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Rs2: Blaming Miniclip For All The Evils Of Runescape


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ive read the first page of this topic, and have a thing to say.


i believe that there are just as many immature, noobish people in the 'realworld' as there are in runescape, because people arent going to change who they are just cause theyre online. so it really shouldnt come as a surprise that the older runescape got, the more rude or immature people are seen. because thats just the way people are..


so i do with them the way i do out here. i just ignore them =D

i had kids once, but then i got the munchies




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I must be strangely lucky, ive been on like 13 months, if i've been stuck with something the majority of randomers have helped me out, the ammount of times needed somethin useless for quests, offered like 10k for somethin an ppl have given me for free unstead far outweighs the people i've paid, if i'm bein noobish myself and they have better ways of training, usually ppl tell me the better ways, but i always help people too when they need it and i know what they need to do, if not politely tell em that i dunno, the only real problem is like certain banks, but in lumby all ya need is the basement bank an they all gone more or less :D




I kinda rabbitted on there, but i don't have a major problem, an weren't all the major scams years ago? . . . :/

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I have heard much talk amongst my friends about the bad of the "miniclip Generation" of Runescape players member and nonmember alike. While, it is inarguable that Miniclip has brought in many new players via advertising, I do not think that it brought in entirely only players who lacked maturity, but did bring in a huge influx of players.




Of this composition of players, it is probable legitimate to conclude that at least some of them would use shorthand far more often than others, using the more IM-Textmessage language shorthand than full words, along with accusations of beggary, and just being plain old annoying. Fundamentally, it all brews down to age.




While age is not *necessarily* a factor in determining maturity, I will not hesitate to point out that Miniclip is also the site that advertises games such as Club Penguin, which I hear is blatantly popular, yet not targetted at teenagers. The advertising of other games on Miniclip do not contain the amount of sheer freedom of contact on Runescape, whether in conversation, or in limitations in the virtual world. By advertising on Miniclip, they likely drew in an age-group that has been raised with technology constantly at their side, and the "You must be 13 years old to comply with international law" requirement to join Runescape is likely brushed aside with lies.




In a society where most of my friends textmessage and IM on quite the daily basis, the format of Runescape's chatbox is very much like an AIM message box, and communication with players by the younger age group is likely carried out in the method that they have grown up with, shorthand, which many people find annoying, along with things like repeatedly saying, "Newb, Noob, Lol, Rofl, Lmao, etc.", these sayings probably do not have as much of a maturity complex influence on a younger age group than an older, or mature age group that can comprehend the meaning of said words.




But, in the wide "net" that is Miniclip, mature players can also be picked up as well, but players that are considered young on Runescape, essentially the minimum age of 13, are often less blessed with the scope, patience, and capacity for "maturity" than others, and those that are luckily the more intelligent for their age will probably agree that they do not consider their "Mental Age" to be thirteen at all. It is merely the fact that Miniclip was never really designed to be for age groups 13+, and that the influence of Miniclip probably brought in alot of people who don't understand the core concepts of MMORPGs.




Stressing Friendship, communication, teamwork, patience, strategizing, and at times fast thinking. Runescape can be out of the scope of some youngsters, however it is quite easily within the grasp of the more mature of their age. JaGex's Runescape on the ESRB ratings system would most definitely fit under "Teen", and the concepts I stressed in the sentence earlier are Learned concepts, one that the age group with which Miniclip has been geared towards is currently DEVELOPING. It is not necessarily the fault of the people who see the advertising on Miniclip and decide to play, but rather the mere fact that the age group with which the site is geared is simply not exposed to the cooperation and maturity usually developed with age to blend into the community (of Runescape) without accusations of being "Newbs, or annoying, or beggars, etc."

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Well i'll admit it ... my school firstheard of RS because of miniclip... granted a few ppl sucked at it and were begging annoying noobs ... but the quit playing ... and i thought it was a dumb childish game until it started playing .. and Jagex can thank Miniclip for earning it money ... and im sure it earned money rather than lost it cause the thousands of ppl the joined ..

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Yeah runescape is full of kids who got there parents to pay for runescape with their credit cards and it automatically renews every month without the parents knowing it would happen and the little kid gets members forever. None of this would have happened if rs wasn't on miniclip and the little brats discoverd it. And Schoolastic wouldn't of made a fricking book on runescape that says it's for 8+ year olds!




Also if that quote is from december 2006 then it's inaccurate since well I started playing 11 months ago and people were the same as they are now unless it happened in a month's time..




PLEASE tell me you are joking and schoolastic didnt make a book on rs :shock: and how can they say its 8+??? you have to clarify that you are over 13 to play...




http://www.amazon.com/Ideazon-Warcraft- ... y_e_text_b




there it is

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To blame Jagex is wrong, to blame Miniclip is wrong, but to blame the time period and the extension of the internet world-wide to children and all, that is the cause. Parents nowadays care less and don't watch their children's activities widely and with open eyes. As Jagex has put now a suggested age limit, they have tried to decrease and encourage these pesky youngsters to stay away and wait anxiously until they are old enough to play, well parents can set age limits, yet Jagex has washed their hands from this, as yes I'm sure some of the population of Scapers are younger than the age required. These young kids and their parents don't have a sense of strong communication, atleast it's on a game like this, not on a profanity site. Runescape has not died yet, for one day it will be gone, and so are those pesky 12 year olds, maybe that's the only way to get rid of them :-# . Nice Read and well written, and your points of view varied to show everyones perspectives and opinions.




The 60 errrr Old Poet :XD:

Thanks for the rates guys <3:


And no, my sperm only goes to my gf....so'z.

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To blame Jagex is wrong, to blame Miniclip is wrong, but to blame the time period and the extension of the internet world-wide to children and all, that is the cause. Parents nowadays care less and don't watch their children's activities widely and with open eyes. As Jagex has put now a suggested age limit, they have tried to decrease and encourage these pesky youngsters to stay away and wait anxiously until they are old enough to play, well parents can set age limits, yet Jagex has washed their hands from this, as yes I'm sure some of the population of Scapers are younger than the age required. These young kids and their parents don't have a sense of strong communication, atleast it's on a game like this, not on a profanity site. Runescape has not died yet, for one day it will be gone, and so are those pesky 12 year olds, maybe that's the only way to get rid of them :-# . Nice Read and well written, and your points of view varied to show everyones perspectives and opinions.




The 60 errrr Old Poet :XD:




I completely agree with that. Granted, many of those players who come from miniclip tend to be less mature because that website is targeted at younger age groups, but all the same, you can't keep Runescape from anyone as long as it is on the internet.

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I agree, to an extent. I absolutely believe that Miniclip has brought in a younger, more immature crowd. That demographic has grown due to this; however, so has the entire population of Runescape. I was only 11 or so when I first played Runescape, and although I was much more mature than the majority of the recent crowd, I was still young and looking for a fun, exciting game, rather than ... well, Runescape.




In my experiences, though, even at my early days at the beginning of 2002, there has always been a formidable amount of obnoxious people: it is to be expected. Although MiniClip has only worsened this fault, I don't think even the fault necessarily caused Runescape 2 being "more childish" (even I once blamed Jagex for the same thing) or any of the other negative problems. As the population grows, all demographics will grow.




That's all I got for you. :P




To the Old Poet: I disagree. It's not like a generation has changed; there were still LOTS of children on the Internet in the early 21st century. Children have more access BECAUSE of Miniclip; they actually stay in the game because of Runescape 2's more vibrant, eccentric features.

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I've been playing for awhile now, and I was drawn to the game right around the time when Miniclip started advertising for RS. And I can tell you there were just as many scammers, cheaters, liars, and other misbehaving and immature people as there are now. There was also a good handful of nice, helpful people.

-Runescape Addict --- Seven-time Writer for the Tip.It Times-

"Yes I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you the illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion." - The Glass Menagerie


"This game isn't about graphics, it's about fun." - The Great Ortiz 9471

<> Dragon drops: Plateskirt(1), Half Shield(1) <>

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I started playing about 3-4 years ago (and quit this year) and one huge change I have noticed is the level you have to have to be in the high scores. 3-4 years ago lvl 30 (the minimum level to be in the highscores) was just about as high as you had to get to be in them. Now most of the popular skills you have to have lvled to at least lvl 50 many to 60+. Also (as a side note) worlds are too crowded now.

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I've been play my current account for about 3 years, i first found rs on miniclip, but quit, then later my friends reintroduced me to the game, on the real site and i kept playing. So i am not against miniclip, it is just that it let in a majority of scammers, beggers, and all around [developmentally delayed]s and [wagon]! (i apologize for my foul langauge, and bad spelling) it just makes me mad whenever i try to buy something and i get a offer for something completely different, and they keep offering me it every 5 to 10 minutes afterwards! they have no memory! :wall:

Being good for goodness sake is great.

Being good for a reward is greedy.


Also don't criticize me for my rs name.

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Now I'll admit that I found Runescape when I was 12 and was the typical noob for the first few months, that is to say I didn't know anything and got called a noob alot, now I have no explination as to why after I learned more about the game I didn't follow in the foot steps of the freind who told me about Runescape and become a scamer/luerer/begger, all I know is that most of the people I know who played Runescape when I started 2-3 years ago were the type that didn't care if they ruined the game for others becuase the world was there to entertain them, no matter what the price for it was, in this case turning Runescape into a noob paridise, if anything wreked the game it was the growing number of american youth, I can't speak for other countries on this matter, who wanted all of Runescape handed to them with out them doing anything for it, Miniclip incressed the flow of these people into Runecape, but it would have happened anyway, but hope is on the horizen, the new updates that nobody likes is going to have many of these unworthy players quiting, infact the freind who intruduced me to the game is quiting becuase and i quote, "i ctn rpi nos boyds off no mor" :roll: . so I hope that in the near future we will beable to look back and say, "phew thats over." :o

I have lots of stupid things to say that some dolt out there will think is real wisdom.

"I think I see something..." - The last words of a man who didn't belive in bears.

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I think its more likely people think of the game becoming more immature as they play is as they play, they get more stuff and become higher in lvl, so more if it is directed toward THEM. Think of it this way, if you were a noob begging for free stuff (not that you would=P) would you try:


A. A lvl 120 in full dragon


B. An autoer chopping yews


C. A lvl 20 in his first set of full steel


D. Yourself (you just know you're holding out on yourself you know)




Of course you'll choose the higher lvl with expensive armor. So what that means is as you progress in RS, you notice beggers and others more because more are targeted at you. So their "Golden age" is when they where a noob and not being begged at 24/7



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One of the things I find most ironic about this issue is that people seems so willing to throw the blame at something. I myself rediscovered Runescape through miniclip, even though I joined years earlier and sadly forgot the password to the account without letters after its name....




Runescape has been on Miniclip for ages and I think the main problem with that is that when people join they dont realize nor are informed that they have entered a world filled with other people. Most of the games on Miniclip are just little platform games in line with early Mario and the like. Whereas Runescape is a MMORPG in line with WOW and such. When I rediscovered this game, I had totally forgotten I had played it before and upon clicking the "make account" button I wondered why they even needed you to make an account.




Runescape is beyond compair with the other games on miniclip and some of the other game hosting sites its linked to. I DO NOT consiter Club Penguin to be a MMORPG its just a glorified chat room. Alot of the people entering Runescape from these other game hosting sites have never played a game like this and the ideas of niceness, help and whatnot are totally alien to them.




We all need to work on assimilating them and show them the way these games work, Ill never forget the people that helped me and the jerk that got me killed by a Wizard when I was an innocent level 8. Be the nice person who gives a newb his first iron kite and not the noob who takes it away just to be a jerk and Runescape can be a better place. Answer the questions about where to find that anvil or where to fish those shrimps from the Tutorial island.



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Well, I guess I am a miniclipite too as that is where I first learned about RS. But I am a 52 yr old gramma who has brought in about 10-12 other members to our happy group of players. Some stayed and are now at respectable levels, some tried it for a few days and quit. I am glad I found it on miniclip. Otherwise I might never have.




Yes, beggars and other immature ppl annoy me. Also those that just type in nonsense over and over while fishing. But the ignore feature was put there for a reason and I do use it. Makes things a lot nicer at times. If everyone would put beggars/annoying ppl on ignore list, they might just be happier too.




I do agree with some of the others that say that parents are partly to blame because they do not take the time to monitor what their children are up to. My grand daughter plays RS but she is monitored at all times to make sure she is not being a "noob" and annoying other players. She is 13 and has been playing for about 2 years now.




I am one of those that try to help the ones that need help/info and are trying to do things for themselves. Another thing that annoys me are those that think that higher level players "owe" them whole sets of rune armor or other expensive stuff. I am always willing to make new players a set of iron or steel armor or to make someone up to an addy axe so they can cut wood or give them the seeds I thieve I don't use/need but I do not "owe" anyone high level stuff just because I am a high level!




OK, I have ranted long enough and have erased another paragraph or 2. lol




Don't let the whiners/beggars/immature players ruin a good game for you! Put them on the ignore list! I wish Jagex would make a place to report beggars and mute anyone reported for begging but I know they have their hands full now without adding more stuff to have to review.




Thank you, Jagex, for an awsome, fun, game that I love to play! :D

Proud Mom of Donia

Proud Marine Mom of Corporal Adam (Marines/inactive)

Proud Grandmom of Michelle, Tyler, April & Levi!


"Only the insecure need to cheat"

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i agree with alot of people posting on this thread:


if it wasnt for miniclips i wouldnt be playing rs either.




great read!


who ever said nothing is impossible has obviously never tried to slam a revolving door...


( O.o )This is Bunny.

( > < )Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.

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I found RuneScape through Miniclip. Sure, a younger crowd did start flocking from the site, but it wasn't all bad like some people say.




It's not like Miniclip led to all the trade and wilderness changes. These things would have happened eventually as RuneScape grew.




Good read meili.





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jagex wanted to expand rs so they did what they had to do and yah a ton of the ppl who learned about rs through miniclip r part of the noob/scammer/begger problem but many of them actually know how to be mature and yah i came to rs through miniclip but id like to think of myself as not being a scammer or begger (maybe a noob now and then) and i dont really think of myself as being mature but the thought of every1 coming through miniclip is an immature noob should b put to rest cause its not true for every1 :D

Dk team: axe - 5 zerker - 7 warrior - 4 mud - 1 seercull - 2

Barrows: guthans helm - 2 guthans skirt - 2 torags legs - 1 ahrims skirt - 2 ahrims staff - 2 torags helm - 1

Dragon: axe - 1 legs - 4 skirt - 4 med - 3

Draconic visage - 2

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I totally agree with Rebel_Ry with the fact, that the higher you get,


the more you get bothered. (I never begged)




I give out full mith, partial addy, and some rune axes.


(I'm 86 smith), and yet, still get pestered for more.


My fault I guess, for giving out free stuff.




I'm level 120, and always try to help the lower levels.




The begging has been worst, the past year. Miniclip?


No clue. But, with the number of players now, odds are it didn't help.

Andre the Giant (Gentle Giant)

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Hello fellow tip.it'ers. I have been playing rs since 2004 many of you who have posted have seen me on here before. Scammers, bug users and macroers have been around since rsc. I remember many people complaining about it way back, the trouble is as has already been mentioned that people only like to remenber the good things...that is human nature and i have no problem with it. I had never heard of miniclip..i just thought more people were finding out about rs. I myself found it through fileplanet/gamespy..and was too late for a party hat :cry: When i first started playing there were many chars.looking to take advantage of the newbies (!), i was lured to the drayner mansion basement for some great new armour......i survived cuz i had run on phew!!Never liked vampires ever since lol. Any way my point is dont blame just 1 site for the problems we all now face. With a greater number of players you will always get a certain percentage of idiots/immature players coming through too. They have always been there just its more noticable now because of the greater number of people playing.


You dont have to listen to them..you have an ignore list ( as already been mentioned by dragon2) use it. Enjoy the game dont let idiots spoil it for you use the tools Jagex have given you, dont blame them, without Jagex what would you be doing now? Playing WOW? ( ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã10 a month subscription), Everquest? (ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20 a month subs?) etc etc.


first drag drop (skirt) 21/08/06, second (spear) 29/09/07

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beleive it or not, i'm an rscer. I kept the same name and everything and still remember the exact day my friend called and was like "dude runescape's nuts its like 3D now!" haha the good old days....although miniclip added to the ess experienced and "i want it my way" characters, it wasn't the start of them. My first year playing i was scammed by someone who friended me for 4 months. I wasn'y a high level or anything, he just did it for fun then laughed. i told him i would send him a virus from a different name and he gave me my pass back (I realize there was no way i could have done this lol)=] He did take all the items though..so yes, scums were there before miniclip. =]

"Hooray for Ancients."


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