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~Discussion: Guys playing as Girl Characters?~


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What is with all of the guys playing on runescape as girl characters? I don't know if it has just been me, but lately I have noticed a lot more females in runescape. Now, i know most of them are for sure actual girls playing the game, but there is a significant amount of characters that are female.








Here are a couple of examples that have happened to me in the last week that proove this




1. About a week ago i ran into a very old friend. He was a guy and i haden't seen him for a long time and he was on a girl char.




2. I wen't to castle wars with some friends and i was a bunny rabbit. A girl came and said stuff like she was going to "adopt me" :P or something :roll:. Anyways on msn my friend told me that its really a guy on the girls char so eventually i got him to admit it :P
















These two pictures speak for themselves (its the same person)(I told her it wouldent work out because I said was a girl playing on a guy character and he soon admitted he was a guy on a girl character 8). I also knew he was a guy because I have never met a girl in my life asking strangers to be their boyfriends.




4. Right as i am typing this one of my rs guy friends is playing on a girl account :oops:












Now on tuesday Jagex added another update that changed the bodies on female characters




(my conspiracy is that Jagex wanted to celebrate that Canada won Miss Universe so they let all the girls be as skinny as her.:P )




Now that same day i already saw atleast 50% more females. I was in a bank and there were more girls than guys in the bank, all of the girls that are in the new skimpy outfits.












I also saw a couple others like "mr black (and some numbers)", and "sk8 boy (and some numbers)". I kinda doubt that there are girls with these guys names (sure its possible i just kinda doubt it.)








Now anyways, after this last update even more guys transfered to girl chars, or atleast thought about it, because even I thought it might be fun getting free stuff and flirting and "fun" to be someones boyfriend to get free stuff from them.








Those are the facts, but now (while avoiding a discussion about heterosexuality :evil: so this post doesen't get locked), im leaving it up to you guys to decide and discuss.








Thesis: Guys playing as girl characters is morally wrong and gives guys unfair advantages.








Antithesis: I can do whatever i want in this world. Dressing up as women for competition and just for fun is up to the person who wants to do that.









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Yeah, I think its really lame of guys to have girl characters.. Especially the guy who pretend to be girls and get free stuff from 'boyfriends'.. Actually, for the most part, I think its lame for any guy to have a girl character.. But I be some lame kids do it to look at em =s

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My opinion?








I think its wack. And no... not literally... sickos. lol








Its been like that since forever. On and off of RS. Guys pose as chicks, get free stuff and all that garbage.








A small majority of them probably question their sexuality (had maybe 1 encounter like that *cringes*), but its mainly greed that fuels them.








Personally, I don't do it, nor will I bother. I'm a man, been proud of it for a long time. Not about to go get me a sex change, it would be an all time low (no offense ladies).


R.I.P Shiva

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well..as far as i know...the reason for a guy to play a female character..








1. for the looks. some guys might prefer the girl look of the character, not because that they are sick in mind. same with girls, some girls prefer guy characters.








2. sick peoples :lol:








3. trying to sacm (get free items)

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I have one girl character that I made kind of just for kicks and because I wanted to do tutorial island again because I was bored.








But, I have many accounts (roughly 8-10) and I think that that is my only girl, and, seeing as I myself am a guy, I would never have a girl character. Not that I have anything against women, I just think it would be creepy to be a guy and have a girl character. It would kind of make me feel like one of those internet pedophiles...

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I remember i friend of mine once turned his character into a girl for awhile just to see if he got treated differently, after his experiment was over he confirmed that he got treated MUCH differently, he said he generally got treated with more respect and just generally better but with a few attempts from people trying to be his boyfriend. :lol:








But yeah most guys posing as girl characters are in it for the free stuff.

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the only reason i'd see fit for playing as a girl character would be to basicly "roll play" a female character. Yeah, maybe you've gotten boored of playing your mighty Warrior smack them all down guy. Maybe you wanna play as a kickass girl :P Or.. Well, its your choice :)








it is a Roll playing game afterall.












Although, I do agree... I find it very weird to see guys walking around as girls.

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I remember i friend of mine once turned his character into a girl for awhile just to see if he got treated differently, after his experiment was over he confirmed that he got treated MUCH differently, he said he generally got treated with more respect and just generally better but with a few attempts from people trying to be his boyfriend. :lol:








But yeah most guys posing as girl characters are in it for the free stuff.








Really? Thats interesting. I have a friend (Who actually is a girl and whose character is as well) and she is constantly being bugged by guys. She is only lvl 48, but a really good miner. So, she'll be at the mines and every time at least 2-4 guys come up and say she looks hot and ask if she wants to be her boyfriend. While you may think it is somewhat flattering, she certainly doesn't like it. She ends up giving them long lectures on why they can't fall in love with animated characters and then if they persist, I come and tell them I will beat the cabbage out of them if they don't leave. They are usually lvl 30 or below so a lvl 72 with full Rune is somewhat intimidating. :D

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I remember i friend of mine once turned his character into a girl for awhile just to see if he got treated differently, after his experiment was over he confirmed that he got treated MUCH differently, he said he generally got treated with more respect and just generally better but with a few attempts from people trying to be his boyfriend. :lol:








But yeah most guys posing as girl characters are in it for the free stuff.








Really? Thats interesting. I have a friend (Who actually is a girl and whose character is as well) and she is constantly being bugged by guys. She is only lvl 48, but a really good miner. So, she'll be at the mines and every time at least 2-4 guys come up and say she looks hot and ask if she wants to be her boyfriend. While you may think it is somewhat flattering, she certainly doesn't like it. She ends up giving them long lectures on why they can't fall in love with animated characters and then if they persist, I come and tell them I will beat the cabbage out of them if they don't leave. They are usually lvl 30 or below so a lvl 72 with full Rune is somewhat intimidating. :D








they are noobs

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Imo it's about choice. I think that the girl characters look cooler. But if I was one I don't go around predending to be one. I'm not even one in this, and I never have been. This is Roleplaying, You don't get mad at people on D2 who play as a Sorceress but they're actualy male IRL.








If I made a pker and I wanted to make it a mage, Maybe I'd give it a female name, That's the name of my CHARACTER, And if that name is feminin then my Character will be femenin (sp.) That would be for roleplaying Characters only, I'm not exactly going to make a character called "I'm a boy" and have a girl character and go up to people and ask for free things cause I'm a girl. That's just stupid. But If you're using a girl character for Roleplaying purposes then it's fine.

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What an interesting topic.








Personally, I think that's part of the fun, seeing how it's a role-playing game. Some guys may want to play on a girl character. There's two different reasons for this. One is the guy really wants to play a different role in RS than in RL. Two is the guy sees his character more as an assistiant instead of an avatar. Thus the female character is just some cute little thing to look at who helps him win. Like the guys who always play female characters on the console fighting games.








I am not bothered by the idea of guys playing on girl characters; it's bound to happen. It's a roleplaying game, and I respect the rights of players to play on characters of the oppisite sex.








It only bothers me when I see something like someone named Xx Sk8rBoy xX or Lord John 24 (names are made up, I apologize if it's a real RS username) playing on a female character. If your character has a definitely male-sounding name, it should be male. If it's feminine, it should be female.








Okay, so maybe there's another thing that bothers me: guys wearing the new dwarf shorts and skirts. But that's another topic altogether...

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After all, RuneScape is a role-playing game.








You may choose any role you wish, be it a male or female. Your real life shouldn't affect to your account in any way, they are 2 different worlds.




So, being a girl in game and boy in real world shouldn't be a problem.

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well..as far as i know...the reason for a guy to play a female character..








1. for the looks. some guys might prefer the girl look of the character, not because that they are sick in mind. same with girls, some girls prefer guy characters.








2. sick peoples :lol:








3. trying to sacm (get free items)












Im number 1 heeehee or maybe 2? :lol:

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I have ALWAYS been alternating my character from male to female, people have always been nice to the female and I was never called a noob. But now after the update i just get harrased all the time :cry: and i report the peeps. But the advantage of enw update is, if i go out into wldy with the skimpy dwarf clothes on, its easier to just go up to someone and then surprisingly maul them

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i think it would be OK for somebody to do anything they want related to this on runescape. i'm a guy, and i am dressed up as a guy, but i think the girl models look better than the guys. the guys look more origional, and the girls (WHILE STILL BEING TESTED FOR FEEDBACK) now have much more character. i don't know. i might make my mage account into a woman, now that supposedly the robes look good on the womens. hell it might give me an advantage in the wildy.








"don't kill me i'm hot for you"




"team with me cuz im hot for you"




"can you split that kill? gf for life if you do"








hey, if you get half of that rune kill, who can blame you for trying to be a female? no i would not be an internet prostitute with the new graphics like my ehem.... ex-friend (who is a fat freshman with no morals at all) but i can see me working my magic in the wilderness with a whole new style








oh and as always, Fr33 st00f plz!!

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good idea








i think ill be a girl this week just to mix it up a bit




:lol: I completely agree with this guy. I just finished turning my character into a female now to check out the new bodykit.








Kinda lame, since I look anorexic, but all the sex-starved 12-year-old boys playing RS suddenly took an interest in me :\

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