it's kinda good for some people. my little 7 year brother(brat!) made is first account"32734421" didnt put any letters lol. another person in game lv 100 or something was called around the lines of"9875273"






anyway why would i change my name? NO DIGITS why would i change that lol. "roanlo zolo" perfect name. and if you change 2 many times you would forget your username. imagine the complains of forgoten usernames on the forums!

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If you could change you rsn, how would you remember who was who?


If one of your friends changed their name you wouldn't know who they were.



I need a new siggy, get round to doing it later.



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I would not want to change my name, Swedishboy7 is perfect :) But sure it would be nice if those who wished to could change their names. Some of my friends names you can't say.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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It obviously would be bad if you could change it whenevver you liked, but how about once a year or once per account?




I signed up for runescape doubing that I wouldn't like it, so I just chose any old name. Now that i'm level 109 it would be VERY inconvinient to change it because of a name.




I want my noobs name =[

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