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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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Had a first date w/ a gorgeous black girl this evening (high five!). It went well, so I'll schedule a second date sometime in the next couple of days.


Another girl agreed to a first date tomorrow night, but never texted me or gave me her number after I gave her mine. Red flag. Probably a flake. I'll have to awkwardly message her on the dating site again and make sure it's still going on tomorrow.


Had a date scheduled for Thursday with a (seemingly) beautiful girl who's obsessed with Zelda (if an attractive girl is genuinely into video games, that's +2 on the hotness scale in my book. -2 points if she's unattractive :P). Upon closer examination, she's overweight :( Canceled that date.


Got another date scheduled for next Monday with a cute blonde. Since it's so far away the odds of her flaking are kinda high, however she opened me and seemed really interested, so we'll see.


There's still like 3 or 4 other women floating around that I haven't set a date in stone with yet. So we'll see how that ends up.


Was kind of stymied by all the scheduling required this week. At one point I think I was messaging like 15-20 girls at a time, lol. I need to go downtown again and find more dating venues so I'm not forced to go to the same place every night with a different girl haha.



Anyways, if you really wanna get a taste of abundance and non-neediness, give online dating a shot for a week or two. Just send out ~100 messages to attractive girls and see how hard it is to get attached to one of them when there's 20 more hot girls right around the corner interacting with you :)


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Well i spent this weekend in Vegas, and man was it amazing. Now i know Vegas probably isnt the best example of what i am about to say, but i still feel it counts for something.




The more i go out, the more i wonder why i was always so shy about it. This weekend, i actually managed to pull on 3 separate occasions in the stretch of 2 days, without even trying.


Twice at the pool at the hotel we stayed at (which i find to be a bit easier to do). I had to walk up to three girls sun bathing and strike up a conversation with them which was actually so easy.

I sat down on the sun chair next to them, said "Excuse me, i don't mean to bother you, but i just HAD to come tell you girls how gorgeous you all are." I got up and i left. For the next few minutes i saw them talking to each other nd looking over to where me and my friends were sitting and then moments later they beckoned for me to come over. We talked for a few minutes, and i walked away with a number. Later that night we went out.


That same day, me and my friends planned to go play some poker at one of the casinos. As we enter one of the gambling areas at the Bellagio a group of 7 girls walk past me and my friends. We kind of stopped in our tracks because it's not every day you see a large group of girls everyone of them being jaw dropping. One of my friends made a comment kind of at them but they didnt hear it. We kept on walking and i just kind of turned around and sort of jogged/paced towards the group of girls now walking in the away from us. Caught up to them and asked them where they were going. Told them that me and my friends literally had to take a few moments to gather ourselves again when they walked past us. Got their numbers and had a few drinks with them before going out later that night (with the girls i met earlier that day).


Next day we went to the pool again in the morning. 2 girls were sun bathing right next to us (maybe 5 meters away or so). I knew i wanted to go talk to them i just had to get my timing right. Hottests girls i saw all weekend, by far. I felt very intimidated. One of them got up and went to sit on the first step of the pool. I waited a few minutes then got up, sat down next to her and my exact words were "What's up?"

And it was that easy. We talked for a few minutes, she got up to go wake up her friend so they could go. I got her number, we went out later that night, she came to our hotel room (my friend actually spent the night with her friend in their room. it was also his birthday so he was very happy with me. Got him laid for his birthday lol). We had breakfast the next morningm spent the whole day at the pool together, went out again later that night.

They were really cool girls.


I dont know if it's just my confidence growing, or that i just don't give a [bleep] anymore, but i find myself able to go up and talk to just about anyone these days. and it's paying off like crazy. I actually managed to talk a complete stranger into kissing me for the sake of a photo this weekend too.


Now like i said, it is Vegas and it's probably not the best fairest of rules to be playing, but heck it was still fun. Best part of everything this weekend was that when they ask me what i do and i tell them i'm studying to become a pilot and i'm more than half way done with my course, its even easier to pull. I can literally tell them whatever i want after that and they would still give me their number.

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Noxx, you're a freaking PILOT. That's unfair :(

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So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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I am clearly not doing enough with my life.

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Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Noxx, you're a freaking PILOT. That's unfair :(

To be fair, i generally don't tell people that i'm a "Pilot" because i'm not. I've got a Pilot's license which really isn't that big of a deal. i do not work for an airline, and i do not get paid to fly people around. Therefor i feel silly calling myself a "pilot" and i feel that if i had to play that card it would be as a last resort or out of desperation. Usually i'd just tell people that i was in aviation school, and then answer whatever questions they might have about that.


One thing i do have to admit though, is that sooner or later it's going to come out that i do plan on working for an airline (and the worlds best airline i might add), and that is something that catches a bit of attention. I found it funny how you could swing a dying conversation so easily by just mentioning something like that. i guess it's because most people assume that if you're a "pilot", you're loaded ( they have no idea how wrong they are lol). And i guess a lot of the girls we spoke to this weekend thought it was an amazing job (two of them actually mentioned how they would have loved to be pilots because it seems like an amazing job). The best thing of all is that i'm really modest about my achievements. I always tell people that if i can do it, anyone can do it (but again, to be fair, flying isn't for everyone [something i have seen here at school]) and i guess it's my modesty that also gets me a few more votes.


I'm almost certain though, that if i were to tell someone i sweep the streets for a living, but made it sound like the worlds most amazing job, it could have the same effect of telling them you're a pilot. It's not about the story you tell, but about how you tell that story.

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I'm almost certain though, that if i were to tell someone i sweep the streets for a living, but made it sound like the worlds most amazing job, it could have the same effect of telling them you're a pilot. It's not about the story you tell, but about how you tell that story.

But to be fair, as a pilot you have to say a whole lot less words. :wink:

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"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Current online dating stats:


BLITZ I (Aug. 12, 2012 - Sep. 3, 2012)


Openers sent: 177

Responses: 37 (20.9% of openers)

Date Scheduled: 2 (5.4% of responses; 1.1% of openers)

Date Actually Happened: 1 (50% of agreements; 2.7% of responses; 0.6% of openers)


Pretty abysmal, but it was my first blitz where I was testing the waters and learning the ropes.


Changes between first and second blitz:

- Used only one profile pic instead of two

- Completely overhauled profile text to make me sound more "jerky" and non-needy

- Changed my opener slightly

- Added in an extra "step" before pitching the meet


BLITZ II (Oct. 7, 2012 - Present)


Openers sent: 123

Responses: 27 (21.9%)

Date Scheduled: 7 (25.9% of responses; 5.7% of openers)

Date Actually Happened: 1 (14.3% of agreements; 3.7% of responses; 0.8% of openers)


Holy shit. My "date scheduled" stats went up 380% with respect to responses, and 418% with respect to openers after I made those changes! But what happened to those 7 girls that agreed to date? Well right now some of them are still on the calendar and the date has yet to occur, so the "actual date" category should be higher by the end of the week. I actually canceled some of the dates myself because the girls were either flakey or unattractive. That's my fault; I need to be more scrutinizing in the future.


Interestingly, my response rate hasn't really changed much. This suggests that the response rate is determined by your opener and/or your profile picture, since I didn't make any drastic changes to those, whereas my profile text was completely different.


There's a few other "confounds" in the data, which are making the percentages a lot lower than they really should be, but the reasoning for that is temporarily classified. Sorry >_>


My results could still be a lot better, however it's nice to see that I'm actually starting to get some concrete results. Hopefully by this time next year I'll probably have this system down like clockwork. :)


Edit: Just got another date on Friday w/ a cute gamer chick! Score! :D

Edit2: Scheduled another one on Sunday.


This is too easy. :lol:


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Dude you're joking, right? The whole point of online game is it's the easiest, most time and cost-effective way to meet girls, period.


I've "approached" 127 girls this week and scheduled dates with 10 of them so far. I spent about an hour sending out all the openers, and then at random times throughout the week they'll message me back and I'll schedule a date. I do most of it from my phone while I'm getting other things done.


If you can approach 127 beautiful girls at the bars or on the streets or in any other way with less time, effort, and money spent than me, I'm all ears.


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Online dating is a much easier way of doing things, I agree, so I can't suggest another way.


I was speaking from the perspective of someone who isn't terribly bothered about whether they're in a relationship/successful at dating, or not. But the success rates you have are pretty admirable, don't get me wrong, and it's nice of you to share those experiences here.

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Don't forget location. Where you live you might have an abundance of datable women, other places it's dryer then a old man's fart.


Plus It seems arrogance is an eyecatcher these days, as I've noticed not just here but everywhere lately.


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Yes, you're right Ginger. This is the first time I've actually been "actively" pursuing my romantic/sexual goals, rather than "passively" and just letting things happen and develop naturally. Pursuing things actively definitely requires much more commitment, but at least you're in control of your results and you'll get results much faster.


This would also be simpler if I wasn't tracking everything on a spreadsheet, but then I wouldn't be able to figure out which areas need improvement.


Though, the better I get at this, the more passive it will become.


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Plus It seems arrogance is an eyecatcher these days, as I've noticed not just here but everywhere lately.

I think in the context of human relationships in general, not just sexual ones... arrogance is not as bad as people make out. Arrogance ultimately is a form of confidence, the only difference being that the confidence itself is unfounded or prone to fallibility, or otherwise so grotesquely out of proportion as to make the arrogance seem ridiculous (hubris). But it does still indicate that the person believes in their own ability and that they won't want to be dependent on somebody else (i.e. you).


Let's say I had to invest £100, or twenty hours of my time with someone. I'd pick someone who's arrogant all day everyday over someone who thinks they can't do anything right. If I was wanting to get into a committed relationship with and share my life with somebody, the same principle would generally apply.

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I think arrogance is one of those traits which people have deemed "bad" without actually questioning why it's considered bad. Same goes for selfishness and promiscuity.


I agree that arrogance is better than low confidence, however arrogance also usually entails low self-esteem... which gets on my nerves pretty quickly. I'm in the same boat as obfuscator as far as choosing between those qualities in a partner goes. But fortunately that's not a decision I have to make since I'm an oddball ;)


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I don't think we're talking about the same concept by the word 'arrogance' then, because to me, arrogance is a term for excessive pride. Pride itself literally meaning self-confidence.


When people act confident, and they're really not, I'd say that's just "putting a brave face on".

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What they're saying, I think, is that people who need to fake confidence overplay it and effectively display arrogance.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Something tells me of the 177+127 girls contacted, not all of them are the "attractive girls I'd hit on in the bar"


Not to diminish your work, I actually find it fascinating. And I'm glad your taking statistical recordings. For science.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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