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A psychological decision


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Kind of obvious man. Ever heard of a clone that won't talk, won't hurt you, will do whatever you ask and it isn't really a living being? Just a clone of someone else. Sounds like a robot to me because REAL clones would more than likely kill you if you said the wrong thing to them where a robot would not do to control.

Fantasy Story Writing FTW!!!

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Room 'A' sounds fun :D




but After 20 years of interacting with a synthetic fake that can't truly communicate with you...after about a year or 2 in there and room 'B' would probably start to look tempting.






I'd still go with room 'A'




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

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Twenty years in a 12 x 10 room?




No matter what I could do in there, I would probably go mad from claustrophobia after a year. I need somewhere to go every once in a while.




Still, I could survive to experience more of life, versus killing myself right then and there. But that's twenty years of my life wasted. . . Plus probably another five for rehab.




I choose A. The psycological experiment could be the choosing of the rooms. If I choose B, I would be dead, but with A they might let me go. And if they don't, I'll survive somehow.


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Twenty years in a 12 x 10 room?




The radius is twice your height. Meaning if you are 6 feet tall, from one end of the room to the other is 24 feet (6*2*2). Radius = the distance from the center to the edge, and the room is a hemisphere, so twice your height is the radius, times 2 for the diameter.




I doubt you are 2.5 feet tall :P.

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Twenty years in a 12 x 10 room?




The radius is twice your height. Meaning if you are 6 feet tall, from one end of the room to the other is 24 feet (6*2*2). Radius = the distance from the center to the edge, and the room is a hemisphere, so twice your height is the radius, times 2 for the diameter.




I doubt you are 2.5 feet tall :P.




Did it say radius? My bad. I thought it said diameter. And the 12 was the diameter, 10 the height.


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B without a second thought.




Give me a month or two, I'll find a way to kill at least one of those guys keeping me trapped in there.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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You guys surprise me. i thought TIF was smarter than this. Did it ever occur to you that you could use, say, a pen and paper, or maybe sign language to communicate with the clone? i am disappointed.




Anyways, I would probably choose A, but if I did choose B, I would just wait patiently until someone came in to investigate what's going on, and pop a cap in their [wagon].


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Door A, without a doubt. Books, Guitar, Food, and Weed. After I got out, I'd be an uber smart guitar hero with a whole bunch of hit songs. 20 years without any other people around would be pushing it, but I think I could make it through. The clone could play my favorite songs on guitar, clone of Jimi Hendrix FTW (naked though...I'd have to ask the people for some clothes, tell the clone to put them on).


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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I would choose A and instantly demand a Spork and a pot of Jam to be brought to me, then I would sit there playing with the Jam and Spork. The Spork God would then get me out somehow, for combining the two holyest items in Sporkism, and in return I would defeat the dreaded Foon!!!

My Last.Fm


Random Furry Dance!!!

Proud to hate life, since not too long ago!!!

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Why, I'd grab my handheld portal gun, of course (did that come to anyone else, or do I just still have too much portal on my mind) =)




Anyway, I'd choose A; as boring as it would be, I wouldn't want to take my own life. Though I would like to be able to be kept updated on the happenings of the world...could I request a newspaper?




Though, I'd probably go insane, and spend all my time plotting revenge, and then attempt to execute it when I got out, and probably get killed anyway... =(

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You guys surprise me. i thought TIF was smarter than this. Did it ever occur to you that you could use, say, a pen and paper, or maybe sign language to communicate with the clone? i am disappointed.




That is true, the scenario just states the clone doesn't talk, it doesn't say anything about communications other ways. I think ordering it to have a conversation with you via pen/paper would be acceptable under the rules. That would take care of companionship, at least part ways.




Still not hearing someone's voice for 20 years except your own could be a problem, but probably not. There is a microphone in the room for you to speak into, it never states whether or not the people listening ever reply. Also if what the other people said is true the room is a bit bigger than I thought, so yeah, I could easily do 20 years in there.



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I'd choose A instantly. It can't be that bad, and I'd develop amazing artistic skills with an acoustic guitar and 20 years. I'd guess I could also ask for weight lifting equipment and updated books on it, to be able to stay in shape. I'd have enough time to figure out what to do.

This signature is intentionally left blank.

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Could you get weight lifting equipment? It says you can only get items virtually guaranteed to not be able to kill you, you could easily kill yourself with weights. Granted, you could do the same with a pencil, so that kinda kills my original idea...Unless the weights are fixed to something that travels from the bench to the cieling so you can't take them off.




I think I would get a clone of Rambo about 1 week before I get let out. And since it is impossible to have Rambo without a ton of weapons, I could blast my way out and exact revenge on the [wagon]s that abducted me in the first place. Plus, I don't think Rambo ever spoke in the originals except for one time, so communication wouldn't be an issue, really.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Just got back, and it seems this is going well. Although this was something i found, I thought about it while I was gone. There are 4 things to sum up about a person depending on their reaction.




1. If you chose A, but think it's boring, It most likely means that if you come to a situation that is between life or death, you will pick life simply because of instinct and for the sake of living.




2. If you chose B, and want to kill yourself, you most likely will just give up in life or death situations, or are too close to the social instincts of humans and cannot live without a society.




3. If you chose B, but want to take the gun for another use then to kill yourself, then you are either a person that does not think things through, or base your decision too much on luck and chance rather then pure logic. (Your plan might be logical, but it just might now happen).




4. And Finally, if you chose A, but see it as an opportunity for growth of your mind (Or you just are looking forward to not working, having tones of food and sex), you are most likely a person that will take the life route not for the simple reason of living, but because you see more to life then just full filling dreams. It is more of a way to grow as a person, and learn (maybe even knowing how to 'enjoy' yourself')






Somewhat of a 5th. If you push both buttons, you might as well an hero yourself.




Lenin, it says it will give you anything electronic. Although you can kill yourself with virtually anything, as long as you don't attempt to kill yourself, you can use it.


Sig by Ikurai

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Ah. That clears things up, because I was a little shaky on the pencils.




Best thing to ask for if you choose A but want to leave: free passage out \' and a ride back home/


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Amazing topic... :D






Me, I would go for door A. I would finally find the time to read books and draw some more art. I could use the experience to gain a full capacity of knowledge, and a have a lot of great sex in the meantime. :D

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By pressing both buttons simultaneously, you permanently lock both.




*chooses to press A and B together*



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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By pressing both buttons simultaneously, you permanently lock both.




*chooses to press A and B together*


Doesn't this mean you end up dying a horrible death after living through endless hours of starvation, thirst, hallucinations and generally losing your mind? Wouldn't it be more efficient just to use the gun?

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By pressing both buttons simultaneously, you permanently lock both.




*chooses to press A and B together*


Doesn't this mean you end up dying a horrible death after living through endless hours of starvation, thirst, hallucinations and generally losing your mind? Wouldn't it be more efficient just to use the gun?




Yes it would be much more efficient but I'm a coward and would never be able to pull the trigger.




I also wouldn't be able to kill anyone :S Then again I would choose option A and just put up with the other life form without killing it for 20 years...



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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