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If you're quitting, then just go!




All this ranting and rioting is ruining the game for the rest of us! When has it ACTUALLY made a difference? Maybe in a few bits here and there, but come on... it's just getting annoying now!




Remember, it's just a game not life! If you don't like it, get used to it or leave already! Go play Warcraft or something, and stop bothering us.




Thank you,





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People would rather they be able to play the game they love, as they loved it.




They make noise in the hope that if enough people make noise, it will be changed back.




If it's not changed back, i'm sure lots will indeed 'just quit'.

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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you dont have to read the rants if they bother you :wink: people just wants to blow off some steam maybe it dosent help but it feels good :D


(I wana live for ever,

or die trying...)

I have dyslexia so forgive me my bad grammar

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People would rather they be able to play the game they love, as they loved it.




They make noise in the hope that if enough people make noise, it will be changed back.




If it's not changed back, i'm sure lots will indeed 'just quit'.




It is not changed back (read dev. diary rs main page!) because this will be sure end of rs! But already made updates will be modified and tweaked...Especially wildy and pk'in i'm sure comes modified.

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While I can understand the general sentiment, but..




Remember, it's just a game not life!
Why not use the same justification & let it go?




While I can understand your point, but...




You feel differently about this when you are calm and when you are still furious because of the update!



You're being watched.

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Kimzon: I don't read them It's just everywhere i go, and whatever i do.




Scars: Because i play the game to have fun, and this is just ruining it for everybody that still wants to play.








Maybe they did this for a reason? Kill RuneScape off, and start afresh with mechscape? Just a possibility.

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I agree with you. As a mate of mine said: "If you want to quit, do it, it'll give me more space to play". However you don't have to read all the rants, it probably would be best to ignore them.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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I agree with you. As a mate of mine said: "If you want to quit, do it, it'll give me more space to play". However you don't have to read all the rants, it probably would be best to ignore them.




I don't read them, it's wherever i go. Apparently they're doing a mass loggoff at 8pm gmt for 10mins. Doubt it will do any good.

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You feel differently about this when you are calm and when you are still furious because of the update!
I wasn't justifying the update, more like pointing out to him to not use the "Remember it's just game not life" card.


Thanks to WithTheQuickness for the sig!

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If you're quitting, then just go!




All this ranting and rioting is ruining the game for the rest of us! When has it ACTUALLY made a difference? Maybe in a few bits here and there, but come on... it's just getting annoying now!




Remember, it's just a game not life! If you don't like it, get used to it or leave already! Go play Warcraft or something, and stop bothering us.




Thank you,








Update Meaning




- no trading cooked for raw/raw for cooked


- no trading herbs for seeds/seeds for herbs


- no trading herbs+seconds+vials for pots


- no trading straight herbs for pots


- no trading cannonballs for steel bars


- no trading fletching supplies for finished products


- no giving double nats


- no trading hides for range armor sets


- no running bones to someone at your altar


- no law running


- no running planks for someone


- no training firemaking and woodcutting together. One person cuts the logs and gives to someone else to burn.


- no hiring people to tan your hides for you


- no giving free loads of fish to people when you're power fishing


- no ore running


- No more pk


- No X-Mas Gifts, No helpin freinds!






- NO reliable way to make money












I think that people can and should rant







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Who's gonna join me on a dk/gwd trip if we can't share loot?




ok, so lets update it




no trading cooked for raw/raw for cooked


- no trading herbs for seeds/seeds for herbs


- no trading herbs+seconds+vials for pots


- no trading straight herbs for pots


- no trading cannonballs for steel bars


- no trading fletching supplies for finished products


- no giving double nats


- no trading hides for range armor sets


- no running bones to someone at your altar


- no law running


- no running planks for someone


- no training firemaking and woodcutting together. One person cuts the logs and gives to someone else to burn.


- no hiring people to tan your hides for you


- no giving free loads of fish to people when you're power fishing


- no ore running


- No X-Mas Gifts, No helpin freinds!

























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When has it ACTUALLY made a difference?




wow short memory?




do you not remember all the skillers crying that low levels could fish shark and mine valuable ores because fishing etc were on assist?




or was that too long ago in the vast distance of time?




1 slight difference between people crying about a few fish and Solo PKing, duellling etc being taken out of a game, low levels being able to fish a few sharks a day didnt stop anyone else from fishing them, removing solo PKing etc, has removed that part of the game that was the only part some people enjoy.




There are other cases where people complaining has gotten things changed that is just the most recent.




We sat and watched people cry over such trivial things as a noob actually being able to make a little GP, that now the reason we play RS has been removed you expect us to sit in silence.



Co-Founder of KoA over 18's clan. Founded 2002. An RS clan for adults only.

Now Recruiting

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Well snake, it isn't so simple.




A lot of people have grown attached to the game. They don't want to quit - instead they want to fight to get their old Runescape back. The only thing people can do to voice their opinion is to put rants or suggestions on the Runescape boards, or make riots, and protestations.




You can ask them to quit as much as you want. They don't care what you want.

2480+ total

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And here the majority of you posting here haven't been around to play RS all that much. Or your just giving that "I don't give a crap" attitude which shows you little respect for something you represent.




I started on Classic, back when Jagex cared about the content they were making. RS2 was great in it's early run, but since 2005 the game has slowly gotten worse and worse. And now I see no reason to go and play a game that once had soul and love to be taken away by Jagex themselves. They ruined Runescape, fair and square. I highly doubt they will change it back to the way it used to be that attracted so many players. Heck, no one in today's society changes anything back to it's former state, we all just continue to feed ourselves with more and more crap until we feel that we're in a state of nostalgia.




The only way I will be interested in ever coming back is if they destroy these terrible updates they've made in the past month and just let the players roam free with their pking trips and trading items. But even if that happened, I highly doubt things will go back to their former. This game has changed too much in too little time. It's like trying to keep up with the ever changing face of technology, which may be why some of us are feeling miserable in this futuristic 21st Century we live in.

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I don't plan on quitting anytime soon, but everytime now I log onto my account to play.. I just get.. meh. It's hard to play when the game is starting to become twisted. I like focusing on skills so I never PKed (in the wildy anyway.. plus I'd stink at it. My brother even told me so. :P) or staked.




The wilderness change hasn't bothered me that much, but I feel like because of all the changes.. the atmosphere in the game has became much more unsettling. Jagex's intentions for the updates were all very good, I'm just afraid that they did it all the wrong way.




They did it way too fast, didn't let people adjust slowly (and sometimes people need to adjust slowly. They can adapt, but not as quickly as others). And the fact that the rants are still going fairly strong even in the fourth day of the updates tells something.




But the main point is, I'm not quitting anytime soon. =P I'm waiting it out and see how it is.

< Coming Soon >

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i see, your thinking is a bit selfish you know. I cant imagine how all the rants you ignore are actually ruining the game for you if you dont read them, this obviously isnt affectin you any so shut up and let some dedicated players try to save their game.




BTW Im one of those who "just quit"

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Well, skilling has always been reputed for being extremely reliable. Far more than other methods. The methods to make money that have disappeared were the less reliable ones

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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