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Small things that annoy you


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^ did that really happen?




before reading the last part i was already formulating a response that involved my anxiety over meeting a "girl" knowing full well that she is probably a he.


Yes that actually happened now me and mike enjoy playing runescape in our living room.





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when noobs make tip.it accounts that match your rs name trying to sell your account






Lmao :lol: I saw that topic... funny funny




This is why I keep the same name on all my accounts. :D Jard Y Dooku here, Jard Y Dooku everywhere...

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rs relationships :lol:


i take offense to that! me and my lovely girlfriend were going to meet irl after a nice 17 month long relationship until Rebbecca told me her name was actually mike :thumbsup: SCORE!




Wow. That's like somebody telling you your partner has herpes on your wedding day. Other than the fact that it's an online relationship.




I got more.




When arrogant cocky stakers/pkers always said their insults as if they were a question? Hey noob how bout you go away? Lol ever try shutting up? Hey noob I think I can own you? Umm whos the one that's 20 strength levels higher?




EDIT: The new tipit feature where it stops you from posting to tell you somebody else just posted. My laptop is slow and I've had to click submit 5 times for this message.

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rs relationships :lol:


i take offense to that! me and my lovely girlfriend were going to meet irl after a nice 17 month long relationship until Rebbecca told me her name was actually mike :thumbsup: SCORE!




Wow. That's like somebody telling you your partner has herpes on your wedding day. Other than the fact that it's an online relationship.




I got more.




When arrogant cocky stakers/pkers always said their insults as if they were a question? Hey noob how bout you go away? Lol ever try shutting up? Hey noob I think I can own you? Umm whos the one that's 20 strength levels higher?




EDIT: The new tipit feature where it stops you from posting to tell you somebody else just posted. My laptop is slow and I've had to click submit 5 times for this message.




phpBB3 feature, not Tip.It feature... you do realize these are forums are powered by third-party software? See http://www.phpbb.com/




And I think the feature is helpful. :)

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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phpBB3 feature, not Tip.It feature... you do realize these are forums are powered by third-party software? See http://www.phpbb.com/




And I think the feature is helpful. :)




I didn't know that, but it sure is hella annoying. I once had to click on the "submit" button 4 times coz the topic I was on had people making posts like hotcakes on a sunday morning (now that's fast!) #-o

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-People signing their names. There's a signature for a reason


-People who use this emote: <3:


-People who think they're cool, if they started playing some game a few years before someone else. It doesn't make you look cooler, it should make you feel pretty pathetic when you realized those few years were probably your early teenage years that you wasted on some game.




yep these are my 3 worst forum problems.




In game....ummm...people stealing your spots...but then again I kinda like it when it happens because I usually just make them mad until they leave :P

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i remembered one, people that got angry at my two friends and i for barraging, potting, and eating at fight pits because we had the spare cash.




Hell, they'll get mad at anything that you do different from them. At the fight pits I've been called a noob for using Veracs, food, pots, dds, guthans, prayer, a cape...




Also people in Castle Wars who tell you to stay and fight. Such as, you're running before you get attacked, guy takes a swing at you, you continue to run, and they call you a coward. How bout they chase you down rather than standing there licking their ego...

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Yeah, I thought the wilderness honor code was the stupidest thing in the world. For Christs sake, does "no running, no mage, no safing, no anything" sound familiar? It's called the god damn duel arena :wall:

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-When people make a fire just infront of ur fire line (you have been there like 1 hour already or whatever) and then say something like: Omg nuub go away I was here first! but that in broken English




-People who can't type/speak a word in English but play Runescape and annoy you in their native language when you clearly don't understand them.



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Or, when people expect you to do everything using the most efficient, brutally boring method that will ensure the least amount of fun. A lot of that on Tipit I see. You buy a cool weapon. You get flamed for using that instead of a more boring weapon that will gain you another 1k exp per hour. Instead of having fun training a skill in a relaxed, low stress way, you get flamed for not using a method that is exactly 1.03866% more efficient, plus tax. And people that question why you get 99 cooking instead of a skill that's harder and more boring? People that claim you should do everything a certain way to demand respect from people you don't even know, instead of having fun. I believe somebody else said that here or somewhere else, and it couldn't be more true.




This is a game. It should be fun, not work. You don't like them doing it their way? Don't do it that way! Don't complain about them! Theres a reason everybody in the world is different: Because they like to do things their own [bleep]ing way!! Go deal with your own [cabbage] instead of senselessly bashing on strangers!!




Peter, this is the best thread you've made yet.

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tim good point on the 'respect' thing.




because the truth is, frankly, that i play runescape for the sole purpose of gleaning respect from faceless characters that will judge my skills and total level.

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People that say "gf" or "k0ed" at castle war. People that with borrowed items showing off. People that say that you MUST have slayer helmet. People that just attack the monster your attacking. (chaos tunnel) People that eat at fight pits. People who pray mage vs me when i'm not farcasting/praying melee. I hate scammer. I hate crasher. I hate when my team want to crash but I can't do anything to stop them =|. I hate when people camp at iron drag and "steal" my drag. (It's not even worth to camp there anymore, gtfo =|) People that say "plz" and over use leetspeak. (kinda ironic, look at my name xD) People that ask "STR LVL?" When I start my computer in the mornings and I only realise that my keyboard is "bugged" (I can't type and I have to restard my computer) when i'm about to enter my rsn :wall: (happens to much time xD) I can't thinkg of anything else right now =P~




edit: Just found one, people that say my english is poor when i'm trying my best :thumbup:

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