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Thanks soma :P I guess it is kinda screwed up then :|




Ok, anyone wanna recommend a rock or ground type pokemon other than golem/graveler? I remember using graveler alot until around the 4th gym, gave up on him. Sudowudo* or maybe I can get my friend to trade me a cranidos?


Rampardos is freaking awesome.




Ground - Garchomp, Dugtrio, Swampert, Mamoswine, Gliscor, Flygon




Rock - Tyranitar or Aerodactyl?

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Pearl, 3rd badge soma :/




I dont like the combo of Steelix, and I really dont like its looks either :lol: cant use swampert yet, cause im still only up to the 3rd gym, so I guess I might get my friend to give me a cranidos until I can get myself something better (what would that be? :P)




How bad or good is Yanmega/Vespiqueen btw?

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Exactly. I like rock and ground pokemon simply because they have a tendency to only learn ground and rock type attacks, yet some other attacks that can basically just up their stats, which is why I have used graveler and golem quite a bit.




Currently my team is:
















Im thinking of ditching Machop and Buizel, problem is, I have no idea what pokemon is better!


So far for fighting im thinking of Meditite (Medicham) or Toxicroak.


Keep in mind I know toxicroak is a bad pokemon, and Medicham is kinda limited.. but cool.. ish.. They have to be better than a Machamp though.


For buizel, I've seriously been thinking a technical Tentacruel. Do not say Gyarados, its a horrible pokemon.




Any ideas? :P




P.S. Alakazam is my fave pokemon <3:

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Pearl, 3rd badge soma :/




I could easily trade you an egg for any of those Pokemon... or even a level 100 with your SID and ID so it ignores your badges...




But honestly, Rampardos is really not very good. His stats, barring attack and hitpoints, are disastrous. Even his hitpoints are mediocre. With Base 60 Defense and 50 Special Defense, he's probably taken down in one hit by even a PIKACHU. Oh, and said Pikachu is waaaaay faster than Rampardos.




Definitely get a Gyarados for your playthrough though. You get one early, learns Ice Fang and Dragon Dance, and you can fill in with Return (TM that you can buy as many times as you need it) and Waterfall (HM). Decently fast, incredibly high attack, fairly bulky. A level 45 or so Gyarados can sweep any E4 member with 2-3 DDs.




Steelix does have horrible typing (4x weakness to ground? What the hell was Nintendo thinking?) Maybe give Bronzong a try. He's pretty good... Levitate makes him ground immune, or heatproof removes his fire weakness. Bronzong has mediocre HP, high defense and special defense, only one weakness, and gets hypnosis, reflect / lightscreen, and I believe Iron Defense.




I stick far away from single-type pokemons. The only single type pokemon I have is Alakazam. They get destroyed far too easily and their attacks are limited.




Vaporeon and Blissey say hi...




Mew and Smeargle are sad about how limited their movesets are.

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I'm no noob Soma :P


TBH, Rampardos has something like the highest attack for a non-legendary pokemon, so really, he doesnt seem that bad.. He has ok attacks too.




And you cant trade me an egg I dont have WiFi, I have wireless broadband :?




And no, no gyarados. I hate it so much, it has the worst combo in the world; water and flying. It learns no flying attacks, no attack based water attacks (even if he did they would be weak) and thus it has no good STAB. I'm looking for a good STAB + EV trained setup.




Bronzong again has a bad setup. Have you seen how many steel type attacks there are? Let alone how many bronzong would learn. And plus, I already have alakazam, the most awesome-est pokemon evar.




Also, Garchomp imo is kinda bad too. By far my favourite dragon type is Dragonite :P




With that said, I give you a straight no to all your ideas hehe. Although, Rampardos still seems like a good shot for me.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I'm no noob Soma :P


TBH, Rampardos has something like the highest attack for a non-legendary pokemon, so really, he doesnt seem that bad.. He has ok attacks too.




And you cant trade me an egg I dont have WiFi, I have wireless broadband :?




And no, no gyarados. I hate it so much, it has the worst combo in the world; water and flying. It learns no flying attacks, no attack based water attacks (even if he did they would be weak) and thus it has no good STAB. I'm looking for a good STAB + EV trained setup.




Bronzong again has a bad setup. Have you seen how many steel type attacks there are? Let alone how many bronzong would learn. And plus, I already have alakazam, the most awesome-est pokemon evar.




Also, Garchomp imo is kinda bad too. By far my favourite dragon type is Dragonite :P




With that said, I give you a straight no to all your ideas hehe. Although, Rampardos still seems like a good shot for me.




Incredibly good attack is garbage if you never get to use it.




Gyarados does not have the "worst combo in the world". It has one of the BEST ones. Water Flying really only has two weaknesses: Electric and Rock. Two distinct and very SEPARATE weaknesses, that means you should be able to tell almost right away which one they're planning to take advantage of. Gyarados is bulky enough to take even a STAB SE Stone Edge, and get a free DD in guaranteeing they don't get a second attempt. If they bring out an obvious attempt to electrify you, you CAN switch Pokemon. Not to mention, if you switch to Jolteon or Electivire, you get a free 25% HP back, or a 50% boost in speed, or you go to a ground type that is immune to it.




Gyarados has high attack, enough speed to use it, DD which allows you to raise BOTH even higher, only one real weakness which is actually an advantage, because often times, they're either horrible at playing, or they can't risk using it.




Waterfall is not good STAB? You're a horrible player then. Gyarados also gets Bounce which is flying, physical, STAB, and gets a 30% paralysis rate. It's probably the only 2-turned attack that is metagame viable right now.




How many steel attacks do you NEED for a Bronzong? Having more than one is redundant. Gyroball should serve all your needs if you're using it correctly... and honestly, steel attacks suck with the exception of bullet punch. Bronzong is a defensive pokemon, totally different from Alakazam.




And, at this point, I realize I've either been trolled, or I'm talking to someone who has no idea what he's talking about. Garchomp... bad? You're kidding right? Garchomp is so damn good that he's been BANNED from competitive play. Garchomp has TWO 120 power 100 accuracy STAB attacks, Swords Dance, and is bulky enough that, with a Yache, can completely ignore his ice weakness. Not to mention, Garchomp also has respectable special attack making a Specs set viable, or the Chain Chomp set.




Honestly, you just said that Rampardos is good and Garchomp is bad in the same post... your entire post literally contradicts your first statement.

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Yes I did, I dont play like a complete Pokenerd or someone who just plays for metagames I just play to get to the finish of the story mode while trying random different pokemon that seem decent to me, while training them to their full potential or as close as I can get without being bored.




Pokemon that are just overpowered like garchomp are too annoying for me, thats why I dont use legendaries, get it?


And I just hate gyarados, simply because all the pokemon you have suggested only get good when they get level 60+. And I always seem to have them both in my party, so I really just want to try something new.




And imo, with the amount of pokemon that can learn electric type attacks gyarados has a pretty bad combo.




And its hard to say that im a noob for having no metagame because I dont NEED a metagame.




EDIT: Just kidding you got tr0ll3dz0rz.


Except for the part being I'm looking for a completely different team instead of the overused ones.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Yes I did, I dont play like a complete Pokenerd or someone who just plays for metagames I just play to get to the finish of the story mode while trying random different pokemon that seem decent to me, while training them to their full potential or as close as I can get without being bored.




Pokemon that are just overpowered like garchomp are too annoying for me, thats why I dont use legendaries, get it?


And I just hate gyarados, simply because all the pokemon you have suggested only get good when they get level 60+. And I always seem to have them both in my party, so I really just want to try something new.




And imo, with the amount of pokemon that can learn electric type attacks gyarados has a pretty bad combo.




And its hard to say that im a noob for having no metagame because I dont NEED a metagame.




EDIT: Just kidding you got tr0ll3dz0rz.


Except for the part being I'm looking for a completely different team instead of the overused ones.




Then there's no point in asking for what's good. There's what's good, which is also what's overused. If you don't want to use it, then don't ask for something good... it shouldn't be that hard a concept to grasp.




And by your logic, with the amount of pokemon that can learn ice type attacks (everything in the game minus magikarp?), Dragonite is horrible too...

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Good is different to overused.




And I dont see howthe last part of your post means anything.




Uhh, no. Good IS overused. Pokemon that are good are used a lot. Pokemon that aren't good aren't used.




And every pokemon in the game pretty much, barring Magikarp, gets an Ice attack. Dragonite is 4x weak against ice. If Gyarados is bad because of all the electric attacks, why would Dragonite be good?

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Garchomp is funny when you don't use his Attack, but instead his Sp. Attk.




Swords Dance makes most switch to a tank that handles physical blows, then you start using special attacks like Flamethrower.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Reason I dont like how soma was telling me to use garchomp and gyarados is cause I said I wanted good stab pokemon :P


Gyarados learns 1 flying type attack?


Dragon types barely learn dragon type attacks :? and only like 2 good ones, and that takes a while.




ATM, I have a Torterra and just worked out Torterra is a take on territory lol :lol:


I like torterra alot, cause of the combo. Where its only super effective thing is .. dun dun dun, Ice.


I caught some random pokemon for no reason; Kricketune, Ponyta and Girafarig, and I thought Girafarig was kinda strongish.




I also got a Vespiquen! :D the one pokemon I have always wanted.


I still want a herracross though. Such a great pokemon. \:D/

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I'm playing Leaf Green right now.




I forgot how crazy deep Pokemon could bring you in. I've played for five hours, and I have a Char..um...Right above Charmander, and almost a Gyarados. And I haven't even finished Mt. Moon. I think I just got my dome fossil. :3

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Reason I dont like how soma was telling me to use garchomp and gyarados is cause I said I wanted good stab pokemon :P


Gyarados learns 1 flying type attack?


Dragon types barely learn dragon type attacks :? and only like 2 good ones, and that takes a while.




ATM, I have a Torterra and just worked out Torterra is a take on territory lol :lol:


I like torterra alot, cause of the combo. Where its only super effective thing is .. dun dun dun, Ice.


I caught some random pokemon for no reason; Kricketune, Ponyta and Girafarig, and I thought Girafarig was kinda strongish.




I also got a Vespiquen! :D the one pokemon I have always wanted.


I still want a herracross though. Such a great pokemon. \:D/






Torterra is weak to fire, ice, flying, and bug attacks.... and it has plenty of neutral hits. It does have the advantage of an electric weakness, but it's not that great of a pokemon.




If you don't want to listen to soma, then don't. He knows what he's talking about. I wouldn't try arguing with him any further, if he does decide to reply to you again.










Shadow, are we going to use normal tournament rules, like sleep clause, evasion clause, etc.. I'm just wondering.

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Wow I am so stupid. I guess for a while I forgot that flying is super effective on Torterra cause I figured rock=ground, idk, silly me. And I know bug is strong as hell but you never run into things with bug attacks - so, I wasnt thinking.




Just because he knows what he's talking about doesnt mean he knows my preferences. I did say I wanted a pokemon with a good combo (of types), not a pokemon with a good combo (of types) in the way he meant; I meant where I can get good attacks and stuff with it. And Gyarados is a no for that. :)


And dont evar dis Torterra, the king of Territories!




KC you at home? I am bored of being on the same team as nooby hide-and-bait people on CoD atm.




P.S. Anyone wanna tell me if: Heal order, Attack Order, Toxic, and say, that really high hitting bug attack are good for Vespi? I kinda think Vespi is awesome; great defences and near equal attack. Easy to train aswell.




Also, I wouldnt mind knowing if Staraptor should learn close combat. It's a good attack for finishes, but I highly doubt its going to be needed anyway.




Oh, and, if I finish the elite four, should I swap my Staraptor for a charmander and get charizard?

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Wow I am so stupid. I guess for a while I forgot that flying is super effective on Torterra cause I figured rock=ground, idk, silly me. And I know bug is strong as hell but you never run into things with bug attacks - so, I wasnt thinking.




Just because he knows what he's talking about doesnt mean he knows my preferences. I did say I wanted a pokemon with a good combo (of types), not a pokemon with a good combo (of types) in the way he meant; I meant where I can get good attacks and stuff with it. And Gyarados is a no for that. :)


And dont evar dis Torterra, the king of Territories!




KC you at home? I am bored of being on the same team as nooby hide-and-bait people on CoD atm.




P.S. Anyone wanna tell me if: Heal order, Attack Order, Toxic, and say, that really high hitting bug attack are good for Vespi? I kinda think Vespi is awesome; great defences and near equal attack. Easy to train aswell.




Also, I wouldnt mind knowing if Staraptor should learn close combat. It's a good attack for finishes, but I highly doubt its going to be needed anyway.




Oh, and, if I finish the elite four, should I swap my Staraptor for a charmander and get charizard?




First, don't worry, I have torterra as my starter. He is a beast for ingame play.




Second, I will go down in just a sec to play CoD.




Third, Close combat on staraptor destroys two of staraptors weaknesses, rock and ice. So it is good.




I don't know anything about Vespi, try googling Vesiquen movesets.

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Thanks, I'm really just thinking of my own movesets really.


Heal order = Recover, but cooler


Toxic = epic


Attack order = hits 70 100ac


That high hitting bug attack is like 120 / 100 or something.




Vespi is just awesome. Probably the 2nd best bug type around - 2nd to Herracross of-course. 3rd is Scizor =P

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Thanks, I'm really just thinking of my own movesets really.


Heal order = Recover, but cooler


Toxic = epic


Attack order = hits 70 100ac


That high hitting bug attack is like 120 / 100 or something.




Vespi is just awesome. Probably the 2nd best bug type around - 2nd to Herracross of-course. 3rd is Scizor =P




You forgot Ninjask, Yanmega, and Shedinja. All are amazing bug types if used correctly.

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Shedinja is extreme, against me anyway. I have a tendency to use only the same type attacks as the pokemon so Shedinja would own me.




I asked about Yanmega, no one answered me. :(


Ninjask = fail imo, too speedbased. Really, Herracross and Vespi are my 2 favourite bug types, idk why, they just tend to be the kind of pokemon I like.




We can admit that all bug type pokemon are underused though :P

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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