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http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/05/ ... 5243.shtml








This is the first I heard of this, I was watching CNN(waiting for Family Guy to come on), and they were talking about this ad with Paris Hilton.








I saw the ad, it was soft core porno, but it was a commercial. A FRIGGING COMMERCIAL, now I know the popularity of Adult Films has increased alot since the 70s, but I think this is to far. I'm not some wimp saying "What about the children?!", but this is just sick.








If I wanted to see Paris Hilton(which I don't), I would just search Google. Yes, when porn comes on, in prime time TV, when a family is watching a show, you know that our society has become so warped that they allow commercials to be aired like that. For what you ask? HAMBURGERS.

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I watched that add with paris hilton and the burger, that was so stupid......... they should make some better ads...


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Yes, ive seen the ad, and im wondering y they wud do it, especially since its for something kids go to also. Just more proof that our society is being corrupted. More evidence is that when i went to help out at a daycare place, 4 yr olds were pointing at the boobs of scooby doo charachors in a picture book! This is getting out hand!

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I want to buy some of the burgers now. Just to spite the people who say it should be banned.








It was a hot commercial anyways, no idea what yous are complaining about. Free softcore porn on TV? Not a problem with me. 100x better than seeing a [bleep]ing jamster commercial.

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I want to buy some of the burgers now. Just to spite the people who say it should be banned.








It was a hot commercial anyways, no idea what yous are complaining about. Free softcore porn on TV? Not a problem with me. 100x better than seeing a * jamster commercial.












You're thinking about yourself, try thinking about others.








You're a class example of how our society is going down the drain, you think it's ok for "Daddys spoiled *****" to walk around, half nude and eat a hamburger.

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I never knew it... but english class it actuly coming in handy. I read the chrisalids (sp?) and just started on my essay about it. It about how groupsfear other groups becase they feel that the other group will bring change.








This is exactly what is happening here. There is a group of people that say "no this is unacceptable, think of the kids" while others are like "this is fine with me".








Now one group is going into this compleatly inocently, while the other dosent like the others idea's.
















What im saying is that the society is constantly changing, but there are diffrent goups in it called generations. Each generation thinks of life diffrently.I just so happens the old generation thinks that having sex out in the open is bad, while todays generation thinks diffrently.












From my stnad point, sexuality is not out there enough, people dotn learn about it at a young age and then we end up with *dum dum dum* teen pragnencies (sp?). If kids saw this stuff, they would think "oh whats this?" and perhpas ask their parents, and if their parents tell them all they should know, then we an get around teens having kids.


Sig by Ikurai

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I want to buy some of the burgers now. Just to spite the people who say it should be banned.








It was a hot commercial anyways, no idea what yous are complaining about. Free softcore porn on TV? Not a problem with me. 100x better than seeing a * jamster commercial.








We're complaining about people who are too shallow to look a girl in the eyes while talking to her.








If you're desperate enough to go to TV commercials to become "satisfied" with your opposite-sex relational life, then honestly, it's going to sell, and that's the sad thing. I'm not complaining that they're showing the commercials, because shallow people will actually by into it.








I'm complaining that society has become so "accepting" that these things actually sell, and are considered alright to show to anybody that happens to hit the power button on their remote control.








I don't blame the company, I blame society. For buying into it. Do you guys (that enjoy this) honestly feel satisfied and turned on by things like this? I honestly want to know.








From my stnad point, sexuality is not out there enough, people dotn learn about it at a young age and then we end up with *dum dum dum* teen pragnencies (sp?). If kids saw this stuff, they would think "oh whats this?" and perhpas ask their parents, and if their parents tell them all they should know, then we an get around teens having kids.








That's a realllly big stretch. And I really doubt that this is the best way to be exposing kids to "sexuality". Showing a half-plastic female in next to no clothes is hardly giving kids a healthy exposure to "sexuality".

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Hell no, that's why I created this topic.












Guess the world is becoming really shallow.
















I don't think it's really that bad and besides i think the girl in the old spice (i think) commercial is hotter. That one is funny.








This is also by no means porn softcore porn at least has breasts and thongs.








Umm...Did you watch the commercial?

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Hell no, that's why I created this topic.












Guess the world is becoming really shallow.
















I don't think it's really that bad and besides i think the girl in the old spice (i think) commercial is hotter. That one is funny.








This is also by no means porn softcore porn at least has breasts and thongs.








Umm...Did you watch the commercial?








Yes I did.

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They did something similar before with the mechanical bull commercial, though the woman had more clothing than Paris does. I think it's inappropriate, and I imagine Hardee's/Carl Jr's will find this out the hard way, but I think it's being blown a bit out of proportion seeing as it's Paris Hilton. I think I'm more disturbed by some of those Tag/Axe/whatever it was commercial where they say "It's how dirty boys get clean."








I only mind them when they're on during the day though. These things belong on cable at midnight (i.e. the target audience :P )

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im more disturbed by those Jamster cell phone plan commercials than the paris hilton commercial....








if anything that hamburger company did the commercial only to get their name out. in the world.




even if people remember their name just for the fact of having paris hilton in the advertisment, thats better than no one remembering their name at all.

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Ive seen worse...








Besides, there are other advertisements that should be looked at.








Ive always wondered whether or not that McDonalds clown is in a child porno ring...








Plus the Burger company got better publicity than it had hoped!

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That wasen't softcore porn, you don't even see nipple :lol:. She is just dancing around looking provocative, it's an attention grabber and has gotten the company a truckload of publicity. A very smart marketing campaign if you ask me.








I believe the commercial got banned anyways, didn't it? lol @ Paris Hilton making more ppl uncomfortable that she is so hot and knows it.




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Apparently sexy sells better than blatant sex when it comes to advertising.

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Considering how so many men love her, she *is* pretty damn ugly and irritating :shock: she didn't actually do anything except be born to become famous. Spoiled [bleep].

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Pornographic? She's wearing a bathing suit for [bleep]s sake, not partaking in a gang bang.




Heaven forbid you take your kids to the beach, i'm sure all that flesh would turn them into criminals.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Pornographic? She's wearing a bathing suit for * sake, not partaking in a gang bang.




Heaven forbid you take your kids to the beach, i'm sure all that flesh would turn them into criminals.

Then there's those shampoo adverts with naked women in the shower covering their parts. I'm sure they are alot worse.
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From my stnad point, sexuality is not out there enough, people dotn learn about it at a young age and then we end up with *dum dum dum* teen pragnencies (sp?). If kids saw this stuff, they would think "oh whats this?" and perhpas ask their parents, and if their parents tell them all they should know, then we an get around teens having kids.








That's a realllly big stretch. And I really doubt that this is the best way to be exposing kids to "sexuality". Showing a half-plastic female in next to no clothes is hardly giving kids a healthy exposure to "sexuality".








Good point insane. Was kinda a stretch. not really a healthy way of exposure, but my point is that sex is out there. And it just shouldnt be covered up because its "inappropriate". From my health teacher last year, she said that about 10-20 years ago, it was like the most wrong thing to have a talk about sex in the classroom, now kids are having whole discussions in the class room about all this stuff.








So just remember, this is the new society.


Sig by Ikurai

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Pornographic? She's wearing a bathing suit for * sake, not partaking in a gang bang.




Heaven forbid you take your kids to the beach, i'm sure all that flesh would turn them into criminals.

Then there's those shampoo adverts with naked women in the shower covering their parts. I'm sure they are alot worse.








Yeah, like the herbal essences adverts. "MMM, YES, YES!! OOH YES"




Not funny, at all. Pretty pathetic really.

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If you lot are worried about this, then you obviously haven't seen kyle's Agent Provocateur advert. The worlds sexist langerie (or how ever you spell it). "Would all the men in the audience please stand up?" Classic line...

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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Paris Hilton is probably the most masculine looking woman I've ever seen. So seeing her dancing around with a burger isn't exactly my definition of a good ad; unless she chokes on it and dies. That would rule.
















// Azvi.


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