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New Training Spots In Wildy


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They can go straight through the webs in the Wildy at Mage Bank/Tele Lever too :(






I had a clue scroll at the altar in lvl 38 wildy and one went right though the closed door!




thats how i died

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The fire giants in the basement should be a great spot now, shouldnt it?


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Rare Drops: Dragon Sq Half : 1, Dragon Med : 2, Dragon Claws : 2, Dragon Legs : 1, Dragon Boots : 60+, Granite Legs: 8

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Ok i just got back from green dragon slaying. I went out 4 times. I survived exactly 1 of those trips. There's something plain WRONG about that. On the other hand, I didnt lose anything because of the gravestone update, so its a double edged sword.




Overall though, the wilderness completely sucks for everything now, not just the lack of pking.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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I'm f2p and i wanted to go to my favorite training spot at ice giants




a lvl 68 ghost cam and hit 3times 20+




i tried to kill it, but it heals himself offcourse, it's impossible to kill it without team




so i ate almost all my lobs and i trapped the ghost at the altar, went back and 5 minutes later he was at giants again. so impossible to train there




i had the same problem at goblin mines with addy ores. It seems like i will never train in wildy anymore, too bad cause there was almost nobody there. Pk'ers came rarely and were easily tricked




these ghost can even steal the monster you were attacking, i hate them




i hope they drop good stuf cause i want to kill some of those bastards

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I think revanants could be useful and indeed fun (take your clan revenant pwning?) if their power was controlled a bit better. I mean, teleblock, poison, blitz and some weird mage/range thingy is over the top and at least the dumber/more "proper" pkers would either stick to one world or leave someone dressed in clue seeking/rc'ing gear alone. Revanants are ruthless though but i got a dragon dagger from one at mage arena =) so im not complaining.

I Quit. You should too.

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It seems to me that the best way to deal with these is to do everything as a team.




Think about it- there's no risk anymore that someone will stab you in the back, and there's no risk of accidentally skulling. You can now have 20 people at the agility course 3-iteming with black d hide and a crystal bow/abyssal whip, ready to fight off any revenant that appears. You can do the same at Green Dragons, though obviously there's a limit to how many players can train there at once. Other players can also bless your gravestone, which is always a plus.




I'd suggest a theme world for activities like the wilderness agility course to allow players to protect each other. Maybe someone should start a topic... not me, because I don't think that I'd use it, but someone who's interested should give it a try. It's a cool idea, I think.

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Revs really aren't dangerous... Wering dhide really minimizes the chances of them hitting you and the kicker is THEY CAN'T RUN!!!! You can just run away from them and log out which nobody seems to put down.




But they are annoying as hell.

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^^^At least I'm not the only crazy one

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They are dangerous :ohnoes:


And hit higher then f2p Pkers! They are like... Member pkers in an f2p world!


Training spots in single combat wilderness isn't too bad.




If only they dropped the pker stuff when you killed them (Rune Scimmy + Rune 2H or Rune 2H + 100 Addy Arrows or something)...


They are stronger then pk'ers, but drop a lot less then pk'ers -.-

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"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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Revs really aren't dangerous... Wering dhide really minimizes the chances of them hitting you and the kicker is THEY CAN'T RUN!!!! You can just run away from them and log out which nobody seems to put down.




But they are annoying as hell.




Former Pkers want you to think they are dangerous. I practicially live in the wildy since the update and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to avoid them or get away from them. Like you said, dhide...keeps range and magic hits to a minimum, and if it hits with melee just use prayer.


Or just keep your run at or near 100% and all you'll need are 2 clicks worth to escape.

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