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Okay thought the title looked pretty ^^, wow I haven't been on tip.it for some time :D ...too much school n




life going on :sigH: :cry:




Anywayyys while I was procrastinating....(have 4more hours




of studying to do and its like 11:28pm)... >> sorry if it




takes forever to load...








CC? I'm using this for my binder.
























Full veRSion:
















Edit: I realized that the bow string is missing. gah!

[sig inserted here....in few days]

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lol, no string......








anyway, its very good. i quite like it. phaps lacking a bit of colour or is it ment to be all very white/grey?








well done,






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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i think ive just fallen in love :shock: (in a figure of speech)








for the c/c








-some of the lines should be a bit more defined.




-the feet that is to the left of us.. with the slightly touch to the ground.. looks a bit awkward.




-the way she's holding the bow with her hand seems very.. uncomfterable.








great job however.




great to have you back even if it is just for a little while.

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Why is this great work soo down in the bottom? :shock:








Up I say! UP!








Fear the line work!








For it owns you...








Awesome work. I hope you post more of these, but I guess its always good to value work.

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Ty everyone, I drew the orignal then touched up on PS. And yeah her foot is weird haha but I'm too lazy to fix. SHadowing. is it better? Update:









[sig inserted here....in few days]

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:shock: that is amazing. simply amazing. I think the shadowing makes it look a ton better. That is so beautiful.






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~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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