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who would win?


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If all the generals in the godwars attacked each other in a final attempt to win, who would win?




please don't say armadyl because they can only get attacked by range and magic, If you go to godwars you will see that melee monsters still attack them.. also once a monster is dead they can't respawn and they cannot pray or eat, drink or use the magic we use(A.K.A lunar magiks). It is all in so they can attack anyone and no teaming up because they are monsters and wouldn't have the brains to think of that. oh and lastly please stop saying i would win because you are not a general in the godwars(but if you are PHr33 h1lt pl0x?)

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Considering that everyone's mutual enemy is Zamorak, and considering just how powerful each boss is, it's going to be a stalemate, save the complete demise of Zamorak.

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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this belong in questinoris.




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i believe the zammy one will win. bezerk and strong makes a good argument imo :thumbsup:

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6 years. 1 dragon CS drop and some barrows, bad luck?


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armadyl and zamorak would team sara, bandos would smack zammy out so there goes zammy, armadyl would range sara to death, and arma would fly high and range bandos to death




winner: arma

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Kree'Arra for sure :P, although Aviansies are probably weak against Melee, so maybe Zilyana.




I am leaning towards Kree'arra because out of all of them he(or is it a girl?) hits the hardest.




Edit: i wasn't sure weather to put this in here or questionnaires.

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Assuming no alliances and just sticking with the normal AI, Zilyana would win. Both of her attack styles are ridiculously strong and quick, and she has pretty great defense.

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this belong in questinoris.




on to topic:


i believe the zammy one will win. bezerk and strong makes a good argument imo :thumbsup:






zammy's defense is really bad so he wouldn't last long

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zammy boss would die first, since he has no defence, and everyone hates him. then bandos boss would go off attacking everyone and get himself killed. then it will between sara and armadyl and sara would mage because she cant reach kree. kree will use his range attack and own zil. champion: kreeara!




either that or i drop a nuclear bomb on them and win the battle :mrgreen:

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Kree, The fact that he hits EVERYONE at once, and his range attack hits up to 69... Just owns it..




Bandos can hit everyone with one of his attacks, but he likes to punch alot too, and his range attack isnt even that strong.



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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Zamorak hands down

lost rights to my dark red text >:(



Barrows sets: guthan, verac, dharok, maybe ahrim eventually <- lost to a hacker whole stole everything of worth from my bank

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Well a couple of things...




1. Can they super set/range/mage pot?


2. Can they eat?


3. Can they ancient/use veng?




If they can heres how it would be.




Kril poisons kree, while he gets meleed by Zil. He starts to eat but Graardor melees him for a 53 and he dies. Now Graardor goes for Kree while Zil pots up and takes out half of Graardor's hp and Kree finishes him off. Now both Kree and Zil go for each other and as Zil venges herself Kree ice barrages and kills Zil. Kree remembers he's poisoned and just as he goes to drink his anti he dies.




Now some level 83 walks in, sees the bodies of the generals and says wow look at those four shiny handle things on the floor. He picks them up and sets off to the ge to see what their worth. He then lags out while simutaneously getting an evil chicken random and logs in to see himself in lumby. Man he wishes he hadn't just gone rcing.

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