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Oh No...My Wisdom Teeth


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Now I am really confused, I never got stitches or anything. Just got a local anesthetic, two teeth pulled out, got some cotton wool in my mouth to absorb the blood and that was it, done...




Well mine were impacted wisdom teeth (they couldn't get through) so that may be the biggest difference. Usually the people I know who get them out get them out because they are impacted.




Maybe you just got them out for a different reason?




Yeah, the dentist had asked me if I wanted to have them taken out, since they could (potentially) cause problems in the future and I would rather have them pulled out then have problems later on.




So all in all it was about the same as when I pulled out my milkteeth (except that I had been drugged now), just a bit of bleeding, nothing swollen. I ate normal food the same day as always.

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My brother ate solids soon after, but the massive holes that were left got filled up with food. So imagine this;




My brothers gets some tape, a straw, and a vacuum cleaners, and tapes the straw the the end of the vacuum and sucks the food out. Haha, good ol' kiwi inginueity.




I'm 20 and I haven't had mine out, and I haven't had any problems with mine at all.

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As soon as you can after surgery start putting ice on your face. You won't swell immediately so you won't have any reason to put ice on your face, but if you don't early on, you'll swell a lot later. Other than that, just know it'll go well and hope you get lucky and don't have much pain. I never had to take any meds after mine so I lucked out, except I didn't use ice since I was so fine with it and I swelled a lot.

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It sounds like I had by far the worst experience with having my wisdom teeth removed. Mine were turned in towards my other teeth and were going to wreak havoc in my mouth if they surfaced. I think the dentist had to drill through some bone to get to them and take them out. They hadn't surfaced through my gums.




They knocked me out with meds for the surgery and I woke up groggy and went to my grandmothers. I fell asleep with a numb face and spit pooling in my mouth but I felt too bad to even swallow. I woke up groggy and put my hand on my chest and it felt like there was a puddle of spit. I was thinking ugh, I drooled all over myself and held my hand up and it was covered in blood. My mouth was full of blood as well.




I went outside and started spitting blood out and there was so much it had bubbles in it. It looked like someone had gutted an animal where I was spitting it out. We tried doing the bite a teabag trick to stop the bleeding as well as a few other things but it didn't work so I had to go back to the doc.




When I get there he asks if I want local anesthetic or want to just be knocked out again. I just thought it would be a no big deal shot and I didn't want to be unconscious again so he said the local. He proceeds to pull out a harpoon. As he stuck it in my gum I don't know if he meant to or what but I think he hit a nerve with it. My body tensed so hard from the pain that only my feet and head were touching the table from my body arching up as every muscle tensed. I lost my vision and everything went white until he pulled the needle out.




He proceeds to cut open the stitches and use some metal vaceum tube to suck the blood out so he can see and I hear it hit something hard. Yeah, I was awake as he was running metal across exposed bone. So anyways he stops the bleeding pretty easy and I go back home.




My jaw then proceeds to lock up for a week where I can barely open it enough to get a spoon in my mouth. I was living on banana milkshakes that week. Lost 10 lbs. Miserable experience. Have fun. :D




(I seriously doubt yours would be anything like mine)

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i went to the dentist the other day and i had x-rays and they said in 2 more months im gonna have to get em taken out,but good luck :-X


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I have to get 4 cavities filled some day, I've had two before when i had baby-teeth but forgot what it was like getting them




can anyone refresh my memory?

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I'm only 13, so now wisdom teeth out for me yet 8-) From what my older cousins described I thought it was extremely painful, but now that I read your guys responses I think they were just trying to freak me out :lol: I've had lots of experiance with getting teeth pulled, since I don't have any baby teeth left, and have only lost 1 of them on my own, all the rest were pulled (even had 6 at once pulled :x ). I'm so used to it to the point that, the last two I got pulled last month I didn't even feel at all.




The way my cousins described it was, they knocked you out, clamped open your cheeks to get to the back of your mouth. Then they cut open the gums where the wisdom teeth were inside your gums, pulled them out, stitched up the massive holes they cut open, unclamped your cheeks, and woke you up. I'm glad they were lieing :XD:

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I had my 4 pulled out earlier this year, i was so hungry afterwards so i tried to eat a sandwhich...couldnt feel myself chewing, and whether or not i was chewing the sandwhich or my tongue. I was back at work the next day :(

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I have to get 4 cavities filled some day, I've had two before when i had baby-teeth but forgot what it was like getting them




can anyone refresh my memory?




I actually find getting fillings kinda tickles. O___o But most people say i'm weird because I'll also get them done with no novicain (sp?), but then I absolutely hate getting the shot. Only kind of shot I don't like, besides when I got the chicken pox shot... that burned. =/

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I'm having them extracted in February, before they pop out. It lessens the problems of the teeth rooting themselves into the gum, it hurts less, etc etc.




It shouldn't hurt too much. I've booked mine at my usual dentist, however, you can choose to have it done in a hospital if you'd like. It'll cost more, but perhaps you'll be more at ease.




The injections won't hurt. I've already had 4 teeth extraced to make way for braces some 5 years ago (back then it didn't hurt. I was more worried about the blood oozing out of my mouth, lol), so unless you're afraid of needles, you should be alright. The stitches holding the wounds together are dissolvable. Don't worry about swallowing them, lol.

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From what my older cousins described I thought it was extremely painful, but now that I read your guys responses I think they were just trying to freak me out Laughing




Did you read what I said about my experience? You might want to before you make up your mind they were just freaking you out.

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The way my cousins described it was, they knocked you out, clamped open your cheeks to get to the back of your mouth. Then they cut open the gums where the wisdom teeth were inside your gums, pulled them out, stitched up the massive holes they cut open, unclamped your cheeks, and woke you up. I'm glad they were lieing




No that is exactly what they do actually, they weren't lying.

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When I had one of my teeth pulled the Novocain didn't work. (Of course there were specail circumstances) It was very painful, so I dont know what it feels like to have your mouth numbed when your teeth are being pulled. I imagine it feels the same as it did when I had surgery on my leg while I was awake. You dont feel the pain, but you can feel a tugging sensation. It isn't painful, but it is uncomfortable. It sounds like there is also a grinding feeling, which I can imagine.

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