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Movies that brought you to tears


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Haven't cried in a movie since Bambi :-?
















I think I've seen too many movies for any emotional impact to actually set in...












What you're not telling us is that you watched bambi for the first time 2 weeks ago :P








mmmm venison :D
















Oh my God dude that's harsh! Bambi is extremely upsetting when you're a child, or in some cases, like mine (that's right I'm not afraid to say it), when you're growed up. Bambi is the original heartbraker.

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Never actually cried during a movie. But I have cried afterwards, when I lie awake and think about them. Too much. I take things far too far in my imagination.








LotR3? How were you able to cry? I spent the half 40 minutes desperately trying not piss my pants! I kept thinking 'it's got to finish soon', but no! There was always that extra line of useless dialogue!








And I'm quite proud that I never cried during titanic. Actually, I fell asleep and missed the good bits. Never wanted to see it since.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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I've never cried for a movie at least I don't remember crying for one but schindlers list really got to me. The only things I ever really cry for is family and friends.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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I also almost cried* during these films:








Schindler's List(whatagreatfilm)--at the end, not when the people were being killed.




Green Mile--I don't remember when.




Twelve Monkeys--I don't know why, but I found the ending sad and frustrating--I still like the film.




Gladiator--two places: his reaction to his family dying (which itself wasn't sad); the end.




The Shawshank Redemption--the bit where the old man hangs himself.




AI--though I don't remember it well enough to say when (probably the end)












There are a few others, and a number of books, too. They are vastly outnumbered, however, by the list of stories which were meant to be sad but were actually funny.








Bicentennial Man, Herr... I didn't feel like crying as much with the film (which was done well, I thought), but the book was really sad for some reason. Maybe I have it the wrong way round.... I don't think so... I'll have to read it again at some point.












I don't know how people found Titanic emotional--it's so... ... if there were tears in my eyes, they were only there from laughter at how it ended. It's a touching story, but with the people acting it, and how said people acted it... I really didn't see it as all that cry-ee. (Not that I'm trying to say that it wasn't well acted--I'm sure it was--I just didn't empathise with the actors).












*it took a little effort not to, in >1 case.

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For me It is




The Last Samurai




Lord Of the Rings the Return Of the King: When Bilbo and Gandalf go on that boat thing and everything is resolved, i thought to myself that this was the end and that there was gonna be no more, seeing it on an IMAX made it just that more powerfull to get me to cry

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Haven't cried in a movie since Bambi :-?
















I think I've seen too many movies for any emotional impact to actually set in...












What you're not telling us is that you watched bambi for the first time 2 weeks ago :P








mmmm venison :D
















Oh my God dude that's harsh! Bambi is extremely upsetting when you're a child, or in some cases, like mine (that's right I'm not afraid to say it), when you're growed up. Bambi is the original heartbraker.







some people just never get over that dumb little deer :roll:












I dont think I have ever cried during a movie, I guess I dont really watch many sad movies.

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some people just never get over that dumb little deer :roll:












I dont think I have ever cried during a movie, I guess I dont really watch many sad movies.








That "dumb little deer" has made more millions than you probably ever will...

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For god's sake I wish people would actually think what colour they write in? I am getting annoyed at having to highlight everyone who thinks they smart so posts in dark blue. Any idea how hard that is to read against black?How about I type in this colour against white?

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poor cj ^_^



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For god's sake I wish people would actually think what colour they write in? I am getting annoyed at having to highlight everyone who thinks they smart so posts in dark blue. Any idea how hard that is to read against black?How about I type in this colour against white?










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Twelve Monkeys--I don't know why, but I found the ending sad and frustrating--I still like the film.











no one believes me that there's a film called the 12 monkeys at school when i tell them the plot.








anyways closest movie that got me to cry is uh green mile, scarface and thats about it? i dont' really like sad movies.








schindler's list sounds good though.








so windu dies in sw ep3? always gotta kill the black guy. :(









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Lets see... I rarely cry, but Big fish, Black hawk down, saddest thing ever when the guy breaks his leg and has to fend them off, and the body being dragged through the streets... anyways, Never cried in LOTR.


Only 27.. RIP Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Janice Joplin.

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Movies that made me cry because I was sad








1. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (chow yun fat's death at the end)




2. Gone with the Wind (When Scarlett is walking on the streets and the dying soldiers on the ground)








I cried during Freddy Got Fingered because I was extremely upset and sad that I had to pay 20 bucks to buy a movie that I was was good. It was crap

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I'm surprised no one has said "The Notebook" - everyone says that makes thm cry.








I've never cried in a movie though...








Phantom of the Opera makes me want to cry when I hear the music though.




lol the notebook got to me :cry:

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Poor wilson in castaway... :cry: :lol:








The last samurai almost made me cry but I held in the tears :oops:

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