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Help fixing my body clock


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Well, after new years, my body clock is currently absolutely rubbish.


It's 11:30am now and I was meant to leave for college 10 minutes ago but there's no way I can make it in on time now. The worst part is i've missed 2 presentations today, and it's because I couldn't get to sleep until about 4:30-5am last night. I don't know why I can't sleep at night, I keep trying to fix my body clock but it doesn't seem to be having any effect because I keep getting up late and thus, missing college because of it.


Does anyone have any advice for trying to sort myself out a bit?



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That's exactly what happened to me this year. :x




I used to get home from college at 4 and be asleep by 4.01, waking up at about 9pm, thus having to be awake from then on until I got back home at 4. Rinse and repeat.

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When it happens to me I usually force myself to get up early - say 8/9am and force myself to stay up to a certain time. Don't go to bed till like 10/11pm. Don't take any naps during the day because that mucks me up even more.


Only takes me a day or two of this to get my body into that routine.


Also make sure you are doing plenty during the day to tire yourself out at night, like a bit of exercise. Might not work for you but it does for me.

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Simple. You just need to get one night where you -dare I say it...- go to bed before midnight, and just lay there, allowing no thoughts to pass through your head. You may not get to sleep until two at the latest, but that should fix your body clock pretty well. Worked for me anyways on the break-school transition [i went to bed at 5am the saturday night before school and woke up sunday 3pm... that was rough to fix :lol: ].




Oh, and do it on a day when you're up around 9 or earlier, that should make it easier :P .

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Simple. You just need to get one night where you -dare I say it...- go to bed before midnight, and just lay there, allowing no thoughts to pass through your head. You may not get to sleep until two at the latest, but that should fix your body clock pretty well. Worked for me anyways on the break-school transition [i went to bed at 5am the saturday night before school and woke up sunday 3pm... that was rough to fix :lol: ].




Oh, and do it on a day when you're up around 9 or earlier, that should make it easier :P .

That depends on the person.






It's almost impossible for me to get more than 5hrs sleep (without feeling like i haven't gotten enough sleep) unless i've been on a 48hr physical and mental punishment run. Otherwise after 4-5hrs i'll wake up.




I have fallen asleep at 6pm after i've gotten back from work and woken up around 10pm... fallen asleep at 9:30pm and woken up just before 2am..








In the long haul rob, i dunno mate. looks to me like it might be easier to start your day at 1 or 2am, and sleep in the "evening" time-frame :P

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In the long haul rob, i dunno mate. looks to me like it might be easier to start your day at 1 or 2am, and sleep in the "evening" time-frame :P




I've done that a lot in the past. :) Yes it might sound 'bizarre' to wake up and start your day with a breakfast at 2AM, but to some people it's a real solution. Go to sleep at 6PM, wake up at night, and live through the day without any kind of tiredness whatsoever....

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Stay up for a full 24 hours no sleep, then when it gets to about 8pm go sleep, wake up about 6am, it's easier after that to go to bed a bit later.




My body clock messes up on a regular basis that's the only way that ever sorts me out.



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Stay up for a full 24 hours no sleep, then when it gets to about 8pm go sleep, wake up about 6am, it's easier after that to go to bed a bit later.




My body clock messes up on a regular basis that's the only way that ever sorts me out.


Bleh, I've tried that, just messed up my clock even more and felt like crap...




oh, and puked beacuse of it too. That wasn't fun >_>.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I have gotten my days messed up many times. The best way for me to fix it is just to pick one day that is gonna hurt and wake up at a normal time even if you only got 2-4 hours sleep. Then make sure you stay up until at least 9 pm with no naps. It's not fun but you will go to sleep for sure.




Another big thing that helps is to make sure you are getting regular exercise.

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with the getting up part, make sure you set alarm for roughly 90mins, 3 hours, 4.5 hours, etc from when you go to bed, will make getting up alot easier becasue after every 90mins you are the easiest to wake out of sleep

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Before school started again I went to bed at like 1:00 A.M. Now I have to go to bed at 10:30. <.<




My sister then wakes me up at 6:00 in the morning, then I get ready for school. Sometimes I don't even need to have her wake me up, but it pisses me off when it's dark in my room and I try to go back to sleep, and then my sister comes in and tells it's 6:00. Damnit.

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Before school started again I went to bed at like 1:00 A.M. Now I have to go to bed at 10:30. <.<




My sister then wakes me up at 6:00 in the morning, then I get ready for school. Sometimes I don't even need to have her wake me up, but it pisses me off when it's dark in my room and I try to go back to sleep, and then my sister comes in and tells it's 6:00. Damnit.




I seriously can't go to bed until at least 12:00, unless I've had a big day / am extremly bored / extremly tired.






As far as my biological clock goes it should be fixed today, had to wake up at 4:30 and am leaving at 5:00 - 5:30 to go to the airport to head back to school. I'm fairly wide awake now. (went to bed at 12:00 last night)

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Getting to bed earlier would be the ideal, but if you can't do that (like me) then you just need to force yourself awake even if you need multiple alarm clocks (I use two because one just simply isn't enough to wake me up).

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Stay up for a full 24 hours no sleep, then when it gets to about 8pm go sleep, wake up about 6am, it's easier after that to go to bed a bit later.




My body clock messes up on a regular basis that's the only way that ever sorts me out.




I thought that when I looked at your name I would see Soulest.


But that isn't such a bad idea, I think, just don't mess up OT with 5 threads about it. :lol:


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Stay up for a full 24 hours no sleep, then when it gets to about 8pm go sleep, wake up about 6am, it's easier after that to go to bed a bit later.




My body clock messes up on a regular basis that's the only way that ever sorts me out.




I thought that when I looked at your name I would see Soulest.


But that isn't such a bad idea, I think, just don't mess up OT with 5 threads about it. :lol:




Am I missing something?



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