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Thank-you, I'll enjoy the full MOTHER3 translation by Halloween. You did not answer my question, how is MOTHER3 not the closest thing we have from video-games to literature, if you have played the game, wouldn't you have at least one concrete reason?


Pfft, translation projects never deliver on time. I know from experience.


And if you read closely I said I played Earthbound. Not MOTHER3.


Utawarerumono, Battle Moon Wars, Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime and even Muv-Luv are all infinitely closer to being literature than any of the Earthbound series and probably any other game youd like to mention youve played.


Now really, this isnt the thread for this discussion.




Yeah, but the only person who consistantly uses Directional influence here is me... maybe it's a bit hard and not a safety net for noobs...?


Maybe its pointless and barely affects your actual trajectory and therefore nobody uses it [or too hard for what its worth]? Maybe its broken and nobody wants to look like a cheating sod? (I cant say I know how greatly using it would affect anything)


Theres plenty of features in many games that nobody ever uses because they have little to no actual use since the fate would be similar in the end.

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i'm so up for a challenge. but unfortunetly i have work in less than 30 minutes, i kinda have to get ready. might be ready later tonight though. i'll keep you posted


Yeah sure. Remember I'm about five hours ahead of you guys though. ;)

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Well Cadburys_egg since I read your reasonable responses I no longer hold anything against you. Hell we are all fanboys in some kind of way. :)


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Yeah, sure. Directional influence barely (more than 45%...) changes the trajectory. I am the best here, and this is one of the biggest reasons. Seriously, try to play competetive level before you con the game.






I'm tired of people bashing things they barely know anything about. There was a thread about "why Brawl is so good" a while ago, and nearly everyone had to agree that Brawl is a good game, even people who generally don't like Nintendo. And those who didn't like Brawl liked Melee (I have a specific one or two members in mind here...).




I hate school. -.-


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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This is probably the most [developmentally delayed]ed video I found relating to the guy that fights for his friends and Hurricane you know who at the same time ever.




In a sec Crazy.


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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[hide=Gallade quote]

This is probably the most [developmentally delayed] video I found relating to the guy that fights for his friends and Hurricane you know who at the same time ever.




In a sec Crazy.







Haha I was waiting for someone to make a spoof off of that hurricane Ike thing. :lol: Nice find. ;) :thumbup:




Hehe, I really like that smiley combo. :)




Edit: this is totally off topic but I got Star Wars The Force Unleashed today!!!!! Awesome game. Not as awesome as Brawl of course, but that's expected. :XD:




Double edit: Did I ever tell you how cool your sig is Soma? If not then...um.. er.. yeah its really cool! :thumbup: If I did then um... er.. its still really cool!

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