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Mobile Phones at the Cinema?


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I don't know if I'm over-reacting, but does anyone else become infuriated by morons who insist on using their mobile phones at the cinema whilst the bloody movie is on!




Regardless of talking on the damn thing or texting, it's a common offence that's driving me mental when trying to enjoy a movie.




The only reason I posted today was because I was very nearly in a fight earlier in the week when an annoying chav directly in front of me kept texting someone. It was very distracting and despite politely asking him to turn it off, he kept doing it anyway (with the predicable consequence of me physically confescating his phone for a while).




Anyway, I'm just wondering if I'm alone in my hatred of these selfish morons, or if I'm over reacting when giving the offender a piece of my mind?

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Please turn off your bazookas. :D


But yea, people who text suck. And people who actually call others


during the movie suck even more. That actually happened not once, but twice during the last film i saw. Very sad.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Very, very annoying. If it's urgent they could just excuse themselves for a couple of minutes, but I hate people who just casually flick through they're powerfully backlit phone in a dark cinema while you're trying to watch a film.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I agree with you on the cinema but the worst are these idiots on buses/trains playing [cabbage] music on their phones so the whole bus has no choice but to hear the garbage... maybe its just a problem up here :(

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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I agree with you on the cinema but the worst are these idiots on buses/trains playing [cabbage] music on their phones so the whole bus has no choice but to hear the garbage... maybe its just a problem up here :(




I really hate that, they should buy some headphones. It wouldn't even be that bad if they put on decent music but it's always some really low-grade rave music or really low-grade rap.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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I agree with you on the cinema but the worst are these idiots on buses/trains playing [cabbage] music on their phones so the whole bus has no choice but to hear the garbage... maybe its just a problem up here :(




We get that here, too. It's always some gangsta-wannabe blasting out rap or hip hop, oblivious to the fact that fake gunshots and shotgun pumping sounds don't actually make people think you're hardcore.




And as for cinemas...




Anyone who lets their backlight be seen in my presence, or even have the audacity to talk on the phone or not turn their damn mobile on silent is asking to be urinated upon.

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i dont see the problem with texting... unless its making beeps or something. i mean if i pay 10 bucks for a movie, i rather watch it. but i dont see how someone texting distracts you




The light from the screen is distracting and, depending on how close they are, you can hear the clicking of the buttons sometimes, which is irritating.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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I agree with you on the cinema but the worst are these idiots on buses/trains playing [cabbage] music on their phones so the whole bus has no choice but to hear the garbage... maybe its just a problem up here :(




I really hate that, they should buy some headphones. It wouldn't even be that bad if they put on decent music but it's always some really low-grade rave music or really low-grade rap.


Probably even worse than that is when they actually do have headphones, but the volume is so high you can hear it, no matter where you are in relation to them, so all you hear is unintelligible garble. :notalk:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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You definitely are not alone in this situation. I too am easily annoyed by this kind of behaviour when I go to see a film at the cinema. Although it's not a big thing, I like to go to watch a film in the comfort knowing that I can watch it peacefully and undisturbed and if someone feels the need to answer their phone or start texting someone they can do that outside of the theatre or just have their phone turned off altogether.




i dont see the problem with texting... unless its making beeps or something. i mean if i pay 10 bucks for a movie, i rather watch it. but i dont see how someone texting distracts you




This is basically the same as someone rustling their popcorn bag throughout a film. It doesn't stop you from watching but it is still very distracting none the less.

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You ain't alone! I don't know how many times i've been on the vurge to knock someone over (ok i haven't... but i've wanted to!).




Oh yeah, as mentioned above with people listening on busses...


Firstly the sound from the speakers on a cellphone sucks! Sounds like 32kb sound lol.


Oh and when they have earplugs or headphones... Are every kid deaf? Does the headphones have such a bad isolation that i can here someone else 10m away from me inside a moving bus? Nah can't be, they all must be stone deaf!





J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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I hate quite a few things about the movies.




[hide=Movie Rants of Mine]-The people who have the amazing timing to show up just as the movie is starting..and then take their precious time sitting down, therefore blocking parts of the screen. Geniuses.




-The people who talk to others during the movie.




-The people who say crap like 'DID YOU JUST SEE THAT?!?!?!'. Nope. I didn't see it. I'm in the middle of a Darkened theatre, focused solely on the screen, concentrated on the film...but I didnt see that. Genius.




-The people who answer phone calls. Come on. Keep it on silent. I don't want to hear the plans for yor day, I'll never see you again.




And finally...




-The ones who have the amazing idea of playing RINGTONES during the movie. Seriously. I was sitting in the middle of a movie, when someone starts playing that [developmentally delayed]ed Soulja Boy thing. Everybody was mad, he was cackling, and I missed parts of the movie. Genius.[/hide]




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What I fail to understand is why would someone want to pay to see a movie when all they do the whole time is chat it up on their phone? :uhh:


Annoying preps trying to get lucky. <.<




Seriously, throw a projectile at the bastard and yell-whisper: "Hey, jerk-off! Go piss to your girlfriend somewhere else and let the working class of America enjoy a couple hours of peace before I jam these 15" platforms up your [wagon]!"




'Twill get the job done.

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What I fail to understand is why would someone want to pay to see a movie when all they do the whole time is chat it up on their phone? :uhh:


Annoying preps trying to get lucky. <.<




Seriously, throw a projectile at the bastard and yell-whisper: "Hey, jerk-off! Go piss to your girlfriend somewhere else and let the working class of America enjoy a couple hours of peace before I jam these 15" platforms up your [wagon]!"




'Twill get the job done.

Believe it or not, I have thrown solid items at morons who user their phones while in a movie. And most of the time I do connect with their head. That gets the point across easily enough, and so does the "leave or turn your [bleep]ing phone off before i turn it off permanantly by throwing it into the wall" which is usually followed by applause from other people in the cinema :P
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it's very annoying and on top of it : if you say something to them they're like "Omg be quite and watch the movie"




I agree, then there are those idiots who think they're funny by making comments while watching a movie :-s




I don't really understand how saying omg did you see that guy get shot makes it more interesting,.




The thing that really chaps my [wagon] is the people who ahve the nerve to talk on the phone to there spouse or whoever about the 'frekin movie and tell them what is happening, I feel like gougeing their eyes out with nail clippers ::'






Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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Honestly, whats so annoying about it? Someone talking on their cellphone is an abvious one. But txting? Want a tissue or some Johnson and Johnson no more tears shampoo? I personally hardly ever txt in a movie, I may do if I am in a near empty theatre. But if I see someone else txting, it doesn't get under my skin.




Do you have a rage if someone get up to use the loo, and opens the door to let a little light in?




I don't mind txting at all, unless they have a phone from the 80's with big old [bleep] off click buttons. What I hate is people talking, cellphones or not.

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it's very annoying and on top of it : if you say something to them they're like "Omg be quite and watch the movie"




People actually say Omg in real life? Just joshing ya.




Also, I don't find it that bad. But once someone was playing dance music, I think his phone was ringing, and he had a really loud voice, and everyone was just like " Shut The Hell Up!!"


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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