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Why I LOVE this update.


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-Roaming the wildy with your clan


-No more sharing the loot of boss monsters(The lootshare system sucks badly, have you even used it??)


-No more clan pking("Clan Wars" is hardly a substitute! I've tried it.. It's a cheap imitation of castle wars, nothing more)




1) Why would you do that? To gang up on people 50 vs 1? real brave.


Unlike you, I like Pking with others. It doesn't even have to be 50 vs one... my clan doesn't even have 50 active members! I meant I simply can't pk with my old friend Bard or Walm or ANYONE! Honestly, I bet you didn't even pk much.. How can you know this thrill without actually taking part in it!?! Pking was the best part of this game.


2) I agree there. But you've got a month to figure something out.


So I have to wait a month for them to fix it?? Puh-lease!


3) Get over it. Its a damn fine replacement.


No, it isn't. Like I said, I doubt you pk(ed) much anyway.. don't even try to compare it.




TBH- If all the pkers in RS quit, I wouldn't care to much. Judging by what I've seen today, RS is better off without them.


Well, that is an extremely biased thing to say. At least I didn't have to resort to personal attacks to argue my point.







Im out there fighting willing pkers, we are all willing pkers, as a matter of fact even the scumbags who kill skillers are fighting people who willfully entered AFTER reading the warnings.




Warning. Thats your excuse. Hmph. Never mind the fact you are killing someone (and stealing their work) because they wanted to raise prayer or do a clue scroll (which are not easy to get btw.)


Your judging us by the RC pkers and the cluescroll hunters... My clan hunted these people down for sport(in the olden days). Please don't stereotype, it only makes you look like a arse.



Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Runescape is the anti-christ! :ohnoes:




Nah, not the Anti-Christ.




It's the USSR.




Wewts, my RS name actually makes sense..[/sarcasm]




Together we stand, divided we fall comrades..


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Yeah, we all know that most other MMO's had no rewards for PvP. That's why a lot of people actually played RuneScape over WoW and other, much more graphically impressive games.




To all those people saying that they are glad to see pkers go, stfu. I didn't like PKers much either, but that dosen't mean I wanted to see their fun spoiled. Skillers can be just as arrogant, anyway...

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You have got to be [bleep]ing kidding me, Pking was my #1 moneymaker I made over 15m PROFIT from it, I did not kill one [bleep]ing skiller other than drag trainers with obby capes. 95% of that was one on one fights in edgeville. It is simple, I just rarely lose. Pking was my moneymaker. I didn't even fight one itemers, it is not worth killing someone for an amulet, never was, never will be. This update got rid of the only reason I played runescape anymore, most of my friends quit with dueling, jagex has RAPED the free market economy, and now is trying their damndest to ruin pvp. Fine, I am waiting till the New Year, and then probably cancelling my membership if they continue this [cabbage].








Btw watch this if you don't believe me




Thanks to Fally|Thor for the sig :Wub:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain

3636 to 99 fletching on Katakid1 date unknown

#13,300 to 99 range on April 2nd, 2008

#14,323 to 99 mage on May 18th, 2008

99/99 mage

99/99 range

94/90 hp

75/88 str

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PvP is not meant to be "A great moneymaker" >_<. Thats where the greed sets in and ruins it.




EDIT- I'm not clicking any file sharing links. You can't pk me and you won't keylog me either. Go skill for your money, its not hard.

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its freaking filefront, not a fileshare, it is not a keylog...




you can watch a streaming version of it... and it is not a great moneymaker, it was MY moneymaker, it was what I used, did I do it mainly for profit? no, I did it for fun, profit was nice, but I put it all into training range and mage to pk more... I could make 6 or 7 times the cash just merching or if I was on my main skilling or killing monsters, but that got boring, there was no risk, and no challenge.




right click on a link before you condemn it as a keylogger... check properties and look at the type of file, if you can fit a keylogger into a stream or a .wmv well more power to you


Thanks to Fally|Thor for the sig :Wub:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain

3636 to 99 fletching on Katakid1 date unknown

#13,300 to 99 range on April 2nd, 2008

#14,323 to 99 mage on May 18th, 2008

99/99 mage

99/99 range

94/90 hp

75/88 str

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Roberthree, you are the dumbest person i have ever seen. What qualifies you to even talk about pking; you have some of the worst combat stats i have ever seen. You mean to tell me that every person that entered the wilderness was there for profit? Ya, ok. You never went into the wildy with some ice spells to mess with the pkers and make them waste food and pots? You never killed an rc pker while using the abyss with a quick dds spec? Obviously all your logic is flawed.












How can you say Jagex didnt come after the stakers? How much did people stake?- partyhats? How much can you now stake? 3k. Hmmmmm, interesting. You mean now you can only stake someone for a fraction of a percent of what you used to be able to. You're right, they didnt kill that.








Jagex didnt kill merchanting. Oh my, 100% right.... NOT. The grand exchange was introduced as a way to fix prices. The GE sets the price, can't you see. It doesnt matter if people use it or not, it sets the price and then you can only trade for +- 3k outside of that in a regular trade. Before, you could bypass the GE. You want to buy a purple partyhat for 177 mil then sell for 180 mil to a desperate buyer? Good job, congrats on the profit. NO MORE. Now who decides the price of a new item? Jagex does. What will the next item cost? What would Jagex set the godsword prices at? Who knows. It should be up to the players that "Expect to lose what they bring" with them to the new dangerous areas to determine the price. Now we're also forced to use lootshare. Say you go with a team of 3 people to Bandos. You get a Bandos plate, great job, split it up 6 mil per person. WRONG!!!!! The person that got the plate gets the money because they're the only ones that can sell the drop. But wait, it gets better, you can give each of your teamates 3k!! Great, now you can pay for an entire 5 shark!!!!






Jagex is telling all the high level, accomplished players to go [bleep] themselves. They dont care if they lose their lvl 100+s because more low level players like yourself now have the chance to make it. I would rather have to compete with yew bots. I would rather have to pay less for raw materials. I would rather allow RWT, something that's never crossed my mind as a problem. I would rather play the old RS where i logged on ready to raise my skills and not have to pay out of my [wagon] to do so. I would rather go monster hunting with my friends to form bonds that last for years. I would rather quit than play this crap they now call RS.




Jagex killed- Staking, Pking, TRADING, Helping your friends, The RS Community, THE ENTIRE GAME




I dont even know why im wasting my time with this, i now hate this game and everything in it. Goodbye RS you win.

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THANK YOU flowerboy... finally someone here with more than half an iq point.


Thanks to Fally|Thor for the sig :Wub:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain

3636 to 99 fletching on Katakid1 date unknown

#13,300 to 99 range on April 2nd, 2008

#14,323 to 99 mage on May 18th, 2008

99/99 mage

99/99 range

94/90 hp

75/88 str

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PvP is not meant to be "A great moneymaker" >_<. Thats where the greed sets in and ruins it.




EDIT- I'm not clicking any file sharing links. You can't pk me and you won't keylog me either. Go skill for your money, its not hard.

Pvp has always, from the start, been one of the best money makers.


Jagex actually mentions it as a money maker in the manuel.


And its a streaming video moron it cant be keylogged.


Skills are boring, we dont all have to be you ok?


You like skills..


I like to pk.


Why is your method better then mine?


Skilling for your money may not be hard, but its about the least fun thing i have ever done.


I play games for fun, not for mindless boring grind.

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And i think i have successfully refuted every one of your oppositions robert.




Monster hunting is no longer practical and who are you joking that you can make money with your skills. I was going to go for 91 rc, but i dont quite feel like doing 450k nats through the abyss. I was going to use FFL but Jagex F'd that in the A.

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Thank you as well, I was quite insulted at being called a keylogger, and it does mention it as a moneymaker, how is it illegitimate if it's specifically mentioned... and its not like luring where I trick you into stepping in. you step into the wildy on your own free will, I kill you if I am luckier/better fighter.


Thanks to Fally|Thor for the sig :Wub:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain

3636 to 99 fletching on Katakid1 date unknown

#13,300 to 99 range on April 2nd, 2008

#14,323 to 99 mage on May 18th, 2008

99/99 mage

99/99 range

94/90 hp

75/88 str

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I also remember that PKing wasn't much of a money maker in the first place. But now when I'm Runecrafting I don't have to worry about Abby Pkers! Yay!!!! And the new spirit things that would attack me aren't in that low of wilderness so hooray! I only hate that Jagex killed Drop Parties, as well as presents. (Well not yet, that takes place in January.) But I'm glad Jagex is caring about the community in general by eliminating RWT for good, this will also murder Autoers, thank goodness. I actually went to a riot where there was a few Jmods and thanked them :) I have a pic of one thanking me for appreciating the updates. (I'll post it eventually.)

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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I also remember that PKing wasn't much of a money maker in the first place. But now when I'm Runecrafting I don't have to worry about Abby Pkers! Yay!!!! And the new spirit things that would attack me aren't in that low of wilderness so hooray! I only hate that Jagex killed Drop Parties, as well as presents. (Well not yet, that takes place in January.) But I'm glad Jagex is caring about the community in general by eliminating RWT for good, this will also murder Autoers, thank goodness. I actually went to a riot where there was a few Jmods and thanked them :) I have a pic of one thanking me for appreciating the updates. (I'll post it eventually.)
If you wanted boring repetitiveness with no risk whatsoever neopets was always there for you.
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PvP is not meant to be "A great moneymaker" >_<. Thats where the greed sets in and ruins it.




EDIT- I'm not clicking any file sharing links. You can't pk me and you won't keylog me either. Go skill for your money, its not hard.




No.. you don't understand at all.. I wasn't pking for the money, in fact, I mostly lost money..




No, I was pking FOR FUN.




If you wanted boring repetitiveness with no risk whatsoever neopets was always there for you.






Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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gonna focus some more on Runecrafting and doing clues.




This is my only quarrel with the update. No more REAL danger in runecrafting throught the abyss. People not buying alot of runes to get 94 mage or to go pking = a huge Supply with little demand... rune prices BOMB, I dont get my phat. (Yea I know its selfish, but now my phat dream is all but ruined... especially if I cant get it by January) :roll:




Also, the rare runecrafting cape become more and more common... they lose there appeal down to that of the fishing and woodcutting cape :-w :? (not to burn on anyone with these capes but they are "skill and chill" capes)






As for bounty hunting I have no bias toward it. I have yet to try it, but the fact that I can teleport next to my "prey" kind of pushes me away as it takes all the challange out of the mini-game <.< ... And I cant laugh at RC pkers when I down a full sara brew and walk out of wildy without a care in the world. \'






Yea its more than one thing but my main quarrel is the influx of runecrafters and runes.

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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If you want to kill for money, go to a boss monster. Killing players for money was getting ridiculous to the point people were attacking defenseless people on clue scrolls in hopes that they had the reward already. How is it fair/fun to kill someone with no armor and a weak weapon?
Yeah, only problem is that you can't do boss monsters come January, since of 3k limits, and no splitting it equally between teams. I really can't solo a boss monster. Sorry, but i fail everytime. And btw, I hate pking. I'm not a pker. But I have enough sense to see where this is going.




They came for the stakers, and I kept quiet.




They came for the merchanters, and I kept quiet.




They came for the Pkers, and I kept quiet.




How long before they come for skillers?








And lemme clear up something:




They didn't come for the stakers. So you better shut up.


They didn't come for the merchants. So you better shut up.


They didn't come for the PK'ers. So you better shut up.


They won't come for the skillers. So keep quiet.








so you better shut up?




what the hell is that lol?




or what?




u'll make urself look stupid by posting again? :ohnoes:




or you'll go to duel arena and take his 3k from him :ohnoes:



Co-Founder of KoA over 18's clan. Founded 2002. An RS clan for adults only.

Now Recruiting

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good point, and well said. BUT. I'm sorry but think abouth the other updates based around these. RWT, a big problem. 3k limit o trading is bigger. But i get what you're slinging at. I like the new because they apply to me more than how i used to pk, for honor not loot.

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Have you even been to the bounty hunter mini game?? What is so fair about a level 55 being matched up with levels ranging all the way up to 100, not to mention even if you are at that top level, because it is multi attack zone you will get insta piled by any teams that have set up camp in there.




The old pking was waaay fairer then this, at least then you got to choose what level range you could fight, and whether more than 1 person could attack you at a time.

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How does ruining the wild help solve real world trading??


So u limit the space but it is still an empty piece of black garbage. Nobod is there cuz no stores or bank nothing!!!




RS changed so much!!! Period.




I still remmeber to good old noob days when we like fought goblins and stuff but now we have to forget that and move on.




I will probably quit now unless they make more updates. I shall move on and the rest of u too.

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I actually like this update my self for the most part of it.




Only thing that bothers me is how can we share drops with my friends i go GWD/KQ/DK with? I hope Jagex is finding a solution for that one too and i will keep playing.




Lootshare is piece of ****.. It's useless, because it doesn't share anything, but information what someone had.



Total amount of rare drops: 220 ~ Earned over 1.5 Billion from Godwars Dungeon

Ranked 14th in Construction + Best construction level in Finland.

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I reckom I could get used to the Wilderness changes because honestly I hardly ever went there. However what I'm really annoyed with is the loss of choice.


I cant not choose to use the Party Room and have an old drop party. II can't choose to sell my items cheap becasue they are clogging up my bank. I can't give gifts to my friends during holiday events.


I'm just starting to feel restricted, like Jagex are now saying you are going to play THIS way not like before when you were free to do what you wanted (as long as it was within the rules of course)



Woodcutting does not raise your combat level because most people do not play as yew trees.
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PvP is not meant to be "A great moneymaker" >_<. Thats where the greed sets in and ruins it.




EDIT- I'm not clicking any file sharing links. You can't pk me and you won't keylog me either. Go skill for your money, its not hard.




You know, that's just bull****




"A great moneymaker" - since RSC (I guess you never heard of that) pking has been a respected way to make money because you risk losing quite a lot yourself. Crafting freaking nats or clicking all over again for red chins are great money makers. But they require no skill my friend.




Go die for your money nerd.




Jagex killed their oldest aspect of the game - and an aspect which made this game speciel from other MMORPG.




Bounty Hunter is bull: either there are people 1 iteming or else you just team up. If you don't do neither you are doomed. I got k0ed in there last night. Look at my freaking stats lol. Shouldn't be possible. Bounty Hunter will be dead because you either 1 item or team up.




Clan Wars: just a lame version of Castle Wars?

99 ranged | 99 magic | 99 defence | 99 hitpoints

Remember, it's just a game

Feel free to add me on RS. :) Always ready for a chat.

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Lol, logged in today for the first time in a long time. Piled by 1 iteming, no honor scum.




Is this your 'competitively fair PvP'?




The chance of losing my items, and gaining another's, is what made RuneScape PvP fun and interesting. It's not about the game, it's about the adrenaline.




You really think RS PvP is 'fun' enough to make me want to play it over WoW or lineage 2 PvP simply for itself? Lol. No.




Can't wait for Warhammer - Online. PvP plx.

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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