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The truth, just quit


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Electrical, I think you need a little bit of support from someone here, so let me say that I thank you for the advice. I will not follow it, however, as I feel I do not need to. People who get angry at you for just suggesting something are probably just overreacting because of the way the update affected them. And, seriously, if the update affected them so tremendously, they are probably the ones who should follow your advice the most.




To others, you do not have to be angry at his suggestion. Calmly state that you disagree with his opinion rather than just be like "OMG don't tell me what to do!"




Other than that, always remember that it is just a game. At this point, I do not think there is much chance of Jagex removing the updates, so either get used to it or quit and move on in life. Either way, please stop complaining, and take up a bigger cause in life than trying to keep a stupid online game the way you love it.




Oh, there I go giving you advice now. I'm sorry, I should consider your feelings when making my post and not make any suggestions whatsoever.[/sarcasm](really the only way to get my tone across here)




Electrical's post does not necessarily apply to runescape just because of the update, but can be considered independently. He's right, you know. What does runescape mean in the grand scheme of things?




The thing is thats fine and everything but he wasn't stating his 'opinion' he was flat out telling people what to do with their lives.




As i said what does Football/your girlfriend/a pony/ jupiter/ the American president/ Jesus/ Hitler's mustache mean in the grand scheme of things?




Let people do what they want and don't arbitrarily tell them how to live their lives while having no knowledge of said lives. THAT IS GOOD ADVICE.

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The thing is thats fine and everything but he wasn't stating his 'opinion' he was flat out telling people what to do with their lives.




As i said what does Football/your girlfriend/a pony/ jupiter/ the American president/ Jesus/ Hitler's mustache mean in the grand scheme of things?




Let people do what they want and don't arbitrarily tell them how to live their lives while having no knowledge of said lives. THAT IS GOOD ADVICE.




All I really have to say to this is that just because you interpret what he said as an order does not mean he meant it that way. This is one thing about internet communication that is flawed. You don't get things like tone of voice or facial expressions, and meanings can be changed so easily without them.




And also, I'd leave Jesus out of this, as many people think he is very important to the grand scheme of things(including me) and I really don't want this to turn into a debate of faith.

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Spare us your wisdom. You don't like it? Then quit, but why should we?




P.S. So 40 yo players are in a game, so what? They already did something in their life and no matter what, they will be adult for the rest of their life. Many of them plays while at work.


You are however the one wasting precious years of your childhood in front of a computer.




Being "old" player was normal in the past anyway. It became "lol", when 10 year olds flooded Runescape with their wisdom, begging, whining and other special features.

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you can have the best of both worlds




why do people always feel that it's all or nothing? (on both sides of the spectrum)?




Yes, why? Just because you play a game it doesn't mean that you play it too much! There are some people who can't handle the situation and spends way to much in front of the computer screen, but it doesn't mean that everyone plays like 8 hours a day. The most players are able to combine the real world life with the virtual one nicely.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Life's been great, you'll be regretting many moments in your life because of Runescape. (Studying, dating, partying)




Have you ever been jealous of someone in (high?) school for their attributes, clothes, or popularity? Its because of Runescape, and too much of it.





Since you seem to know it all, please tell me: How come I have excellent grades, party alot, have plenty of dates and know people that are jealous of me while I play runescape?




Playing this game is a choice of mine, because I enjoy to do this. I do not care about what others want me to do, I care about what I want to do. You should try the same, it prevents you from making useless topics on fansites.

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Since you seem to know it all, please tell me: How come I have excellent grades, party alot, have plenty of dates and know people that are jealous of me while I play runescape?




Playing this game is a choice of mine, because I enjoy to do this. I do not care about what others want me to do, I care about what I want to do. You should try the same, it prevents you from making useless topics on fansites.








To the topic starter:




There is something called balance that plenty of people here fail to understand. It's not that hard to have a good time on RuneScape while maintaining an active social life.




Additionally, if you're trying to convert people out of playing games, your first place to start is World of Warcraft.

I am a tree.

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The thing is thats fine and everything but he wasn't stating his 'opinion' he was flat out telling people what to do with their lives.




As i said what does Football/your girlfriend/a pony/ jupiter/ the American president/ Jesus/ Hitler's mustache mean in the grand scheme of things?




Let people do what they want and don't arbitrarily tell them how to live their lives while having no knowledge of said lives. THAT IS GOOD ADVICE.




All I really have to say to this is that just because you interpret what he said as an order does not mean he meant it that way. This is one thing about internet communication that is flawed. You don't get things like tone of voice or facial expressions, and meanings can be changed so easily without them.




And also, I'd leave Jesus out of this, as many people think he is very important to the grand scheme of things(including me) and I really don't want this to turn into a debate of faith.




OHO touched a nerve did I? I may be 12 hours late but I'm riding this one. So to YOU Jesus is important and you are offended that I MAY be belittling him? Well whoopdedoo, but given you defended this guy TELLING us what to do, saying basically we should listen to others advice, I have this to say: HESZUUS your Lord and Saviour is not my lord nor saviour and I ADVICE you to stop worshiping him. if you aren't a hypocrite you will defend my right to say this, if you are you'll be angry and tell me to [bleep] off.




BTW even though you can't see me you most definitely can interpret my TONE can't you?

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I don't really get the point in trying to force Jagex to undo the update if we're being encouraged to quit for the sake of our social lives. Surely, if we left RuneScape behind as the poster advises us to do, we wouldn't mind how Jagex chooses to fight the people who ruin RuneScape!




My work/life/game balance is just fine, thanks, so I'll be staying for the moment.

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Hobbies are nice and relaxing. I'm sure you have some kind of hobby too.




Playing runescape just happens to be my hobby. Do you tell your friends to stop playing football or stop reading books because you think it's waste of time? no?




Well then you should just leave us alone and have fun with your friends or do whatever you enjoy.

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I'm not going to quit because of the update, I like it. I do many more things than rs (which probably explains my low levels). As for yourself? Go ahead and quit if you want. I could use the extra space.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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I bought a year of P2P a year ago and it doesn't end until mid-Jan, so I guess I have 3 weeks to get rid of all my gold (jk...or am I...?).




Jagex really screwed up RS this time; you can't even play the game without them holding your hand and telling you where and how to do things. First it was the duel arena, then PKing (don't tell me it's great--you obviously haven't been there), and finally trading. What next?




I guess I'll finally be able to quit this stupid game and forget about the thousands of hours I spent on it (for good...without ever returning). I haven't been on much since I started university just a few months ago anyways. Once you go out and actually see the world without RS, it's great. Quitting RS has allowed me to actually meet lots of great ppl, make many new friends, find a gf (well, almost there at least ;)), and have close to a 4.0 gpa.




So try it now and quit RS before you too realize what a waste of time it is. Go outside, make a snowman, get 100% on the next exam. I'm sure you won't regret it. \'

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Go outside, make a snowman, get 100% on the next exam.




Done all of those, anything else?




It's not a waste of time, it's a game which means its a way to pass spare time. If you still think gaming is a waste of time, have a look at WoW. I'm pretty sure the average WoW player spends far more time online than the average Scaper.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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Why would playing RS deplete all of my social skills and prevent me socialising (going to parties or whatever)?




If you think it's one or the other you need to get out more. It's stupidly easy to play RS and socialise - obviously not at the same time if you're out somewhere, but you can have both in your life without any problems.




I think all you losers complaining about this are pathetic tbh. You're the same ones who were complaining about real-world trading. Everyone's so quick to knock Jagex down, it's rare that I see anyone defend them. They're doing their best, even if they have to take these measures. Although I don't like not being able to lend my friends money or anything else that they might want, it's something I'm willing to put up with if it means getting rid of these morons




Me and a friend caught another friend out for buying money. 12m of it. He only got 2m. I was more annoyed than he was, I couldn't believe my friend would have done such a stupid thing. I hate players getting an unfair advantage just because they can afford it, so I'm gonna back Jagex here. RWT is a real problem that does need solving soon before it ruins the game.


And don't say "before Jagex ruin it themselves", try and see it from their point of view for once.






Maxed 15/06/13

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Look guys just go buy WOW and play a real game,At least on WOW they care what the players want.


The mods and owners aren't Ban happy,and they have Superior security.


The graphics on Runescape will always look like a 3rd grader programed it.


Stop paying for a game that really isn't worth the money,there are other games out there that are free and way better game play.

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I don't really have much to say about this. Just live your life the way you want to. But don't bug other people about their lives either - saying that because they play Runescape they have no life, and the likes. Different people have different perspectives on things. There's no point in trying to judge the life of other people, just to try to understand their point of view instead.




Edit: By example, let's take a 14 years old kid with depression that comes back at school everyday to play Runescape, and he has a complete different opinion than you do about Rs. Well, you can't get in his brain with all his beliefs, memories, thoughts to understand his complete point of view, but atleast you can try to understand.




By example, you and the 14 year old kid get into a debate, and none of you two wants to try to understand the perspective of the other person. The debate is going to last forever, and nothing will be accomplished. But if you both try to understand the point of view of the other person, then communication is easier, and some things can actually be done.

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I log on every now and then to flash my Yellow P-hat around


Capitalist. But don't worry. My new Regime will straighten you out.




Anyways, why do you care, and why should we take advice from someone who joined only 2 days ago?


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Currently studying with my girlfriend wearing clothes I've bought with money I've got through working and I have been told a few times are nice and mix 'genres'. I also have a motorbike I've paid for and pay to run (in the UK!!)




I play RuneScape a fair amount but can sort my time out enough for all these things.


99: Agility 28/12/14|Thieving 20/03/15

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