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Monday Poll: What are your plans?


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I dont PK. So that is no loss to me, but I wont comment on that aspect.




But for all the others, I have worked hard for every level I have. I have earned everything I have. I never cheated anyone out of thier things. If someone died in front of me - I gave them back their stuff, to their shock and amazement.




Personally I like the changes, except that I can not give gifts to people now. I know that everyone who sticks it out with RS now, is there to have fun, not to take advantage of others.




I know that, now I will not be constantly hammered with beggers.




I know that, now someone will not 'be able' to take advantage of me in a trade.




I know that, now all my hard work and effort will stand for something now. That a lvl 3 player will not come along wearing a party hat. (Because we all know that is a lower character of someone who drop traded it to the low character for the attention it would cause)




I know that, now to get to the high levels of skills I want, that I am working hard for; everyone else has to work jsut as hard for them too. They wont be able to use ill-gotten gold to buy their supplies.




For Clans, it does put a major damper on things, because when I was in a clan, we would give new clan members and lower levels items to help them bulk up faster. Now a clan can not do that.




But for the most part.. I am pleased with the changes.




I am tired of people begging off me - just because I have level in the 100's people assume I am rich when in fact I spend most of my time fighting.




I am tired of hearing about my firends who 'scammed' - even though I have preached and preached at them.




I am tired of people trying to get me 'get me' to show them something.. jsut so they can 'see' it.




I am just tired in general of all the cheaters in the game.




And Hopefully now, those cheaters will say "dang its too much like work to cheat int his game any more" and leave. So we may lose a lot of players, but I bet the majority are players that we lose, like taking advantage of others.




And then I have to ask myself... is it really that big of a loss after all?

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These updates finally remove the last meaningful player-player interactions, so the game has effectively become a single-player game, with (highly restricted) chat.




Everyone who says the changes don't affect them, or they'll wait and see, don't seem realise the significance of the changes which, though most aspects seem unchanged, have made the game fundamentally different.




Single-player games are much less interesting, I can't imagine anyone playing one for even half a year let alone 4 or 5 years like many used to play runescape.

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I swear runescape better correct this..... All it takes is Jagex to get rid of the stupid 3k rule and secondly make areas in the wildy that you can pk in....they could be fenced off for all we care..its still a place to kill! Jagex you really haven't thought about the effect that this update has on the WHOLE of runescape whether they like it or not it WILL affect everyone in some little way!

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I defiantly won't quit. Pking was only a small part of the game to me. Same with merching. They are very small aspects of the game yet people take them so seriously like thats the whole game. I'm poor i'll admit that and i still have fun. lvl 103 w/ rune pl8s and a whip and a quest cape. Those were just was to make money. You don't need the best to have fun.



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just a rumour i heard and the forums r down on runescape but it appears from what i heard that they are undoing the changes made to the game on the 18th of january.


can any 1 colaberate this story or is this just u puff or dust????

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Guest hybridwipper

Harrington wrote:


According to the results this far, 19% of the gamers will quit immediately.




I'm going to keep an eye on the RS main page to see if there's a true drop in the number of players compared to last week.




I said in another post that people who are displeased are more likely to express their annoyance than those who are happy with the changes or merely have no opinion. So it's truly difficult to gague just how many people will actually quit immediately at the moment.






before update norm there is like 200-250k people playing


now there is 130-160k




rs is waste of time now. i'm annoyed that i renewed mem 3days before the update...they should of told us about the wildy change before as it is possibly the biggest f--k up they've done in the last 2 months..


trashed game jagex thanks..

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Guest hybridwipper

just a rumour i heard and the forums r down on runescape but it appears from what i heard that they are undoing the changes made to the game on the 18th of january.


can any 1 colaberate this story or is this just u puff or dust????




hopefully ;p


there must be like 4000pages of rant now..wen i last looked it was 3500


they cant jst ignor it

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best update ever...well thought out and executed. The 1% or less players who pk, are falling all over themselves screaming "we quit"...buh bye....you can still pk, they made you a nice little sandbox to play in. The Vast majority who don't pk, can move on enjoying this update.




love it love it love it




great job Jagex =D>




4k players unhappy (pkers and rwters) 1mil+ overjoyed :XD:




feel free to quit, you're just clogging up the servers anyway


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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lordsmug fails to realise that, along with everyone else, he is now stuck forever in his own personal sandbox.




Lord Smug LOVES the fact that his sandbox (98% of land space in RS) is annoyance free (pker-free for those who can't read between the lines). I did 4 clues yesterday that the hellhounds were tossing in my lap...and it was absoltely joyful to saunter through the wildy taking my sweet time doing my clues...saw 2 of those "new uber ghosts" they spoke of....um...ya... :roll: it was so delightful not to have to worry about packs of puppies yapping at my heels while doing my clues..... =D> I'll continue to enjoy my huge box, you play nice in yours :XD:


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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Well, I personally enjoy the Wild update, because I'm non-pk, and love the wilderness anyway. Now I can go and train much easier. But the 3k rule on trading I don't like, but not enough to make me quit, not even close. It's a problem I'll have to deal with. Hopefully Jagex will come up with some way that will let people lend items still, and maybe even donations (I donate to my clan leader alot for his poh, which is our base). Even though I do like wild update I feel bad for pkers who are upset.



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Well, I personally enjoy the Wild update, because I'm non-pk, and love the wilderness anyway. Now I can go and train much easier. But the 3k rule on trading I don't like, but not enough to make me quit, not even close. It's a problem I'll have to deal with. Hopefully Jagex will come up with some way that will let people lend items still, and maybe even donations (I donate to my clan leader alot for his poh, which is our base). Even though I do like wild update I feel bad for pkers who are upset.




I hadnt been to the east side green spot in ages...went there yesterday giving a lo lev friend a carefree tour of the wildy, and there are TONS of greens there now....mmmmmmmm crafting xp...to bad I'm chasing the slayer cape atm....sigh <3:


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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Well i should have seen this coming; rs has been going downhill since the stupid wilderness ditch. i mean really, is someone really THAT dumb to have to click on a giant ditch, read a "people can kill you here" message and have to click "yes" about 3 times just to go into the wild?? if you're that dumb, you deserve to get killed anyway.




and another thing: tournaments=dumb. no level restrictions. i guarantee you that jagex only took out staking more than 3k because no one would want to even try the stupid tournaments.




then came the Grand Exchange. i'm thinking "oh boy i can sell my sharks without even having to break my fingers typing 'sell shark--carrotkid1' a few million times. but no, now jagex controlls the prices for everything. and has anyone looked at the 'market price' for sharks lately? 614 each.




and now they take away pking. so i pretty much have no way to make money at all.




and you people that are all saying "well i like it. now i can skill my hind quarters off". what's the fun in that?? you get 99 in all your skills but you have nothing to use them for. so you just walk around in your full drag saying "sigh..i wish i could kill someone. that would be fun". and if you're not, then click the 'log out' button, close out your internet browser, turn off your computer, throw it out the window, and slap yourself in the face.


wow i wrote all that??? i must be really ticked. :shock:

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Right now, idk what im going to do. Runescape is nothing that it used to be. I plan on maybe sticking around till summoning hits, but if it isn't to great, im gone. Jagex let their fears of RWt's get to them and killed every fun part of the game.


The wild should be called the Safe, because the ghost things are supposed to be game implemented Pkers. They can Tb, entangle, heal, and they will never replace the void.




Monster hunting and merchanting removal are two huge reasons im probably going to quit. I found merchanting fun, and a great way to make money. The GE changed it a bit, and made it slightly more challenging, but i still made quite a bit of cash, and now, they completely removed merchanting. I can make a whole 6k profit if i buy at min of 3k less than market value. And may i remind you "market value" is player value, and SHOULDN'T be Jagex value. ruined the game, and everything in it.

99 Fletching 99 Attack 99 Constitution 99 Cooking 99 Strength

Gamertag: H8tebringer


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I'm not really affected by this update; except the monster hunting. Iam normally a skiller and love monster hunting from breaks but now that we cant split loot/drops what is the point to continue hunting? your share can never be repaid...

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I'm very frustrated with the changes right now. I understand Jagex need and desperation to find a full proof way to eliminate RWTs but they've eliminated many other things that made the game fun in the process which their attempts to rectify with changes such as assist, and loot share, donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t really help.




The Grand Exchange is not well planned or at least I think it needs some major marketing tweaks to keep a potential crash at bay. This probably doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t go for everything, but so far it seems that little by little prices are lowering for many items as people insist on the lowest available price for purchasing. When the GE resets to the new averages, the new lower price gets put in and the prices drop again. It is making the work for the resources I want to sell (I earn all my res by ingame play, skilling-training) less profitable and less interesting to continue.




The 3k value limits they are introducing into all the potential areas where RWTs could be conducted are equally painful for legitimate players who made their ingame income off of less, but more profitable bets at the Duel arena, private drop parties can be kissed good bye as well (my clan held a drop party once a year in a less used location in order to keep the drops within the group), or just friend to friend helps, B-day gifts, Christmas (in future).




Their loot share option is imperfect, it doesn't necessarily equalize across multiple trips but just the one you are at right now. It eliminates group efforts like my clans this past year to build up honest supplies for purchasing materials to fight the Kalphite. 8 of us worked individually to amass over 50 million out of hard work in multiple skills, we pulled those resources into a trusted member, purchased armor and other items all being held by specific members, and were going to share them on over 1k planned Kalphite trips, so that each of the 8 involved could have a dragon chain. Now we can no longer be sure of how the dragon chain will divvy out through hundreds of countless trips or how we will be able to easily split all of the items after we get back to the bank without that ridiculous 3k limit causing mental grief. IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m hold over 10 mil of our earnings that are supposed to be split specific ways after the first of the year, we can move it up to December yes and get it all taken care of now, but it still means come January we can kiss this kind of group effort goodbye.




The change to the wilderness, its reduction, and those forsaken phantoms make the work of Clue 3 searchers even harder to achieve without dying. The clues are already immensely labor intensive, Wildy clues are not protected from attacks you can be interrupted when digging, fighting the mage, etc., Yurgi drives me nuts already, now what happens if IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m dealing with Yurgi, my clue is in an area where I am game to a player, and/or there is the potential of one of those ridiculously powered up phantoms to interrupt me ever other second. The reduced the size of the wildy to combat RWTs also effects players just trying to make it in and out of the wildy in one piece who used those same less traveled paths to increase the odds they might actually make it out without losing their clue to goodness knows what.




I am perplexed about how Jagex can make the 3k value stick across the board. How are they going to measure all values or what is valuable to one person vs. another, 3k is a pathetically low amount of gp and does not allow enough breathing room. Implementation seems likely to invade every conceivable means of trade in game and in the forums. If they force trades to follow the formulas guiding the GE and general shop rates, everyone will be forced to adhere to a system that seems to favor a continuing deflation of values (I really do hope that the GE stabilizes, but every time I go back with a new batch of hard earned bloods, deaths, ores, logs, fish, I have to charge less and less to sell them off, and since they are so cheap via the GE IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m not finding any buyers on the forums). Between friends, a trade of more than 3k may be equal enough for them, and it does not take into consideration group efforts such as I described above.




This is the first time since in the 2 and a half years IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve been playing that I am seriously considering saving my members fee for that Frappachino instead.




I see where Jagex is coming from and I do not fault them trying to stop this destruction of their income, and in the long run it is the god-forsaken RWTs and their selfish greed that are responsible. But, too many of these efforts against RWTs will negatively effect my key reasons for falling in love with the game and the fixes they touted as efforts to deal with the damage the unbalance trade will do simply are to narrow for the moment and do not adequately take into account genuine friend shares/helps or group efforts such as I described above. I voted that I will wait and see, but come next march, if these changes arenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t seriously tweaked I may finally need to throw in the towel on Jagex.




Peace Jagex, you do what you have to do to pay your people and make the profit I know you need to make to keep RS going, but the changes do impact this particular playerÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s primary reasons for being a part of the RS community and the alternates as currently portrayed are inadequate to protect how I play and how my clan works together to fund our outings. I hope it works out, if it doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t I did have a great 2+ years.

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people who are saying jagex will change it back,who do you think you are kidding?they knew this would be the reaction,so they're obviously prepared to stick it out.personally i like the update,although even tho i dont merchant i think the 3k thing is silly.


ppl just have to accept that its here to stay,but there's no reason why it won't be refined so if you disagree then make positive criticism,then jagex might take what you have to say more seriously than if you just whine.

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Mostly, i don't like the change to the trading system. I regularly keep my throne of miscellanea going, and i get maple logs that i don't use any longer. Now, when i get 10k or so logs when i cash out, i won't be able to give them away. I tried selling the last bunch on the exchange, but they sat there for about 5 days (at the lowest price each day) and they never sold, so i gave them to a friend who was working on fletching. So, now i'm going to have stacks of items (logs, and who knows what else) that i won't use, just sitting in my bank available for someone who CAN use them, but i can't give them to them.




That's my main complaint.




The second complaint, which isn't a big deal because i rarely go into the wildy, is those new monsters. I went in to finally get my ghostly robes, and had to go through 10 sharks because they were hitting 20+'s on me with range/magic as i was running around. Then, to top it all off, i get the pieces i needed, and i couldn't teleport out because they got me with that 'no teleporting for 5 minutes' spell... talk about a huge pain... i feel bad for the people who spend a lot of time in there, or whoever needs to go in there for clue scrolls or whatever...




but mainly, that new 3k gp trade rule really stinks...




It sucks that the real world traders have to ruin the game for everyone else. There's gotta be a better way to stop the trades!

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